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Long Island Region Labor Relations Specialists

Whether it’s negotiating a new contract, enforcing the terms and conditions of your current contract, fighting unfair disciplinary actions or violations of your contract rights, your CSEA officers turn to CSEA’s professional Labor Relations staff for assistance.

Headed up by Region Director Liam Russertt, the CSEA Long Island Region has a full staff of Labor Relations Specialists (LRS), working out of our region, who work one-on-one with your officers to help mentor, guide and assist them in any and all labor relations needs. They can also act as your point person to accessing all the rest of CSEA’s available benefits and services.

If you have a problem and need the union’s help, call your nearest CSEA officer. Chances are they’ll soon be in touch with your LRS. If you need to speak with your LRS directly, call the Region Office at 631-462-0030.

CSEA Labor Relations Specialists

Les Eason, Patrick Naglieri, Leila Kim, Adriana Lara, Jim DellaRocca, Jay Diaz, Gretchen Penn, Andre Sigmone, Tim Boerum, Leah Donnelly, Dwight Phillip, Richard Adams, Carlos Speight, Brittany Greene and John Mansfield. 

Long Island Region
3 Garet Place
Commack NY 11725
(631) 462-0030
(631) 462-0039 (fax)