Hurt at Work?
Over 5.2 million workers are injured at work or contract work related illnesses each year. If you are hurt or have been made ill at work you deserve compensation. It is important that you properly report and document your injury or illness to receive just compensation. Your Union is here to help protect your right to compensation. Your employer cannot discriminate against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim and there are protections under NYS Workers’ Compensation Law.

Medical Providers that Accept Workers Compensation
The Health Care Provider and IME Search allows you to search for a provider who can treat your workers’ compensation injury/illness. Link leaves CSEA website.
NYS Occupational Health Clinic Network
Link leaves CSEA website.
Legal Assistance
Safety and health fact sheets, materials, and training.
NYS Occupational Health Clinic Network
The New York State Occupational Health Clinic Network (OHCN) is located throughout the State, offering specialized medical diagnoses, high-quality care and support services. The Occupational Health Clinics are available to all workers, retirees and residents in New York State. No worker will be turned away because of an inability to pay and the clinics can bill directly to most major health insurance carriers. Link leaves CSEA website.
Application for Dues-Free CSEA Membership Status
You may be able to continue your CSEA membership dues-free as a result of a disability.