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A Message from CSEA Region 5 President Ken Greenleaf:                                                

Ten months ago, I hit the ground running as the new Region 5 President and haven’t looked back. I absolutely love my position and have dedicated myself completely to all that the position encompasses. I enjoy being out with the members and I have been everywhere across our great Region giving guidance and support. As I move around the Region getting to know the various work locations, the officers, and the members, I am humbled by the tremendous amount of support shown to me. I look forward to continuing to strengthen our partnerships and building a stronger Union as we move into the future.

I have been as transparent as I can be in my position to our membership and will continue to do so. As we continue to make our Region even more member-driven and inclusive than ever before, we must make sure we collaborate to ensure it’s a TEAM effort, so no member ever feels left behind. I stand by these words and have the experience, leadership, honesty, and integrity it will take to make our Region even more motivated.

Our members are excited about the positive and innovative ways we are approaching trainings, meetings, committees, and workshops in our Region. It is our plan to continue doing this so that more members want to be involved in their Union.

I have said it before and will say it repeatedly, it makes no difference what anyone’s title is, all that does is give that person different responsibilities. At the end of the day, we are all members, with one common goal with the direction of being a solid force of strength.

I am excited that for the first time our great Region will be the host of the CSEA Annual Delegates Meeting being held at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in October. This is a non-constitutional ADM, so more trainings and workshops will be available not only to the Delegates, but to other officers and members as well.

On Tuesday, October 22, we will also be having a Blitz in the Madison and Oneida County areas. Please sign up today so we can make our Region shine, as only we can do. I want to say thank you to Tammy Witteman, Chair of our Host Committee, for the outstanding job that she and her team are doing to make sure everyone that attends gets a special welcome. I also have to say thank you to every Local that donated to help with the expenses associated with this. We really are one team in our Region, and you all make me so very proud to be your President.

Every day I see the hard work and dedication of our leaders across the Region. Standing up for our membership every single day. They spend countless hours of their own time, in most instances, in addition to their regular work day – often without any thanks or appreciation. I want you all to know it does not go unnoticed. I appreciate all the dedication to our members. I thank you for everything you do, every single day.

Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen.”  

Remember that occasionally you need to take some time for yourself. Relax, Rejuvenate and Refocus as often as you need to, so you’re reinvigorated to continue the work of the Union.

I look forward to working with each of you to make CSEA and our Region the best it can be. I will work diligently to build a bigger, better, and bolder Union for all of us!

In Unity,

Ken Greenleaf

President, CSEA Region 5

*(October 2019)