2024 AFSCME International Convention
Los Angeles, California
August 10 – 16, 2024

Important Information
No region, local or unit funds can be used for expenses related to the convention and no organizational leave will be provided, you must use your own accruals.
Hotel Accommodations
The CSEA Local 1000 delegation will be staying at:
900 West Olympic Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90015
CSEA will secure hotel reservations for your arrival on Saturday, August 10th and departure on Friday, August 16th. Hotel check-in is 4:00 pm, check-out is 11:00 am. Convention registration opens Saturday, August 10that noon and opening session convenes at 10 am on Monday, August 12th. The convention concludes on Friday, August 16th. All delegates are required to be present until the convention is adjourned.
Your room and tax charges for single or double accommodations will be placed directly on CSEA’s master bill. You must complete the Housing/Travel section on the “Delegate Information” form.
Your confirmation number will be emailed to you. If you do not receive your confirmation number within one week of submission, email Tim Hodge, CSEA Administrator of Central Files at timothy.hodge@cseainc.org. Incidental charges incurred during your stay will be your responsibility upon check-out. For this reason, the hotel will be requesting an imprint of a major credit card, a $100 incidental flat fee will be placed on the credit card at check-in. Please be prepared upon arrival at the hotel to help facilitate the check-in process.
You must contact Tim Hodge if you are making reservations for family members and/or guests, and any dates outside August 10-16, 2024. This reservation will be subject to availability, and payment is your responsibility. Please note, if you fail to cancel a room reservation made outside the convention dates 72 hours prior to your scheduled arrival you will forfeit one night’s room-and-tax deposit.
Travel Arrangements
Travel arrangements will be made for you through the CSEA Travel Office. You must complete the Housing/Travel section on the “Delegate Information” form. No phone calls will be accepted.
CSEA will provide a shirt for you to wear at the convention. The style of the shirt is a button-down aqua dry camp shirt that will be available in men’s and women’s sizes. These are true to size so be sure to select your size accordingly. You must complete the Shirt Order section on the “Delegate Information” form.
Delegate Information Form
To complete the “Delegate Information” form click the following link: https://cseany.org/afscme-2024-convention-delegate-information. This form must be completed by June 5th.
Transportation Allowance
Should you decide to drive to Los Angeles, your travel expenses will be calculated using the air fare from your closest airport. If you wish to receive the transportation allowance in advance, complete the “Transportation Allowance” form. Click the following link: https://cseany.org/afscme-transportation-allowance. This form must be completed by June 5th.
Travel Advance
Delegates will receive a pier diem of $74 per day, a miscellaneous allowance of $50 per overnight and a surface travel (taxi/shuttle/Uber) allowance of $100 for the week. If you wish to receive the Travel Advance ahead of time complete the “Travel Advance” form. Click the following link: https://cseany.org/afscme-convention-travel-advance. This form must be completed by June 5th.
General Information
A portion of the allowance may be taxable. If required, a 1099-NEC will be prepared and forwarded to you for inclusion in your 2024 taxable income.
Your travel advance, delegate certification form and other pertinent information will be mailed the week of July 15th.
A Zoom CSEA/AFSCME delegate meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18th at 6 PM. To join the meeting please use the following link https://zoom.us/j/92701076304?pwd=cXgyRG9oMGt3MWptZy9zbTlhWEswQT09.
Travel Reimbursement
You will get reimbursed for mileage, tolls, and parking at the airport closest to your home if you are driving, or for the cost of a taxi or rideshare to and from the airport. In addition, any baggage fees that you may have to pay for will also be reimbursed by CSEA. In order to receive reimbursement for the above, a Statewide expense voucher must be filled out and receipts must be attached upon your return from the convention. Please submit your expense voucher no later than Monday, September 30, 2024, by sending the expense voucher and receipts to the following:
Email: csea.finance@cseainc.org or
Mail: CSEA, Inc. Attn: Finance, 143 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210
You can find a fillable PDF copy of the Statewide expense voucher here.