May 2023 Volume 2 | Issue 10:
“Pray For The Dead & Fight Like Hell For The Living”
Everyone Plays a Role in Work Zone Safety
April 17-21 was National Work Zone Awareness Week, but let’s continue to be alert and use extra caution every day to encourage safe driving through highway work zones.
New: Work Zone Safety Fact Sheet
Order Your Free Supply! Don’t Zone Out & Slow Down to Get Around Campaign Materials
Order a free supply of Don’t Zone Out & Slow Down to Get Around magnets and/or window clings while supplies last! Order online through this form
Check Out CSEA’s Work Zone Awareness webpage: https://cseany.org/wza

“Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.”
– Mary Harris “Mother” Jones
On average, more than 100 workers are killed every week in the United States due to traumatic injuries suffered at work. More than 20 times as many workers die from occupational diseases, often due to exposure to hazardous substances many years before they died.
News Release: U.S. Department of Labor | April 28, 2023
U.S. Department of Labor finds Amazon failed to provide injured employees proper medical treatment at Castleton, N.Y., fulfillment facility.
Read full news release: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOL/bulletins/357a64c
Statement From NYS DOT Region 10 Director Richard Causin | April 21, 2023
“There is nothing we do at the Department of Transportation more important than keeping our workers safe. In this regard, a new pilot program was launched – the Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program, which is another tool being utilized to get motorists to slow down and further protect our workers.”
Read full news release: https://www.dot.ny.gov/news/press-releases/2023/2023-04-21
News Release: U.S. Department of Labor | May 1, 2023
The U.S. Department of Labor announces national emphasis program to reduce, prevent workplace falls, a leading cause of workplace fatalities. OSHA initiative aligns enforcement, outreach efforts to protect workers
Read full news release: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOL/bulletins/35825a7
On April 28, the nation observed Workers’ Memorial Day, a day dedicated to “mourn for the dead and fight like hell for the living,” as labor organizer Mary Harris “Mother” Jones once put it. In honor of our fallen workers, below are a few highlights from this past Workers’ Memorial Day 2023.
CSEA Members attend Workers’ Memorial Day ceremonies
On April 28, dozens of CSEA members from across the state attended a Capital District Area Labor Federation Workers’ Memorial Day ceremony in Saratoga Springs, which was held near the site of our union’s Women’s Conference. Our union members also participated in other Workers’ Memorial Day events across the state.
In photo, Town of Colonie Unit B President Bill Alund (far left), Central New York DDSO Local 9th Vice President Nikita Brigham (third from left) and CSEA Metropolitan Region President Lester Crockett (fourth from left) join other union members in a memorial ceremony for fallen Capital District workers at the Capital District Area Labor Federation ceremony in Saratoga Springs.

CSEA Central Region officers, activists and staff also recently held a Workers’ Memorial Day ceremony in Ilion, where members planted and dedicated a tree to our union members who have lost their lives on the job.
Learn more at https://cseany.org/workforce/?p=12366
April: The Month of Workplace Disasters – Jordan Barab
“April 28 is Workers’ Memorial Day — a day dedicated to memorializing those killed on the job and rededicating ourselves to fighting for the living. April 28 was picked because it’s the anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. And coincidentally, April is an especially tragic time to remember some of the most serious workplace tragedies in American — and world — history.” – Jordan Barab | APR 20, 2022. Read full blog post: https://jordanbarab.com/confinedspace/2022/04/20/april-the-month-of-workplace-disasters/
OSHA’s Workers’ Memorial Day 2023 Wreath Laying Ceremony
In addition to the many events held nationwide, the U.S. Department of Labor held a moving ceremony in Washington D.C. on April 28. From the words of OSHA’s new Family Liaison Tonya Ford to OSHA and MSHA directors, Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, and Wanda Engracia, who lost her husband, to the wreath laying that concluded the ceremony. Watch the U.S. Department of Labor’s Workers’ Memorial Day ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZoFLUMEbNE
President Joe Biden’s Workers’ Memorial Day Statement
“A safe and healthy workplace is fundamental. In the United States of America, no one should have to risk their lives just to make a living. Today, we honor those workers who put it all on the line, and we keep their families in our hearts. We celebrate the whistleblowers and union organizers whose courage and persistence has saved countless lives, and we join them in standing up for all American workers, who are the best in the world.” – April 27, 2023 | A Proclamation on Workers’ Memorial Day 2023 Read full post: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/04/27/a-proclamation-on-workers-memorial-day-2023/
Since 1983, CSEA Central Region 5 has experienced the most work-related fatalities:

Highway maintenance workers are most likely to be killed on the job, ranking the highest at 28 total fatalities since 1983:

The No. 1 cause of work-related deaths since 1983 is being struck by a vehicle or other large piece of equipment:

You Asked For it, You Got it!
CSEA has organized a campaign initiative including resources such as tick removal keys, tick identification charts, posters, and other reference materials to help bring awareness to this issue.
For more information, visit: cseany.org/ticks
What would you be interested in reading about in the Safety Net? Reach out to us!

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*Submissions will be published anonymously.
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*All participants receive a prize!
Be an Advocate for Safety: Help Rebuild CSEA’s Safety Network!
Download/print the Safety Net newsletter in bulletin format: cseany.org/safetynet
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*Send photos to bernadette.foley@cseainc.org.
We love hearing from you! More importantly, readers truly enjoy and connect with member submitted content. The Safety Net’s mission is to strengthen CSEA’s safety network and gain visibility to encourage CSEA members to take part/have a role in improving their workplace conditions. What better way to build a network and inspire each other than to hear from one another and learn in the process?
Send in your content by responding to any of the following newsletter columns: “Member Spotlight,”“Dear Bernie,” or “Readers’ Response.”
*All who participate will receive a prize!
Email submissions to bernadette.foley@cseainc.org
Materials & Publications
View/download – A-Z list of fact sheets: cseany.org/safety-resources
Request Free Prints – Publications Order Form
Workshop Trainings & Webinars
View/Watch – webinar trainings: cseany.org/osh-webinars
CSEA Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Specialists
Have a general safety concern?
Contact your OSH Specialist here: cseany.org/member-support
Hurt at Work?
CSEA endorses the law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman
Get started now by clicking https://www.foalaw.com/csea-members/
Or call at 855-637-1207