Injury & Illness Logs: February 2022
2022 Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety & Health
April 1, 2022 – April 3, 2022 in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Registration for in-person attendance is now closed, but all members can still register for a few more days to attend ONLINE for FREE using our interactive virtual venue platform!
Don’t wait – virtual attendance registration CLOSES February 25 at 5pm!
To learn more and/or register, visit https://cseany.org/safety-conference-2022
Connect With Us on Social Media!
Facebook:@CSEASafetyNet Instagram: @CSEA_safety_net
OSHA Reminds Employers to Submit Injury & Illness Logs
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) began collecting 2021 injury and illness data (OSHA Form 300A) on Jan. 2, 2022. Employers must electronically submit logs by March 2, 2022.
Union Access & Job Hazard Analysis
All workers and their union representatives have the right to access logs, and employers must post summaries in the workplace annually, from February 1 – April 30. CSEA members have the additional benefit of utilizing our safety and health professionals to review logs, provide hazard specific data analysis reports, and work with management to address safety issues.
Safety Committees and activists play a key role in holding management accountable for workplace safety and health. In addition to information about injury and illness forms, this month we’ve featured a CSEA success story that illustrates how they can be used to fight for workplace safety. *Read on to also see a highlight of workshops for the upcoming conference.
Ballston Spa Central School District: Injury Data Analysis 2019
“For a long time, CSEA members working at the Ballston Spa Central School District had been getting hurt on the job. Injuries sustained from student assaults were beginning to add up. Local President Sue Spain had enough and wanted the district to work harder to protect members.
Over months, President Spain and CSEA’s OSH Department developed a plan to document and address the issues with management. Often, management won’t act until they are forced. It is important to paint an accurate picture of the problem backed up with numbers when possible. President Spain demanded the injury and illness logs from the district for three consecutive years, for all workers in the district, as is her right under the OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Regulation.
The information was reviewed, and a report was issued by CSEA OSH Epidemiologist Nick Reed, who concluded that CSEA members are more likely to be injured or suffer illness than any others in the Ballston Spa Central School District. The report showed cleaners and aides were at the highest risk. The report was presented to management and after a few lengthily discussions about the specific issues, safer practices were put into practice. A nice win for President Spain in making sure members have a safe workplace.”
– CSEA Region 3, 4 OSH Specialist, Brian Pomeroy
Share your story, meme, or photo for chance to be featured in the Safety Net Newsletter!
All participants will automatically receive a prize for submitting their content relating to safety & health. Submissions can be emailed to Bernadette Foley at Bernadette.foley@cseainc.org, or sent via Facebook @CSEASafetyNet or Instagram @CSEA_safety_net.
OSH Conference ’22 Workshop Highlights
View the full online agenda comprising of more than 20 workshop trainings and register for virtual (FREE) attendance! All members are welcome! Registration CLOSES February 25 at 5pm.
- Setting the Record Straight
- Getting Started—New Officers/Activists and OSH
- Safety Activist
- Grading Your Workplace Violence Prevention Program
- COVID-19- Lessons Learned
- Reducing Workplace Stress
- Violence, Bullying, or Just Being a Jerk?
To learn more and register, visit https://cseany.org/safety-conference-2022
PESH SH-900 (Public Sector)
The New York State Department of Labor’s Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH) Bureau administers workplace safety and health standards for public (state and local governments) sector workplaces.
The PESH Bureau has its own injury and illness recordkeeping forms:
- SH900 – Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
- SH900.1 – Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
- SH900.2 – Injury and Illness Incident Report
- SH901 – Instructions
OSHA Form 300 (Private Sector)
New York does not have a federally approved occupational safety and health regulatory program for private sector workplaces, therefore the U.S. OSHA administers and enforces safety and health standards.
Federal OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping forms:
- Form 301 – Injury and Illness Incident Report
- Form 300-A – Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
To learn more about OSHA/PESH Recordkeeping, including:
- Requirements and Recordables
- Privacy Concern Cases
- Evidence For and Against Work-Relatedness
- Tips on Reporting and Your Rights
Follow this link: https://cseany.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/OSHA-PESH-Reporting-Recordkeeping.pdf
Check out CSEA’s fact sheet on Reporting and Recordkeeping.
For more info on trainings and educational resources, visit https://cseany.org/member-resources
Contact your OSH Specialist here:
CSEA Occupational Safety and Health Specialists can provide training, technical assistance, labor-management services, and even help establish a safety & health committee in your workplace.