Safety & Health
Each day more than 14 workers are killed on the job and thousands more are seriously injured or diagnosed with illnesses as a result of work. A safe and healthy workplace is not a dream. It’s the law. All employers in New York State are required to provide a workplace free of recognized hazards. Your Occupational Safety and Health Department is here to help ensure your right to a safe and healthy workplace. CSEA has one of the largest and most comprehensive safety departments in the country whose goal is to help protect you.

Through CSEA’s political advocacy on behalf of CSEA’s school district members, the New York State Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention Act was recently amended to include school districts, which were previously exempt.
All school districts will be required to fully comply with this regulation by January 4, 2024. Districts are required to give authorized union representatives an opportunity to participate in the process to develop and assess workplace violence prevention planning. Your employer should be reaching out regarding this in the next few weeks.
As a union leader please do not pass up the opportunity to be involved in this process. CSEA’s Occupational Safety and Health Department will be providing resources and guidance to assist you but please feel free to contact your OSH Specialist if needed.

Early and Proper Removal of Ticks is Key to Your Safety
The tick population in New York State is exploding. Each year, the volume and severity of tick-borne illnesses seem to increase. Tick bites are very common in New York.
Often, these bites result in minor nuisance symptoms. Unfortunately, tick bites can also result in a fatal illness. There are approximately 30 species of ticks in New York. Of those, about 10 commonly bite people and only four species can cause a serious illness that can result in death.
Sadly, the three most common ticks in New York (Deer a.k.a Black-legged Tick, the Dog Tick, and the Lone Star Tick) can carry bacteria or viruses that can cause a fatal illness. The less common Woodchuck (Groundhog Tick) can also cause a life-threatening illness.
Our Occupational Safety & Health Department is publishing a monthly e-newsletter, the CSEA Safety Net, which is sent monthly to members who subscribe. It’s full of safety information you can use!

Activist’s Guide to Safety and Health in the Workplace!
The latest version of our Activist’s Guide to Safety and Health in the Workplace is now available!
Clean Up Safety mobile app now available
CSEA has a completely updated version of our Clean Up Safety mobile app, packed full of information designed to keep workers safe who perform disaster clean up or sanitation work.
We Can Help You Stay Safe on the Job
Visit the links below.Hurt at Work?
Advice and guidance to help you through it.
Member Support
Technical assistance, inspections, and labor management services.
Member Resources
Safety and health fact sheets, materials, and training.