The Csea-Ny Retirees Facebook page is a powerful resource for us to stay connected to each other and fight for our retirement security, as well as that of our working brothers and sisters.
That is why we created the page just for you one year ago.
As we often highlight in this publication, we face ongoing attacks by our opponents who would like to gut your pensions, Social Security and health care plans because they wrongly think these benefits are much too generous. Many of your working brothers and sisters face far more uncertainty with their retirement security, as some politicians support cutting their benefits, even if they opt to leave your benefits alone.
Our opponents may have more money, but we can still fight to keep our retirement security strong if we stand together and engage each other in conversation about the issues. One way to start these connections is through our Facebook page. CSEA has a strong presence on Facebook, including our main CSEA page, and pages for President Danny Donohue, each CSEA region, member benefits and many of our locals and units, including our Westchester County Retirees Local 921, which recently launched a page at
If you have a Facebook account, or are considering getting one, “like” our page at
Csea-Ny Retirees to get regular updates.
We not only discuss the issues facing us, but you can get information about your CSEA Retiree membership and benefits, local meeting information and much more.
Facebook is free, and it is a great way for us to make our voice heard.
The more we “like” pages or posts, the broader our audience becomes as more people will want to visit pages with greater numbers of “likes.”
On Facebook, “likes,” as well as other emotions such as “love,” “sad,” “angry,” or “laugh,” are used to acknowledge or support someone. For example, if a user announces the passing of a loved one, we have an option to be sad about the post. To get these options, just click on the “like” button and leave your cursor in place and the menu will pop up. When that happens, click on the “sad” icon.
Another important part of Facebook is sharing. The more we “share” posts about important issues, the more we can reach and educate other people.
The more active we are on Facebook, the more likely that people who make decisions about your retirement security will notice us. We need to have conversations to build our base, and the larger the base, the greater the
Many of you have already joined us on Facebook, but we need to connect to more of you to build our strength. If you are online and on Facebook, please visit and “like” us at