Retiree News Winter 2024
P. 1
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Mary E. Sullivan, President
WINTER 2024 Editor’s
View your new annual statement Avoid phone calls and mailing
Note: State
in Retirement Online forms
Your Retiree Annual Statement Retirement Online is the quickest
Thomas P.
will have a new look and you’ll way to conduct business with
be able to get it online. It will still NYSLRS and helps you avoid calling
has written
contain the same information you or mailing in forms. It also gives you
this column
receive every year about your instant access to information about
to provide
benefit amount, deductions and tax your benefits and convenient tools
withholding. Update your delivery to make changes to your account, •
Print a pension verification updates to
preference to receive an email and in some cases, avoiding the
CSEA Retiree
when your statement is available in need for a notary.
There are organizations DiNapoli
Retirement Online. You’ll get access
that may ask you for a letter to this important information With Retirement Online,
verifying your pension
sing Retirement Online to do
sooner, instead of waiting to receive you can:
income — maybe for housing business with the New York
it in the mail at the end of February. • Change direct deposit
or as part of an application U
State and Local Retirement
for the Home Energy
System (NYSLRS) has never been
Making the switch to email is
Need to update your bank
Assistance Program (HEAP). faster or more convenient. In
easy – and helps us “go green”
account information or
You can use Retirement addition to what Retirement Online
Email delivery gives you access
switch banks? If you make
Online to save or print your already offers, our newest features
to your important documents
your changes online, they
own letter.
will put your important documents
sooner and helps the environment
will generally be applied
at your fingertips.
by reducing paper consumption.
within one or two payments,
Update federal tax
Help us ‘go green’ by choosing the
and more quickly than if you
Get your tax information sooner
paperless option.
send in a paper form. If you
No forms needed – Retirement in Retirement Online
It’s easy to make the switch
are still getting your pension
Online is the fastest way to Your 1099-R tax form for 2023 will
to receive an email when your
check by mail, you can also
update your withholding. If be available in Retirement Online
1099-R tax form and Retiree
sign up for direct deposit to
you submit changes to your — sooner than printed copies will
Annual Statement are available in
receive your pension safely
withholding online by the
be mailed. A 1099-R form is used to
Retirement Online:
and securely in your bank
middle of the month, they report the distribution of taxable
• Sign on to Retirement Online
will generally be applied that retirement benefits, such as your
NYSLRS pension, and is provided
• From your Account
• View your pension “pay
to you for filing your taxes. 1099-
Homepage, click the “update”
Update contact information Rs will be mailed by January 31.
link next to ‘1099-R Tax
Retirement Online allows you
Let us know if you move or However, if you make the switch to
Form Delivery by’ or ‘Retiree
to have greater insight into
your phone number or email receive an email, we’ll let you know
Annual Statement by.’
your benefits. You can see
address change. Update
as soon as your 1099-R is available
• Choose “Email” from the
your monthly benefit amount,
your contact information online. If you choose email as your
dropdown menu.
deductions made and year-to-
quickly in Retirement Online delivery preference, you will not
• Be sure to check that the
date totals.
to ensure that you continue receive a printed copy.
email address listed in your
to receive important news Retirement Online profile is
and information about your current.
From State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli:
Retirement Online is fast and convenient