11_2015 Page 16

The Work Force - November 2015

Notice of Nomination and Election 2016 AFSCME Convention Delegates In addition to our own CSEA elections, the year 2016 also has an AFSCME Delegates election. The approved schedule for that election is as follows: Nov. 6, 2015: Deadline/declinations and name confirmation Nov. 17, 2015: Local and Unit President labels available Nov. 30, 2015: Deadline for campaign literature submission for printing (5 p.m.) Dec. 21, 2015: Voter lists inspection available for inspection Jan. 19, 2016: Ballots mailed Jan. 26, 2016: Replacement ballots available Feb. 10, 2016: Ballots due 8:00 a.m.; Tally commences 9:00 a.m. Ten (10) days following Statewide Election Committee Certification of Results: End of protest period March 2016: Results published in The Work Force Balloting for the AFSCME Delegates election will take place at the same time and as part of the CSEA elections for Statewide officers, Region officers and Board of Directors. Members are urged to carefully read the election information contained in The Work Force throughout the Year 2016 election cycle as well as the instructions, which will accompany each mail ballot. YOU NEED YOUR CSEA ID NUMBER TO PARTICIPATE IN CSEA’s ELECTIONS (Statewide, Region, Board of Directors and AFSCME Delegates) Your 10-digit CSEA ID Number is the only number you need when conducting CSEA business. This includes union electionrelated business — running as a candidate, signing nominating petitions, voting etc. If you are unsure of your ID number or have lost your card, you may look up your number by going to CSEA’s website at cseany. org and clicking on the red tab at the top of the page. You can also print out a replacement card from the website. You may also contact CSEA’s Membership Department to request your CSEA ID number or to request a replacement card by calling toll free at 1-800-342-4146 and asking for the Membership Department. Break in membership affects eligibility for union office, voting privileges A break in union membership status can have longterm future implications. Your membership status affects your eligibility with respect to: • Seeking or holding union office; • Signing nominating petitions for potential candidates; • Voting in union elections; and • Voting on collective bargaining contracts. Only members “in good standing” can participate in these activities. To be in “good standing,” your dues cannot be delinquent. If you go on unpaid leave or for any other reason have a break in your employment status, your dues will not continue to be paid through payroll deductions. You must make arrangements to pay your dues directly to CSEA to continue your membership status. If you are either laid off or placed on leave without pay status due to becoming disabled by accident, illness, maternity or paternity, you may be eligible for dues-free membership status for a period not to exceed one year. If you are called up for active military duty you may also apply for dues-free status. Note, however, you must continue to pay dues to run for office. Dues-free or gratuitous membership allows members to continue their insurance coverage while out of work. It does not protect your right to run for or hold office. This does not apply to members who are on leave due to being called up for military duty. Members on active duty, upon return, are considered to have had continuous membership status for all CSEA election purposes. Please notify the CSEA Membership Department at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1327, of any change in your status and what arrangements you are making to continue your membership in CSEA. 16 The Work Force November 2015

The Work Force - November 2015
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