A time to heal and work together


President-Elect Donald Trump may not have been the candidate CSEA endorsed, but as a labor union, we value the democratic process and respect the collective voices of the American people.

The message is clear: people are seeking change. We will continue to serve our members and all working people.

We will remain open-minded as we move forward, while staying true to our core values which include respect, diversity, and open communications.

We hope that during Mr. Trump’s Presidential term, we can foster a healthy dialogue with legislators and elected officials that supports a thriving economy benefiting everyone, and a culture that values workers’ rights and their many contributions to our society.

We look forward to healing the wounds formed during a very contentious election that has, unfortunately, divided our country and our own membership.

Only united, as union members and as Americans, can we succeed in building a better future for generations to come. There is no doubt that we have much work to do, and I hope that we can move forward and do that work together.


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