CSEA WORK Institute
CSEA’s WORK Institute helps you get ahead! A brief description of the WORK Institute’s programs and services are below. For more information about programs and services offered by the CSEA WORK Institute, click on the links below. For questions or service requests, contact us by phone at 866-478-5548 or by email to workinst@cseainc.org.

Civil Service Test Preparation and Job Information
Civil Service Test Preparation services offer one-stop shopping! Look up your state or local exam, find study guides, workshops and online courses to help you be successful on your next exam.
Child Care Provider Resources and Professional Development Opportunities
Child Care Provider Resources and Professional Development Opportunities are available, including Quality Grants, Contracted Professional Development Training, CPR/First Aid, Legally-Exempt Enhanced Rate Training, Tuition Assistance, CDA Scholarships, Online Business Courses and more.
Job Skills Training
CSEA represented employees working in local government or in the private sector are able to choose trainings that meet job related, professional development, or personal development needs. These are offered on a first come, first served basis.