This month, we observe Memorial Day to remember those who gave their lives serving our country in uniform.

This is such an important day for Americans, because without these brave heroes, we would not have the rights and freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. Therefore on Memorial Day, let us all pause to honor and remember those who have sacrificed all for our freedom.

While Veterans Day is observed in November, we must never forget to honor and thank those who have served, or are presently serving, including many of our members.

In this edition, we feature a story about Nassau County Local member Sean O’Brien, a veteran himself, who is giving back to those who gave everything while serving our country. He is also giving back to living veterans who are in need.

He isn’t alone. Our members have long been dedicated to remembering those who served in uniform. CSEA members, including our union’s Veterans Committees, also work year-round to help give back to our country’s veterans.

It’s another reminder of how union members not only add real value to our communities, but often lead the way in making real change in New York.

If we are going to continue to lead the way in fighting for all working New Yorkers, we need to reach out to all of our members and engage them in one-on-conversations so we can all build our union strong.

We also need to help our members not only build their knowledge and leadership skills, but empower them to help us strengthen our union. This was a major focus of our recent CSEA Women’s Conference programs, which were designed to continue to advance CSEA’s mission of promoting fairness and equality for all members.

By making sure we stay with our union and have the right conversations with our members, we can ensure we’re stronger than ever and work toward achieving equality for all.

The best way we can stay strong is to get involved and fight to advance the rights of all working people. If we all stick together, we can accomplish anything.


About Author

Jason Hosier is a Graphic Production Specialist for CSEA. He has experience in graphic design, website design and management, database management, marketing and communications. Before joining the CSEA Communications Department in the spring of 2015, Jason was an IT Support Specialist within the CSEA Organizing Department tasked with creating and managing a website, graphic design, database management and email campaigns.

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