State Operations
March 4, 2024
CSEA and the Unified Court System have completed negotiations for a Paid Parental Leave benefit which will go into effect on April 1, 2024. Under the terms of the agreement, upon the birth, adoption or foster date, CSEA represented employees will be entitled to use 12 weeks of Paid Parental Leave during the first 7 months following birth, adoption or fostering of a child during which employees will continue to accumulate accruals and receive full pay.
This Agreement also allows households in which both parents work for the Unified Court System to each take 12 weeks of Paid Parental Leave during the first 7 months following the birth, adoption or fostering dates begins. PPL must be taken in consecutive weeks and cannot be taken intermittently.
This Agreement provides for retroactivity back to any birth, adoption or foster date on or after January 1 through March 31, 2024, although the 12 week benefit must be exhausted within 7 months of the date of birth, adoption or foster date. If an employee gave birth, adopted or fostered a child beginning on a date between January 1 and March 31 of 2024, and used sick leave or annual leave to remain on the payroll and remains out on leave at this time, the employee remains eligible for PPL retroactively or currently.
UCS will be providing PPL application forms on the HR page of the UCS intranet shortly for employees to use. Employees are required to provide 30 days advance notice to UCS by completing the application and return to UCS.
Please reach out to your Local President if you have any questions.
December 4, 2023
The Memorandum of Understanding with CSEA and the State regarding supplemental military leave has been extended through December 31, 2024. Read the full MOU here.
August 1, 2023
NYC Metro Area CSEA Members:
The NYS-Ride program offers pre-tax payroll deductions for NYS Employees to cover the cost of monthly transit fare for MTA subways and buses; Metro North and MTA Long Island railroads; and non-State-owned parking lot fees and meter parking.
Recently, the MTA announced a fare increase that will go into effect on August 20, 2023. Fares for subway, local buses and paratransit will increase by 4% starting August 20, 2023. Metro-North and LIRR fares will increase by 4.5% as of the same date. NYS employees holding transit cards for the month of August will be contacted by Edenred (the vendor NYS uses for processing transit cards) and informed of the increase depending on the service an employee is currently enrolled in. CSEA has been told by NYS that current August transit cards will be valid for the full month of August 2023 with increases going into effect on September 1, 2023.
If you have questions about your fare cards or the NYS-Ride program, you can reach the Edenred Customer Service line at (888) 235-9223. Customer service is available Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST.
If you wish to sign up for this pre-tax program, you can register here:
December 12, 2022
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Click for Empire Plan 2023 Premiums for CSEA Executive Branch Enrollees.
August 4, 2021

Current Issues impacting State Employees:
Making changes to end mandatory overtime nightmare for OPWDD workers
To all the OPWDD workers out there – thank you for what you do! Your caring, strength, and perseverance means so much to those we serve.
Many of you have shared with our union your frustration and concerns with the working conditions in OPWDD, especially with the massive overtime being mandated. Let me assure you, you are being heard.
Our union has been working at the highest levels with the state to address these issues across the state and come up with creative solutions to get more staff hired as quickly as possible. We are expecting progress in the very near future.
We know you deserve time with your family and none of us should have to sacrifice our lives just because we care. Just as we successfully fought for and WON double time for mandated OT over 16 hours, we will continue to fight for better working conditions.
Read more in the CSEA Work Force.
Working to reduce DMV staffing problems resulting from Green Light Law and Federal REAL ID changes
CSEA has been working with state leaders to sort out the staffing issues that resulted from the influx of new applicants for drivers licenses as a result of the new Federal REAL ID standards as well as New York’s Green Light Law. We have heard the concerns from members forced into mandatory overtime situations and extended weekend shifts, and continue to push for relief.
Continuing to seek solutions to limit Child Protective Services caseloads
CSEA has fought for years to pass meaningful legislation that will limit the caseloads for Child Protective Workers to better serve the children under their care. CSEA will once again be supporting caseload limit legislation in the current legislative session.
Gaining a safety win for DMV Motor Vehicle License Examiners
CSEA recently was successful in gaining a win for Motor Vehicle License Examiners (MVLE’s) who previously had to deliver potentially upsetting news to people taking their road tests in the closed quarters of their vehicles. This had led to several injuries and threatening situations for DMV workers. Thanks to our CSEA members demanding action, the state has agreed to allow notification to occur outside the vehicles, removing the hazard to workers. Read the story in the CSEA Work Force.