New York’s presidential primary is April 19. We are urging all CSEA members to get out and vote! As many of you know, we have endorsed Hillary Clinton for U.S. President. She is not only the most qualified candidate in the race, but she has repeatedly shown her ability to lead.

Clinton also stands with working people and will fight with us against the ongoing attacks on us by corporate leaders and politicians who want to harm workers.

This is an important, historic election that will lead to decisions that will affect our nation for years to come. We believe that Clinton is the right person to lead the way.

Janice Duvall, Village of Hempstead Unit and CSEA activist

Janice Duvall, Village of Hempstead Unit and CSEA activist

Lisa Nolan, Saratoga County Local activist

Lisa Nolan, Saratoga
County Local activist



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