Western Region Officers

Steve Healy,
Name: Steve Healy
Title: Western Region President
Residence: Ontario County
Employer: Ontario County
CSEA History: Western Region VP; Ontario County Unit President; Ontario County Local President; Statewide Board of Directors; Grievance Rep and Steward; Chair of several Statewide and Western Region Committees; LEAD Graduate 2016; Delegate to Buffalo & Rochester Labor Councils; Member Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Rochester Chapter; Member Pride at Work; AFSCME Delegate
CSEA Member Since: 1997

Tim Finnigan,
Executive Vice President
Name: Tim Finnigan
Title: Western Region Executive Vice President
Residence: Livingston County
Employer: SUNY Geneseo
CSEA History: Western Region VP; SUNY Geneseo Executive Board; Statewide Board of Directors; Statewide PAC Committee; LEAD Graduate 2009; Grievance Rep and Steward; Rochester Labor Council Delegate; Member Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Rochester Chapter; Member Pride at Work; AFSCME Delegate
CSEA Member Since: 1994
Favorite Quote: “All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms labor is treason to America. No line can be drawn between these two. If any man tells you he loves America, yet hates labor, he is a liar. If any man tells you he trusts America, yet fears labor, he is a fool. There is no America without labor, and to fleece the one is to rob the other.” -Abraham Lincoln

Sheri Ambuske,
1st Vice President
Name: Sheri Ambuske
Title: Western Region 1st Vice President
Residence: Cattaraugus County
Employer: Cattaraugus County
CSEA History: Unit President; Local Officer; Grievance Rep and Steward; Statewide Next Wave Committee; Served on several Statewide and Western Region Committees; AFSCME Delegate
CSEA Member Since: 2006
Favorite Quote: “Well behaved women rarely make history.” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Lovette Mootry,
2nd Vice President
Name: Lovette Mootry
Title: Western Region 2nd Vice President
Employer: Buffalo Psychiatric Center
Full bio coming soon!

William Wilkinson,
3rd Vice President
Name: William Wilkinson
Title: Western Region 3rd Vice President
Employer: Erie County
Full bio coming soon!

Bonnie Peters,
Name: Bonnie Peters
Title: Western Region Executive Secretary
Residence: Chautauqua County
Employer: Chautauqua County
CSEA History: Unit Officer and Local President; Statewide Board of Directors; Served on several Statewide and Western Region Committees; Grievance Rep and Steward; Member Jamestown and Dunkirk Labor Councils; Member Chautauqua County Labor Coalition; AFSCME Delegate
CSEA Member Since: 2000
Favorite Quote: ‘Celebrate Life, In the Moment’
“WIth the reasoning that I don’t know when my last moment on earth will be …. so I choose use the good plates and table linens, as well as craft supplies, every chance I can.” – Author Unknown

Bob Pazik,
Name: Robert “Bob” Pazik
Title: Western Region Treasurer
Residence: Erie County
Employer: New York State Unified Court System
CSEA History: Started work career with the Erie County Auto Bureau; Past VP and President of CSEA Judiciary Local 335; Presently doing second stint as Western Region Treasurer; Longtime member of CSEA Board of Directors; Trustee to CSEA Employee Benefit Fund
CSEA Member Since: 1978
Favorite Quote: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt