10_2014 Page 8


Union strong CSEA President Danny Donohue and Central Region President Colleen Wheaton lead the CSEA marchers in the Syracuse Labor Parade at the New York State Fair. CSEA Executive Vice President Mary E. Sullivan and St. Lawrence County Local members march in the Massena Labor Day Parade. Metropolitan Region President Lester Crockett, CSEA Statewide Secretary Denise Berkley and Southern Region President Billy Riccaldo lead CSEA’s contingent at the New York City Labor Parade. CSEA members and their families participate in Labor Day events across the state. Left, CSEA Statewide Treasurer Joe McMullen, Western Region President Flo Tripi and Monroe County Local activists and their families prepare to march in the Rochester Labor Parade. (Photo by Ove Overmyer) Left, family members of Hudson Valley DDSO Local activists were some of the younger marchers in the New York City parade. Below, Western Region President Flo Tripi serves as the Grand Marshal of the Buffalo Labor Parade. (Photo by John Normile) 8 The Work Force October 2014

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