CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan: Partners in Labor and Leadership

Sisters and brothers,
The observance of Labor Day on September 5 is especially significant to the labor movement. This year’s picnics and parades – commemorating the dedication and perseverance of our union members and hardworking Americans – offer us opportunities to celebrate. It has been unfortunate that for the past two years we haven’t had the opportunity to gather together in person to honor those who came before us whose efforts and sacrifices have led to so much progress for the labor movement over the years.
This year, many of us will march with a sense of satisfaction knowing that we have once again proven that we are essential and that we will continue to fight for our dignity and rights. We know we have much more to accomplish, but Labor Day is a time to reflect on all that we have gained.
We all owe our gratitude to the men and women who make this country run day in and day out. I look forward to the satisfaction we will share while we are marching in Labor Day parades throughout the state. We will finally once again be carrying our CSEA banners and showing our union pride and strength while we honor those workers and leaders who paved the way for us to be where we are today.
A running theme for 2022 is leadership. At our upcoming Annual Delegates Meeting in October, the theme of ‘The Leader in You’ is a way of recognizing that we embody the concept that leadership is not necessarily a title; it’s really more about the quality that comes from within each and every one of us. All of you have shown this time and again through the work you do each and every day and the valuable services you provide to New Yorkers. Any and every one of us can be a leader; we just need to look within ourselves. Don’t wait for a title or a ceremony or for someone to invite you to a position. Seek out your own opportunities and lead in your own way, no matter how big or small, because it makes a difference for all of us.
I hope you will all take some time around Labor Day to reflect on those who came before us, and think about those who will come next, to continue our struggles to improve the lives of working people everywhere.
In solidarity,
Mary E. Sullivan, President