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Justin Gallo, Occupational Safety & Health Specialist

If you have a safety and health issue at your workplace, or want help deciphering the numerous safety laws and regulations that are designed to protect you against harm, then you needn’t look any further than Occupational Safety and Health Specialist Justin Gallo. Justin is available to assist safety & health committees, local/unit officers and activists across the region in making sure your work sites are safe.

Whether it’s conducting a work site walk-through to assess existing or potential hazards, filing a safety and health complaint with the state Department of Labor, advising the region Safety & Health Committee, or conducting training for workers on safety issues, Justin is available to help.

If you have a safety and health issue, question or concern, contact Justin at (631) 600-4847 or

If you have an urgent safety hazard or workplace injury to report, you can also contact CSEA’s Occupational Safety and Health Department at (800) 342-4146.

Long Island Region
3 Garet Place
Commack NY 11725
(631) 462-0030
(631) 462-0039 (fax)