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CSEA leaders have many resources at their disposal to assist in representing the membership. From forms, FAQs, manuals, and items specific to your individual role in our union, this is our one-stop-shop where you can find the tools you need to be a more effective union officer.

Looking for resources you don’t see here but would like to? Let us know.

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Are you sharing this?
This email is sent to over 6,000 officers. Please forward to your members – information is only useful when shared.
NYS prison strike comes to an end
Governor Hochul declared the New York State prison strike over. I appreciate our DOCCS employees for their dedication, working through long hours and difficult conditions during this challenging time. CSEA stayed in direct contact with these members through local officers, wellness calls and email blasts. Our union fought to ensure safety protections and increased overtime pay during the wildcat strike, which was extended to April 9. Just this week, we reached an agreement with the Governor’s office to extend accrued vacation leave through April 1, 2026. Click here to read the MOA. As operations return to normal, we remain committed to advocating for safer working conditions and resources.

Government funding deadline – March 14
Federal spending authorization expires on March 14. If Congress doesn’t pass a continuing resolution (a.k.a. money to keep government open) before that date, the federal government will shut down, and if it drags on, payments to states and local governments could be impacted. The House has passed a measure that will fund the government until September. It is now in the hands of the U.S. Senate to pass by Friday or we risk a federal shutdown.

This issue is separate from the proposed budget cuts that we are fighting against (see next article). If enacted, those proposed cuts would go into effect at the start of the next budget year, October 1.

Update on concerning federal cuts
We continue to be very troubled by proposals coming from Washington, D.C. to cut federal funding for programs that CSEA members provide across the state. This includes funding for health care, education, human services, transportation, and law enforcement, among others. Stopping these disastrous cuts is an all-hands-on deck-effort. To this end, we recently launched a new page on the CSEA website – – where all of our flyers, actions, and other resources will be posted. I encourage you to go to the website, download flyers and other information, share available links with your membership, and find out how you and your members can be part of the effort to defend our jobs and the services we provide.
Update on state budget process
The New York State Senate and Assembly released their one-house budgets earlier this week. While we are still reviewing them, we have found a lot of positives in each – new safety initiatives for highway workers and DMV employees, investments in our SUNY hospitals, and additional commitments to enhance recruitment and retention of the state and local government workforce. Each house will now begin negotiations with the Governor on a final budget and CSEA will be advocating to ensure it is strong for CSEA members. In the coming days, the Legislative & Political Action Department will be asking for your help to send messages to legislators and the Governor to support (or oppose) certain issues. Please pay attention to these alerts and be active so we can ensure that the budget is as strong as possible for CSEA members.

Honoring Women’s History Month
This March, CSEA celebrates Women’s History Month, honoring the contributions of women to our nation, culture, and labor movement. Looking at our own history, there are influential women who have pushed CSEA forward. One example is Flo Tripi, who served as Western Region President for 18 years. Known for her boundless energy and love of the Yankees, Flo dedicated her life to our union and fighting for workers’ rights. Her leadership was felt beyond Western New York and helped shape policies that improved the lives of countless public sector employees. Remembering contributions from leaders like Flo is important for our union’s growth.

This is just one example. I invite you to read about more trailblazing women in this month’s issue of The Work Force on pages 4 and 5.

Join AFL-CIO’s efforts to say, “Hell No!” to privatizing the US Postal Service
The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) are pushing back on the proposed privatizing of the United States Postal Service (USPS). This proposal supported by Elon Musk and his DOGE would merge USPS to the Department of Commerce in order to privatize it. NALC is working with the national AFL-CIO to host a day of action to raise awareness and say, “HELL NO!” to privatization. These events will take place on Sunday, March 23 at 1:00pm.

Reach out to your local Central Labor Councils (CLCs) or Area Labor Federations (AFL) for details in your area. Or use this link to find location near you.

Last chance to register for CSEA Statewide Women’s Conference
CSEA’s 2025 Statewide Women’s Conference will be held from April 25–27 at the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, NY! There is still availability to join us. Use this link to access online registration, hotel bookings, and conference materials.
CSEA Union Bracket Challenge 🏀
In the spirit of March’s college basketball tournaments, CSEA is launching our own Union Bracket Challenge! Pick from 32 CSEA resources and see which one wins. All of our union’s resources are important, but just have fun. Results will be shared at the end of the month online and in The Work Force. Fill out your bracket here.


Did you know? Our state is home to the oldest and largest St. Patrick’s Day parade in the world? The NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade has been marching since 1762; that is 14 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed! The parade has long been a celebration of Irish heritage and labor solidarity, with unions proudly marching alongside community groups and first responders. 🍀

Regional News:

CSEA members fight Long Island wildfire
Long Island has professional and volunteer firefighters with many CSEA members in their ranks. Last weekend, CSEA members were among the 80 fire departments and 600 personnel dispatched to the 2-mile-long brush fire that took ablaze in Westhampton Beach.

CSEA hosts local government & school district conference
Over fifty members from across the Capital Region came together last Saturday for a one-day Local Government/School District conference in Saratoga Springs. As part of a listening tour, attendees shared stories on issues they face at work. Discussions centered on ways CSEA resources can be best utilized to make workplaces and our union stronger.
Photos of the event can be viewed on the CSEA Capital Region Facebook page.

Federal PALs begin in-district visits in Southern Region
Recently appointed federal Political Action Liaison, Hattie Adams and Martin Santangelo met with Congressman George Latimer at his district office in White Plains. Front and center in the conversation were our union’s concerns about threats to vital federal programs, especially Medicaid, to accommodate the proposed $4.5 trillion in tax cuts for billionaires. Congressman Latimer strongly opposes tax cuts that benefit only the wealthiest Americans and reaffirmed his commitment to preserving safety net programs such as Medicaid. Many CSEA-represented worksites in the Southern Region rely on Medicaid funding. Notably, Westchester Medical Center operates as a safety net facility and offers a Level 1 Trauma Center, a burn center, neonatal ICU, organ transplant programs, hyperbaric chambers, and a children’s hospital. Revenue that comes via Medicaid is an important component in preserving those high-level services. Our work continues as we plan to meet with more Congressmembers representing the Southern Region.

Rochester St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Monroe County CSEA members are participating in this year’s Rochester St. Patrick’s Day parade on Saturday, March 15. This year’s parade will kick off at 12:30 p.m. beginning at East Avenue and Alexander Street. It will progress down East Avenue, then head west down Main Street where it ends at the corner of Fitzhugh Street. A number of city garages will be available to park in for free. Come on out and cheer on our union family as they celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! More information can be found at

AFSCME-represented Brooklyn Museum layoffs avoided
CSEA joined DC37/AFSCME union siblings and members of UAW in support workers at the Brooklyn Museum who were facing 50 layoffs. The message of unity reached management, who sat down with the bargaining team and reached an agreement with
NO layoffs. That is union power in action.
Read more about the campaign here or watch video of the event here.

Member Benefit Spotlight:
Scholarship program available until April 15
CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Filing for a Flaumenbaum Scholarship automatically puts an applicant in consideration for the Pearl Insurance and MetLife Scholarships.

Use this link to learn more and complete your application. Deadline is April 15.


Online Registration Now Available for In-Person Workshops!!

We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily register for our in-person workshops through MemberLink! No more waiting until regular business hours to call the Region Offices. Simply log in to, choose your desired workshop, and secure your spot in just a few clicks. HAPPY LEARNING!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Serious Ramifications for Violating Taylor Law
With the recent illegal wildcat strike of New York State corrections officers, it is important to remind everyone of the serious consequences of violating the Taylor Law.

Passed in 1967 by New York State, the Taylor Law was enacted in response to a New York City transit strike that cost the state and city’s economy more than $1 billion. This law prohibits public employees from striking, and violations carry serious consequences. Employees who participate in illegal strikes may face fines, suspension or dismissal. Under the Triborough Amendment to the Taylor Law, unions risk losing certain protections and bargaining advantages if they engage in a strike. Additionally, the state Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) can impose penalties, including withholding union dues collection privileges. Employers may also seek court injunctions, and noncompliance can lead to further legal action, including but not limited to civil and criminal contempt. Financially, employees may be docked two days’ pay for each strike day under the “two-for-one” penalty and they may lose their health insurance. Strikes can also erode public trust and damage labor relations, weakening future negotiations. While our union may use other forms of advocacy, striking can have lasting legal and financial repercussions for CSEA members and our union.

CSEA Reaches DOCCS Agreement with NYS
As the strike at New York State prisons continued, CSEA was able to secure a temporary Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to protect CSEA members while they maintained prison operations during the strike. The details of the MOA can be reviewed here. Safety of our union members was always CSEA’s top priority, and I want to take a moment to commend the commitment to service and each other of our DOCCS members during this crisis.

After intense negotiations last week, a mediated agreement has been rejected, as many corrections officers continue to not show for work. The mediator is no longer engaged and the Governor has implemented serious penalties for those not reporting to work.

Honoring Women’s History Month
This March, CSEA celebrates Women’s History Month, honoring the contributions of women to our nation, culture, and labor movement. Looking at our own history, there are influential women who have pushed CSEA forward. One example is CSEA Statewide Secretary Irene Carr, who was a trailblazer in advocating for women’s rights and workplace equality. She started our union’s first Women’s Committee and chaired the AFSCME Women’s Advisory Committee. She fought for training and job advancement opportunities; pay equity for women and minorities and child care centers for state employees. In her honor, CSEA established the Irene Carr Leadership Award. This year, we have had a number of great nominations for this prestigious award and will present the honoree during April’s Women’s Conference.

This is just one example. I invite you read about more trailblazing women in this month’s issue of The Work Force on pages 4 and 5.

Political Action Liaisons Lead Our Federal Lobbying Efforts
I recently appointed federal PALs for each congressional district in the state to help lead our federal advocacy efforts. While they play a key role, all CSEA members are encouraged to get involved in educating our congressional delegation about the harmful impact of federal spending cuts on our jobs and the vital services we provide. Any CSEA member can sign up as a federal advocate to stay informed and take action against $2 trillion in proposed cuts that threaten jobs and services in our state. Please share this flyer with members and encourage them to sign up.

Register for CSEA Statewide Women’s Conference
CSEA’s 2025 Statewide Women’s Conference will be held from April 25–27 at the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, NY! This year’s theme, Collective Power, Collective Progress, includes an inspiring agenda designed by the Women’s Committee.

Registration is now available, and space is limited—reserve your spot soon!
Use this link to access online registration, hotel bookings, and conference materials.

NLRB firings having direct impact on CSEA organizing efforts
Last month, I shared that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) suffered cuts in the wave of federal firings. The independent federal agency responsible for protecting private sector workers’ rights, enforcing election rules and contracts is unable to operate. This is emboldening some employers to skirt the law. Workers at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester had two co-workers fired the day after their announcement to join CSEA. Intimidation and coercion reoccurred through election day morning, when the boss placed a box of ‘No’ shaped doughnuts on the break room table with a chilling message taped to the outside. Organizing Committee workers were approached by apologizing co-workers who said they only voted no out of fear. Democracy requires a neutral environment to be free and fair. This issue affects our private sector members and our ability to grow our union. We will keep you updated.
Stay Connected with CSEA – For a chance to win a gift card!
To better serve our members, CSEA needs up-to-date contact information. With more than 1,000 employers, including the state, counties, municipalities and school districts, records can become outdated. Beginning March 1, members who update or verify their contact information via the MyCSEA app, website, or contact card will be entered into a monthly drawing for a $25 gift card. Each month, 12 winners will be randomly selected. Look for more details in the March issue of The Work Force. Stay informed and connected—update your information today!
Engaging Members: CSEA’s New Employee Orientation
New Employee Orientation is not a single event. It is the first impression of CSEA to the new hire and a golden opportunity to engage from day one! It’s an introduction to a series of commitments with follow-ups and meetings that create long-lasting relationships with new members and our union. Our union’s Field Mobilization Specialists are here to help you build solidarity with new hires in an outreach program specifically designed by your Local or Unit. Starting a new job is exciting, and starting a CSEA membership brings added value and benefits to every new hire that comes our way!
For more information, call 800-342-4146 or visit our website.


Did you know? March was designated as Women’s History Month because International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8? The day traces back to 1909 when it was first observed in the U.S. March also marks key moments in women’s labor history, including early 20th century activism for better working conditions. In 1987, Congress officially recognized March as Women’s History Month!

Regional News:

Celebrating Black Labor Leaders
The CSEA Metropolitan Region’s Education and Women’s Committees capped off Black History Month with a festive and virtual celebration of past and present Black labor leaders and activists. The program featured tributes to CSEA leaders who have transitioned, retired or are still active with CSEA. Internationally respected labor leader and keynote speaker Bill Fletcher offered some critical analysis and observations about the state of labor and the nation. Members also shared inspirational poems, songs and offered a moment of silence for those who are no longer with us. Special thanks to Education Committee Chair Felicia McCollough, Co-Chair Adrian Williams, and Women’s Committee Chair Darcel Johnson and Co-Chair Charlene Carter for coordinating such a thoughtful and impactful celebration. Special thanks to Jamel Harewood, William Sandifer and Nicole L. Davis.

Western Region Winter Conference
This past weekend, Western Region 6 leaders and activists came together for the Western Region Winter Conference. The theme, “2025: What’s Next,” set the stage for discussions and workshops on the challenges our union will face in the coming year. A big focus was on strengthening our union through new employee orientation, where attendees shared their experiences and best tips for connecting with new hires and encouraging them to join CSEA. We also took a close look at what the new presidential administration and Congress could mean for the NYS budget, and how that might impact CSEA and workers across the country. Another key topic was safety concerns for highway and road maintenance workers. Between the informative workshops, interactive games, and great conversations, it was a positive and fun weekend.

Solidarity rally in Mount Vernon
Solidarity was the goal for Mount Vernon City School District Unit members, who rallied this week in a show of unity before a district Board of Education meeting. With the school district facing fiscal challenges, our union is mobilizing members there to highlight the valuable services they provide for the students of Mount Vernon. The members received encouragement from several Board of Education members who stopped to speak with them as they arrived for the meeting. Unit members were joined by supporters from the Westchester County Unit and Westchester Medical Center Unit.

Member Benefit Spotlight:
Refresh Your Home With Raymour and Flanigan!
With spring right around the corner, consider refreshing your home with new furniture or a new mattress! Raymour and Flanigan is offering an exclusive discount to all CSEA members of 18% on furniture and mattresses.**    With up to 6 months interest free financing, and free next day mattress delivery, (on all mattress purchases over $500), this deal can’t be beat! To take advantage of this members only benefit, contact Mark Lesser at 631-332-6811.
** Contact Mark Lesser to be notified of any exclusions to this offer.


Online Registration Now Available for In-Person Workshops!!

We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily register for our in-person workshops through MemberLink! No more waiting until regular business hours to call the Region Offices. Simply log in to, choose your desired workshop, and secure your spot in just a few clicks. HAPPY LEARNING!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Update on strikes at New York State correctional facilities appreciated
Our dedicated CSEA members continue to work under extremely challenging conditions in correctional facilities across the state as the wildcat strikes continue. Their safety remains our top priority. Regions have held wellness calls with DOCCS members to listen to concerns and address them to the best of our abilities. We are in constant communication with the governor’s office to address members’ concerns. This communication on the ground and with the governor helps to clarify with members the many unfounded rumors circulating on social media and even news outlets.

Last weekend, CSEA was the first union to secure a 2.5x emergency overtime pay increase for all DOCCS members through negotiations with Gov. Kathy Hochul. It applies to all overtime, is retroactive from Feb. 17 and will remain in effect until the governor deems a return to normal rates appropriate.

Finally, we know the corrections officers’ union is in mediation with the agency and the governor’s office, aiming to resolve the strike and bring corrections officers back to work. We are monitoring the entire situation very closely.

Honoring Black History Month

CSEA honors Black History Month by recognizing Black leaders in the labor movement and the fight for justice. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the first union of predominantly Black members to receive a charter in the American Federation of Labor (precursor to the AFL-CIO). This year is the 100th anniversary of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP), founded in 1925 by A. Philip Randolph. It represented Black porters working for the Pullman Company, who faced low wages, long hours, and poor working conditions. After years of organizing and persistence, the BSCP won a collective bargaining agreement in 1937. BSCP built on their legacy by playing a crucial role in the civil rights movement, advocating for racial and economic justice.

This is one example of many. I invite you to read about more leaders in this month’s issue of The Work Force on page 5.

Register for CSEA Statewide Women’s Conference

CSEA’s 2025 Statewide Women’s Conference will be held from April 25–27 at the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, NY!  This year’s theme, Collective Power, Collective Progress, includes an inspiring agenda designed by the Women’s Committee.

Registration is now available, and space is limited—reserve your spot soon!
Use this link to access online registration, hotel bookings, and conference materials.

Stay Connected with CSEA – For a chance to win a gift card!

To better serve our members, CSEA needs up-to-date contact information. With over 1,000 employers, including the state, counties, municipalities and school districts, records can become outdated. Beginning March 1st, members who update or verify their contact information via the MyCSEA app, website, or contact card will be entered into a monthly drawing for a $25 gift card. Each month, 12 winners will be randomly selected. Look for more details in the March issue of The Work Force. Stay informed and connected—update your information today!

CSEA Testifies in Support of Public Workforce Investments

On Wednesday, the CSEA Legislative & Political Action Department testified at the New York State Workforce Budget Hearing before the Senate and Assembly. Our testimony emphasized the critical need for sustained investments in state agencies, healthcare facilities, local governments, schools, and childcare programs. We also advocated for policies that remove barriers to public sector employment and strengthen workforce recruitment and retention efforts.

The testimony can be read here.

CSEA mobilizing to fight proposed federal budget cuts

CSEA is ramping up its campaign against $2.5 trillion in proposed federal budget cuts that would directly impact the jobs and livelihoods of every CSEA member in New York. This week, the House of Representatives passed its budget resolution, setting the stage for the budget reconciliation process. Their proposal includes devastating cuts: $900 billion from Medicaid, $330 billion from K-12 and higher education, nearly $250 billion from SNAP and other social service programs, and an additional $1 trillion in other reductions. As the House and Senate work to finalize the budget, CSEA has started our campaign to fight these devastating cuts and you will be hearing from our Political Action Liaisons as well as Legislative and Political Action staff on how we all need to be involved and ready for the fight. It is imperative that we fight to protect the funding necessary to continue delivering critical services across the state.

Encourage your members to stay informed with This Week In Albany. Sign up here.

Engaging Members: CSEA’s New Employee Orientation

New Employee Orientation is not a single event. It is the first impression of CSEA to the new hire and a golden opportunity to engage from day one! It’s an introduction to a series of commitments with follow-ups and meetings that create long-lasting relationships with new members and our union. Your Field Mobilization Specialists are here to help you build solidarity with new hires in an outreach program specifically designed by your Local or Unit. Starting a new job is exciting, and starting a CSEA membership brings added value and benefits to every new hire that comes our way!
For more information, call 800-342-4146 or visit our website here.

Exciting Enhancements to CSEA Tuition Benefits Program

I wanted to let you know that CSEA has fought for and secured an enhanced benefit to the Tuition Benefit program through the CSEA & NYS Partnership for Education and Training. We are pleased to announce enhancements to our tuition benefits program starting on April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026. Eligible CSEA represented New York State employees will have access to up to $5,000 in standard benefits, and up to an additional $2,500 for statewide targeted tuition benefits in the following categories: Nursing, CDL, Welding, or HVAC. Standard benefits will more than double and can still be accessed through vouchers and/or reimbursements. For more information, contact a Partnership advisor at: 518-253-4332 or email


Did you know, February is the shortest month of the year because of ancient Romans? They originally developed a 10-month calendar, but when later adding January and February, poor February had days taken away in order to align with total days in a year. Just as unions push for equality, maybe February should have had proper representation a couple millennium ago!

Regional News:

AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund, CSEA local and unit step up for member in need

Our union family has come through for a CSEA member, Martin Gnip, from the Town of Somers Unit in Westchester County who lost his home to a structure fire on Christmas Eve. The blaze destroyed the family’s home. Thankfully, the member and his family safely evacuated. Last week, a representative from AFSCME presented the member with a check from the AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund, a resource through our international union that aids members facing natural disasters and other tragedies. Westchester County Local President Hattie Adams and Town of Somers Unit President Gregory Maroni also presented the member with gestures of support from the local and unit.

Successful contract negotiations on Long Island

The Village of Malverne Unit just signed a contract with 3% wage increases each year, which is retroactive from 2021-2027. The group will also receive free healthcare in retirement after 32 years of service.

Region 5 Scholarship Application Available

The application period for the Central Region 5 Scholarship is now OPEN. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors who will be continuing their education at an accredited college or trade school and are the child, legal dependent, or grandchild of a CSEA Region 5 member in good standing or a CSEA Region 5 staff member.
Visit to download the application and a flyer to advertise in your workplace. Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Region 5 Cornhole Tournament: Save the Date!

The Region 5 Community Outreach Committee is asking you to save the date for its 3rd annual Cornhole Tournament on Saturday, June 28, at Touch of Texas in Binghamton. This event is used to raise money for Special Olympics NY. This event is open to ALL members AND the community. Raffle baskets/donation items appreciated. More information on where to sign up will be coming soon.

Member Benefit Spotlight:
Learn to Life Debt Free!

Are you struggling to pay your bills and has debt got you down? CSEA has endorsed Cambridge Credit Counseling. Cambridge Credit Counseling provides free unlimited credit counseling and student loan counseling to CSEA members and their family members. Visit: or call 888-694-7490


Online Registration Now Available for In-Person Workshops!!

We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily register for our in-person workshops through MemberLink! No more waiting until regular business hours to call the Region Offices. Simply log in to, choose your desired workshop, and secure your spot in just a few clicks. HAPPY LEARNING!!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 21, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Honoring Black History Month

CSEA honors Black History Month by recognizing Black leaders in the labor movement and the fight for justice. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge one such leader with whom you might not be familiar. Addie Wyatt was the first Black woman to be elected to a senior office in the United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA). In addition to her union leadership, Wyatt fought tirelessly for civil rights. She was also a co-founder of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) and the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), both of which are AFL-CIO constituency groups today.

This is one example of many. I invite you to read about more leaders in this month’s issue of The Work Force on page 5.

Federal budget cuts threaten jobs and services

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled a budget blueprint proposing $1.5 to $2 trillion in federal spending cuts, while also giving tax cuts worth up to $4.5 trillion to billionaires. These cuts include $880 billion from Medicaid and healthcare programs; $330 billion from education, childcare, and social services; and $230 billion from essential programs such as SNAP, among other cuts. These proposed cuts are real, and they directly impact funding that flows to New York for critical services. If implemented, they will result in significant reductions to state and local government budgets, affecting state agencies, hospitals, nursing homes, and local municipalities. Our state simply cannot absorb financial losses of this magnitude, leading to a serious risk of service reductions, layoffs, and downsizing.

CSEA’s Legislative and Political Action Department is developing a campaign for each congressional district to oppose these cuts. More detailed information will be forthcoming for how and when members can participate in this campaign. In the meantime, please encourage members to stay informed with This Week In Albany. Sign up here.

Strikes at New York State correctional facilities

As you may have seen on local news or social media, employees at several state correctional facilities went on an unauthorized strike. CSEA has been in direct contact with DOCCS local presidents and members over this fluid situation. I sent an email earlier this week to remind DOCCS members that participating in ongoing or potential strikes at correctional facilities violates the Taylor Law, which prohibits strikes by public employees. The email emphasized that any participation in such actions could result in severe penalties, including loss of pay, disciplinary measures or even termination.

I also reiterated CSEA’s commitment to addressing safety and working conditions through legal and collective bargaining channels. However, DOCCS members were asked to immediately notify our union if they were asked to perform tasks that are unsafe or outside their job title.  

For more on the Taylor Law, visit this archived Work Force article.

CSEA at Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Conference
This past weekend, CSEA attended the 54th Annual Legislative Conference of the New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislators, which was held in Albany. A highlight of the conference was witnessing the enormous gathering of labor leaders and union members at an event hosted by the New York State AFL-CIO. The diversity of the labor movement truly is our strength. CSEA alum Rev. Terrence Melvin, NYS AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer, served as emcee.

Speakers included friends of labor Governor Kathy Hochul, State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, State Attorney General Letitia James, and many more. The keynote address was given by Everett Kelley, International President of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), who spoke on the devastating effects of the recent federal job cuts. Each speaker emphasized a mission to remain steadfast in fiercely defending our rights and growing the labor movement.

For photos and coverage visit our Facebook page.

Reminder: Protocol for Submitting Member Applications

This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

If you use another method, we cannot guarantee processing of your membership application in a timely manner or at all. Do not email applications to staff or officers—use only the approved methods for accuracy. Never give applications directly to your payroll officer; CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration will handle payroll deductions.


Did you know, Presidents’ Day isn’t just about honoring past leaders—it also highlights the impact of labor rights in America. Over the years, unions have fought to secure better working conditions, fair wages, and benefits like paid holidays, including Presidents’ Day, for many workers.

Regional News:

St. Patrick’s Day Parades: Binghamton and Syracuse

Join Central Region 5 as we represent CSEA in the Binghamton and Syracuse St. Patrick’s Day Parades. All members, family, and friends are welcome! Binghamton Parade is Saturday, March 1. We will be meeting at the Rumble Ponies parking lot at 11 a.m. for a tailgate before the parade. The Syracuse Parade is on March 15 – more details to follow.

Central Region Veterans Committee gives back to Oxford Veterans Home

Central Region Veterans Committee leaders Vicky Kelly and Kim Grover, both Broome County DDSO officers, presented a check and other donations to the Oxford Veterans Home on Feb. 18 on behalf of Central Region 5. Our region is always raising money for great causes. Follow our Facebook page (CSEA Central Region 5) for upcoming events and opportunities to give back to our communities.

Team CSEA takes the Fishkill Polar Plunge in Southern Region

Five brave CSEA activists jumped into the chilly waters at Camp Mariah this past Saturday for the 27th Annual Fishkill Polar Plunge, benefiting Special Olympics New York. While donations are still being counted, the team has raised over $7,200 thus far to ensure that Special Olympics athletes in the Hudson Valley continue to have access to the organization’s programming at no out-of-pocket cost. Many locals and units stepped up generously this year with their fundraising efforts. Three team members took the plunge just under two hours before reporting to work at the New York State Department of Transportation for snow removal. Click here to see media coverage.

Member Benefit Spotlight:
Educational Benefits to Advance Your Career

Did you know that CSEA members receive up to 40% off tuition at Excelsior University? This benefit also applies to a member’s spouse or domestic partner. But that’s not all! The application fee and graduation fees are waived; flexible course schedules are offered; and financial aid, deferred tuition, scholarships, and payment plans are available. Contact an admissions counselor at 844-843-9296 or visit


Online Registration Now Available for In-Person Workshops!!

We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily register for our in-person workshops through MemberLink! No more waiting until regular business hours to call the Region Offices. Simply log in to, choose your desired workshop, and secure your spot in just a few clicks.   HAPPY LEARNING!!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Are you sharing this?

This email reaches over 6,000 officers in order to share key information with your members. Please forward or share at membership meetings—information is only useful when shared.

Honoring Black History Month

CSEA honors Black History Month by recognizing Black leaders in the labor movement and the fight for justice. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge one such leader with whom many CSEA members are familiar. William “Bill” Lucy was a groundbreaking labor leader and civil rights activist. Serving as AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus from 1972-2010, he was instrumental in the 1968 Memphis sanitation workers’ strike, where he worked alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to demand dignity and fair wages for sanitation workers. In 1972, Lucy co-founded the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU), advocating for racial and economic justice within the labor movement. Throughout his career, he championed workers’ rights, civil rights, and global labor solidarity.

This is one example of many. I invite you to read about more leaders in this month’s issue of The Work Force on page 5.

CSEA Advocates for Fair Retirement Benefits for Military Firefighters

This week, CSEA submitted testimony at the Public Protection state budget hearing urging the Governor and Legislature to pass legislation authorizing a 25-year retirement plan for CSEA-represented firefighters at the state Division of Military and Naval Affairs. These highly trained firefighters provide crucial fire protection and emergency response services at Air National Guard Bases across the state. However, they are not currently recognized as firefighters for pension purposes. CSEA has long advocated for this change to ensure their pensions are more consistent with those of other firefighters in New York State. You can read the testimony here.
Seeking Nominees for the Irene Carr Leadership Award

CSEA is seeking nominations for the Irene Carr Leadership Award, which will be presented during the CSEA Women’s Conference in April. Irene Carr served as CSEA’s Statewide Secretary for 17 years, trailblazing a path to bring issues traditionally of concern to working women to the forefront of our union’s mission.

Learn more about Irene Carr and the award

The Irene Carr Leadership Award honors those trailblazers who continue her mission of advancing work and family issues, and who demonstrate commitment to the concerns of women and families within CSEA and the labor movement.
The deadline to receive nominations is March 5.

Complete the nomination form online
OR download and print a PDF nomination form

Mandatory 24-Hour Reporting for Workplace Amputations

Amputations are a serious workplace hazard, and even minor ones are often overlooked. Employers are required to report any work-related amputation—including the loss of a finger, toe, hand, or foot—as well as the loss of an eye, to OSHA or PESH within 24 hours of learning about the incident.
Private sector employers fall under OSHA, while public sector employers are covered by PESH. Failure to report can result in penalties. Employers should also take proactive steps to prevent these injuries by ensuring proper machine guarding, enforcing lockout/tagout procedures, and providing necessary safety training to workers. For more information contact your OSH Specialist or visit
Reminder: Protocol for Submitting Member Applications

This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member, or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing. Additionally, under no circumstances should a membership application be provided to your Payroll Officer directly. The CSEA Membership, Enrollment & Administration department will communicate with your payroll department to begin payroll deductions.


Did you know, in 1910, legendary labor activist Rose Schneiderman compared the fight for fair wages and workers’ rights to love? She famously said, “The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too.” This slogan became a rallying cry for labor unions, symbolizing the demand for both fair pay and dignity in life—fitting for Valentine’s Day, a day that celebrates not just romance, but respect and care for one another.

Regional News:

Kings Park CSEA Wins $10K Bonuses and Updated Step Schedule

The CSEA Kings Park Central School District Unit was able to retain their $10,000 retirement bonuses despite the school district’s efforts to take them back. The group was also able to instate a step schedule that was updated and to the members’ satisfaction.

Last call for Polar Plunge team members in the Southern Region

In support of Special Olympics New York, members of Team CSEA Region 3 will participate this Saturday, February 15 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fishkill Polar Plunge at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. The team is still welcoming new members to take part in Saturday’s plunge, which funds athletic opportunities for people with disabilities. Thank you to the team members who have raised funds for the event, and to the locals and units that have shown their support. Click here to make a donation or join the team.

Jenkins wins by large percentage in special election for Westchester County Executive

Congratulations to Ken Jenkins, who won a special election by a wide margin Tuesday to fill the seat of Westchester County Executive. Jenkins had been serving in the role in an acting capacity following George Latimer’s election to U.S. Congress. Jenkins had CSEA’s endorsement and the support of other labor unions. Members of our union phone banked and took part in Get Out the Vote activities on behalf of Jenkins, who has long been an ally of working people and has a history of support for CSEA members in his prior roles on the county’s Board of Legislators and while serving as Deputy County Executive.

Member Benefit Spotlight:
Amplifon Hearing Benefit

February is Heart Health Month. Did you know that there is a hearing–heart connection? Sometimes, changes in hearing can be related to cardiovascular disease since the tiny blood vessels of the inner ear may be damaged, diminishing the ability to hear. Don’t overlook a FREE hearing exam as part of your wellness routine. The first step to hearing health starts here.  

Valentine’s Day Discounts

With your CSEA membership, you are entitled to discounts on all sorts of benefits. Have a date night with your Valentine, with discounts of up to 25% off movie tickets, flowers and gifts. Find out more here.


Online Registration Now Available for In-Person Workshops!!

We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily register for our in-person workshops through MemberLink! No more waiting until regular business hours to call the Region Offices. Simply log in to, choose your desired workshop, and secure your spot in just a few clicks.   HAPPY LEARNING!!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Sharing Information Makes Our Union Stronger
This leadership email goes out to over 6,000 local and unit officers. Its purpose is to provide you as leaders with a snapshot of important information to be shared with your members. I encourage each of you to forward this email to members or disseminate at membership meetings. Information is not useful if it’s not shared.
News out of Washington DC
In the short time since the new administration has come in, there has been a constant flow of troubling news. This includes firings at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), bringing their work to a stop; a series of actions pushing for resignations of millions of federal employees; and proposals to cut funding for education, Medicaid, and many other programs that would directly impact CSEA members. CSEA and AFSCME are working together to track this activity very carefully and develop a plan of action. This week, I appointed CSEA members as Federal “PALs.” Political Action Liaisons work with and lobby our elected representatives to ensure our voices are heard and our interests are protected in Washington, DC.
Honoring Black History Month
CSEA honors Black History Month by recognizing Black leaders in the labor movement and the fight for justice. Our union’s strength lies in unity, ensuring fairness for all. Together, through solidarity and commitment, we can create a more just and inclusive future. This month is a time to reflect on workplace inequities and take action. There are many examples of Black leaders who remind us that the fights for fair wages, safe working conditions, and dignity on the job are inseparable from the broader struggle for racial equality. These union leaders include Addie Wyatt with United Packinghouse Workers of America; Issac Myers, founder of The Colored Caulkers Trade Union Society, Dorothy Lee Bolden, founder of the National Domestic Workers Union of America; and AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus William “Bill” Lucy, who also co-founded the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. I invite you to read about such leaders in this month’s issue of the Work Force on page 5.
CSEA Advocates for Stronger Protections for Highway and DMV Workers
CSEA submitted testimony at a state legislative budget hearing on transportation issues. Our testimony highlighted the significant risks faced by state and local government highway workers, as well as incidents of violence directed at Department of Motor Vehicles employees. The testimony stated CSEA’s strong support for Governor Hochul’s proposals to enhance work zone safety programs and enhance protections for highway workers and DMV employees from violence. You can read the testimony on the CSEA website
Cold Exposure in the Workplace
As this winter has proved, cold stress is a significant risk for workers exposed to extreme cold conditions. CSEA members are invited to join a free Continuing Medical Education (CME) webinar course through Mt. Sinai Health Systems: Cold Exposure in the Workplace! Learn about the significant health risks of cold exposure to workers in cold environments and explore effective prevention strategies. Those who attend can earn 1.0 AMA PRA Category I Credits™

For details and registration, use this link.

Reminder: Protocol for Submitting Member Applications
This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member, or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing. Additionally, under no circumstances should a membership application be provided to your Payroll Officer directly. The CSEA Membership, Enrollment & Administration department will communicate with your payroll department to begin payroll deductions.


Did you know? Black History Month was created by historian Carter G. Woodson, often called the “Father of Black History,” to highlight the achievements of African Americans. He chose the second week of February because it coincided with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, both of whom played significant roles in Black history. The celebration expanded to a full month in 1976 during the U.S. Bicentennial and has been officially recognized ever since!

Regional News:

Region 4 President Shana Davis serves as panelist at Black History Month event
CSEA Capital Region President Shana Davis served as a panelist Monday at a Black History Month event sponsored by the Albany County Legislative Black Caucus. Speakers and guests explored the theme, African Americans and Labor. Discussion centered on Black workers’ experiences, historical influences, breaking barriers and current pathways to economic and social justice. Photos from the event can be viewed on the Region 4 Facebook @CSEACapitalRegion4 and on Instagram @CSEACapR4.

CSEA Western Region members are “Flo”zen to a Cube!
On Sunday, February 2, CSEA members from the Western Region came together in Rochester to raise money for Special Olympics New York. This year’s Polar Plunge team, “Flo”zen to a Cube, honored late Western Region President Flo Tripi and her dedication to efforts to raise money on behalf of Special Olympics. Members took on chilly temperatures and even colder water to take the plunge and raise money for a worthy cause!

New agreement incorporates major contract language win in Putnam
In the Southern Region, the Putnam County Unit’s new memorandum of agreement, which members overwhelmingly approved last week, includes long-awaited contract language that protects workers’ rights to health insurance in retirement. This addition to the contract has long been sought by our union to eliminate any vulnerability for retirees who have worked with the understanding that insurance would be provided in retirement. While retiree health insurance has traditionally been offered for workers in New York municipalities, there have been attempts by past county administrations to alter retiree coverage. Securing this language is another benefit to working under a union contract and shows how staying union strong can ultimately allow us to strengthen our rights on the job.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Planning a Membership Meeting?Are you planning a membership meeting? Are you interested in having Member Benefits attend along with other endorsed CSEA Member Benefit Vendors? If so, simply follow the instructions below and your event will be added to our calendar and vendors will be notified:

  1. Visit and log in
  2. Go to “Applications” in the upper right-hand side
  3. Select “Member Benefits Vendor Form”
  4. Fill out form and submit

Exciting News:

Online Registration Now Available for In-Person Workshops!!

We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily register for our in-person workshops through MemberLink! No more waiting until regular business hours to call the Region Offices. Simply log in to, choose your desired workshop, and secure your spot in just a few clicks.   HAPPY LEARNING!!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 30, 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Federal Judge Blocks Temporary Freeze on Federal Funds
Earlier this week the federal Office of Management and Budget issued a directive that would have temporarily frozen all federal financial assistance, except for funds for Social Security, Medicare, and assistance that is sent directly to individuals. The order was unclear as to what other funds could be impacted, but the state, counties and not-for-profit providers that utilize federal funds, including Medicaid, were alarmed at this directive and its potential impact. A federal judge issued an order on Tuesday granting a temporary injunction to halt this action until Monday, at which time a hearing would be held on the merits. However, on Wednesday the Trump administration rescinded the order. Under established federal law and Supreme Court decisions, a President does not have the authority to impound, withhold, or block spending laws that Congress has passed and were signed into law.
Dismissals at NLRB To Halt Labor Board Operations
President Donald Trump has dismissed National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) member Gwynne Wilcox and General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, both appointed during the Biden administration. Wilcox’s termination leaves the NLRB without a quorum, effectively halting its ability to issue decisions on labor disputes. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler has condemned these actions emphasizing this action effectively shuts down the NLRB’s operations, leaving workers unprotected against union-busting and retaliation. The NLRB appointments are for fixed terms, ensuring stability and continuity in labor policy, but these dismissals challenge that structure and could set a precedent for future administrations. The firings are expected to face legal challenges. CSEA will stay on top of this ongoing issue to keep members informed.
Reminder: Protocol for Submitting Member Applications
This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing. Additionally, under no circumstances should a membership application be provided to your Payroll Officer directly. The CSEA Membership, Enrollment & Administration department will communicate with your payroll department to begin payroll deductions.

Recruit union members to enroll as CSEA Retirees when eligible
CSEA Locals and Units should honor their retiring members by helping them join the CSEA Retiree Division. Across the state and in Florida, CSEA has a network of active and engaged retiree Locals looking for new members. The Financial Standards code permits Locals and Units to use rebated funds to pay the first-year membership dues for retiring members. Please give it your serious consideration. Our Union’s power comes from the members, whether employed or retired.
Unfilled Board of Directors Seats
The special election to fill 36 unfilled Board of Directors seats has begun with the mailing of the packets of election notices to pertinent local presidents and administrators. This information will also be listed in the February edition of The Work Force newspaper.
Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
Your officer positions will be up for election this spring.If you have not submitted your Election Committee (or Election Meeting Chairperson) appointment form yet, you must do so immediately.
 Use this appointment form. We will start to send out election materials in February to election Chairpersons on file. Please don’t let your Chairperson miss out.

Feel free to reach out to the Statewide Election Committee with any questions: 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447, or
Retiree Local/Units Elections
The Retiree Local and Unit Elections has begun with the mailing of the packets of election notices to Retiree Local & Unit Presidents. This information will also be in the upcoming edition of the Retiree Newsletter.


Did you know? It has been one year since schools were added to the workplace violence law. Your employer should be contacting local leadership to conduct the required annual review of the workplace violence incidents that occurred during the last year and the implementation of the prevention program. Your employer and the union selected representatives must review each reported workplace violence incident that occurred in the previous calendar year, and to assess whether changes or improvements need to be made to the Workplace Violence Policy or prevention program in order to address and prevent future incidents.

Regional News:

A Legacy of Community Service
A park in Rotterdam is being re-named in honor of the late Roslyn Warlik, a long time CSEA member and recent Local 924 President. Town Board members voted earlier this week to honor Warlik’s legacy of community service by re-naming Boxwood Park to the Roslyn Warlik Town Park. Many may remember Roslyn but for those not familiar, she started her career at the NYS Department of Transportation and later worked for Schenectady County’s Senior and Long-Term Care Services Department. In retirement, Roslyn served as President of Schenectady Area Retirees Local 924.
A dedication ceremony and new signage and for the park is slated for spring and CSEA will be there to support her legacy.

CSEA Security Guards Secure Pay Raises in New Contract
The CSEA Rockville Centre School District Security Guards Unit recently settled a contract, which includes several hard-fought wins including increase on the hourly rate and longevity increases. In order for children to learn and grow, they need to do so in a safe learning environment. The hardworking security guards at Rockville Centre SD ensure that safe environment. Working with the school board, we are pleased CSEA security guards were able to achieve this contract settlement.

Member Benefit Spotlight:

Changes to the Buyers Edge and YMCA Programs
Effective immediately, Buyers Edge will no longer promote televisions as part of their guaranteed low-price program. In addition, YMCA’s LA Central location in the Bronx is no longer participating in CSEA’s Member Benefit program.

Exciting News:

Online Registration Now Available for In-Person Workshops!!

We are thrilled to announce that you can now easily register for our in-person workshops through MemberLink! No more waiting until regular business hours to call the Region Offices. Simply log in to, choose your desired workshop, and secure your spot in just a few clicks.   HAPPY LEARNING!!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

President Trump Sworn in as 47th U.S. President
CSEA members have differing opinions of President Trump. As leaders, we must respect these differences. It is important to listen to our members opinions and concerns, but as a union, we must stay vigilant to actions coming out of Washington and its impact on CSEA members, good or bad. CSEA is in close contact with our international union, AFSCME, and will be closely monitoring executive orders and actions taken at the federal level. For example, a recently signed executive order targets many federal civil servants stripping them of job protections by creating a new employment category called “Schedule F”. While this does not directly impact CSEA members, it is a concerning attack on civil service. CSEA will continue to take a wait and see approach, but we will be ready for any challenges that will affect our members’ rights, working conditions or benefits.
Town Hall Meetings with President Sullivan

This week I hosted a number of Zoom Town Hall Meetings for Local and Unit officers in each region. I want to thank those leaders who were able to attend. The feedback and questions were very helpful in moving our union forward.

Gov. Hochul Proposed budget
Governor Hochul unveiled her Executive Budget this week, and it is positive for CSEA members. Notably, the proposal does not include any state facility closures, layoffs, or other widespread negative actions we’ve seen in previous budgets.
Key highlights of the budget include:

  • Tax Relief: The Governor proposes tax cuts for individuals earning up to $323,200 annually. She also plans to provide inflation rebate checks to families making up to $300,000 and individuals earning up to $150,000.
  • Expanded Child Tax Credit: The budget increases the child tax credit to $1,000 for children aged 0-4 and $500 for children aged 4-16.
  • Civil Service Exam Fees: The Governor proposes waiving state civil service exam fees through June 2026.
  • NY HELP Program: The Governor also proposes extending the NY HELP program through June 2026, providing continued support for the state and local governments still struggling to recruit staff.
  • State Operated Inpatient Forensic Treatment Beds: The budget includes funding for 100 new state operated inpatient forensic treatment beds in New York City to address critical needs in mental health services.
  • Work Zone Safety: On the safety front, the Governor proposes making the work zone speed camera program permanent and increasing penalties for violators who receive multiple tickets within 18 months.
  • Assault Penalties: The budget also proposes elevating the penalty for assaulting DMV examiners, motor vehicle representatives, and highway workers (employed by state, public authorities, and local governments) from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class D felony.
  • SUNY Funding: The Governor proposes new funding for SUNY Downstate Medical Center and SUNY Upstate to modernize and transform their hospitals.
  • Local and School Funding: The budget includes an additional $50 million in state aid for local governments and a $1.7 billion increase in funding for K-12 school districts.

Additional details of these and other budget proposals will be provided in “This Week in Albany” this Friday. Click here to sign up for our e-newsletter.

Irene Carr Leadership Award Nominations

Our union is seeking nominations for the Irene Carr Leadership Award, which will be presented during the CSEA Women’s Conference in April. Irene Carr served as CSEA’s Statewide Secretary for 17 years, trailblazing a path to bring issues traditionally of concern to working women to the forefront of our union’s mission.
The Irene Carr Leadership Award honors those trailblazers who continue her mission of advancing work and family issues and who demonstrate commitment to the concerns of women and families within CSEA and the labor movement.
The deadline to receive nominations is March 5.

Complete the nomination form online
Download the nomination form
Learn more about Irene Carr and the award

Unfilled Board of Directors Seats
The special election to fill 36 unfilled Board of Directors seats has begun with the mailing of the packets of election notices to pertinent local presidents and administrators. This information will also be listed in the February edition of The Work Force newspaper.
Reminder: Protocol for Submitting Member Applications

This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member, or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing. Additionally, under no circumstances should a membership application be provided to your Payroll Officer directly. The CSEA Membership, Enrollment & Administration department will communicate with your payroll department to begin payroll deductions.

Recruit union members to enroll as CSEA Retirees when eligible

CSEA Locals and Units should honor their retiring members by helping them join the CSEA Retiree Division. Across the state and in Florida, CSEA has a network of active and engaged retiree Locals looking for new members. The Financial Standards code permits Locals and Units to use rebated funds to pay the first-year membership dues for retiring members. Please give it your serious consideration. Our Union’s power comes from the members, whether employed or retired.

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents

Your officer positions will be up for election this spring.
If you have not submitted your Election Committee (or Election Meeting Chairperson) appointment form yet, you must do so immediately.
Use this appointment form. We will start to send out election materials in February to election Chairpersons on file. Please don’t let your Chairperson miss out.

Feel free to reach out to the Statewide Election Committee with any questions: 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447, or

Retiree Local/Units Elections

The Retiree Local and Unit Elections has begun with the mailing of the packets of election notices to Retiree Local & Unit Presidents. This information will also be in the upcoming edition of the Retiree Newsletter.


Did you know? President Trump is not the first president to serve two non-consecutive terms. New York’s own Grover Cleveland served as the 22nd and 24th president, serving from 1885 to 1889 and again from 1893 to 1897. Prior to becoming president, Cleveland served as Sheriff and Mayor of Buffalo, as well as Governor of New York.

Regional News:

Federal Grant for Thruway Brings Safety and Jobs

NYS Thruway last week announced the award of a $15 million-dollar federal grant for implementation of a drone program to aid in safer infrastructure inspections on the 570 miles of roads and bridges the authority maintains. Two CSEA members piloted the drones featured in local news coverage of the announcement – pilot Leigh Meisner and spotter Andrew Kosib.
You can view the story here. CSEA previously raised concerns about drones being used to outsource inspection work. The Thruway Authority assured CSEA at a labor management meeting that drones would be operated by CSEA-represented employees to ensure safer working conditions

Region 5 Cornhole Tournament: Save the Date!

The Region 5 Community Outreach Committee is asking you to save the date for its 3rd annual Cornhole Tournament on Saturday, June 28, at Touch of Texas in Binghamton. This event is used to raise money for Special Olympics NY. This event is open to ALL members AND the community. Raffle baskets/donation items appreciated. More information on where to sign up will be coming soon.

Aleta Palmer Presented her Danny Donohue Leadership Award

Last October at CSEA’s Annual Delegates Meeting, Aleta Palmer was awarded the Danny Donohue Leadership Award. Unfortunately, Palmer was not present to accept her award. This was rectified last week as Western Region President Steve Healy presented Palmer with the award at a Region Membership Dinner. Palmer has spent her time as a union leader advocating for employees and members, making sure they are not taken advantage of, misinformed or misrepresented. Palmer was all smiles as she received her recognition for her outstanding leadership and continued determination to make change.

Member Benefit Spotlight:

CSEA Members Save with a Fixed Low-Rate Credit Card:

Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s a great time to apply for the CSEA Mastercard®. Our fixed, low-rate credit card comes with no balance transfer fees, no annual fee, and no cash advance fee. Members are eligible to transfer their existing balances from a higher rate credit card and knock down some of their debt. To apply, please visit:

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:
NOTE: Upon completion of the training, you receive a 4-year certification. After which time you are required to re-certify your training.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Grievance- East Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, January 25 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Ballston Spa (Region 4) **

Tuesday, January 28, and Wednesday, January 29 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Beacon (Region 3) **

Wednesday, January 29, and Thursday, January 30 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION
Wednesday, January 29 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Happy New Year!
May 2025 bring you and your loved ones health, happiness, and prosperity, as we continue to champion fairness, dignity, and opportunity for all CSEA members. Here’s to another year and thank you for all that you do!

Stay Safe as Cold Weather Hits
This week has been extremely cold. It bears another warning for the risk of severe and potentially life-threatening conditions. To help identify hazardous cold weather conditions, the National Weather Service has developed a “wind chill” chart. This chart is included in the CSEA Occupational Safety and Health Department’s Cold-Related Illness Fact Sheet, which, along with other useful resources, can be accessed on CSEA’s website at

If you feel your employer is not taking adequate measures to ensure workplace safety, report your concerns to your local leadership right away. They can then take the necessary steps to address the issue.

SEIU rejoins AFL-CIO – A Win for All Unions
On Wednesday, the AFL-CIO announced that the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is rejoining the federation after nearly 20 years of division, bringing roughly 2 million service and care workers back to the now nearly 15 million-member AFL-CIO. “Workers know it’s better in a union, and together we are stronger in our organizing and bargaining fights because there is power in unity,” said AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler.

This reunion helps build the power of unions in this country. It empowers CSEA to draw on the strength and affiliation we have with the AFL-CIO as vital to the health and power of our union.

Workplace Violence Prevention: What Public Employers and Unions Need to Know
All public employers: State, County, Municipalities, and Schools are now covered under 12 NYCRR Part 800.6 ‘Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention’. This law requires that all public employers evaluate worksites to identify factors that present workplace violence risks including assaults and homicides. Once potential violence risks have been identified by the employer in concert with Union representatives, a program designed to prevent violence and protect employees at work must be implemented. In workplaces of more than 20 public employees, the Workplace Violence Policy which results from the risk assessments and program developed by the employer together with the Unions must be put in writing, and distributed to all employees. Next the employer is required to provide training to all staff regarding the policy and program designed to prevent violence. This training is required to be provided every year by public employers to any and all employees facing potential workplace violence.

Lastly, once a year, public employers are required to meet with unions to review each reported workplace violence incident that occurred in the previous calendar year, and to assess whether changes or improvements need to be made to the Workplace Violence Policy or prevention program in order to address and prevent future incidents.

If you or your local Safety & Health Committee has not scheduled a meeting with your public employer in 2025 to review workplace violence incidents from 2024, now is the time to do so! Stay union, stay safe at work! Use this link for more information and helpful fact sheets.

A Major Win for Public Sector Retirees Nationwide
President Biden has signed the “Social Security Fairness Act” into law, which repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset. These laws reduced Social Security payments to certain public sector retirees if a person worked for a non-social security covered employer, including certain state and local government employers and also received a pension from their public sector job. According to New York State Comptroller DiNapoli’s office, no members of the State Employee Retirement System are affected by these provisions. However, this is still a major win for other union members across the country who are impacted by these provisions.
Labor Education Newsletter
CSEA works hard to educate our members, activists, and leaders so they can better represent themselves and their coworkers. CSEA’s Education & Training Department offers workshops, webinars, and other resources to share important labor information. To make this easier, we have an e-newsletter, This Week in Labor Education. It includes labor history, key terms, current issues, and upcoming training opportunities to help you grow your union knowledge and skills. Subscribe today and share it with your CSEA brothers and sisters!

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
Your officer positions will be up for election this spring. If you have not submitted your Election Committee (or Election Meeting Chairperson) appointment form yet, you must do so immediately. Use this appointment form. We will start to send out election materials in February to election Chairpersons on file. Please don’t let your Chairperson miss out.

Feel free to reach out to the Statewide Election Committee with any questions: 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447, or

Attention: Important Election Info for Retiree Division Local and Unit Presidents:  
Your election information will be forthcoming in the Winter edition of the Retiree News.


Did you know? Appointing a Rep is EASY!!! Once a member in your Local or Unit completes a Steward, Grievance, or Discipline & Interrogation training, the Local (State) or Unit (Local/Private) President can appoint them as a Rep by emailing

Regional News:
Massapequa Custodial Unit Boosts Member Engagement
The CSEA Massapequa School District Custodial Unit has ramped up internal organizing by holding member meetings in the school parking lot, accommodating both the day and evening shifts. The move has also allowed leaders to organically identify shop steward candidates and has fostered more cooperative relationships among unit members.

Signups continue for Fishkill Polar Plunge
There are just five weeks until the Fishkill Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics New York. Get signed up for Team Region 3 and make tax-deductible donations by visiting our team page at Special thanks to members of the Ulster Correctional Facility Local, Dutchess County Local and Westchester County Local for spearheading recent fundraisers to benefit Special Olympics!

Member Benefit Spotlight: Legal Experts on Your Side!
Is a Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy, or a Trust on your “to do” list for 2025? If so, CSEA’s legal services program can assist. For $16.30/month, you, your spouse, and dependents are provided legal assistance for some of the most frequently needed legal matters including estate planning! Call 800-821-6400 today!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:
NOTE: Upon completion of the training, you receive a 4-year certification. After which time you are required to re-certify your training.

Required Union Representation


State Government Grievance- Rochester (Region 6) **
Saturday, January 11 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (585) 272-0800 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Saratoga (Region 4) **

Saturday, January 11 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government Grievance- New York (Region 2) **

Tuesday, January 14, and Wednesday, January 15 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Amherst (Region 6) **

Tuesday, January 14, and Wednesday, January 15 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation- Bedford Hills (Region 3) **

Wednesday, January 15, and Thursday, January 16 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Seneca Falls (Region 5)

Saturday, January 18 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- East Meadows (Region 1 L865 Only) **

Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance- East Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, January 25 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Ballston Spa (Region 4) **

Tuesday, January 28, and Wednesday, January 29 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Beacon (Region 3) **

Wednesday, January 29, and Thursday, January 30 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Tuesday, January 14 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Tuesday, January 21 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION
Wednesday, January 29 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Dear CSEA Family,

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

As we commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we remember Dr. King’s unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and labor rights. We draw inspiration from his legacy, striving to build a fairer, more inclusive society where every voice is heard and every worker is valued. While we may not always see eye to eye, our goal as leaders should be to listen and learn from our members.

Town Hall Meetings with President Sullivan

Next week, I will host Zoom Town Hall Meetings for Local and Unit officers in each region to discuss building a stronger, more powerful union. With a new administration in Washington, potential changes and challenges lie ahead, and we must prepare by mobilizing our members. I look forward to your ideas and contributions as we work together to strengthen our union.

You will receive a direct email with the Zoom link for your region’s event in the coming days.

Regions 1 and 2 – Tuesday, January 21

Regions 3 and 4 – Wednesday, January 22

Regions 5 and 6 – Thursday, January 23

Gov. Hochul gives State of the State

Governor Hochul delivered her annual State of the State speech this week. The speech traditionally marks the beginning of the state budget process and allows the Governor to lay out their priorities for the budget. This year’s State Budget will be released on Tuesday, January 21. The focus of her speech was making New York more affordable, and she proposed lowering income taxes for middle class families, providing inflation rebates, and increasing the child tax credit. The Governor will also propose to extend the NY HELPS program for an additional year and will also propose to better protect highway workers by making permanent the use of work zone speed cameras on the Thruway and on highways maintained by the Department of Transportation.

We will have more details on these and the remainder of her proposals once the budget is released next week. Click here to sign up for the This Week In Albany e-newsletter to stay updated on important legislative information happening in Albany and Washington, DC.

Ron Briggs to retire as CSEA Executive Vice President

CSEA Executive Vice President Ron Briggs announced his retirement last week after 30 years as a CSEA activist working for Fulton County. Ron held many leadership roles in CSEA as a Local President and Region President before being elected Executive Vice President. Please join me in congratulating CSEA Executive Vice President Ron Briggs on his retirement and for his many years of service.

CSEA Organizing Win at the Town of Seneca Falls (32 Public Sector Workers)

On January 7, 32 workers from the Town of Seneca Falls were recognized as a new CSEA bargaining unit by the Seneca Falls Town Board. Workers organized for better pay, benefits, and stability since town board members often change. CSEA officers and other volunteer member organizers stood in solidarity with the town workers by confronting town officials, attending board meetings month after month, and finally pressuring the town board to pass a resolution (which passed by a vote of 4-1) recognizing the workers as CSEA.

Workplace Violence Prevention: What Public Employers and Unions Need to Know

All public employers: State, County, Municipalities, and Schools are now covered under 12 NYCRR (New York Codes, Rules and Regulations) Part 800.6 ‘Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention.’ This law requires that all public employers evaluate worksites to identify factors that present workplace violence risks including assaults and homicides. Employers, alongside union representatives, must identify risks and implement a program to prevent workplace violence. For workplaces with over 20 employees, the policy must be written, distributed, and include annual training for all staff. Public employers must meet annually with unions to review reported incidents and update prevention programs as needed. This training is required to be provided every year by public employers to any and all employees facing potential workplace violence. Additionally, public employers must meet with unions once a year to review incidents from the previous year and assess whether improvements to the policy or program are needed to prevent future occurrences.

If your Safety and Health Committee hasn’t scheduled a meeting with your employer in 2025 to review 2024 incidents, now is the time. Together, we can ensure safer workplaces for all. Stay Union, Stay Safe! Use this link for more information and helpful fact sheets.

Unfilled Board of Directors Seats

The special election to fill 36 unfilled Board of Directors seats has begun with the mailing of the packets of election notices to pertinent local presidents and administrators. This information will also be listed in the February edition of The Work Force newspaper.

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents

Your officer positions will be up for election this spring. If you have not submitted your Election Committee (or Election Meeting Chairperson) appointment form yet, you must do so immediately. Use this appointment form. We will start to send out election materials in February to election Chairpersons on file. Please don’t let your Chairperson miss out.

Feel free to reach out to the Statewide Election Committee with any questions: 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447, or

Retiree Local/Units Elections

The Retiree Local and Unit Elections has begun with the mailing of the packets of election notices to Retiree Local & Unit Presidents. This information will also be in the upcoming edition of the Retiree Newsletter.


Did you know? AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus William “Bill” Lucy joined forces with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the 1968 Memphis sanitation workers’ strike to fight for workers’ rights and racial justice. Lucy was one of the chief organizers of the strike and was known for creating the iconic “I Am A Man” slogan. Tragically, this became Dr. King’s final campaign before his assassination.

Regional News:

Region 5 Scholarship Application Available

The application period for the Central Region 5 Scholarship is now OPEN. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors who will be continuing their education at an accredited college or trade school and are the child, legal dependent, or grandchild of a CSEA Region 5 member in good standing or a CSEA Region 5 staff member. Visit to download the application and a flyer to advertise in your workplace. Deadline is April 1, 2025.

Jenkins receives endorsement for Westchester County Executive seat
Our union has endorsed Ken Jenkins in the February 11 special election to fill the Westchester County Executive seat following longtime county executive George Latimer’s election to U.S. Congress. The endorsement comes via the Southern Region Political Action Committee. Jenkins has a longstanding strong relationship with our union and has been a staunch advocate for middle class workers. Beginning when he was a county legislator and most recently as he served in the role of deputy county executive under Latimer, Jenkins has worked cooperatively with CSEA and has prioritized strong labor-management relations. Jenkins is currently serving as acting county executive.

Riverhead Highway Department Honored as 2024 Public Servants of the Year

The Riverhead News Review named CSEA’s Town of Riverhead Highway Department the 2024 Public Servants of the Year. The award recognizes the highway department’s hard work and dedication to the community. The group is no stranger to being recognized having been awarded the state Department of Transportation ‘Build a Better Mousetrap’ Award for designing and constructing a new washing station, last fall.

Member Benefit Spotlight: BJ’s Club Card
The NEW CSEA member price for the basic BJ’s Club Card remains the same price this year at $20 ($40 savings) –  12 month membership and receive two cards
The NEW CSEA member price for the Club Plus Card went down in price to $40  ($80 savings) –   12 month membership and receive two cards
Renewals – pricing did not change even though annual fees increased. Renewals will still have to call the 800 number to renew.

New BJ’s Member
s visit call BJs at  (800) 313-8887.

Renewals must call BJs: (800) 313-8887

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST

When you call, please have the following information handy:

  • CSEA members “Group Promo Code” is 300039
  • Debit or credit card information
  • If you are a current BJ’s member, please have your membership ID handy (found on your membership card or on the BJ’s app).
A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:
NOTE: Upon completion of the training, you receive a 4-year certification. After which time you are required to re-certify your training.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Seneca Falls (Region 5)

Saturday, January 18 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- East Meadows (Region 1 L865 Only) **

Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance- East Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, January 25 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Ballston Spa (Region 4) **

Tuesday, January 28, and Wednesday, January 29 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Beacon (Region 3) **

Wednesday, January 29, and Thursday, January 30 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Discipline & Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Tuesday, January 21 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION
Wednesday, January 29 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

2024 Weekly Leadership Update Archive
From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Happy Holidays!
I would like to wish you, your families and loved ones a safe and happy holiday season and of course, a Happy New Year!

Due to the holidays, there will be no weekly leadership email until January 9.  

Stay Safe as Cold Weather Hits
Winter is upon us and with it the potential for life-threatening conditions. Cold temperatures and wind can combine to steal body heat which can lead to hypothermia and frostbite. The National Weather Service has created a “wind chill” table to help determine when dangerous cold weather conditions exist. The table is part of the CSEA Occupational Safety and Health Department’s Cold Related Illness Fact Sheet, available along with many other valuable resources on CSEA’s website at

If you believe your employer is not taking proper precautions to protect your safety in the workplace for any reason, notify your local leadership immediately. They can then take appropriate action to address your concerns.  

President Biden Designates Frances Perkins National Monument
This past Monday, President Biden signed a proclamation establishing a new national monument to Frances Perkins, America’s first woman Cabinet secretary and the longest-serving secretary of labor.

During her 12 years as secretary of labor, Perkins transformed work in the United States. To address the devastation of the Great Depression, she advised President Franklin D. Roosevelt on creating a public works program that put unemployed Americans back to work building critical infrastructure across the country. Perkins was instrumental in efforts such as creating Social Security, fighting for working people’s right to organize and bargain collectively, and establishing the critical labor rights, such as minimum wage, overtime pay, prohibitions on child labor and more.

Governor Hochul Signs Mental Health Legislation
The Governor signed an important piece of legislation this past week to help address stress and mental health issues that many employees face daily. Under the new law, an employee will be able to file a Workers’ Compensation claim if they are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, or major depressive disorder and if the disorder arose out of extraordinary work-related stress attributable to a distinct work-related event or events directly related to a person’s employment and occurring during the performance of the employees’ job duties. Previous claims under Workers’ Compensation Board for stress were denied. This bill would recognize extraordinary job-related stress, including PTSD that employees may face. While this law has been signed, we expect additional guidance to be issued by the Workers’ Compensation Board in 2025.
The 2024 State Legislative Session in Review
The 2024 New York State legislative session was a successful one for CSEA. In addition to achieving a significant reform to Tier 6 and new investments in the state and local government workforce in the FY2025 state budget, we also achieved several legislative successes prior to the Senate and Assembly’s adjournment for the year.
For a full list of legislation visit

Enhancement to MYCSEA App:
To help leaders conduct better searches, we have enhanced the “Membership Checker” feature. It will now disregard the following characters:
‘ – () , . and spaces

This will help to find members who have these special characters in their first or last name.

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below you are way overdue. Please submit these as soon as possible – it’s not too late!

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less].

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Attention: Important Election Info for Retiree Division Local and Unit Presidents:  
Your election information will be forthcoming in the Winter edition of the Retiree News.
CSEA Organizing Win at Herstraw EMS (35 EMTs)
Haverstraw Ambulance Corp. workers unanimously voted to join CSEA in a secret ballot private sector NLRB election. Throughout the country, EMS workers are organizing with AFSCME for professionalism, job protection, and better care for the communities they serve. Haverstraw is the third private sector EMS agency whose workers organized together to join CSEA.


Did you know? On December 20, 1956, The Montgomery, AL bus boycott ended after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling integrating the Montgomery bus system was implemented. The boycott by African Americans had begun on December 5, 1955, after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus to a white man.

Regional News:
Ulster County Unit members mark one year of legislature presence
Recognizing that successful contract campaigns require consistency, Ulster County Unit activists this week marked one year of attending monthly Ulster County Legislature meetings as a group. This week’s meeting had roughly 40 CSEA members attending. While the contract negotiations process wasn’t set to formally begin until late in this year, unit leadership felt it was vital for our union to have a regular presence as we advocate for salary increases that fairly compensate CSEA members. Each month, unit officers have CSEA t-shirts available for first time member attendees. It’s clear each month at these meetings that Ulster County is CSEA strong!
Member Benefit Spotlight: Save with Pearl Insurance!
With all the holiday spending we are currently doing, there may be a way to save some money with Pearl Insurance!  Let Pearl representatives shop your personal lines of insurance to see if they can find the same or better coverage at a lesser cost. Contact Pearl Insurance today at: 1-800-574-0963 or visit

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:
NOTE: Upon completion of the training, you receive a 4-year certification. After which time you are required to re-certify your training.

Required Union Representation


Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Rochester (Region 6) **
Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, January 9 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (585) 272-0800 to register.

State Government Grievance- Rochester (Region 6) **

Saturday, January 11 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (585) 272-0800 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Saratoga (Region 4) **

Saturday, January 11 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government Grievance- New York (Region 2) **

Tuesday, January 14, and Wednesday, January 15 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Amherst (Region 6) **

Tuesday, January 14, and Wednesday, January 15 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation- Bedford Hills (Region 3) **

Wednesday, January 15, and Thursday, January 16 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Seneca Falls (Region 5)

Saturday, January 18 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- East Meadows (Region 1 L865 Only) **

Wednesday, January 22, and Thursday, January 23 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance- East Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, January 25 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Ballston Spa (Region 4) **

Tuesday, January 28, and Wednesday, January 29 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Beacon (Region 3) **

Wednesday, January 29, and Thursday, January 30 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Wednesday, January 8 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Tuesday, January 14 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Tuesday, January 21 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION
Wednesday, January 29 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Governor Announces Plans to Put Money in New Yorkers Pockets
Governor Kathy Hochul announced earlier this week plans for New York’s first-ever Inflation Refund! Her proposal would send an Inflation Refund check to 8.6 million New Yorkers.

$500 payment for families making less than $300,000
$300 payment for individual taxpayers making less than $150,000

This tax rebate is welcome news for CSEA members struggling with their finances. CSEA applauds Governor Hochul for doing the right thing for the working people of New York.

Learn more:

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below you are way overdue. Please submit these as soon as possible – it’s not too late!

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less].

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Attention: Important Election Info for Retiree Division Local and Unit Presidents:  
Your election information will be forthcoming in the Winter edition of the Retiree News.
CSEA Organizing Win at Herstraw EMS (35 EMTs)
Haverstraw Ambulance Corp. workers unanimously voted to join CSEA in a secret ballot private sector NLRB election. Throughout the country, EMS workers are organizing with AFSCME for professionalism, job protection, and better care for the communities they serve. Haverstraw is the third private sector EMS agency whose workers organized together to join CSEA.


Did you know? On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution) became effective following ratification by Virginia.

Regional News:
The CSEA City of Long Beach Unit, in Region 1, negotiated a six-year contract with 3% raises every year and no givebacks. Stipends were also arranged for members who felt they were being underpaid.

Team CSEA Region 3 is seeking team members for the 2025 Fishkill Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics New York, which will be held Feb. 15, 2025 at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. The annual fundraiser has become a tradition in the Southern Region and benefits the athletes with disabilities participating in Special Olympics programming. Register for the team here:

Capital Region members embraced the holiday spirit by donating truckloads of toys this past weekend at the region’s executive board meeting. The drive was organized by the R4 Women’s Committee with donations going to the Holiday Closet of Ballston Spa for distribution to area families in need this holiday season.

The Central Region Polar Peeps were once again the highest fundraising team at the Oneida Shores Polar Plunge raising money for Special Olympics Athletes. Among those who took the plunge were CNYDDSO Local 414’s Justin Piersall, along with Aida Sands and her grandkids, took the plunge into the freezing waters of Oneida Lake.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Make New York City Your Holiday Destination with Member Deals!
This holiday season, take advantage of a trip to NYC and enjoy iconic landmarks, fabulous shows, and hidden gems all while saving with Member Deals!
Visit to start planning your perfect trip to New York City!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Cortland (Region 5)
Saturday, December 14, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Herkimer (Region 5) **

Tuesday, December 17 and Wednesday, December 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Fulton (Region 5) **

Tuesday, December 17 and Wednesday, December 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 5, 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Please be safe around snow plows
It’s barely December and we have already seen snow and ice throughout the state. Please remember to slow down and do not try to pass snow plows as they clear our roads. We owe our gratitude to CSEA members throughout the state who work hard to ensure our roads are safe and clear. We also must thank CSEA members who can’t stay home from work when bad weather hits because they are essential employees delivering vital services. Thank you for all that you do!
Recognizing Direct Support Professionals
We are partnering with the Office for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) to recognize Direct Support Professionals on Social Media. These outstanding CSEA members were recognized in November for their exceptional commitment to their work, facilities and the residents they care for. Follow CSEA on Facebook to learn more about each of these individuals as we recognize them:

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below you are way overdue. Please submit these as soon as possible – it’s not too late!

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less].

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Attention: Important Election Info for Retiree Division Local and Unit Presidents:  
Your election information will be forthcoming in the Winter edition of the Retiree News.
Regional News:
The Metropolitan Region’s Women’s and Education Committees, under the guidance of Darcel Johnson, Chair of the R2 Women’s Committee, collected coats and food donations in the spirit of the holidays. Coats and Thanksgiving dinner baskets were donated to the Rose McCarthy Family Residence in Brooklyn.

Team CSEA Region 3 is seeking team members for the 2025 Fishkill Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics New York, which will be held Feb. 15, 2025 at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. The annual fundraiser has become a tradition in the Southern Region and benefits the athletes with disabilities participating in Special Olympics programming. Register for the team here:

Member Benefit Spotlight: Top Gifts For All Ages From Purchasing Power!
Make every spirit bright with Purchasing Power! Unlock your spending power and shop all the hottest gifts. Buy in time for Christmas and pay over time with no credit check, no down payments, no interest, and no hidden fees. Visit to get started today!


Did you know there is a Labor Education Specialist assigned to each region to assist with your In-Person training needs? Their contact information is:

Region 1

Elyza Ahrens

(518) 257-1458

Region 2

Hope Battige

(518) 257-1332

Region 3

Nisha Stillwell-Frankson

(518) 257-1307

Region 4

Rick (Eric) DeCarlo

(518) 257-1403

Region 5

Nisha Stillwell-Frankson

(518) 257-1307

Region 6

Hope Battige

(518) 257-1332

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Fulton (Region 5) **

Tuesday, December 10 and Wednesday, December 11, 2024, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Newburgh (Region 3)

Wednesday, December 11 and Thursday, December 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Cortland (Region 5)

Saturday, December 14, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Herkimer (Region 5) **

Tuesday, December 17 and Wednesday, December 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Fulton (Region 5) **

Tuesday, December 17 and Wednesday, December 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training – Region 1
Region 1 Office – 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725
Thursday, December 12, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.
**Please note: This is a pilot program and you will not be certified if you attend. You will still need to attend this training during your elected term.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Happy Thanksgiving! No weekly leadership email next week
There will be no leadership email next week as we celebrate Thanksgiving. I’d like to wish you, your families and loved ones all a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

The MyCSEA app has been updated with new features
Our Information Technology Department is always hard at work and they have added some enhancements to the MyCSEA app.

New enhancements include:
1. The notification feature for local and unit presidents has been expanded from 50 characters to 100 characters.
2. The weekly leadership updates are now available on the app under the officers’ section.  
3. CSEA is no longer participating in Orlando Employee Discounts and it has been removed from the app as a benefit.

To take advantage of these features, please make sure you are updated to the latest version.

We continue to work on additional functionality in the app and updates will be coming in near future.

If you haven’t yet downloaded the MyCSEA app, you are missing out on an opportunity to be connected and informed!

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below you are way overdue. Please submit these as soon as possible – it’s not too late!

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less].

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Attention: Important Election Info for Retiree Division Local and Unit Presidents:  
Your election information will be forthcoming in the Winter edition of the Retiree News.


Did you know 96% of union workers have employer-provided health insurance, but only 69% of nonunion workers do? This is just another example of the benefits of a unionized workplace. For more information about this and more visit

Regional News:
The Capital District Area Labor Federation is looking for help in feeding over 30,000 people on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and they need our help. Please consider volunteering to help with food distribution at one of the following locations:
Albany County:
Cohoes Connect Center
49 Johnston Ave, Cohoes, NY 12047

Albany County Lot
230 South Pearl Street Albany

Metropolitan Baptist Church
105 2nd St, Albany, NY 12210

Regional Food Bank
965 Albany Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

Fuze Box
12 Central Ave, Albany, NY 12210

Rensselaer County:

Hudson Valley Community College Lot F
80 Vandenburgh Ave Troy NY 12180

Unity House of Troy
2431 6th Ave, Troy, NY 12180

Greene County:

Coxsackie Village Hall
119 Mansion Street Coxsackie NY 12051

The volunteers are needed from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. But if you can only do some of that, it will be fine. This is an enormous undertaking and a huge amount of work. Many hands are needed. If you’re interested and able, please RSVP to Mark Emanatian at to let him know what location you would like to work. If you would like to make a donation to support this cause you can do so at

Congratulations to CSEA Metropolitan Region President Lester Crockett on being recognized as a Distinguished Honoree this week during the United Farm Workers New York Solidarity Reception and Dinner. CSEA and Region 2 played an instrumental role in helping to pass the long-delayed Justice for Farmworkers Act in 2019. President Crockett reminded everyone to thank the workers who help put food on our tables every day, not just on special occasions. #sisepuede

In the Long Island Region, about 250 Nassau County Local members took action by attending an affordable healthcare rally outside of a restaurant where Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman was holding a fundraiser. The rally was covered by both News 12 and Newsday. CSEA Long Island Region President Jarvis Brown was quoted in the latter story.

Team CSEA Region 3 is seeking team members for the 2025 Fishkill Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics New York, which will be held Feb. 15, 2025 at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. The annual fundraiser has become a tradition in the Southern Region and benefits the athletes with disabilities participating in Special Olympics programming. Register for the team here:

Member Benefits Spotlight: HSA and FSA funds can be used for hearing aids at Amplifon!
Many members may not realize that hearing care expenses, including hearing aids, are eligible spending account expenses. HSA dollars are always available and it’s not too late to use FSA dollars if they have a rollover period. Amplifon makes it easy for CSEA members to use their HSA/FSA funds while saving 66% on hearing aids. Click here to get started.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Advanced Grievance: Introduction to Contract Interpretation
Monday, November 25, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training – Region 1
Region 1 Office – 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725
Thursday, December 12, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.
**Please note: This is a pilot program and you will not be certified if you attend. You will still need to attend this training during your elected term.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Workplace Safety remains a top priority
This week we saw the death of Stephen Ebling in a tragic, avoidable accident on the Thruway. This is on the heels of incidents on I-81 and in several parks this year. We must continue to fight for improved conditions and protections across every industry we work in. CSEA is calling on the legislature and Governor to implement stiffer penalties for citizens who do not obey the Move Over law to further protect those who work only feet away from speeding traffic. We will also promote education and awareness to further improve the safety of all CSEA members in their workplaces. Everybody deserves the right to a safe, healthy workplace and most importantly, to return home safely after every shift.
Send us any Freedom Foundation collateral
We know the Freedom Foundation continues to mail, email, text and even call CSEA members. We know heading into the holidays they will distribute materials that make all sorts of false promises to try to trick members into opting out. One big way you can help combat this is to report any of these efforts as soon as possible to us. When you or your members receive mail, email, texts or calls please contact your region office and share them with us as soon as possible. CSEA can only assist with what we know about!
Big Win in Monroe County!
When CSEA members were having issues with the Monroe Water County Authority (MWCA), they turned to County Executive Adam Bello for support, who facilitated meetings between members and the Chair of the MCWA, Scott Nasca, a Conservative, and President of the Monroe County Legislature, Yversha Roman, a Democrat. The legislature needed to fill three spots on the water board and CSEA needed to ensure the appointments would be supportive. CSEA members pushed for Nasca as Chair and two Democratic labor leaders to fill the seats but met with initial resistance from Democratic legislators who were hesitant to support Nasca. After continued conversations and lobbying by CSEA leaders and members, the legislature overwhelmingly voted to approve all three CSEA recommended appointments earlier this week. All six legislators who rose to explain their votes cited their conversations with CSEA members as the reason for their support. Monroe County Local President Michael Irving was instrumental in making this all happen. Adam Bello personally thanked CSEA members at the meeting for helping to deliver this win. It is another example of how important it is to support those who support us regardless of political party. It is also another strong example of how powerful CSEA members are when we get engaged and involved!

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
Election committee appointments were due October 15! If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below, please do so as soon as possible.

As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less]. But it’s not too late!

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Attention: Important Election Info for Retiree Division Local and Unit Presidents:  
Your election information will be forthcoming in the Winter edition of the Retiree News.


Did you know your region office can assist you in making calls to your members? Every region office has the means to phone bank, and they can be used to call members to check in with membership, find out what issues or concerns they have and keep them engaged. To set up calls for your local or unit contact your Region Director.

Regional News:
CSEA members participated in Veteran’s Day ceremonies and parades in Regions 1, 4, 5 and 6. On Saturday, November 9, the Long Island Region held their annual Veteran’s Day ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park in Hauppauge, NY. On Monday, November 11, members from the Capital Region marched in the Veteran’s Day parade in downtown Albany. On Saturday, November 9, members from the Central Region marched in the annual Veteran’s Day parade at the New York State Fairgrounds. Also on Saturday, November 9, the Western Region held their annual Veteran’s Day ceremony at the Naval and Military Park in Buffalo. CSEA is proud to salute and support veterans throughout the state!

Team CSEA Region 3 is seeking team members for the 2025 Fishkill Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics New York, which will be held Feb. 15, 2025 at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. The annual fundraiser has become a tradition in the Southern Region and benefits the athletes with disabilities participating in Special Olympics programming. Register for the team here:

Member Benefits Spotlight: Orlando Employee Discounts To Be Discontinued
Effective immediately, CSEA will no longer endorse nor promote Orlando Employee Discounts. It was recently determined that the service levels have declined substantially.  Please destroy any collateral advertising the Orlando Employee Discount benefit. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Member Benefit Department at

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Discipline & Interrogation- Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, November 16, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training – Region 1
Region 1 Office – 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725
Thursday, December 12, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Election Results
Former President Donald Trump defeated Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump will take office working with a new Congress that has flipped to a Republican majority in the US Senate. Control of the House of Representatives is still undetermined as there are several seats that are too close to call.

Here in New York State, CSEA was very successful in many Congressional and State Legislative races. This includes wins by endorsed candidates that are both Republicans and Democrats. Over the years we have built relationships with elected officials not because of what party they belong to, but because of their willingness to fight on behalf of CSEA. CSEA helped elect endorsed Republican Senators Jack Martins and Rob Rolison along with Assemblymembers Mary Beth Walsh and Scott Benedett. Similarly, CSEA successfully helped the campaigns of Democrats including Chris Ryan to the State Senate, Paula Kay and John Mannion in their elections to office.

Building these relationships, regardless of party, is important to CSEA because it gives us a seat at the table as important decisions are being made that directly impact the jobs and lives of CSEA members. Thank you to all members, including retiree members, who volunteered to help our endorsed candidates. Your efforts made a difference and is appreciated by those elected officials.

Be Wary of Unauthorized Event Attendees
At a recent conference one of our leaders was approached outside the venue while wearing a CSEA shirt by two suspicious people. They began asking a lot of pointed questions. While we are not sure if this incident was malicious, it is a good reminder there are many groups out there that would like nothing more than to capture any of us giving compromising answers.

As we head into the season of celebrations and gatherings, please be diligent in protecting yourself and your members. Badges or name tags that identify CSEA should not be worn outside conference, meeting or event venues. Be wary of strangers asking odd questions and/or attempting to take videos of you or your members at events. Anyone not authorized to be in attendance should be removed. If you do experience any of this please make sure to report it to your Labor Relations Specialist or region office as soon as possible. We must all remain diligent and work together to fend off the constant anti-union attacks that are likely to keep coming our way.

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
Election committee appointments were due October 15! If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below, please do so as soon as possible.

As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less]. But it’s not too late!

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Attention: Important Election Info for Retiree Division Local and Unit Presidents:  
Your election information will be forthcoming in the Winter edition of the Retiree News.


Did you know Under the Taylor Law, the Triborough Amendment mandates that in the event of a lack of a contract, the terms of the previous contract for public sector workers continue indefinitely. This amendment protects public sector workers when contracts expire and before an agreement is reached, as otherwise, employers could simply wait until contracts expire and then unilaterally alter the terms.

Regional News:
The CSEA Region 4 Veteran’s Committee is making their final push for participants: on November 11, CSEA Capital Region members will march in Albany’s Veteran’s Day Parade. Meet the CSEA contingent at the corner of Ontario and Central. The parade kicks off at 11:00 am and will march to the CSEA Headquarters parking lot at 143 Washington Avenue. RSVP to the region office at 518.782.4400 or

Team CSEA Region 3 is seeking team members for the 2025 Fishkill Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics New York, which will be held Feb. 15, 2025 at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. The annual fundraiser has become a tradition in the Southern Region and benefits the athletes with disabilities participating in Special Olympics programming. Register for the team here:

Member Benefits Spotlight: Holiday Travel Deals
With the holidays quickly approaching, will you be traveling to visit family and friends? If so, check out Member Deals, an exclusive CSEA benefit featuring discounted hotels, rental cars, and entertainment. Visit: to get started!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, November 9, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Westbury (Region 1) **
Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation- Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, November 16, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Thursday, November 14, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training – Region 1
Region 1 Office – 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725
Thursday, December 12, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 31, 2024

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

CSEA Members – Flex Your Political Power
There are only a few more days until Election Day is upon us, and CSEA encourages all of our members to exercise your right to vote. Doing so is not only your opportunity to support your preferred candidates, but CSEA members voting is a prime opportunity to show the power of CSEA.

Each election, a goal of ours is to have a high member turnout at the ballot box. And every single year, CSEA members come out and vote at a significantly higher rate than that of the general public, firmly illustrating that CSEA members are informed voters who want to express their voice. This show of strength in our elections is CSEA flexing our power, a power which is noticed by politicians at each level of government.  This power can influence contracts. This power protects retirement security. This power improves working conditions.  This power can better the lives of CSEA members and their families.  

Early voting is available through Sunday, November 3rd, and on Election Day (November 5th), polls are open from 6:00 am – 9:00 pm.  For more information and a list of CSEA endorsed candidates, visit

Central Labor Council forms are due November 1
Recently Local Presidents received a letter and a form to appoint delegates to Central Labor Councils (CLCs) in your region. CLC delegates play a vital role in the relationship between our union and the greater labor community. These forms are due back to CSEA by Friday, November 1. They can be sent to Executive Vice President Ron Briggs at or faxed to his attention at (518) 436-0398.

Be Wary of Unauthorized Event Attendees
At a recent conference one of our leaders was approached outside the venue while wearing a CSEA shirt by two suspicious people. They began asking a lot of pointed questions. While we are not sure if this incident was malicious, it is a good reminder there are many groups out there that would like nothing more than to capture any of us giving compromising answers.

As we head into the season of celebrations and gatherings, please be diligent in protecting yourself and your members. Badges or name tags that identify CSEA should not be worn outside conference, meeting or event venues. Be wary of strangers asking odd questions and/or attempting to take videos of you or your members at events. Anyone not authorized to be in attendance should be removed. If you do experience any of this please make sure to report it to your Labor Relations Specialist or region office as soon as possible. We must all remain diligent and work together to fend off the constant anti-union attacks that are likely to keep coming our way.

The Freedom Foundation’s tricks are no treat!
The latest literature from the Freedom Foundation again attempts to destroy our union by scamming members into opting out. Of course, they fail to point out how much our union members gain by being part of the union. Why would we expect the Freedom Foundation to tell the truth? It is up to us to make sure members know the real deal.

Find out more at

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
Election committee appointments were due October 15! If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below, please do so as soon as possible.

As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less]. But it’s not too late!

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

CSEA Communications Department receives awards
The International Labor Communications Association (ILCA) has awarded the CSEA Communications Department for their outstanding work. They were awarded an honorable mention, a third place award and two first place awards across three categories for their work. For full coverage of the awards please visit


Did you know CSEA offers more than just constitutionally mandated officer trainings? Members can learn about a variety of topics and gain essential skills through trainings such as contract negotiations, labor history, public speaking and much more! View the full list of in-person and virtual trainings at

Regional News:
Team CSEA Region 3 is seeking team members for the 2025 Fishkill Polar Plunge benefiting Special Olympics New York, which will be held Feb. 15, 2025 at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. The annual fundraiser has become a tradition in the Southern Region and benefits the athletes with disabilities participating in Special Olympics programming. Register for the team here:

Capital Region 4 invites you to march in Albany’s Veteran’s Day Parade on November 11. Meet the CSEA contingent at the corner of Ontario Street and Central Avenue. The parade kicks off off at 11am and will march to the CSEA headquarters parking lot at 143 Washington Avenue. Please RSVP to the region office at 518.782.4400 or

Member Benefits Spotlight: Shop Hot Brands With Purchasing Power!
As we start to approach the holidays, it’s time to think about gift giving. Through CSEA’s member benefit with Purchasing Power, you can shop for the most popular and trending brands including Apple, PlayStation, Barbie and much more! This benefit allows you to purchase today and pay over 12 months with no interest or credit check! There’s even a gift guide of thoughtful, curated gifts to make your holiday shopping experience convenient and fun. Start shopping today at

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Watertown (Region 5)
Saturday, November 2, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, November 9, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation- Staten Island (Region 2)

Saturday, November 9, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (212) 401-2156 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Westbury (Region 1) **

Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation- Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, November 16, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Monday, November 4, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION

Wednesday, November 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION

Thursday, November 14, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training – Region 1
Region 1 Office – 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725
Thursday, December 12, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 24, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

CSEA turns 114 years old today
On October 24, 1910, a group of State workers convened in Albany to form the Association of State Civil Service Employees. In 1946, as local government workers were welcomed, the name was changed to the Civil Service Employees Association. We were strong back then and 114 years later we’re even stronger!

The Freedom Foundation’s tricks are no treat!
The latest literature from the Freedom Foundation again attempts to destroy our union by scamming members into opting out. Of course, they fail to point out how much our union members gain by being part of the union. Why would we expect the Freedom Foundation to tell the truth? It is up to us to make sure members know the real deal.

Find out more at

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
Election committee appointments were due October 15! If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below, please do so as soon as possible.

As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less]. But it’s not too late!

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Free Covid-19 tests are available again
Americans can once again order free at-home COVID-19 tests from the federal government starting September 26 and ahead of the upcoming respiratory virus season. Each household is eligible to receive four at-home test kits, which can be requested from, and will be shipped for free through the U.S. Postal Service.


Did you know reducing the public sector work force is an action Project 2025 calls for? At a time when staffing remains a critical issue, they want to REDUCE the number of workers!

Find out more:

Regional News:
Western Region 6 will be hosting a trunk-or-treat at the Amherst Office, 120 Pineview Drive, Amherst, NY 14228 on Saturday, October 26 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm. All are welcome! To RSVP please contact Region 6 Communications Specialist Sydney Thomas at

Capital Region 4 invites you to march in Albany’s Veteran’s Day Parade on November 11. Meet the CSEA contingent at the corner of Ontario Street and Central Avenue. The parade kicks off off at 11am and will march to the CSEA headquarters parking lot at 143 Washington Avenue. Please RSVP to the region office at 518.782.4400 or

The CSEA Metropolitan Region Women’s & Education Committees joined forces to walk in the  Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2024 in New York’s iconic Central Park over the weekend. The walk was supported by members from the New York> State Metropolitan Employees Local 010, Region II Taxation and Finance Local 460, New York Metropolitan Retirees Local 910, Lifespire Local 762 and SUNY Downstate Local 646.

In the Southern Region, Orange County Unit activists took part last weekend in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer fundraising walk held at the Woodbury Commons Premium Outlets in Central Valley. Taking part in this annual event during Breast Cancer Awareness Month has become an annual tradition for the Orange County Unit.

Member Benefits Spotlight: In your own words!
We have a wealth of great member benefits, but don’t just take my word for it! Listen to what members have to say about benefits like Broadview Federal Credit Union: “My son needed to purchase a new vehicle and banks were offering ridiculously high interest rates. We contacted Broadview and they gave him a significantly lower rate on a brand-new car. Our union is about more than saving a job. My experience with using the endorsed vendors that have been vetted by CSEA is that I drive home the value that we receive by choosing to be union members.” – Hattie Adams, Westchester County Local and Unit President.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Discipline & Interrogation- E. Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, October 26, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Gloversville (Region 4)**

Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Watertown (Region 5)
Saturday, November 2, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, November 9, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation- Staten Island (Region 2)

Saturday, November 9, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (212) 401-2156 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Westbury (Region 1) **

Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation- Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, November 16, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Wednesday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training – Region 1
Region 1 Office – 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725
Thursday, December 12, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
Election committee appointments were due October 15! If you have not completed and returned the form referenced below, please do so as soon as possible.

As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board was to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less]. But it’s not too late!

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Congratulations to our award winning activists!
At our 114th Annual Delegates Meeting last week several activists were honored for their achievements and contributions to CSEA. The Nadra Floyd Award for growing our union was given to Deborah Maya Melito, President of the Babylon School District Clerical Unit. The Membership Achievement Award was awarded to Catalina Guzman, 4th Vice President of the Finger Lakes DDSO Local for working hard to sign up every possible member. The Danny Donohue Leadership Awards were given to Bonnie Peters, President of the Chautauqua County Local for the Local Government Division, Darlene Devlin, Vice President of the Region I Judiciary Local for State Division and Aleta Palmer, President of the Metz Culinary Management at Erie County Medical Center Local for the Private Sector Division. Please help me in congratulating them all on their well deserved honors!
Free Covid-19 tests are available again
Americans can once again order free at-home COVID-19 tests from the federal government starting September 26 and ahead of the upcoming respiratory virus season. Each household is eligible to receive four at-home test kits, which can be requested from, and will be shipped for free through the US Postal Service.


Did you know reducing the public sector work force, pay and benefits would help further fill the bank accounts of the already wealthy? Project 2025 doesn’t even try to hide that this is what they want to do!

Find out more:

Regional News:
Members of the Long Island Region will participate in a trunk-or-treat on October 19 hosted by the LCLAA, CBTU and Pride@Work. It will be held on October 19 from 4:00 pm – 7:00 am at the Long Island Federation of Labor, 390 Rabro Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788. Bring the kids and join in for some Halloween fun!

Western Region 6 will be hosting a trunk-or-treat at the Amherst Office, 120 Pineview Drive, Amherst, NY 14228 on Saturday, October 26 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm. All are welcome! To RSVP please contact Region 6 Communications Specialist Sydney Thomas at  

Member Benefit Spotlight: American, Union-made gear to beat the cold!Looking for some warmer clothing as we head into the colder weather? Gear that shows your CSEA pride? The Ethix Merchandise Market is your answer! They offer quality, American, union-made products so you know you’re supporting labor while looking good doing it. Visit the CSEA Merch market to shop today:

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Unified Court System: State Government Grievance Representation- E. Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, October 19, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, October 19, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation- E. Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, October 26, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Gloversville (Region 4)**

Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Wednesday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training – Region 1
Region 1 Office – 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725
Thursday, December 12, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Treasurer Training for Region 3

The Kartrite Resort and Indoor Water Park, 555 Resorts World Dr., Monticello, NY 12701
Saturday, October 26, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Deadline to register is Monday, October 21, 2024. Call the Region 3 office at (845) 831-1000 to register.
Registrants for this Treasurer training do not need to attend the Region 3 conference.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

This week is our 114th Annual Delegates Meeting. Attendees are having a great time, including attending workshops, conducting vital business and getting some fresh, new ideas to bring home! I have no other report this week, but if you aren’t attending make sure to ask someone who is here about it!

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,
I’m excited that next week is our 114th Annual Delegates Meeting. Attendees are in for a great time, including workshops, awards, conducting vital business and some fresh, new ideas to bring home! I won’t have a report next week, but if you aren’t attending make sure to ask someone who did about it!

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, now is the time to appoint your Election Committees. More specifically, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board is to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less].

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

Free Covid-19 tests are available again
Americans can once again order free at-home COVID-19 tests from the federal government starting September 26 and ahead of the upcoming respiratory virus season. Each household is eligible to receive four at-home test kits, which can be requested from, and will be shipped for free through the US Postal Service.
CSEA is polling members ahead of November elections
As we head toward Election Day on November 5, I want to inform you that our union’s Legislative and Political Action Department is calling members with some important political polling questions. These calls have 518-257-1000 as the caller ID and are completely legitimate. Please encourage members to take these calls and answer the questions openly and honestly to help inform us.


Did you know Project 2025 seeks to curtail reproductive rights? They would cut funding to Planned Parenthood, deny access to certain drugs and even criminalize distribution of them!

Find out more:

Regional News:
Southern Region union visibility at San Gennaro Feast
CSEA leaders from the Westchester Medical Center Unit and Putnam County Local represented our union at this weekend’s San Gennaro Feast held at Veterans Park in Carmel.
Festival organizers offered a table so CSEA members visiting the event could stop by for information on our union. Volunteering to represent CSEA at the event were Sue Fontana and Marisol Lugo of the Westchester Medical Center Unit and Lesliann Piraino and Craig Cotone of the Putnam County Local.

Niagara members support local schoolchildren
Members from Niagara County Local 832, Unit 7650 recently held a very successful school supply drive for the second year in a row! They were able to donate an entire table full of items to the schools in the Barker School District for use by the schoolchildren this year.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Free $10,000 Accidental Death Benefit
All CSEA members are automatically covered by a FREE $10,000 Accidental Death Benefit. If you were to pass away accidentally on or off the job, your designated beneficiary will receive $10,000 from the union. This valuable benefit has helped approximately 100 families recover from a sudden tragic loss. Be sure to complete the beneficiary form today by visiting:

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Unified Court System: State Government Grievance Representation- E. Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, October 19, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, October 19, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation- E. Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, October 26, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Gloversville (Region 4)**

Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Thursday, October 17, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation RECERTIFICATION
Wednesday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, October 15, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Deadline to register is October 4. Call your region office to register.

Treasurer Training for Region 3

The Kartrite Resort and Indoor Water Park, 555 Resorts World Dr., Monticello, NY 12701
Saturday, October 26, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Deadline to register is Monday, October 21, 2024. Call the Region 3 office at (845) 831-1000 to register.
Registrants for this Treasurer training do not need to attend the Region 3 conference.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Remembering William “Bill” Lucy
It is with a heavy heart I inform you longtime labor leader, civil rights activist and dear friend to CSEA, William “Bill” Lucy passed away at his home. Bill was one of the most influential leaders in the history of the labor movement.

He helped our international union, AFSCME, grow in membership and stay strong, serving as International Secretary-Treasurer from 1972 to 2010. Bill also dedicated his life to fighting for justice for working people and the Black community.

His numerous accomplishments include co-founder and President of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU), 1972-2013. CBTU is an AFL-CIO constituency group that is an independent voice of black workers within the trade union movement, challenging organized labor to be more relevant to the needs and aspirations of Black and poor workers.

Also a legendary civil rights leader, Bill marched alongside the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to fight for justice, including on behalf of striking AFSCME sanitation workers, and fought tirelessly to end apartheid in South Africa.

Bill was a strong and powerful advocate who advanced the causes of labor and civil rights through everything he did. He was a true friend to labor and to CSEA. He will be greatly missed, but his legacy will live on through all who knew and loved him. Please keep his family in your thoughts during this difficult time.

CSEA is entitled to information from employers by law
The Taylor Law is part of the NYS Civil Service Law and entitles public employees to organize into unions, forces employers to bargain with unions in good faith regarding terms and conditions of employment, determines placement of titles within bargaining units and certifies bargaining agents when unorganized public employees petition the Public Employment Relations Board to represent them.

As part of Taylor Law rights, CSEA is entitled to the names, addresses, titles and work locations of bargaining unit employees that we represent. This coming week, CSEA is sending out letters to counties throughout the state requesting that information which we are entitled to by law.

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, now is the time to appoint your Election Committees. More specifically, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board is to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less].

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

CSEA is polling members ahead of November elections
As we head toward Election Day on November 5, I want to inform you that our union’s Legislative and Political Action Department is calling members with some important political polling questions. These calls have 518-257-1000 as the caller ID and are completely legitimate. Please encourage members to take these calls and answer the questions openly and honestly to help inform us.


Did you know corporations pay way too much tax? Project 2025 sure thinks so. They want to reduce taxes for corporations by nearly $30 billion!

Find out more:

Regional News:
Warren County member action brings home a new contract
The CSEA Warren County Unit ratified its contract Tuesday after running a successful contract mobilization campaign. The agreement, which includes annual wage increases, is retroactive to January 1, 2024 and runs through December 2027. Members engaged in visibility activities in the county, attended public meetings and ran a campaign to have people email county supervisors in support of a new agreement.
Member Benefit Spotlight – Broadview’s $20,000 Win and Give Sweepstakes

CSEA members have three exclusive member benefits with Broadview Federal Credit Union. We are pleased to announce that Broadview is offering a chance to win $10,000 and a vote to give $10,000 to a local nonprofit. An email announcing this sweepstakes will be sent to CSEA members in the next week or two and will be titled $20,000 WIN + Give. This email will also mention the CSEA Mastercard and its special, low fixed rate for CSEA members. This is not a scam, so feel free to enter and good luck!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


**There are no scheduled in-person trainings at this time.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, October 15, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Deadline to register is October 4th. Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Region 3

The Kartrite Resort and Indoor Water Park located at 555 Resorts World Dr., Monticello, NY 12701
Saturday, October 26, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Deadline to register is Monday, October 21, 2024. Call the Region 3 office at (845) 831-1000 to register.
Registrants for this Treasurer training do not need to attend the Region 3 conference.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

National POW/MIA Recognition Day
On Friday, September 20, we recognize those who served in the military and became prisoners of war, and those who served but are still missing in action. Our military personnel and veterans deserve our greatest gratitude for their willingness to risk their lives to defend us. Join me in remembering those who paid the price for their willingness to serve by being taken prisoner or never making it home again. They are not forgotten.

Attention: Important Election Info for Public and Private Sector Local and Unit Presidents
As you may know, the term of office for current Local and Unit officers will expire on June 30, 2025.

According to the Local and Unit Constitutions, now is the time to appoint your Election Committees. More specifically, by October 15, 2024, each Executive Board is to select (1) a Chairperson and Election Committee, or (2) an Election Meeting Chair [an option if your membership is 150 members or less].

CSEA’s Statewide Election Committee (SEC) sent a letter on September 9 to each President (or, where applicable, to the CSEA Administrators) with detailed instructions. An Election Data Form was also enclosed, which is to be completed and returned to CSEA Headquarters.

Please refer to the September letter for procedural requirements. You may contact the SEC at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1447 or, if you, as President or Administrator, did not receive this important letter.

CSEA is polling members ahead of November elections
As we head toward Election Day on November 5, I want to inform you that our union’s Legislative and Political Action Department is calling members with some important political polling questions. These calls have 518-257-1000 as the caller ID and are completely legitimate. Please encourage members to take these calls and answer the questions openly and honestly to help inform us.


Did you know seniority shouldn’t matter during layoffs, according to Project 2025? They think management should be able to lay off whomever they want!

Find out more:

Regional News:
Long Island Region members rally for respect
After negotiations hit impasse, the CSEA Oyster Bay – East Norwich School District Unit held a contract rally this week. Unit members took to the streets to raise public awareness and support and let management to know they won’t back down from seeking a fair contract!
Member Benefit Spotlight – Hear Your Best With Amplifon
Do your CSEA members know that untreated hearing loss can be linked to cognitive decline? It’s true. Many studies have demonstrated a connection between untreated hearing loss and cognitive impairments such as memory decline, reduced processing speed, and even an increased risk of dementia. Fortunately, new research has provided significant evidence that hearing aids could play a crucial role in reducing these risks. Don’t let your members ignore hearing changes. It is never too early to schedule a hearing exam especially when it is Free for CSEA members and their families. The first step to hearing health starts here.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Yonkers (Region 3)

Saturday, September 21, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation –Bath (Region 6)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Medford (Region 1)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, September 23, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation

Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, October 15, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Deadline to register is October 4th. Call your Region to register.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Join me in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Every year from September 15 – October 15, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. September 15 marks the anniversary of the independence of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico celebrates their independence day on September 16 and Chile celebrates theirs on September 18. Join me in recognizing and celebrating the history, culture and contributions of all those in our union family who are Hispanic!
Recognizing and celebrating Direct Support Professionals
This year the week of September 8 – 14 is designated as Direct Support Professional Week. During this week we recognize the incredible work that our union members in this field do every day with some of our state’s most vulnerable citizens. They take such great care of the clients they are responsible for and treat them just like family. Direct Support Professionals deserve incredible amounts of gratitude for what they do every day. Join me in recognizing and celebrating Direct Support Professionals for their hard work and dedication!


Did you know your pay shouldn’t be guaranteed by contract, it should be at the discretion of management? Those who support Project 2025 believe that!

Find out more:

Regional News:
Metropolitan Region remembers 9/11 victims
CSEA members who work for the NYS Department of Taxation & Finance were joined by Acting Commissioner of Tax and Finance Amanda Hiller, as well as colleagues and friends for a Memorial Ceremony to honor co-workers who lost their lives during the 9/11 attacks.
“Please know that your loved ones are not forgotten,” Hiller told the crowd. CSEA Region II Taxation and Finance Local President Felicia McCollough shared inspirational remarks and the names of the departed were read while a bell was rung at an altar honoring each life lost.

Village of Southampton Unit members take action to demand respect
After members in CSEA’s Village of Southampton Unit held a successful rally to demand respect from management, a story appeared in the New York Post. Members held the rally to demand respect from management, who have been slowly chipping away at the unit’s overtime, have been slow to respond to requests and delayed signing their contract until the day of the rally.  This is another great example of members taking action to get the results they want!

Road to Community Service

Alfred Prater, a CSEA member for 38 years at Troy School District, was recently honored by the City of Troy. A street was designated Al Prater Way by the city in recognition of his 40 years of commitment to his community through his work with the Troy Boys & Girls Clubs. Congratulations, Al!

Member Benefit Spotlight – Protect Yourself with Pearl Insurance:

CSEA Group Sponsored Critical Illness Insurance can help fill the financial gaps that traditional medical and disability insurance leave.  This policy provides funds to use any way you choose and covers six major illnesses including cancer, stroke, and Alzheimer’s Disease.  A $100 wellness benefit is available every year offsetting the cost of the premiums! Guaranteed Issue Benefit Amounts now up to $50,000! Visit for more information or call and speak to a CSEA Insurance Representative today at 877-VIP-CSEA (847-2732)

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Yonkers (Region 3)

Saturday, September 21, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation –Bath (Region 6)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Medford (Region 1)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, September 23, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation

Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – CSEA Headquarters, Albany

Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – Region 5 (Syracuse)
Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, October 15, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Deadline to register is October 4th. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

We will never forget
Wednesday, September 11 marks the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our country that claimed thousands of lives. Five of those were our own CSEA members working at the Tax and Finance building in New York City: Yvette Anderson, Florence Cohen, Harry Goody, Marian “Marty” Hrycak and Dorothy Temple. Please take a moment to remember our fallen brothers and sisters on this solemn day.

CSEA legislative victories help with recruitment and retention
This week, Governor Hochul signed three of CSEA’s priority bills into law. The new laws will help continue our efforts to increase employee recruitment and retention. The bills that were signed will:

  • Allow time spent in provisional status to count towards time required for a promotional exam. This legislation will give CSEA members who were provisional the ability to take promotional examinations faster than they currently are able and grow their career in the public sector. (S.8557 / A.9386)
  • Encourage more people to take civil service examinations by allowing individuals who are within 12 months of meeting the age or education requirements of a civil service job to take an exam for that position. Current law requires a person to be within 6 months of meeting the age requirement. This legislation will allow prospective employees to get their foot in the door early, reducing the time they need to wait between meeting the job requirements and beginning a career in the public sector. Public employers will better be able to recruit students who are in their final year of a degree or education program and help fill the pipeline for critical public sector jobs. (S.8216 / A.8876)
  • Require the Department of Civil Service to review and update civil service exams every five years. This will help ensure that exams remain relevant to the jobs for which they are seeking candidates. (S.8551/A.9349)

We expect action on additional legislation in the coming weeks and will update you at that time.

We recognize and appreciate CSEA members working in school districts
As students return to learning this school year, CSEA has launched an outreach campaign to ensure that CSEA Student Support Staff and Paraprofessionals know they are appreciated and that their work is vital to the health of our school communities. Local and Unit officers of educational workplaces will be receiving posters of appreciation to add to bulletin boards and other areas of information for members to see. This is also a good opportunity to grow our union by meeting with new hires as soon as possible. For more information on new employee orientations, please email or call (800) 342-4146.


Did you know the elimination of federal spending on education would create a huge deficit for school districts everywhere? That is a clearly stated goal of Project 2025 and something to think about as much of the state returns to school this week!
Find out more:

Support for labor is on the rise!
70% of Americans support labor unions, according to a new Gallup poll. The approval rate is up from 67% last year. Poll results show what CSEA members have known for years – that labor unions help members live better lives, as well as boost the U.S. economy. In recent years, support for unions has been increasing, as workers increasingly realize that unions are the best path for fair pay, benefits and better working conditions. There has been strong public support for labor organizing as well as for recent strikes, including United Auto Workers fighting for fairness.
Last chance to go off to the races with CSEA
CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.

Regional News:
New York City Labor Day Parade
Come cheer on CSEA members from Regions 1, 2 and 3 as they march in the annual Labor Day parade on Saturday, September 7 at 10:00 am. The parade will kick off at 44th Street and Fifth Avenue and proceed north on Fifth Avenue up to 64th Street.

Commissioner Reardon visits Storm King Art Center members
In honor of the 130th anniversary of Labor Day, New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon visited Storm King Art Center in our Southern Region on Monday to meet the workers who recently organized their union with CSEA and ratified their first contracts. A former co-president of SAG-AFTRA, Reardon took an interest in hearing from CSEA members about the workers’ organizing journey and the other cultural worker organizing efforts going on across the country through AFSCME’s Cultural Workers United initiative. CSEA activists Bam Bowen (a visitor services team lead) and Adela Goldsmith (a curatorial assistant), with assistance from co-workers, took Reardon and her staff on a tour of SKAC and provided her with information about the artists’ works that line the 500-acre outdoor sculpture park.

County Executive greets CSEA Labor Day parade participants
Erie County Local members participating in the Buffalo Labor Day parade were greeted by Mark Poloncarz, Erie County Executive. Poloncarz, who has been a supporter of CSEA, also joined members for a post-parade picnic. It’s important to keep up good relationships with those who support us!

Member Benefit Spotlight – Get ready for fall!
Back to school means cooler weather is on the way. Did you know you can save on home heating oil with CSEA’s NYPIRG member benefit? NYPIRG is a non-profit company that uses collective buying power to lower energy costs. Find out more and enroll for free at:

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Discipline & Interrogation- Binghamton (Region 5)
Wednesday, September 18 and Thursday, September 19, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (607) 772-1750 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Yonkers (Region 3)

Saturday, September 21, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation –Bath (Region 6)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Medford (Region 1)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, September 10, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Thursday, September 12, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act
Thursday, September 12, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification

Monday, September 23, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation

Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – CSEA Headquarters, Albany

Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – Region 5 (Syracuse)
Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, October 15th, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Deadline to register is October 4th. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

A special Labor Day message!
Labor Day is perhaps the most significant observance for the labor movement. This is when we celebrate the many achievements of working people. We also look to the labor movement’s future and show our collective power by proudly participating in parades and other events.

As we recognize and appreciate the efforts of all those before us, we also look ahead. We still must fight for respect and dignity. We follow in the footsteps of those who brought us this far by coming together, showing our strength and improving our working conditions.

On Labor Day, CSEA members will be putting their power and pride on display at events in communities throughout New York State.

As we celebrate Labor Day this year, I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude for everything you do every day. I wish you and your loved ones a safe and Happy Labor Day!

I encourage you to attend events in your area and SHOW YOUR UNION PRIDE!

Here’s a list of events we are aware of:

New York City Labor Day Parade
– members from Regions 1, 2 and 3 will gather to march in the annual Labor Day parade on Saturday, September 7 at 10:00 am. To register visit Those who register will be sent more information about the parade, meeting places and lineup times.

Capital District Labor Day Family Celebration
– The Capital District Area Labor Federation will host this on Monday, September 2 from 12:00 – 4:00 pm at the American Legion Mohawk Post 1450, 275 Grooms Road, Clifton Park, NY. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage and peppers, steamed clams, drinks and more, as well as outdoor games, a rock climbing wall and a bounce house for kids. For more information or to register visit

Syracuse Labor Day Parade
– The New York State Fair culminates in a Labor Day parade on Monday, September 2 at 10:30am at the fairgrounds. After stopping by to visit CSEA’s booth, participate in the parade!

Rochester Labor Day Parade
– The parade will kick off at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2. The parade will start at the corner of East Avenue and Union Street. Lineup will begin at 10:00 am. For more information visit

Buffalo Labor Day Parade
– The parade will start at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2. This year’s parade theme is “Honoring our past, committing to our future.” Lineup will begin at 10am at Dorrance Avenue and McKinley Parkway. The parade route will be McKinley Parkway, Red Jacket Parkway and Warren Spahn Way. A cookout will follow the parade in Cazenovia Park. Registration is required to march in the parade. For more information visit

We recognize and appreciate CSEA members working in school districts
As students return to learning this school year, CSEA has launched an outreach campaign to ensure that CSEA Student Support Staff and Paraprofessionals know they are appreciated and that their work is vital to the health of our school communities. Local and Unit officers of educational workplaces will be receiving posters of appreciation to add to bulletin boards and other areas of information for members to see. This is also a good opportunity to grow our union by meeting with new hires as soon as possible. For more information on new employee orientations, please email or call (800) 342-4146.


Did you know you can have political updates, news and important information delivered right to your personal email? Subscribe to This Week in Albany which provides a weekly snapshot of what happened in Albany that directly affects CSEA members throughout the state! Sign up here:


Did you know if Project 2025 had its way, tax dollars would go to private schools for wealthy children? This would have a significant negative impact on public school system funding!

Find out more:

One last chance: see the New York Yankees this weekend!
CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday August 30 to Sunday, September 1, using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!
Race weekend at Watkins Glen
CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.
Regional News:
Our Southern Region recently held a very successful fundraising golf classic tournament. The event is the primary fundraiser for region scholarships and disaster relief grants for members in need.

Also in our Southern Region, CSEA had a great week at our Dutchess County Fair booth. A total of 723 CSEA members signed in at the booth and received their member exclusive giveaway. In addition to answering members’ questions and educating them on the resources available through our union, volunteers at the CSEA booth heard overwhelmingly positive feedback about members’ CSEA-negotiated benefits, strong recent contract agreements, and a general excitement over the current growth in the Labor Movement!
Member Benefit Spotlight –Use the Staples Member Benefit for Back to School!
CSEA is proud to partner with Staples to offer custom program pricing on hundreds of essential back to school items.
Visit and receive free shipping regardless of order size!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Discipline & Interrogation- Binghamton (Region 5)
Wednesday, September 18 and Thursday, September 19, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (607) 772-1750 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Yonkers (Region 3)

Saturday, September 21, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation –Bath (Region 6)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation –Medford (Region 1)

Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, September 10,  6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Thursday, September 12, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act
Thursday, September 12, 6 pm to 8 pm
To register:

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification

Monday, September 23, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation

Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – CSEA Headquarters, Albany

Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – Region 5 (Syracuse)
Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.


Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 18th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 11th. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

LAST CALL: Register for our 114th Annual Delegates Meeting by August 26!
This year’s ADM will be from October 7 – 11 at the Sheraton Times Square in New York City. Please check with your Local President to see if you are attending and then make your plans to join us! The deadline to register for hotels and workshops is August 26. More information, as well as hotel and workshop registration, can be found at


Membership Meetings are constitutionally required!

Local meetings:
General membership meetings of the Local shall be held at least two (2) times annually, however, Locals having more than 5,000 members are not required to hold two (2) general membership meetings per year if they require each Unit of the Local to hold at least four (4) general membership meetings per year and written reports of these Unit meetings are submitted to the Local Executive Board.

Unit Meetings:

General membership meetings of the Unit shall be held at least two (2) times annually, however, Locals having 5,000 members or more may require Units chartered by them to have four (4) general membership meetings a year and to file written reports of those meetings with the Local Executive Board.

Please make sure you are holding membership meetings regularly in accordance with the Constitution!


Project 2025 is openly calling for Congress to eliminate public-sector unions?
Find out more:

Show the world our power and pride for Labor Day!
Labor Day is a time to proudly celebrate and reflect on the accomplishments and power of the labor movement. I encourage you to attend and participate in events in your area and SHOW YOUR UNION PRIDE!

Here’s a list of events we are aware of. If your Local or Unit is planning or participating in an event, please let your region know!

New York City Labor Day Parade
– members from Regions 1, 2 and 3 will gather to march in the annual Labor Day parade on Saturday, September 7 at 10:00 am. To register visit Those who register will be sent more information about the parade, meeting places and lineup times.

Capital District Labor Day Family Celebration
– The Capital District Area Labor Federation will host this on Monday, September 2 from 12:00 – 4:00 pm at the American Legion Mohawk Post 1450, 275 Grooms Road, Clifton Park, NY. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage and peppers, steamed clams, drinks and more, as well as outdoor games, a rock climbing wall and a bounce house for kids.

Syracuse Labor Day Parade
– The New York State Fair culminates in a Labor Day parade on Monday, September 2 at 10:30am at the fairgrounds. After stopping by to visit CSEA’s booth, participate in the parade!

Rochester Labor Day Parade
– The parade will kick off at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2. The parade will start at the corner of East Avenue and Union Street. Lineup will begin at 10:00 am. For more information or to find forms to register to march visit

Buffalo Labor Day Parade –
The parade will start at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2. This year’s parade theme is “Honoring our past, committing to our future.” Lineup will begin at 10am at Dorrance Avenue and McKinley Parkway. The parade route will be McKinley Parkway, Red Jacket Parkway and Warren Spahn Way. A cookout will follow the parade in Cazenovia Park. Registration is required to march in the parade. For more information or to register to participate, visit

There’s still time: see the New York Yankees or NASCAR race weekend at Watkins Glen
CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday August 30 to Sunday, September 1 using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!

In the Western part of the state, CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.

Regional News:
Visit CSEA at the New York State and Dutchess Fairs!
Our booths at both fairs are open! Members can stop by and get a special gift for checking in with us. For more information on the New York State Fair, visit and for the Dutchess County Fair, visit

State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli visits Retiree Members in Region 6
Last week, members of Buffalo-Niagara Frontier Retirees Local 903 got a special visit from our good friend State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli. He met with members and gave them updates about their pensions.

Member Benefit Spotlight – Take Advantage of the Met Life Legal Plan Today!

In need of a will, a power of attorney, a health care proxy, estate planning or a trust? Consider enrolling in CSEA’s legal services plan through Met Life and have all those important documents drawn up for only $16.30/month. The plan also covers dozens of other issues, including traffic violations, real estate matters and even divorce. Enrollees never pay the attorney’s hourly fee when using a network attorney for any covered matter. Call 800-821-6400 for more information.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 3 (Orangeburg)
Saturday, August 24, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call: (845) 831-1000 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Advanced Grievance: Introduction to Contract Interpretation
Monday, August 26, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Advanced Steward: Building An Activist Network

Tuesday, August 27, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – CSEA Headquarters, Albany

Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – Region 5 (Syracuse)
Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.


Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 18th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 11th. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Register today for our 114th Annual Delegates Meeting
This year’s ADM will be from October 7 – 11 at the Sheraton Times Square in New York City. Please check with your Local President to see if you are attending and then make your plans to join us! The deadline to register for hotels and workshops is August 26. More information as well as hotel and workshop registration can be found at
SCAM ALERT: Here’s a scam we haven’t seen before!
I learned this week of a new scam email targeting members. This one contained the CSEA logo and offered an entry into an all inclusive vacation giveaway in an attempt to steal member information. The address it came from was very suspicious and the link was cleverly designed to look like our website. Careful inspection shows it actually linked to, not
This is a good reminder that legitimate emails from CSEA will only come from We must all remain diligent in protecting ourselves from ALL the scams out there.

Let’s show the world our union pride for Labor Day!
We have a chance to show the world how strong and proud we are by attending Labor Day events throughout the state. I would encourage you and your members to participate and show off your CSEA pride!

Here’s a list of events we are aware of. If your Local or Unit is planning or participating in an event, please let your region know!

New York City Labor Day Parade
– members from Regions 1, 2 and 3 will gather to march in the annual Labor Day parade on Saturday, September 7 at 10:00 am. To register visit Those who register will be sent more information about the parade, meeting places and lineup times.

Capital District Labor Day Family Celebration
– The Capital District Area Labor Federation will host this on Monday, September 2 from 12:00 – 4:00 pm at the American Legion Mohawk Post 1450, 275 Grooms Road, Clifton Park, NY. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage and peppers, steamed clams, drinks and more, as well as outdoor games, a rock climbing wall and a bounce house for kids.

Syracuse Labor Day Parade
– The New York State Fair culminates in a labor day parade on Monday, September 2 at 10:30 am at the fairgrounds. After stopping by to visit CSEA’s booth, participate in the parade!

Rochester Labor Day Parade – The parade will kick off at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2. The parade will start at the corner of East Avenue and Union Street. Lineup will begin at 10:00 am. For more information or to find forms to register to march visit

Buffalo Labor Day Parade –
The parade will start at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2. This year’s parade theme is “Honoring our past, committing to our future.” Lineup will begin at 10am at Dorrance Avenue and McKinley Parkway. Tha parade route will be McKinley Parkway, Red Jacket Parkway and Warren Spahn Way. A cookout will follow the parade in Cazenovia Park. Registration is required to march in the parade. For more information or to register to participate visit

New York State designated floating holidays for 2024-2025
The state has designated floating holidays in lieu of fixed holidays for Election Day 2024, and Lincoln’s Birthday 2025 for state government workers in the ASU, ISU, and OSU bargaining units. State offices will be open on these days and members will receive credit for a holiday to be used on a date of their choice. The credit(s) will be carried as separate entries on time records and will not be merged with holiday leave or holiday compensatory time. Each floating holiday must be used by November 4, 2025, and February 11, 2026 respectively.

If you have any questions please contact State Operations at 1-800-342-4146 x1285.

The full advisory memo can be found here:

What’s in my Personal History Folder?
CSEA collective bargaining agreements with New York State, Local Government and those in the Private Sector have contract articles in which the employer is allowed to maintain a Personal History Folder (PHF) for each employee. The PHF may contain documents regarding your hiring, emergency contacts for you, payroll information and performance information such as annual and probationary evaluations, counseling memos, and notices of discipline.

In most contracts, the employer must inform the employee when documents are being placed in your PHF and allow employees to review the contents of their PHF with an employee representative and a union representative present. This allows members the opportunity to see what documents might be out of date. In addition, some contracts allow you to seek to have memorandums of counseling removed after a period of time which is important as those can be used against you in the future.

If your contract does not include removal of memorandums of counseling or other notices of discipline, this might be a demand you want the union to make in future contract negotiations and could be included in contract surveys when gearing up for contract negotiations.

CSEA recommends that members check their contracts regarding PHFs and consult your Grievance Rep, Unit or Local President or your CSEA Labor Relations Specialist if you are unsure of your contractual rights.

CSEA at the Yankees and NASCAR
CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the New York Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1 using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!

In the Western part of the state, CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.

Did You Know Project 2025 doesn’t think you pay enough money in taxes! Project 2025 thinks the wealthy pay too much. Should the wealthy pay less in taxes while everyone else pays more? Find out more:
Regional News:
Southampton Unit members rally for respect
Members of the CSEA Village of Southampton Unit recently held a rally to demand the respect from their employer that they deserve. Members voiced their displeasure with disrespectful management, who have been practicing blatant union busting tactics. A local news outlet attended the event and interviewed the unit’s president and vice president. The article should come out early next week.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Restore the Sounds of Your Life!
CSEA’s hearing program with Amplifon saves members and their families an average of 66% off retail hearing aid prices. In addition, this benefit includes a free initial exam, a free supply of batteries (or a battery charger), free follow-up care, a four year warranty and a 60-day money back guarantee. Amplifon will also coordinate any insurance benefit you may have! Visit or call 866-915-2063.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 5
Saturday, August 17, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call: (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Region 5
Wednesday, August 21, and Thursday, August 22, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government
Discipline and Interrogation – Region 3 (Orangeburg)
Saturday, August 24, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call: (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Region 5
Tuesday, August 27, and Wednesday, August 28, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (607) 772-1750 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Advanced Grievance: Introduction to Contract Interpretation
Monday, August 26, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Advanced Steward: Building An Activist Network

Tuesday, August 27, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – CSEA Headquarters, Albany

Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – Region 5 (Syracuse)
Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.


Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 18th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 11th. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Congratulations to the 2024 CSEA statewide scholarship recipients!
Winners of the Irving Flamenbaum, Pearl Insurance and MetLife Insurance Company scholarships have been announced. I’d like to personally congratulate all the recipients! The list can be found here:
Register today for our 114th Annual Delegates Meeting
This year’s ADM will be from October 7 – 11 at the Sheraton Times Square in New York City. Please check with your Local President to see if you are attending and then make your plans to join us! The deadline to register for hotels and workshops is August 26. More information as well as hotel and workshop registration can be found at

Labor Day Events
The first Monday in September is Labor Day, a very special observance for everyone in the Labor movement. There will be events to celebrate it throughout the state. I would encourage you and your members to attend events and show off your CSEA pride!

Here’s a list of events we are aware of. If your Local or Unit is planning or participating in an event, please let your region know!

New York City Labor Day Parade
– members from Regions 1, 2 and 3 will gather to march in the annual Labor Day parade on Saturday, September 7 at 10:00 am. To register visit Those who register will be sent more information about the parade, meeting places and lineup times.

Capital District Labor Day Family Celebration
– The Capital District Area Labor Federation will host this on Monday, September 2 from 12:00 – 4:00 pm at the American Legion Mohawk Post 1450, 275 Grooms Road, Clifton Park, NY. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage and peppers, steamed clams, drinks and more, as well as outdoor games, a rock climbing wall and a bounce house for kids.

Syracuse Labor Day Parade
– The New York State Fair culminates in a labor day parade on Monday, September 2 at 10:30 am at the fairgrounds. After stopping by to visit CSEA’s booth, participate in the parade!

Rochester Labor Day Parade
– The parade will kick off at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2.

Buffalo Labor Day Parade – The parade will start at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2. Lineup will be at the corner of Dorrance Avenue and McKinley Parkway in Buffalo.

CSEA at the Yankees and NASCAR
CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the New York Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1 using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!

In the Western part of the state, CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.

Did You Know Project 2025 wants to eliminate public employees. They say our pay and benefits are too expensive. Find out more:
Regional News:
Metropolitan Region 2 holds Education and Women’s Committee annual conference
Dozens of CSEA Metropolitan Region 2 activists joined local and statewide officers and staff for the Region 2 Education & Women’s Committee’s Annual Conference. The conference theme, Embracing Change and Transformation, offered members an opportunity to learn and grow as unionists by attending workshops on the retirement system, grievance representation, retirees, workers compensation, political activism, member engagement and so much more. Statewide officers including Executive Vice President Ron Briggs, Statewide Secretary Richard Bebo and Statewide Treasurer Nicole Meeks joined Region 2 President Lester Crockett in welcoming and facilitating many of the discussions throughout the weekend. Special thanks to Education Committee Chair, Felicia McCollough and Co-Chair Adrian Williams and Women’s Committee Chair Darcel Johnson and Co-Chair Charlene Carter and all the members of their respective committees for organizing such a productive and fun-filled conference.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Back to school is right around the corner!
With back to school just a few short weeks away it’s time to start shopping for supplies. This is the perfect time to use CSEA’s member benefit with Staples! This program extends CSEA’s custom pricing program to all CSEA members with free delivery regardless of order size. Register and shop today at

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 5 (Binghamton)**
Tuesday, August 13, and Wednesday, August 14, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (607) 772-1750 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 1
Wednesday, August 14, and Thursday, August 15, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 5
Saturday, August 17, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call: (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Region 5
Wednesday, August 21, and Thursday, August 22, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government
Discipline and Interrogation – Region 3 (Orangeburg)
Saturday, August 24, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call: (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Region 5
Tuesday, August 27, and Wednesday, August 28, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (607) 772-1750 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Rep – Recertification
Wednesday, August 14, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification

Thursday, August 15, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Advanced Grievance: Introduction to Contract Interpretation
Monday, August 26, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Advanced Steward: Building An Activist Network

Tuesday, August 27, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – CSEA Headquarters, Albany

Saturday, September 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.

Pilot: President and Vice President Training (non-certification) – Region 5 (Syracuse)
Monday, September 30, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
This training has been revamped. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on topics covered and suggestions for other topic areas to cover.


Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 18th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 11th. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Freedom Foundation Loses Access to Members’ Information
The Freedom Foundation sent a Freedom of Information (“FOI”) Request to Jefferson County seeking information for each Jefferson County employee who is currently employed in a position covered by a collective bargaining agreement with CSEA/AFSCME Local 1000. With respect to each employee, the Freedom Foundation sought the employee’s first name, middle name, last name, gender, public office address, job title, hire date, agency or department, work email address or naming convention and domain, work telephone number, and bargaining unit.

The County refused to provide the requested information as an unwarranted invasion of privacy and that the Freedom Foundation wanted the information to solicit the employees. The Freedom Foundation sued Jefferson County and the New York Supreme Court found in favor of the Freedom Foundation finding that it was entitled to the information under Freedom of Information Law in New York.

The County appealed, arguing that the Freedom Foundation wants the information for solicitation purposes only which is improper under FOI. The Freedom Foundation argued that it wanted to educate public employees about the 2018 US Supreme Court Janus decision. The New York Appellate Division, 4th Department agreed with Jefferson County, reversed the lower court and dismissed the Freedom Foundation’s lawsuit.

This is a victory for our members’ privacy and protecting them against unwanted solicitations from the Freedom Foundation.

Storm King workers secure their first contracts
Please join me in congratulating CSEA members in the two bargaining units at Storm King Arts Center, both of which have just ratified their first union contracts! Workers there formed their union with CSEA last year and are part of a wave of cultural workers nationwide who’ve decided that it’s better to be union. These initial contracts form an important foundation that workers will build upon in years to come.

We have two bargaining units at SKAC due to National Labor Relations Board regulations that require Visitor Services staff to be in a separate unit, but the workers at SKAC stand united as CSEA Local 720. Click here to read additional contract details. With their new contracts in place CSEA members at Storm King Arts Center are definitely seeing the union difference!

Registration for our 114th Annual Delegates Meeting is now open
This year’s ADM will be from October 7 – 11 at the Sheraton Times Square in New York City. Please check with your Local President to see if you are attending and then make your plans to join us! The deadline to register for hotels and workshops is August 26. More information as well as hotel and workshop registration can be found at
Labor Day Events
The first Monday in September is Labor Day, a very special holiday for everyone in the Labor movement and there will be events to celebrate it throughout the state. I would encourage you and your members to attend events and show off your CSEA pride!
Here’s a list of events we’re aware of. If your Local or Unit is planning or participating in an event, please let your region know!

New York City Labor Day Parade
– members from Regions 1, 2 and 3 will gather to march in the annual parade on Saturday, September 7 at 10:00 am. To register visit

Capital District Labor Day Family Celebration
– The Capital District Area Labor Federation will host this on Monday, September 2 from 12:00 – 4:00 pm at the American Legion Mohawk Post 1450, 275 Grooms Road, Clifton Park, NY. More information is forthcoming.

Syracuse Labor Day Parade
– The New York State Fair culminates in a labor day parade on Monday, September 2 at 10:30 am at the fairgrounds. After stopping by to visit CSEA’s booth, participate in the parade!

Rochester Labor Day Parade
– The parade will kick off at 11:00 am on Monday, September 2.

CSEA at the Yankees and NASCAR
CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday August 30 to Sunday, September 1 using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!

In the Western part of the state, CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.

Did You Know 32 percent of the funding for the New York State Budget comes from the Federal Government. Without this money from the Federal Government, New Yorkers would lose critical aid to education, social services, Medicaid and public safety services just to name a few. These federal funds are essential in securing CSEA member jobs all throughout the state!
Regional News:
Long Island raises money for veterans
The Long Island Veteran’s Committee recently held their annual car wash fundraiser. More CSEA members and volunteers volunteered to work the event than ever before! Their efforts brought in over $2,000 for local veterans in need, shattering previous fundraising efforts.

Member Benefits Spotlight: save on a new PC in time for school!
The new school year is right around the corner!

CSEA members can save an additional 5% at with a best price guarantee on all consumer PC’s! Get ready for the school year by visiting to save today!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Grievance Representation – Region 4 (Albany)**
Tuesday, August 6, and Wednesday, August 7, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (518-257-1363) to register

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation – Region 6
Wednesday, August 7, and Thursday, August 8, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (716-691-6555) to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 5
Tuesday, August 13, and Wednesday, August 14, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (607) 772-1750 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 1
Wednesday, August 14, and Thursday, August 15, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Region 5
Saturday, August 17, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call: (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation- Region 5
Wednesday, August 21, and Thursday, August 22, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government
Discipline and Interrogation – Region 3 (Orangeburg)
Saturday, August 24, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call: (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation- Region 5
Tuesday, August 27, and Wednesday, August 28, 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call: (607) 772-1750 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Rep – Recertification
Monday, August 5, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification

Tuesday, August 6, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Rep – Recertification

Wednesday, August 14, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification

Thursday, August 15th, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Advanced Grievance: Introduction to Contract Interpretation
Monday, August 26th, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Advanced Steward: Building An Activist Network

Tuesday, August 27, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week
The third week of July each year has been designated Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision week. Please join me in recognizing and celebrating all of our CSEA family who work in these jobs to help keep our communities safe every day!
July is Disability Pride Month
Please join me in celebrating Disability Pride Month, celebrated each July to commemorate the July 26, 1990, passage of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The goal of Disability Pride Month is to change how people think about disability, to end internalized shame among those with disabilities and to promote the belief that disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity. I’d also like to acknowledge and thank all the CSEA members who work with New Yorkers with disabilities, often treating them as family members. They are able to live a meaningful and dignified life as a result and we all owe our gratitude!
AFSCME endorses Kamala Harris for President
With the recent news of Joe Biden exiting the Presidential race, AFSCME has endorsed Kamala Harris for President. CSEA has not yet made endorsements in any of this year’s election races but that information will be coming soon. For more information about elections or CSEA endorsements when they are made, visit

CSEA at the Yankees and NASCAR
CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday August 30 to Sunday, September 1 using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!

In the Western part of the state, CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.

Thank you to our representatives at CBTU Region 1 Conference!
I would like to extend a personal thank you to all of the CSEA officers, members and staff who attended the Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU) Region 1 conference last week in Syracuse, NY. I know CSEA was well represented! If you are interested in learning more about CBTU, contact Sharon Lovelady-Hall, CBTU Region 1 Director, at
Did You Know – Project 2025 targets labor unions for elimination!
There has been a lot of buzz recently about Project 2025. The goal of the Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project, in the form of a 900+ page mandate, is to encourage heavily anti-democratic, swift actions that would cut wages and overtime pay, reverse decades of progress for civil rights and reduce rules that provide worker safety, among many other things that target working class Americans. One way Project 2025 will attempt to achieve all this is by targeting and eliminating labor unions, because without labor unions in their way, they can do anything they want to workers. Project 2025 is an effort of the Heritage Foundation and is extremely well-funded by the rich and powerful, who are looking only to become MORE rich and powerful. We cannot let this threat become reality!
Regional News:
City of Lockport members fight for Juneteenth
When the City Council initially voted against making Juneteenth a holiday for City of Lockport CSEA members, they took their argument public. A brief local media campaign resulting in stories in several different media outlets in Lockport led to the City Council voting unanimously to make Juneteenth a holiday for ALL City workers!

Volunteers Needed for the New York State Fair
We are still looking for a few more volunteers to staff our booth at this year’s New York State fair from August 21 to September 2. Volunteers are there to engage with CSEA members and the public about the importance of being a union member. If you are interested in signing up to volunteer, please contact Region 5 Communications Specialist Nicholas Newcomb ( for more information. We will hold a volunteer meeting on August 6 — more information to follow for those who sign up to help out!

Member Benefits Spotlight: save with a Mastercard through Broadview
CSEA partners with Broadview Federal Credit Union to bring CSEA members a low fixed rate Mastercard.  You may already be a member of Broadview and are able to take advantage of this great credit card. With a fixed annual percentage rate as low as 8.90% APR* and no annual fee, it’s a win-win. Let Broadview know if you already have an account so you can start using this CSEA Member Benefit. You can find out more at or call (844) 622-CSEA (2732).

*Annual Percentage Rate. No cash advance fee, balance transfer fee or annual fee. When you apply, an application review determines which type of card you may be eligible to receive.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation Queensbury (Region 4)**
Tuesday, July 30, and Wednesday, July 31 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Canton (Region 5)
Saturday, August 17, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation – Orangeburg (Region 3)
Saturday, August 24, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Friday, July 26, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 12 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

July is Disability Pride Month
Please join me in celebrating Disability Pride Month, celebrated each July to commemorate the July 26, 1990, passage of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The goal of Disability Pride Month is to change how people think about disability, to end internalized shame among those with disabilities and to promote the belief that disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity. I’d also like to acknowledge and thank all the CSEA members who work with New Yorkers with dsaibilities, often treating them as family members. They are able to live a meaningful and dignified life as a result and we all owe our gratitude!
CSEA at the Yankees and NASCAR

CSEA members can save money on tickets for union weekend with the Yankees and support Special Olympics at the same time! The Yankees are offering great seats at even better prices to members for games on Friday August 30 to Sunday, September 1 using this link: Each ticket purchased will result in the Yankees making a $5 donation to the Special Olympics at no extra cost!

In the Western part of the state, CSEA has partnered with NASCAR to offer discounted tickets to Watkins Glen’s Go Bowling at the Glen Race Weekend, September 13-15. Visit and use code WGICSEA to access the discount.

Did You Know: unsubscribing from an email from CSEA means unsubscribing from ALL emails!

Emails sent out by CSEA such as Memer Benefits emails, Safety Net newsletters, This Week in Labor Education, emails we’ve sent on behalf of a local or unit or even these leadership updates all come from the same system. This means that unsubscribing from any of these emails is unsubscribing from ALL of our emails! Please make sure your members know this and don’t miss out on important information. If they have unsubscribed and would like to be resubscribed please have them email for assistance.

Regional News:

Southern Region scholarships awarded

Each year, four $1,000 scholarships are presented to graduating high school seniors whose parents or guardians are members of our union working in the Southern Region. The funds for the scholarship come from proceeds for the annual Southern Region Golf Classic (set for this year for Aug. 23, which is still accepting golfers and sponsorships – details here). This year’s winners are Cassidy Khachetoorian (CSEA Region 3 Scholarship), whose parent is Michelle Arnove, White Plains School District Unit; Gabriel Eherts (Diane Hewitt Scholarship), whose parents are Orange County Unit member Robyn Eherts and Eastchester School District Unit member Daniel Eherts; Jacob Perales (Doug Morrison Scholarship), whose parent is Orange County Unit member Joseph Perales; and Nicolas Merante (Danny Donohue Scholarship), whose guardian is Minisink Valley School District Unit member Nicolas Merante. Congratulations to all the winners and best wishes to all the scholarship applicants!

Member Benefits Spotlight: 20% Off a CSEA Logo T-shirt from Ethix

Are you looking for a new CSEA shirt to show off your union pride? Now through Labor Day CSEA members can save 20% on a union made and union printed CSEA logo t-shirt by using the code CSEASUMMER20 on the CSEA Merchandise Market. Shop now at!
A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, July 20 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation Commack (Region 1)**

Tuesday, July 23, and Wednesday, July 24 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation East Greenbush (Region 4)**

Tuesday, July 23, and Wednesday, July 24 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation New London, CT  (Region 1)

Saturday, July 27 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation Queensbury (Region 4)**

Tuesday, July 30, and Wednesday, July 31 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Canton (Region 5)
Saturday, August 17, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation – Orangeburg (Region 3)
Saturday, August 24, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Required Union Representation

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Saturday, July 20, from 10 am to 12 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 22, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Wednesday, July 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Thursday, July 25, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Friday, July 26, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 12 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Maria Coto’s family will receive $10,000 from the AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund
The family of Maria Coto, a Senior Caseworker in Westchester County who was tragically killed on the job in June, will receive $10,000 from the AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund, which provides relief and immediate assistance to members who fall victim to natural disasters and other tragedies. While no amount of money can replace a loved one, it is my hope this offers a small amount of peace during this difficult time for Maria’s family.
Nominate deserving members by July 12!
Our union has two awards to honor members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. We are now seeking entries for the 2024 Nadra Floyd Award and the 2024 Membership Achievement Award. The submission deadline is July 12, 2024. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, I encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms available. Get more information and the nomination forms at
Did You Know: CSEA policy requires media inquiries to be directed to Communications
If you receive an inquiry from any member of the press it should be directed to the CSEA Communications Department. If the inquiry is about something that has statewide significance or major implications it should be directed to Mat Cantore at 518-257-1270 or If it has local impact it should be directed to your Region Communications Specialist who can be found here: The full media policy can be found on pages 124-125 of your Officer Resource Manual.
Regional News:
Saratoga County Unit Members take action to get a contract
When the County of Saratoga refused to give CSEA members the respect they deserved, they got involved and took action in a successful contract campaign! CSEA members waged a highly visible campaign to bring home a better agreement for themselves. They made sure to be seen everywhere in Saratoga County with signs and materials to put pressure on County leadership and garner public support for their cause. They also held a successful rally at the County building and secured media coverage. All this led to a better tentative agreement, which members ratified this week. The five year deal runs through December 2028. County approval is expected later this month. It’s another great example of how when members get involved, great things happen!
CSEA will be at the New York State Fair
CSEA will be back at the fair this year and we need your help to make our booth a success. We are looking for volunteers to staff our booth throughout the fair (August 21 to September 2). Volunteers are there to engage with CSEA members and the public about the importance of being a union member. If you are interested in signing up to volunteer, please contact Region 5 Communications Specialist Nicholas Newcomb ( for more information. We will hold a volunteer meeting on August 6 — more information to follow for those who volunteer.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Save on a BJ’s Membership!
CSEA members can save on a new or renewed membership at BJ’s Wholesale club! CSEA members who become new BJ’s members receive a twelve-month BJ’s membership including two cards for $20. CSEA members already enrolled can renew their existing BJ’s membership at a $5 discount! Call 1-800-313-8887.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Commack (Region 1)
Saturday, July 13 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, July 20 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation Commack (Region 1)**

Tuesday, July 23, and Wednesday, July 24 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government / Private Sector Grievance Representation East Greenbush (Region 4)**

Tuesday, July 23, and Wednesday, July 24 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation New London, CT  (Region 1)

Saturday, July 27 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation Queensbury (Region 4)**

Tuesday, July 30, and Wednesday, July 31 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Canton (Region 5)
Saturday, August 17, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation – Orangeburg (Region 3)
Saturday, August 24, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Required Union Representation

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 15, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 16, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Wednesday, July 17, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Thursday, July 18, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Saturday, July 20, from 10 am to 12 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 22, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Wednesday, July 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Thursday, July 25, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Friday, July 26, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 12 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

The Freedom Foundation is at it again!
With Independence Day approaching we have learned the Freedom Foundation is once again mailing opt out cards to members with promises of saving money by “doing something revolutionary.”  We must continue to be diligent in calling out these scams to our members. They are more attempts to take away power and strength by trying to trick members into leaving CSEA. If you or your members receive these mailings or other forms of contact from these anti-union groups, please let your region know!
CSEA members deliver for Latimer, Mannion and Bynoe
CSEA members made all the difference in Tuesday’s primary wins across the state! George Latimer in Congressional District 16, John Mannion in Congressional District
22 and Siela Bynoe in New York State Senate District 6 all won their primaries and will appear on the ballot in November. Members spent many weeks doing walks and making phone calls and organizing rallies for the CSEA endorsed candidates and it sure paid off.  I send a big thank you and congratulations to all the members, both active and retired, who took their nights and weekends to make this happen and who showed the power that comes with a CSEA endorsement. You can view all of CSEA’s endorsements and get more information at
Get your proposed resolutions in by July 1
This year at our Annual Delegates Meeting, to be held October 7 – 11 in New York City, we may vote on proposed resolutions. Any member or group of members may submit resolutions by July 1 to be considered.
Nominate deserving members for two prestigious CSEA awards!
Our union has two awards to honor members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. We are now seeking entries for the 2024 Nadra Floyd Award and the 2024 Membership Achievement Award. The submission deadline is July 12, 2024. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, I encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms available. Get more information and the nomination forms at
Pride Month is coming to a close
Pride month will end this week with a few more events. I hope you will join me in supporting our union’s LGBTQ+ members! On Sunday, June 30, CSEA will march in the New York City Pride Festival parade at 11 a.m., beginning at 25th Street and 5th Avenue. The Rochester Pride Parade will be held on Saturday, July 20, at 11 a.m. If your local or unit is participating in any Pride events, please let your region office know!
Did You Know management watches our membership numbers?
It’s worth a reminder: signing up non-members is critical for the power of your local or unit. Greater numbers give us much better ability to stand up to management and improve working conditions, wages and benefits. Management knows who is a member and who is not, and the higher our membership percentage, the stronger our voice in defending what we have and demanding what we deserve. Our power is in BOTH our unity and our numbers and we need to continue to grow!

Regional News:
CSEA Mourns the passing of longtime activist Rose DeSorbo
Rose worked at New York State Economic Development for more than 35 years and served as president of our union’s Deparment of Economic Development Local for much of that time. From 2009-2012, Rosie served as Capital Region 3rd Vice President and also as an AFSCME delegate. After retiring, Rosie was a member of our union’s Capital District Retirees Local 999.

A fixture at union conferences and events, Rose could be found selling raffle tickets, promoting the PEOPLE program and announcing door prize winners while belting out tunes in a raspy soprano until someone stepped in to wrestle the microphone away.

You can view Rose’s obituary and service details here:

Member Benefits Spotlight: Save 10% on your auto insurance!
CSEA members and their family members have access to an online defensive driving course for only $22.95! Upon completion, you will save 10% on your auto insurance for three consecutive years and reduce up to four points on your driving record! Register online at and enter code CSEA.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Commack (Region 1)
Saturday, June 29, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Thursday, June 27, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 1, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 1, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 2, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 2, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 9, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Saturday, July 13, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 15, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 16, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Wednesday, July 17, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Thursday, July 18, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Saturday, July 20, from 10 am to 12 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 22, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Wednesday, July 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Thursday, July 25, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Friday, July 26, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 12 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Join me in observing Juneteenth!
Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day), celebrated on June 19, is the oldest known annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. I encourage you to observe this day by celebrating Black history and culture through participation in Juneteenth events in your area. Contact your local chapter of the NAACP to learn more. For information on your local chapter, visit
Pride Month continues throughout June
A number of Pride events are being held throughout the state in honor of Pride Month. I hope you will join me in supporting our union’s LGBTQ+ members! On Saturday, June 22, CSEA will march in the CNY Pride Parade at Progress Park in Syracuse at 11 a.m. On Sunday, June 30, CSEA will march in the New York City Pride Festival parade at 11 a.m., beginning at 25th Street and 5th Avenue. The Rochester Pride Parade will be held on Saturday, July 20, at 11 a.m. If your local or unit is participating in any Pride events, please let your region office know!
Get your proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution and By-Laws in by June 15!
This year at our Annual Delegates Meeting, to be held October 7 – 11 in New York City, we may vote on proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution and By-Laws. Any member or group of members may submit amendments to be considered.
Nominate deserving members for two prestigious CSEA awards!
Our union has two awards to honor members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. We are now seeking entries for the 2024 Nadra Floyd Award and the 2024 Membership Achievement Award. The submission deadline is July 7 2024. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, I encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms available. Get more information and the nomination forms at
Primary Day in New York is June 25
On June 25, we have the opportunity to vote for candidates in Primary Elections throughout the state. This is the first step in securing strong candidates for Labor. It is important to exercise our right to vote! CSEA has endorsed candidates in several races, including George Latimer for Congress in Southern Region 3 and John Mannion for Congress in Central Region 5. For a full list of candidates CSEA has endorsed and more information, visit
All CSEA systems will be unavailable on June 22 and 23
CSEA will be performing maintenance and upgrades on key systems the weekend of June 22 and 23. All services such as the website, mobile app and the phone system will be unavailable on those days.
CBTU Region 1 Conference in Syrcause
You are invited to the Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU) Region 1 Conference at the Doubletree Hotel, in Syracuse, NY, July 19-21, 2024. Registration is due by June 21. The complete 2024 Region Conference call, with all the necessary forms, can be downloaded by visiting Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.
From the AFSCME Communications Department
AFSCME will be sending three emails to members in June. First up will be an email that will announce the new, online PEOPLE Store at, where members can buy shirts and merchandise. June’s Never Quit email will highlight a Never Quit Service Award recipient and link to a profile. The AFSCME roundup email will include five top-performing blogs from Be on the lookout for all three!
Did you Know? The CSEA Communications Department tells member stories!
CSEA members do amazing things every day, both on and off the job! The CSEA Communications Department can get those stories out through The Work Force, on social media, our union’s website at and even through local and state media outlets. If you have a great story about you or union members, reach out to your region communications specialist. You can find them listed here: Help us tell your best stories!
Regional News:
A new contract for the CSEA Garden City Public Schools Unit
The CSEA Garden City Public Schools Unit has reached a contract agreement with the school district after a successful rally to advocate for themselves. Members took action to move the needle and bring home a tentative agreement that met their needs!

Member Benefit Spotlight: Save on Walt Disney World Tickets!
Do your travel plans include a trip to Walt Disney World? If so, you can get adult tickets at child prices through Member Deals. Visit for more information or to book today!

**Discounts are automatically applied to 3+ day tickets.

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Grievance Representation – Orangeburg (Region 3)
Saturday, June 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**

Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Commack (Region 1)
Saturday, June 29, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Thursday, June 27, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

We mourn the passing of Westchester County Unit member Maria Coto
It is with a very heavy heart that I share the passing of Westchester County Unit member Maria Coto, an employee of the Department of Social Services. Maria died Wednesday morning as a result of horrific injuries sustained on May 14 when she was brutally attacked while conducting a visit in Peekskill. Our hearts go out to her loved ones and her CSEA family in Westchester County. Our union has been in regular contact with county leaders to collaborate on enhancing safety for workers conducting community and home visits. County Executive George Latimer announced initial added security measures last week. This tragedy highlights some of the hazards CSEA members face when working in the community and reinforces why occupational safety and health must always be a top priority.
Pride Month events continue around the state
A number of Pride events are being held throughout the state in honor of Pride Month. I hope you will join me in supporting our union’s LGBTQ+ members! On Saturday, June 22, CSEA will march in the CNY Pride Parade at Progress Park in Syracuse at 11 a.m. On Sunday, June 30, CSEA will march in the New York City Pride Festival parade at 11 a.m., beginning at 25th Street and 5th Avenue. The Rochester Pride Parade will be held on Saturday, July 20, at 11 a.m. If your local or unit is participating in any Pride events, please let your region office know!
All CSEA systems will be unavailable on June 22 and 23
CSEA will be performing maintenance and upgrades on key systems the weekend of June 22 and 23. All services such as the website, mobile app and the phone system will be unavailable on those days.
Get your proposed resolutions in by July 1!
This year at our Annual Delegates Meeting, to be held October 7 – 11 in New York City, we may vote on proposed resolutions. Any member or group of members may submit resolutions by July 1 to be considered.
Nominate deserving members for two prestigious CSEA awards!
Our union has two awards to honor members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. We are now seeking entries for the 2024 Nadra Floyd Award and the 2024 Membership Achievement Award. The submission deadline is July 12, 2024. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, I encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms available. Get more information and the nomination forms at
Registration for CBTU Conference in Syracuse extended to June 25

You are invited to the Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU) Region 1 Conference at the Doubletree Hotel, in Syracuse, NY, July 19-21, 2024.
Registration has been extended to June 25.
The complete 2024 Region Conference call, with all the necessary forms, can be downloaded by visiting Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.
From the AFSCME Communications Department
AFSCME will be sending three emails to members in June. First up will be an email that will announce the new, online PEOPLE Store at, where members can buy shirts and merchandise. June’s Never Quit email will highlight a Never Quit Service Award recipient and link to a profile. The AFSCME roundup email will include five top-performing blogs from Be on the lookout for all three!
Did you Know? Member action helped Fix Tier 6!
Holding rallies, making calls, sending emails and lobbying legislators worked! The enacted state budget includes a change to how pensions are calculated. Tier 6 pensions will now be based on their top three years of earnings instead of five years. This change will increase retirement security for Tier 6, bringing it more in line with earlier pension tiers. This is a great example of how members taking action can make a big difference!
Regional News:
Get out the vote for George Latimer in Congressional District 16
CSEA members are invited to join a labor walk in Westchester County on Sunday, June 23, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in support of George Latimer’s primary for New York’s 16th Congressional District. CSEA has endorsed Latimer, who currently serves as Westchester County Executive, in his bid for Congress. The GOTV efforts will kick off at the CSEA Westchester County Local 860 Office, 595 W. Hartsdale Avenue, White Plains.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Hurt On The Job?
If you are injured on the job or suffer from a work-related illness, Fine Olin and Anderman is there for you!  They will help file the necessary paperwork to establish your claim and an attorney will provide legal representation for your case.  There is no attorney fee payable unless an award is made.  Call Fine Olin and Anderman at 212-267-1650 or visit them online at

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**
Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Commack (Region 1)
Saturday, June 29, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Thursday, June 27, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 1, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 1, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 2, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 2, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 9, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Saturday, July 13, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 15, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 16, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Wednesday, July 17, from 12 pm to 2 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Thursday, July 18, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Saturday, July 20, from 10 am to 12 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Monday, July 22, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Wednesday, July 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

State Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Thursday, July 25, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Local Government Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Friday, July 26, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Private Sector Discipline & Interrogation
Saturday, July 27, from 10 am to 12 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

June is Pride Month
A number of Pride events are being held throughout the state in honor of Pride Month. I hope you will join me in supporting our union’s LGBTQ members! On Sunday, June 9 the Capital Pride Parade in Albany will begin at 11:30 am and the Long Island Pride Parade will begin at 12:00 pm. On Wednesday, June 12, CSEA is sponsoring Pride Night at the Plaza in Albany from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. The Rochester Pride Parade will be held on Saturday, July 20 at 11:00 am. If your local or unit is participating in any Pride events, please let your region office know!
Participate in Juneteenth observances and events
Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day), celebrated on June 19, is the oldest known annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. I encourage you to join me in observing this day by celebrating Black history and culture through participation in Juneteenth events in your area. Contact your local chapter of the NAACP to learn more. For information on your local chapter visit
Submissions for proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution and By-Laws are due by June 15!
This year at our Annual Delegates Meeting, to be held October 7 – 11 in New York City, we may vote on proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution and By-Laws. Any member or group of members may submit amendments to be considered. A webinar on how to write amendments can be found at: I would encourage you to watch this webinar and to submit any proposed amendments you and your members believe are important by June 15.

Did you Know? Probationary CSEA members have representation rights!
The Taylor Law entitles probationary CSEA members to union representation if questioned during a meeting that could potentially lead to discipline or termination. The member being questioned must request union representation themselves; the employer is not required to let probationary employees know about this specific right. This is important because union representatives are trained to handle interrogations where members are not. Many probationary members are probably not even aware this exists, but it gives unions the ability to represent every single union member, regardless of probationary status.

We should exercise every right we have to show employers we know our stuff!

Regional News:
Three fallen DOT workers remembered on 45th anniversary of fatalities
Southern Region 3 remembered three CSEA members working for the NYS Department of Transportation. George Ficarra, Ernest Mimms and Garret Marsh died on June 4, 1979 when a tractor-trailer carrying lumber hit them and pinned them under the truck while the men were working with a crew on Interstate 84 near Route 52 in Newburgh. As we strive to never forget those who’ve died on the job, we remember the work zone deaths of Ficarra, Mimms and Marsh on the anniversary of the tragedy and acknowledge the lasting impact on their families and co-workers. The somber anniversary is a reminder of the human toll of distracted and reckless driving, and the need to obey posted speed limits in work zones.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Save on Major Purchases!
Buyer’s Edge is a buying service that offers all CSEA members a low price guarantee on many major purchases such as appliances, cars, home security systems, televisions and more! Visit:
Username: 1811
Password: CSEA

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


State Government Grievance Representation – Orangeburg (Region 3)
Saturday, June 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**

Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

State Grievance Representation Recertification
– Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 am to 12 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation-Recertification – Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, June 29, from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Thursday, June 27, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

CSEA Members: You get the job done!
As CSEA Member Appreciation Month draws to a close, I would like to personally thank each of you one more time for all that you do! You can find more information and a video message from me here:

Member Appreciation Month events continue into June in honor of the work members do every day.

On Friday, June 14, Central Region 5 will host “Abducted by the 80s” at Sharkey’s Event Center in Liverpool.

The 2025 Local and Unit election cycle will be here sooner than you think.
Those interested in running for local or unit office in 2025 may not know the eligibility date is June 1 of this year! Put another way, only members in good standing as of June 1, 2024, can run for office in 2025. You must be at least 18 years of age, you cannot be currently serving any penalties imposed by the CSEA Judicial Board and your dues cannot be delinquent. You must notify the Membership Department of any change in your status and make arrangements to continue direct payment of your dues to maintain your status as a member in good standing. If you or someone you know may be interested in running next year, our Internal Election Assistant, who can be reached at (518) 257-1334, can explain more about what it means to be a member in good standing to run for office. Know your membership status!
June is Pride Month
It is almost June and there will be a number of Pride events being held throughout the state. It is extremely important to support our union’s LGBTQ members! There will be Pride parades in Buffalo on June 2 and in Long Island and Albany on Sunday, June 9. On June 12, CSEA is sponsoring Pride Night at the Plaza in Albany. The Rochester Pride Parade will be held on Saturday, July 20. If your local or unit is participating in any Pride events, please let your region office know!
Thank you to our representatives at CBTU!
I would like to extend a personal thank you to all of the CSEA officers, members and staff who attended the International CBTU convention last week in Houston. I know CSEA was well represented!
The New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) has launched a new campaign called More Than Work. The effort highlights how rewarding being a Direct Support Professional can be and is intended to promote recruitment by offering easy accessibility to apply for jobs in the field. Learn more here:
Did you Know? CSEA Retiree members are eligible for great member benefits!
CSEA retiree membership includes access to many CSEA non-contractual benefits. In addition, retiree members have access to exclusive insurance programs through Pearl Insurance as well as access to many AFSCME member benefits. Retiree members who meet eligibility requirements can attend meetings, run for office and vote in elections for their retiree local leadership. All this is available for only $36 per year. I fully support our Retiree Division and hope all of you will, too!
Regional News:
Members who care for veterans honored in Region 2
Metropolitan Region 2 recently honored and celebrated members who care for those who have served in the U.S. military during an information day held at the New York City Veterans Home at St. Albans. Special thanks to Unit President Allyson Baptiste for coordinating such a special event!

New contract for Westchester Community College Unit
Westchester Community College Unit members have overwhelmingly approved a new contract. The previous agreement expired Aug. 31, 2022. The new contract will run through Aug. 31, 2026. Highlights include a 4% base wage increase upon ratification along with raises in 2024 and 2025. Other highlights include the addition of a modified summer schedule, the addition of Christmas Eve as a holiday and a one-time ratification bonus. The deal will now go before the Westchester Community College Board of Trustees and the Westchester County Board of Legislators for approval.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Restore The Sounds Of Your Life
CSEA’s Amplifon Hearing Health member benefit includes an average savings of 66% off hearing aids as well as a free initial exam, free three-year battery supply, free follow up care, a 60-day money back guarantee and a four-year warranty. This benefit is available to all CSEA members as well as their family members. Restore the sounds of your life. Visit or call 866-915-2063 for more information!

A reminder to all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, June 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 or (800) 874-7344 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Orangeburg (Region 3)

Saturday, June 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**

Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

State Grievance Representation Recertification
– Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 am to 12 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation-Recertification – Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, June 29, from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation
Wednesday, June 5, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification
Thursday, June 27, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

Treasurer Training for Region 5
Region 5 Office – 6595 Kirkville Rd, East Syracuse, NY 13057 on Wednesday, June 5 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.  Please call 315-433-0050 to register. A light dinner will be provided. Deadline to register is Monday, June 3rd.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

CSEA Members: You get the job done!
Throughout the month of May, we have been celebrating CSEA Member Appreciation Month with events in every region and many locals and units, too! I would like to personally thank each of you for all that you do! You can find more information and a video message from me here:

Member Appreciation Month events continue in honor of the work members do every day:

  • On Friday, May 24, Western Region 6 members will attend a Buffalo Bisons baseball game.
  • On Tuesday, May 28, Central Region 5 will host a meet and greet at Sharkey’s Bar & Grill in Liverpool.
  • On Wednesday, May 29, Central Region 5 will host a meet and greet at the Central Region 5 Office in East Syracuse.
  • On Friday, June 14, Central Region 5 will host “Abducted by the 80s” at Sharkey’s Event Center in Liverpool.
  • Central Region 5 is currently running a Member Appreciation Month gift card contest. Details have been emailed to all Region 5 members.

If your local or unit is planning an appreciation event, please let your region office know about it!

CSEA members in Regions 1, 2 and 4 may receive text invites to participate in discussions
CSEA is looking to recruit more members for focus group discussions around the state. Members who participate will be compensated $125 for 90 minutes of their time to share their open, honest opinions about our union. Starting next week, we will be texting members in regions 1, 2 and 4 to invite them to participate. These messages are legitimate, so please encourage members who receive them to sign up and make their voices heard!
The New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities has launched a new campaign called More Than Work. The effort highlights how rewarding being a Direct Care Support professional can be and is intended to promote recruitment by offering easy accessibility to apply for jobs in the field. Learn more here:
The 2025 Local and Unit election cycle will be here sooner than you think.
Those interested in running for local or unit office in 2025 may not know the eligibility date is June 1 of this year! Put another way, only members in good standing as of June 1, 2024, can run for office in 2025. Dues cannot be delinquent. You must notify the Membership Department of any change in your status and make arrangements to continue direct payment of your dues to maintain your status as a member in good standing. If you or someone you know may be interested in running next year, our Internal Election Assistant, who can be reached at (518) 257-1334, can explain more about what it means to be a member in good standing to run for office. Know your membership status!

Did you Know? The Education and Training Department provides required training!
The CSEA Education & Training Department offers in-person training to all members. The trainings conducted in-person are our constitutionally mandated trainings which include:
• Local Government/Private Sector Grievance
• Local Government: Discipline & Interrogation
• State Government Grievance
• State Government: Discipline & Interrogation

Trainings are also offered virtually for recertification of the constitutionally mandated trainings.

If you are interested in trainings offered, please see our website at or contact your Local/Unit President who can request trainings for their membership.

Regional News:
Long Island Region bowling nights are a perfect strike!
In honor of Member Appreciation Month, the Long Island Region held bowling nights for region members in both Nassau and Suffolk County. The events were the first of their kind in the region. Members commented on how much fun they were having and how happy they were that CSEA provided the opportunity to connect with each other!

Southern Region members enjoy Renegades outing
The Hudson Valley Renegades home game on May 17 was filled with CSEA members, joined by family and friends, who won tickets to the game as part of a contest for Member Appreciation Month. Southern Region President Anthony Adamo welcomed attendees, many of whom were first-time attendees at a CSEA event.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Cambridge Credit Counseling can help with student loans!
Do you or a family member have student loans? There are recent changes that can affect student loan repayments. Take advantage of CSEA’s newest member benefit with Cambridge Credit Counseling and get FREE credit and student loan counseling! Contact Martin Lynch at (413) 883-3390.

****Before calling, please access your account at to determine what kind of loans you have, specifically, whether your loans were issued through the Federal Family Education Loan Program, often abbreviated as “FFELP.” FFELP loans were issued through 2010. All loans issued after 2010 were made through the William Ford “Direct” Loan Program.

I want to remind all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, May 28, and Wednesday, May 29, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Levittown (Region 1)**

Wednesday, May 29, and Thursday, May 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, June 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 or (800) 874-7344 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Orangeburg (Region 3)

Saturday, June 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**

Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

State Grievance Representation Recertification
– Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 am to 12 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation-Recertification – Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, June 29, from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation
Wednesday, June 5, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification
Thursday, June 27, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

Treasurer Training for Region 5
Region 5 Office – 6595 Kirkville Rd, East Syracuse, NY 13057 on Wednesday, June 5 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.  Please call 315-433-0050 to register. A light dinner will be provided. Deadline to register is Monday, June 3rd.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

CSEA Members: You get the job done!
In recognition of the hard work you do every day, May has been designated CSEA Member Appreciation Month. Every Every CSEA member is vital and you all deserve our respect. You can find more information and a video message from me here:

In addition, regions, locals and units continue to hold member appreciation events throughout May in honor of the work members do every day.

  • On Thursday, May 16, Capital Region 4 is hosting a movie night at the Malta Drive-In.
  • On Friday, May 17, Long Island Region 1 is hosting a bowling event in Syosset.
  • On Friday, May 17, Southern Region 3 members will attend a Hudson Valley Renegades baseball game.
  • On Sunday, May 19, Central Region 5 members will attend a Syracuse Mets baseball game.
  • On Friday, May 24, Western Region 6 members will attend a Buffalo Bisons baseball game.
  • On Tuesday, May 28, Central Region 5 will host a meet and greet at Sharkey’s Bar & Grill in Liverpool.
  • On Wednesday, May 29, Central Region 5 will host a meet and greet at the Central Region 5 Office in East Syracuse.
  • Central Region 5 is currently running a Member Appreciation Month gift card contest. Details have been emailed to all Region 5 members.

If your local or unit is planning an appreciation event, please let your region office know about it!

Website maintenance for May 18 and 19 has been postponed
The website maintenance that was scheduled for May 18 and 19 has been postponed. All services will be available as usual throughout the weekend.
The 2025 Local and Unit election cycle will be here sooner than you think.
Those interested in running for local or unit office in 2025 may not know the eligibility date is June 1 of this year! Put another way, only members in good standing as of June 1, 2024, can run for office in 2025. Dues cannot be delinquent. You must notify the Membership Department of any change in your status and make arrangements to continue direct payment of your dues to maintain your status as a member in good standing. If you or someone you know may be interested in running next year, our Internal Election Assistant, who can be reached at (518) 257-1334, can explain more about what it means to be a member in good standing to run for office. Know your membership status!
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Did you Know? CSEA has VMOs!
Did you know that CSEA has and trains Volunteer Member Organizers (VMOs). They are members like yourselves who want to make a difference in another worker’s life. You make the best organizers because you understand the struggle of workers today. As a CSEA member, you can speak from personal experience about the strength, power and protection of the union. In these tough economic times, organizing the unorganized not only benefits new members with better working conditions, but it also raises standards for everyone, secures jobs and adds strength to CSEA during negotiations. Do you want more information? Contact the CSEA Organizing Department (800) 342-4146, ext. 1401 or email us at
Regional News:
Long Island Region 1 Golf Outing Raises Money for College Scholarship Fund
On Monday May 13, the Long Island Region held a successful golf outing. All proceeds from the event went to the newly created Long Island Region 1 Scholarship Fund.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Beat the Heat. Lower Costs. Shop now and pay overtime.
The rising summer temperatures can also raise your cooling costs. With Purchasing Power, you can start saving on your energy bill by upgrading some of your home appliances. Use your Spending Power and invest in energy-efficient appliances that may save you money in the long run. Shop 40,000+ brand-name products, from air conditioners and refrigerators to grills and fans. You pay overtime with no credit check, no down payment, and no hidden fees. Get started at

20% off your first order
Promo code name: 2WELCOME24
Expires: 6/30/2024

I want to remind all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, May 28, and Wednesday, May 29, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Levittown (Region 1)**

Wednesday, May 29, and Thursday, May 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, June 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 or (800) 874-7344 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Orangeburg (Region 3)

Saturday, June 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**

Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

State Grievance Representation Recertification
– Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 am to 12 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation-Recertification – Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, June 29, from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation
Wednesday, June 5, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification
Thursday, June 27, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

Treasurer Training for Region 5
Region 5 Office – 6595 Kirkville Rd, East Syracuse, NY 13057 on Wednesday, June 5 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.  Please call 315-433-0050 to register. A light dinner will be provided. Deadline to register is Monday, June 3rd.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 9, 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

Public Service Recognition Week
In a show of her continuing support for the public workforce, Governor Hochul has issued a proclamation declaring May 5-11 “Public Service Recognition Week.“ In honor of the public sector workforce, the Governor announced that a number of state landmarks will be lit in blue on May 9.

The sites include:

  • One World Trade Center
  • Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge
  • Kosciuszko Bridge
  • The H. Carl McCall SUNY Building
  • State Education Building
  • Alfred E. Smith State Office Building
  • Empire State Plaza
  • State Fairgrounds – Main Gate & Expo Center
  • Niagara Falls
  • Albany International Airport Gateway
  • MTA LIRR – East End Gateway at Penn Station
  • Fairport Lift Bridge over the Erie Canal
  • Moynihan Train Hall
  • Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park

You can read the full press release here:

Member Appreciation Month Continues!
CSEA Members: You get the job done! Regions, locals and units are holding member appreciation events throughout May in honor of the work members do every day.

  • On Friday, May 10, Long Island Region 1 is hosting a bowling event in Riverhead.
  • On Thursday, May 16, Capital Region 4 is hosting a movie night at the Malta Drive-In.
  • On Friday, May 17, Long Island Region 1 is hosting a bowling event in Syosset.
  • On Friday, May 17, Southern Region 3 members will attend a Hudson Valley Renegades baseball game.
  • On Sunday, May 19, Central Region 5 members will attend a Syracuse Mets baseball game.
  • On Friday, May 24, Western Region 6 members will attend a Buffalo Bisons baseball game.
  • Central Region 5 is currently running a Member Appreciation Month gift card contest. Details have been emailed to all Region 5 members.

If your local or unit is planning an appreciation event, please let your region office know about it!

More information and our appreciation video can be found here:

Website and mobile app will be unavailable May 18 and 19
CSEA will be performing maintenance and upgrades on key systems the weekend of May 18 and 19. All services, such as the website, mobile app and the phone system, will be unavailable on those days.
The 2025 Local and Unit election cycle will be here sooner than you think.
Those interested in running for local or unit office in 2025 may not know the eligibility date is June 1 of this year! Put another way, only members in good standing as of June 1, 2024 can run for office in 2025. Dues cannot be delinquent. You must notify the Membership Department of any change in your status and make arrangements to continue direct payment of your dues to maintain your status as a member in good standing. If you or someone you know may be interested in running next year, our Internal Election Assistant, who can be reached at (518) 257-1334, can explain more about what it means to be a member in good standing to run for office. Know your membership status!
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing

Did you Know? There are different types of arbitration!
There is a difference between “final and binding” and “advisory” arbitration. Every contract is different and may have one or the other as a final step in their process.

“Final and binding” means that whatever decision is made by the arbitrator it is “final” and both parties are legally “bound” by it. So, if the arbitrator issues an award in the union’s favor, management has to abide by the decision. Arbitration awards cannot be appealed. In a perfect world, every CSEA contract would have this for both contract and disciplinary grievances.

Advisory arbitration is where the arbitrator’s award is nonfinal, and it is up to the employer if it wants to follow the advice of the arbitrator or not. An advisory decision is not binding on the parties.

Please be sure to consult your contract to determine if you have final and binding or advisory arbitration. Additionally, if you have any questions regarding this topic, please contact your CSEA Labor Relations Specialist.

Regional News:
SUNY Buffalo Local 602 Member Appreciation
On Thursday, May 2, SUNY Buffalo Local 602 members participated in a member appreciation event on campus. They had a great turnout!

Member appreciation with the Brooklyn Cyclones
In our ongoing celebration of CSEA members and appreciation for the work they do, Metropolitan Region 2 members went to the Brooklyn Cyclones ballpark Friday, May 3, where Metropolitan Region 2 President Lester Crockett threw the first pitch, retiree Barbara Shoates was honored and Laila and Nia Harewood (children of Labor Relations Specialist Jamel Harewood) were on the field as child managers of the game. Though the evening was chilly, members’ hearts were warmed by the hospitality and sportsmanship of the Brooklyn Cyclones.

Member Benefit Spotlight: CSEA Endorses Cambridge Credit Counseling
A new member benefit is available for dues paying members! CSEA has endorsed the nonprofit agency Cambridge Credit Counseling. Cambridge provides CSEA members and their family members with FREE credit counseling and student loan counseling. In addition, members and their family members receive a discounted rate on any debt management plan if one is needed. More information is available at:
Education & Scholarship Opportunities:
CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship application deadline has been extended
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. The application deadline is extended to May 16, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.

I want to remind all officers in accordance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions, Article V, Section 6: “All officers shall attend officers’ training sessions, grievance training sessions as well as disciplinary training sessions as provided by the Association.”

The following trainings are currently scheduled:

Required Union Representation


Local Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)
Saturday, May 11, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6)**

Wednesday, May 15, and Thursday, May 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Amherst (Region 6)**

Tuesday, May 28, and Wednesday, May 29, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Levittown (Region 1)**

Wednesday, May 29, and Thursday, May 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, June 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 or (800) 874-7344 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Orangeburg (Region 3)

Saturday, June 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**

Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

State Grievance Representation Recertification
– Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 am to 12 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation-Recertification – Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, June 29, from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

There are currently no trainings scheduled.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dear CSEA Family,

May is CSEA Member Appreciation Month!
CSEA Members: You get the job done! You may see these signs around or even have placed them in your area. It’s all part of our May Member Appreciation Month celebration, where we publicly recognize the hard work members do every day!

In addition to signs, a number of appreciation events are being planned. On Friday, May 3, Region 2 members will be attending a Brooklyn Cyclones game. On Friday, May 10, Region 1 will host a bowling event in Riverhead. These are the first of several events around the state. If your local or unit is planning an appreciation event, please let your region office know about it!

More information and our appreciation video can be found here:

Website and mobile app will be unavailable May 18 and 19
CSEA will be performing maintenance and upgrades on key systems the weekend of May 18 and 19. All services, such as the website, mobile app and the phone system will be unavailable on those days.
The 2025 Local and Unit election cycle will be here sooner than you think.
Those interested in running for
local or unit office in 2025 may not know the eligibility date is June 1 of this year! Put another way, only members in good standing as of June 1, 2024 can run for office in 2025. Dues
cannot be delinquent. You must notify the Membership Department of any change in your status and make arrangements to continue
direct payment of your dues to maintain your status as a member in good
standing. If you or someone you know may be interested in running next
year, our Internal Election Assistant, who
can be reached at (518) 257-1334, can explain more about what it means to be a member in good
standing to run for office. Know your membership status!
NYS Department of Labor Workers Memorial Day Video
I recently joined Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon, President of the NYS AFL-CIO Mario Cilento and PEF President Wayne Spence in remembering those who have lost their lives at their workplaces and promoting workplace safety. You can view the full video here:
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Did you Know? The Taylor Law was enacted to create a fair process for negotiating contracts
The Taylor Law was put into effect in 1967 following costly transit strikes the previous year. It is named for George W. Taylor, chairman of the commission appointed by NY Governor Nelson Rockefeller to propose amendments to the 1947 Condon–Wadlin Act. In 1967, the Taylor law was enacted to create a fair process for negotiating contracts in the public sector. The law established basic labor rights for public employees: the right to organize, and the right to collectively bargain wages, benefits and working conditions. In the Private Sector, this law is called the National Labor Relations Act.
Regional News:
New York City Workers Memorial Day Ceremony
CSEA Metropolitan Region Safety and Health Committee Chairperson Deb Hanna joined the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), Unions and Labor Organizations from across NYC to commemorate Workers’ Memorial Day in honor of those who have died or suffered injuries or illnesses while on the job, including those who have been lost as a result of workplace exposure to COVID-19, 9/11 related illness, and other occupational illnesses, and to renew our fight for strong safety and health protections for all working people. The names of more than 40 working New Yorkers who have died on the job over the past year were read. Participants also heard from NYS Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon, NYC Council Committee on Civil Service and Labor Chair Carmen De La Rosa and NYC Council Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection Chair Julie Menin.

Hyde Park CSEA member named Bus Driver of the Year
Congratulations to Hyde Park Central School District Unit member Linda Lawlor, who was named by the Dutchess County Traffic Safety Board as the organization’s 2024 Bus Driver of the Year. Lawlor has nearly 20 years behind the wheel, 10 of which have been spent driving for Hyde Park. Dutchess County Executive Sue Serino presented Lawlor with a plaque commemorating the honor at a news conference last week.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Submit Your Meeting Request Through The MYCSEA APP!
Did you know that you can now submit your meeting request through the MYCSEA APP? Click on “officers toolkit” and “CSEA meeting request form” to get your next meeting on the Member Benefits calendar. The Member Benefits department will take care of notifying any endorsed vendors you would like invited. It’s quick and easy so plan your next meeting today!

Education & Scholarship Opportunities:
CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship application deadline has been extended

Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. The application deadline is extended to May 16, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:

*You will need your member ID to login.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Amherst (Region 6)
Saturday, May 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)

Saturday, May 11, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6)**

Wednesday, May 15, and Thursday, May 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Amherst (Region 6)**

Tuesday, May 28, and Wednesday, May 29, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Levittown (Region 1)**

Wednesday, May 29, and Thursday, May 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, June 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Call (518) 782-4400 or (800) 874-7344 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Orangeburg (Region 3)

Saturday, June 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 or (800) 757-CSEA to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Bath (Region 6)**

Tuesday, June 25, and Wednesday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Allegany (Region 6)**

Wednesday, June 26, and Thursday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 or (866) 568-7734 to register.

State Grievance Representation Recertification
– Syracuse (Region 5)
Saturday, June 29, from 8:30 am to 12 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation-Recertification – Syracuse (Region 5)

Saturday, June 29, from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 or (800) 559-7975 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

There are currently no trainings scheduled.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

State Budget Update – We Improved Tier 6!
We scored another victory for Tier 6 pension reform! With the thousands of emails, calls, rallies and letters to the legislature and the governor we were able to change the way final average salary is calculated for Tier 6. It will now be based on the highest three years of salary versus the highest five years resulting in an increase in pensions.

In addition, overtime will be excluded from earnings for the pension contribution rate for another two years. This is what happens when we all work together and get involved in legislative and political action! It matters.

On top of that, the five day lag for new employees will be eliminated on July 1, 2024 and the lag pay of two weeks will be eliminated on July 1, 2025 all in an effort to increase recruitment of new workers throughout the state.

This year’s budget also includes an increase of 50 million dollars in aid to municipalities and holds school districts harmless from any cuts in aid.

To read our full summary of the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year New York State Budget visit

Workers Memorial Day is April 28
Each year we observe Workers Memorial Day on April 28. That is the day OSHA became the law of the land and gave workers protections to keep them safer in the workplace. This year, we mourn the loss of two members.

Theresa Steele, a bus monitor for the Mexico Central School District in Oswego County was killed in a motor vehicle accident in March.

Aaron Peters, a Park and Recreation Aide 6 in the Niagara Region was killed in January.

There will be ceremonies throughout the state including the following:

Region 1: April 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the lobby of the New York State Office Building, 250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Happauge, NY – hosted by the Long Island Federation of Labor

Region 2: April 25, 2024 at 12:00 pm, City Hall Park, Manhattan, NY – hosted by NYC CLC and NYCOSH

Region 3: May 15, 2024 at 5:30 pm, Cortlandt Colonial, 5714 Albany Post Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY (this is a paid event through the Westchester/Putnam Central Labor Body)

Region 4: April 27, 2024 at 12:30 pm, Albany Labor Temple, Third Street, Albany, NY – hosted by Capital District ALF – RSVP required to

Region 5: April 27, 2024 at 11:00 am, 111 Main Street, Delhi NY – annual tree planting ceremony hosted by Region 5

Region 6, April 30, 2024 at 11:00 am, 258 East Main Street, Fredonia, NY – hosted by Western NY DDSO Local 425

Region 6, May 4, 2024 at 11:00 am, Erlandson Overview Park, Oak Hill Road, Frewsburg, NY hosted by Chautauqua County Local 807

Congratulations to our UAW labor family!
The United Auto Workers union is celebrating a huge victory after successfully organizing workers at the Volkswagen auto plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Over 4,000 workers overwhelmingly voted to join the union late last week. The plant is the first foreign-owned automaker in the United States to see union representation for workers. This is the latest win for the labor movement and another great reminder of how workers around the country recognize the power and strength of belonging to a union! Congratulations again to UAW and welcome to our new labor family members!
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Did you Know? Election Unit Representatives can be entered via Memberlink
CSEA Local and Unit presidents can now see online which members have completed steward, grievance and discipline training and make new steward, grievance and discipline representative appointments with the click of a button! If you’re a president, log into Select “My Profile” and then “Local Reps” or “Unit Reps.” You will see a list of your members who have completed steward, grievance and/or discipline representative training and what positions they have already been appointed to. To make a new appointment, click on the member’s name, and then select “Add New.” Pick the position you wish to appoint the member to, then “Save.” The member is appointed and will receive a pin in the mail from CSEA!
Regional News:
We Welcome Babylon UFSD Aides and Monitors to our Family!
On April 19, CSEA officially gained 80 new bargaining unit members. The Aides and Monitors joined the Clerical/Nurses and Custodial Units in Babylon School District as the newest members of CSEA Suffolk Educational Local 870.
This effort began in late January, when the Babylon Aides and Monitors reached out to CSEA Babylon Clerical Unit President Debbie Melito about dissolving their de-facto association (no dues collected or elections) and organizing to join CSEA. On April 8, less than a month after requesting recognition, the Babylon UFSD Board of Education passed a resolution voluntarily recognizing CSEA as the exclusive representative for the Aides and Monitors.
This campaign was led by Statewide Organizer Grace Klein, with assistance from Long Island Region One President Jarvis Brown, Suffolk County Educational Local 870 President Maria Navarro, CSEA Babylon Clerical Unit President Debbie Melito, CSEA Custodial Unit President Joe Jones, Senior Counsel Aaron Kaplan, Associate Counsel Mary Slattery, Labor Relations Specialist Adriana Lara, and Deputy Director of Organizing Jessica Riley.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Get Ready to Celebrate Mom!
Save on great Mother’s Day gifts with Member Deals
Mother’s day is right around the corner. CSEA members can save on special gifts for Mom at Member Deals. Whether you are looking for flowers, food, wine, self-care, fashion, entertainment or travel, Member Deals has it all!
Visit: and tell Mom how special she is on Mother’s Day and every day!
Education & Scholarship Opportunities:
CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available

Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Apply for the AFL-CIO Union Leadership Institute Scholarship
For more than 20 years, the Union Leadership Institute (ULI) has helped hundreds of union members from every corner of New York State become stronger leaders. Many program graduates have progressed to leadership positions in their union. To help promote diversity in union leadership, the New York State AFL-CIO is offering a full scholarship for ULI: the LEAD Scholarship. If you want to become a leader in your union and in the union movement, apply for the LEAD scholarship today. The deadline to apply for the LEAD Scholarship is May 1, 2024. Any union member in good standing is welcome to apply.
Strategic Corporate Research Summer School, June 23-28, 2024
The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 23-28, 2024. The application deadline is May 1. The course is designed for students and others who want to make corporations accountable by working as researchers in unions and social change organizations. The course offers a regular track and an advanced track with an additional research and writing requirement. It is open to individuals applying on their own and to individuals sponsored by unions and other organizations. Scholarships are available to non-sponsored individuals who qualify. Inquire if interested in obtaining course credit. For more info, email:, call (607) 391-1242, or go to the course website:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6

Tuesday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Call your Region to register.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

The latest on the NYS budget
As of this writing, the legislature is working on passing the NYS budget. So far, we have language that extends the overtime exemption from increased pension contributions for our CSEA members working overtime. All other bills have not been printed as of this time. I will keep you posted and I am optimistic that all your hard work will pay off and we will see a pension improvement for Tier 6. Keep an eye on the CSEA web page for future announcements on the budget.
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Did you Know?
Our Health Benefits Department coordinates and oversees all of the negotiated health benefits for members. This department enhances and expands health benefits while containing costs to employers and our members. The Health Benefits Department is a great resource for providing direct assistance and support to region and headquarters staff, local and unit officers, and our membership (State, Local Government and Private Sector). Look for updates on health benefits and programs each month in The Work Force and for general information please visit: The CSEA Health Benefits Department can be reached at 518-785-4774 or 1-800-286-5242(JCHB) or by email at
Regional News:
Five-year contract for Ramapo workers
CSEA members from the Town of Ramapo have unanimously approved a new five-year contract, which runs through the end of 2028.The agreement includes wage increases each year, the addition of Juneteenth as a holiday, an increase in personal days, and an improved health insurance buyout. Members of the Ramapo Town Board have also voted to approve the contract.

Saratoga County Members Fight for Equity
Over 70 county unit members showed up to picket a Saratoga County Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday. Unit members speaking during public comment urged the supervisors to act to address staff turnover, job vacancies and salaries and benefits that have not kept up with rising costs.

Cattaraugus County General Unit Members Help Their Community
Members of the Cattaraugus County General Unit recently donated hundreds of items to the Genesis House, a charitable organization serving the homeless population in and around Olean, NY. Members were encouraged to bring personal care items to their March membership meeting and they came through in abundance!

Member Benefits Spotlight:
No Membership Event Is Too Small or Too Big!
The CSEA Member Benefits department will attend any size membership meeting. From 1 or 2 members to 200 or more, Member Benefits is available to provide all the valuable Member Benefits information. Get your next event on the Member Benefit calendar today by logging onto and clicking on “applications” then “vendor event form” OR call (518)-257-1359 with any questions or concerns.
Education & Scholarship Opportunities:
CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available

Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Apply for the AFL-CIO Union Leadership Institute Scholarship
For more than 20 years, the Union Leadership Institute (ULI) has helped hundreds of union members from every corner of New York State become stronger leaders. Many program graduates have progressed to leadership positions in their union. To help promote diversity in union leadership, the New York State AFL-CIO is offering a full scholarship for ULI: the LEAD Scholarship. If you want to become a leader in your union and in the union movement, apply for the LEAD scholarship today. The deadline to apply for the LEAD Scholarship is May 1, 2024. Any union member in good standing is welcome to apply.
Strategic Corporate Research Summer School, June 23-28, 2024
The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 23-28, 2024. The application deadline is May 1. The course is designed for students and others who want to make corporations accountable by working as researchers in unions and social change organizations. The course offers a regular track and an advanced track with an additional research and writing requirement. It is open to individuals applying on their own and to individuals sponsored by unions and other organizations. Scholarships are available to non-sponsored individuals who qualify. Inquire if interested in obtaining course credit. For more info, email:, call (607) 391-1242, or go to the course website:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Steward Training – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, April 20, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6

Tuesday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Call your Region to register. Deadline to register is Tuesday, April 23.

Treasurer Training for Region 6

Region 6 Office – 120 Pine View Drive, Amherst, NY 14228 on Tuesday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. Please call 716-691-6555 to register.

Rochester Satellite Office – 3495 Winton Place, Building E, Suite 3, Rochester, NY 14623 on Wednesday, May 1, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. Please call 585-272-0800 to register.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 24.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Did you Know?
CSEA offers a variety of benefits to members in good standing that are not available to non-members. Some of the programs available help pay for professional education, prepare for Civil Service exams, provide free legal services, offer incredible deals on life insurance, home and auto loans, and credit cards (such as our free $10,000 accidental death benefit plan), and we also have programs specifically geared towards our retiree members.

A member in good standing is a worker in the bargaining unit who has signed up to join CSEA as a full-fledged union member. Unlike contractual benefits derived from the collective bargaining agreement, our member-only benefits are independently provided directly to members by CSEA and partner affiliates. For more information, contact CSEA at 1-800-342-4146 to speak to our Member Benefits Department.

Registration has CLOSED for Statewide OSH Conference
Our biennial Statewide Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Conference registration is now closed, and hotels are also sold out. **Important reminder: if a member has a hotel room, please be sure they are registered. There is no on-site registration. Thank you to those who registered. I look forward to seeing all of the attendees May 31-June 2, 2024 in Lake Placid, NY.    
Stay up to date with our latest offerings from Education & Training
The CSEA Education & Training Department offers a wide range of labor education workshops for CSEA activists. These workshops are designed to develop and teach the distinctive skills required to negotiate contracts, administer contracts, represent bargaining unit members, and build and strengthen our union. Please be sure to subscribe to the Education & Training newsletter “This Week in Labor Education” here:
April 15-19 is National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week
CSEA is joining in the observance of National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) from April 15 to April 19, an annual campaign held at the onset of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway and road work zones. The theme of the 2024 campaign takes an emotional approach that portrays the great importance of Work Zone Awareness, expressing the severity of the matter, why you should care and how you can help keep workers safe. For more information, please visit:
An update on the NYS budget status
While a final state budget has not yet been passed by the Legislature and Governor, we continue to make progress in key areas. The Governor announced that a proposal to eliminate a “hold harmless” provision for schools, which ensures that schools receive at least the same amount of foundation aid as they did the previous year, will not be included in this year’s budget. This is a victory for our members in school districts. We also are continuing to lobby for Tier 6 reforms. Your voice is being heard in the Senate and Assembly and we continue to build additional legislative support every day. However, we need all CSEA members to keep up the pressure by sending another letter today (
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Regional News:
CSEA Supports West Seneca Central School District Members
Dozens of CSEA members attended a West Seneca Central School District Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, April 9. West Seneca Central School District Unit President Darryl Hertel spoke against planned layoffs of 17 CSEA members.  The school district has refused to pursue alternatives to layoffs despite CSEA leaders attempting to offer solutions and work with management. We will continue to support and fight for our members who are facing layoffs in the West Seneca Central School District and make every effort to either avoid these layoffs or have our members reinstated if the district continues down this path.
CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Apply for the AFL-CIO Union Leadership Institute Scholarship
For more than 20 years, the Union Leadership Institute (ULI) has helped hundreds of union members from every corner of New York State become stronger leaders. Many program graduates have progressed to leadership positions in their union. To help promote diversity in union leadership, the New York State AFL-CIO is offering a full scholarship for ULI: the LEAD Scholarship. If you want to become a leader in your union and in the union movement, apply for the LEAD scholarship today. The deadline to apply for the LEAD Scholarship is May 1, 2024. Any union member in good standing is welcome to apply.
Strategic Corporate Research Summer School, June 23-28, 2024
The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 23-28, 2024. The application deadline is May 1. The course is designed for students and others who want to make corporations accountable by working as researchers in unions and social change organizations. The course offers a regular track and an advanced track with an additional research and writing requirement. It is open to individuals applying on their own and to individuals sponsored by unions and other organizations. Scholarships are available to non-sponsored individuals who qualify. Inquire if interested in obtaining course credit. For more info, email:, call (607) 391-1242, or go to the course website:
Member Benefits Spotlight: Win $1500 in rewards from Purchasing Power!
It’s the last week to enter the Purchasing Power Sweepstakes! Purchasing Power is giving CSEA members the chance to win $1500 in reward dollars. Until April 15, any CSEA member who creates a new account, or logs into their existing account, is eligible to win. Visit: and enter today! No purchase is necessary!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Steward Training – Newburgh (Region 3)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Watertown (Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Steward Training – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, April 20, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training for Region 6

Region 6 Office – 120 Pine View Drive, Amherst, NY 14228 on Tuesday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. Please call 716-691-6555 to register.

Rochester Satellite Office – 3495 Winton Place, Building E, Suite 3, Rochester, NY 14623 on Wednesday, May 1, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. Please call 585-272-0800 to register.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 24.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 4, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Did you know?
Did you know that when you submit a grievance and you have not heard back from the appropriate management representative in a timely manner you have two options:
1. You can reach out to the appropriate management representative and ask if they are in need of an extension of the time to make a decision in the grievance to ensure timeliness, or
2. You can submit that grievance to the next step because the timeline to receive a decision is expiring.

Some contracts don’t have specific language that speaks to timeframes for appealing a grievance when management fails to issue a timely decision. Oftentimes there are no penalties for management if they don’t respond to a grievance by issuing a decision within the set timeframe, but if you don’t act within a timeframe, you can lose your grievance. If you submit the grievance to the next step by the time the decision is due, it should be timely. If you obtain a favorable decision, you can always withdraw the grievance. At least at this point you won’t lose the grievance due to untimeliness. Some contracts do provide a system for dealing with this issue so be sure to consult your contract just in case you have language that provides remedies for timeliness.

Registration is still open for Statewide OSH Conference May 31-June 2
Our biennial Statewide Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) Conference will be held May 31-June 2, 2024 in Lake Placid, NY. More information regarding registration, accommodations, workshops, can be found here: **Please be advised that Hotel Room Reservations are closed currently, but additional rooms may become available soon. Send an email to: to let us know that you have registered for the conference (required to attend) and that you require lodging. Once additional rooms become available, we will contact you directly. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Viewing the solar eclipse? How to stay safe
On Monday, April 8, the total solar eclipse will cross a large section of New York State. If you plan to be outdoors or view the eclipse, our union’s Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Department have guidance and resources to help you stay safe.

Did you know that looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse can be more dangerous than looking at the sun on a regular day? People mistakenly believe that it is safe to look at the sun without proper eye protection because the sunlight appears dimmer. During a solar eclipse, the sun’s intense light can still cause significant damage to the eyes if viewed directly.

It is crucial to always use proper eye protection, such as eclipse glasses or solar filters, when viewing a solar eclipse to avoid causing permanent damage to your eyes. Be careful of fake or counterfeit eclipse glasses, as there are numerous reports of counterfeit glasses flooding the U.S. marketplace.

Learn more about counterfeit eclipse glasses:

Learn more about solar eclipse safety:

Why looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse is dangerous:

The latest information on the NYS budget
A final state budget will not be finished before the State Senate and Assembly leave Albany for the week. To ensure the state Administration payroll is processed on time, the Legislature must pass a budget extender by Monday, April 8. We will be working with the Governor and legislature to ensure this is done on time.

While the Governor and legislative leaders continue to negotiate a final budget, CSEA continues to actively lobby the Governor and lawmakers to include changes to Tier 6 in the final budget.

Please encourage all of your members, regardless of what tier they are in, to send an e-mail ( asking their State Legislators to support Tier 6 reforms.  

CSEA members ratify historic contract with Health Research Inc.
CSEA members at Health Research Inc. (HRI) overwhelmingly voted to ratify an historic tentative agreement with HRI. This landslide vote demonstrates union strength and commitment to a contract focusing on recruitment and retention through economic gains and noneconomic improvements reflective of their work, dedication, and experience. The new, four-year contract will take effect on April 1, 2024 and will run through March 31, 2028. This landmark agreement includes wage increases totaling 16.5 percent over the four-year span (4%, 4%, 5%, 3.5%), two lump-sum ratification bonuses, long-due improvements to health insurance costs, and much more.

There are more than 1,700 CSEA-represented bargaining unit members working within the New York State Department of Health, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and other public health entities across New York State on vital public health projects.

Look for AFSCME communications this April
AFSCME Round Up – this email will highlight five new stories from the AFSCME blog

Never Quit
-this email will feature April’s Never Quit spotlight award winner and link to a video.

Workers’ Memorial Day
– Workers’ Memorial Day is April 28. President Saunders will send a message recognizing workers who have died from workplace injuries or illnesses, and encourage people to share a social media post that lifts up AFSCME’s commitment to build safer workplaces.  
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Regional News:
Metropolitan Region hosts successful Women’s Celebration
The CSEA Metropolitan Region 2 Women’s Celebration was given the theme “You Don’t Have to be a Star to be in our Show” but it was nonetheless a star-studded affair enjoyed by members, officers, activists and staff in our Region 2 office and virtually. Coordinated by the Region 2 Women’s and Education Committee’s, the celebration highlighted the contributions of women that included Ruby Bridges, Michelle Obama, Shirley Chisholm and Letitia James. Participants also honored homegrown Region 2 “sheroes” past and present. Warm words were shared by Statewide President Mary Sullivan, Statewide Treasurer Nicole Meeks, Region 2 President Lester Crockett and Executive Assistant to the President Sharon Lovelady-Hall. Congratulations to Women’s and Education Committees chairwomen, Felicia McCollough and Darcel Johnson, respectively, staff liaisons Adriane Hudson, Jamel Harewood and Neil Kelly, and all the committee members for a successful and inspirational celebration.

Orange County Unit approves contract with significant gains
Congratulations to members of the Orange County Unit, who have overwhelmingly approved a new five-year contract. The agreement is a major win for CSEA members there, as the contract restores all workers in the bargaining unit to 40 hour per week employees; more recent hires had been paid for 35 or 37.5 hours per week depending on their date of hire. That change will mean major financial gains for the members moving up to 40 hour per week status. The deal also includes wage increases in each of the five years, continues a cap on premium contributions for health insurance, and introduces a separation incentive for workers with 25 years or more employment with the county. Additionally, the contract includes Covid-related hazard/retention pay.

Brockport FSA Local 624 out of administratorship
I’m pleased to report that as of January 4, 2024, Brockport FSA Local 624 came out of administratorship after several years! The Local had built up over 30 nonmembers. Carol Beaucaire, the new President there, along with the rest of her team was able to sign up 27 nonmembers in a matter of days. All this is extremely timely as they start negotiations in May. Congratulations to Local 624, Carol and the other new officers and to Lauren Jackson, the CSEA staff person who facilitated all of this.

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Apply for the AFL-CIO Union Leadership Institute Scholarship
For more than 20 years, the Union Leadership Institute (ULI) has helped hundreds of union members from every corner of New York State become stronger leaders. Many program graduates have progressed to leadership positions in their union. To help promote diversity in union leadership, the New York State AFL-CIO is offering a full scholarship for ULI: the LEAD Scholarship. If you want to become a leader in your union and in the union movement, apply for the LEAD scholarship today. The deadline to apply for the LEAD Scholarship is May 1, 2024. Any union member in good standing is welcome to apply.
Strategic Corporate Research Summer School, June 23-28, 2024
The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 23-28, 2024. The application deadline is May 1. The course is designed for students and others who want to make corporations accountable by working as researchers in unions and social change organizations. The course offers a regular track and an advanced track with an additional research and writing requirement. It is open to individuals applying on their own and to individuals sponsored by unions and other organizations. Scholarships are available to non-sponsored individuals who qualify. Inquire if interested in obtaining course credit. For more info, email:, call (607) 391-1242, or go to the course website:

Member Benefits Spotlight: New Dell Discount!
Dell is offering CSEA members a 5% stackable discount on items found on their website. The program details are as follows:

  • 5% off stackable coupon – coupon will stack on top of any other discount offers.
  • Best price guaranteed on consumer PCs from Dell
  • Free enrollment in Dell Rewards Loyalty Program: up to 3% back + Free Expedited Shipping
  • Additional active military and veteran’s discounts

Visit: (click on discount buying programs), to find out more!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

and Private Sector Grievance
– Lower Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9, from 5:30
pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Steward Training – Gloversville (Region 4)**

Tuesday, April 9, and Wednesday, April 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Steward Training – New City (Region 3)**
Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Newburgh (Region 3)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Watertown (Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Steward Training – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, April 20, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training for Region 6

Region 6 Office – 120 Pine View Drive, Amherst, NY 14228 on Tuesday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm Please call 716-691-6555 to register.

Rochester Satellite Office – 3495 Winton Place, Building E, Suite 3, Rochester, NY 14623 on Wednesday, May 1, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.  Please call 585-272-0800 to register.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 24.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Did you know?
Did you know that any Local or Unit President can request steward, grievance, discipline, and other workshops? If a member is interested in having a training session in any of the workshops offered by the Education and Training Department, they can reach out to their Local or Unit President to ask them to complete a “Request for Training” form (found in the Officer Resources section of Once received, the Education and Training Department will organize a date, time and location to come to do the training. Since COVID restrictions have come to an end, the Department has been back out in the field in full force. Please note that while some of our workshops are offered virtually, Steward, Grievance, and Discipline and Interrogation Workshops are only available in-person.  
News on 2024 NYS budget and Fix Tier 6 efforts
The state budget will not be finalized by the April 1 deadline. However, before adjourning for the Easter holiday, the Senate and Assembly passed a budget extender to ensure that state employees receive next week’s paycheck on time. CSEA continues to lobby the Governor, Senate, and Assembly to include Tier 6 reforms in the final budget. All CSEA members are strongly encouraged to send an e-mail ( to their Senator and Assemblymember on the importance of these changes for the workforce.  
Registration is now open for Statewide OSH Conference May 31-June 2
Our biennial Statewide Occupational Safety & Health Conference will be held May 31-June 2, 2024 in Lake Placid, NY. More information regarding registration, accommodations, workshops, can be found here: Please be advised that space is limited and reservations/registration will be available first come, first served.
Reminder: Recent email offering focus group participation with incentive is legitimate
Some members may have received or may receive an email from CSEA inviting them to register for a focus group with an incentive of $125 if they are selected to participate. These emails are NOT a scam. They came from CSEA and were sent to randomly selected members in every region. Any member who registers and is selected to participate in these focus groups will receive $125 as advertised.
Safety & Health information regarding the upcoming Solar Eclipse
On Monday, April 8, 2024, the total solar eclipse will cross a large section of New York State.
Here are some important safety guidelines to follow during a total solar eclipse.
Look for AFSCME communications this April
AFSCME Round Up – this email will highlight five new stories from the AFSCME blog

Never Quit
-this email will feature April’s Never Quit spotlight award winner and link to a video.

Workers’ Memorial Day
– Workers’ Memorial Day is April 28. President Saunders will send a message recognizing workers who have died from workplace injuries or illnesses, and encourage people to share a social media post that lifts up AFSCME’s commitment to build safer workplaces.  
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Regional News:
Long Island members receive justice with grievance win
The Garden City School District Unit won a grievance, which stops the school district from hiring security guards from outside the unit as a cost saving measure to the district, effectively stopping the school from subcontracting CSEA members’ work.

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory ceremony in Metropolitan Region
On March 25th CSEA Metropolitan Region President Lester Crockett joined the NYC labor community, elected officials and the general public to commemorate the lives lost at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. On March 25, 1911, a vicious fire at the factory claimed the lives of 146 garment workers, mostly young immigrant women. The tragedy shed light on widespread unsafe working conditions which resulted in laws and measures to better protect workers.

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Apply for the AFL-CIO Union Leadership Institute Scholarship
For more than 20 years, the Union Leadership Institute (ULI) has helped hundreds of union members from every corner of New York State become stronger leaders. Many program graduates have progressed to leadership positions in their union. To help promote diversity in union leadership, the New York State AFL-CIO is offering a full scholarship for ULI: the LEAD Scholarship. If you want to become a leader in your union and in the union movement, apply for the LEAD scholarship today. The deadline to apply for the LEAD Scholarship is May 1, 2024. Any union member in good standing is welcome to apply.
Strategic Corporate Research Summer School, June 23-28, 2024
The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 23-28, 2024. The application deadline is May 1. The course is designed for students and others who want to make corporations accountable by working as researchers in unions and social change organizations. The course offers a regular track and an advanced track with an additional research and writing requirement. It is open to individuals applying on their own and to individuals sponsored by unions and other organizations. Scholarships are available to non-sponsored individuals who qualify. Inquire if interested in obtaining course credit. For more info, email:, call (607) 391-1242, or go to the course website:
Member Benefits Spotlight: Think Spring!
Are you looking to update your home this spring? CSEA’s member benefit with Raymour & Flanigan can help spruce up any room. CSEA members save 18% on furniture and mattresses with up to 6 months interest free financing. Contact Mark Lesser today at 631-332-6811 or at and start saving today!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

and Private Sector Grievance
– White Plains (Region 3)**

Tuesday, April 2, and Wednesday, April 3, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Lower Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9, from 5:30
pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Steward Training – Gloversville (Region 4)**

Tuesday, April 9, and Wednesday, April 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Steward Training – New City (Region 3)**
Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Newburgh (Region 3)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Watertown (Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Steward Training – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, April 20, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training for Region 6

Region 6 Office – 120 Pine View Drive, Amherst, NY 14228 on Tuesday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm Please call 716-691-6555 to register.

Rochester Satellite Office – 3495 Winton Place, Building E, Suite 3, Rochester, NY 14623 on Wednesday, May 1, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.  Please call 585-272-0800 to register.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 24.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 14, 2024

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Now Seeking Resolutions and Amendments for consideration
This year at our Annual Delegates Meeting, to be held October 7 – 11 in New York City, we may vote on proposed resolutions and amendments to the CSEA Constitution and By-Laws. Any member or group of members may submit resolutions or amendments to be considered. A webinar on how to write resolutions and amendments can be found at: I would encourage you to watch this webinar and to submit any proposed resolutions or amendments you and your members believe are important.

Submission deadlines:
Proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2024.
Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2024.
Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate body must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2024.
Save the Date(s): Statewide OSH Conference May 31-June 2
Our biennial Statewide Occupational Safety & Health Conference will be held May 31-June 2, 2024 in Lake Placid, NY. More information regarding registration, accommodations, workshops, etc. is coming soon!
Recent email offering members focus group participation with incentive is legitimate
Some members may have received or may receive an email from CSEA inviting them to register for a focus group with an incentive of $125 if they are selected to participate. These emails are NOT a scam. They came from CSEA and were sent to randomly selected members in every region. Any member who registers and is selected to participate in these focus groups will receive $125 as advertised.
Reminder for CSEA Retirees
Please be aware that AFSCME recently mailed a letter to our Retirees along with Member ID cards with both AFSCME & CSEA ID numbers. However, the CSEA ID numbers were incorrect on those cards. We recently contacted AFSCME about this and have been told that they will be sending out letters with the corrected CSEA ID numbers on new cards. Please tell our Retirees to be on the lookout for the letters with the newly corrected cards.

Please follow our established protocol for submitting member applications
This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member, or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing. Additionally, under no circumstances should a membership application be provided to your Payroll Officer directly. The CSEA Membership, Enrollment & Administration department will communicate with your payroll department to begin payroll deductions.

Recruit union members to enroll as CSEA Retirees when eligible
CSEA Locals and Units should honor their retiring members by helping them join the CSEA Retiree Division. Across the state and in Florida, CSEA has a network of active and engaged retiree Locals looking for new members. The Financial Standards code permits Locals and Units to use rebated funds to pay the first-year membership dues for retiring members. Please give it your serious consideration. Our Union’s power comes from the members, whether employed or retired.
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Health & Safety information regarding the upcoming Solar Eclipse
On Monday, April 8, 2024, the total solar eclipse will cross a large section of New York State.
Here are some important safety guidelines to follow during a total solar eclipse.
Regional News:
New contract includes gains for Village of Liberty members
Members of the Village of Liberty Unit in Sullivan County recently ratified a contract deal that includes raises in all four years of the contract, the implementation of a sick leave buyback program, and a major change in health insurance contributions that brings parity within the bargaining unit and allows employees hired after June 1, 2008 to access a health insurance plan at more reasonable rates. The latter was a major win for CSEA membership in the Village of Liberty and required solidarity amongst the entire membership to secure. The previous insurance contribution rate for the post-June 1, 2008 employees was unaffordable, which was unfair to those employees and impacted worker recruitment and retention.

Another school district win on Long Island
The CSEA Massapequa School District Custodial Unit recently negotiated a 5-year contract. The contract calls for salary increases, as well as step increases. According to an online article from the Massapequa Post, this was said about CSEA’s negotiating team, “The leaders of the bargaining unit were very strong advocates for their team members. They were not willing to give things up easily, and I respect them for that. They did their job exceptionally well.”

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Save on your cell phone bill!
Did you know that CSEA members are eligible to receive 19% off the monthly service charge for most individual and family plans at AT&T? The discount is available by providing FAN#3702323 along with proof of union membership at any AT&T store.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Headquarters (Region 4)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call 518-782-4400 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Carmel (Region 3)**

Wednesday, March 20, and Thursday, March 21,
from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– White Plains (Region 3)**

Tuesday, April 2, and Wednesday, April 3, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Lower Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9, from 5:30
pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Steward Training – Gloversville (Region 4)**

Tuesday, April 9, and Wednesday, April 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Steward Training – New City (Region 3)**
Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Newburgh (Region 3)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Watertown (Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Steward Training – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, April 20, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, March 21, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification

Thursday, March 28, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, March 19, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is March 14. Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, March 27, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is March 20. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Did you know?
People join unions to protect their right to have a voice at the table with management. They join unions to have due process if disciplined or terminated. They join unions for the right to have a contract that has been forged by a group of workers that through their struggle fought for equal rights. Rights that are not usually afforded by management on their own accord but must be fought by workers coming together for one purpose and that is to have a say at their work site. A right to dispute without retaliation.
Registration is now open for Statewide OSH Conference May 31-June 2
Our biennial Statewide Occupational Safety & Health Conference will be held May 31-June 2, 2024 in Lake Placid, NY. More information regarding registration, accommodations, workshops, can be found here: Please be advised that space is limited and reservations/registration will be available first come, first served.
Civil Service exam expansion in Herkimer County
I am happy to learn from the President of my Herkimer County Unit that recent notices of civil service exams are now being distributed to local and unit officers. This is a positive step forward in helping us in our recruitment efforts. While Herkimer County is still charging a civil service exam fee, I want to remind all that these fees can be waived by your county. I encourage all local governments to work with your respective counties to get any test fees waived and ensure that notices of exams are being regularly published.
Reminder: Recent email offering focus group participation with incentive is legitimate
Some members may have received or may receive an email from CSEA inviting them to register for a focus group with an incentive of $125 if they are selected to participate. These emails are NOT a scam. They came from CSEA and were sent to randomly selected members in every region. Any member who registers and is selected to participate in these focus groups will receive $125 as advertised.
Safety & Health information regarding the upcoming Solar Eclipse
On Monday, April 8, 2024, the total solar eclipse will cross a large section of New York State.
Here are some important safety guidelines to follow during a total solar eclipse.
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Regional News:
SCAP Members Ratify Contract
Schenectady Community Action Program members have a new 4-year contract.
Highlights of the pact include a signing bonus, salary increases, shift differential increases for certain titles, and the addition of 2 longevity steps.
CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Apply for the AFL-CIO Union Leadership Institute Scholarship
For more than 20 years, the Union Leadership Institute (ULI) has helped hundreds of union members from every corner of New York State become stronger leaders. Many program graduates have progressed to leadership positions in their union. To help promote diversity in union leadership, the New York State AFL-CIO is offering a full scholarship for ULI: the LEAD Scholarship. If you want to become a leader in your union and in the union movement, apply for the LEAD scholarship today. The deadline to apply for the LEAD Scholarship is May 1, 2024. Any union member in good standing is welcome to apply.
Strategic Corporate Research Summer School, June 23-28, 2024
The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 23-28, 2024. The application deadline is May 1. The course is designed for students and others who want to make corporations accountable by working as researchers in unions and social change organizations. The course offers a regular track and an advanced track with an additional research and writing requirement. It is open to individuals applying on their own and to individuals sponsored by unions and other organizations. Scholarships are available to non-sponsored individuals who qualify. Inquire if interested in obtaining course credit. For more info, email:, call (607) 391-1242, or go to the course website:
Member Benefits Spotlight: Win $1500 in rewards from Purchasing Power!
The Purchasing Power Sweepstakes has begun! Purchasing Power is giving CSEA members the chance to win $1500 in reward dollars. From March 15 through April 15, any CSEA member who creates a new account, or logs into their existing account, is eligible to win. Visit: and enter today! No purchase is necessary!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

and Private Sector Grievance
– White Plains (Region 3)**

Tuesday, April 2, and Wednesday, April 3, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Lower Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9, from 5:30
pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Steward Training – Gloversville (Region 4)**

Tuesday, April 9, and Wednesday, April 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Steward Training – New City (Region 3)**
Wednesday, April 10, and Thursday, April 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Newburgh (Region 3)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Steward Training – Watertown (Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Steward Training – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, April 20, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Thursday, March 28, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training for Region 6

Region 6 Office – 120 Pine View Drive, Amherst, NY 14228 on Tuesday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm Please call 716-691-6555 to register.

Rochester Satellite Office – 3495 Winton Place, Building E, Suite 3, Rochester, NY 14623 on Wednesday, May 1, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.  Please call 585-272-0800 to register.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 24.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

**On Friday, March
8, our website and mobile app may be unavailable from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. due to

March is Women’s History Month – International Women’s Day is Friday, March 8
This month we celebrate the fearless women who have led the charge for workers’ rights throughout history. From the factories to the frontlines, women have always been at the heart of the labor movement, fighting for fairness and equality. For International Women’s Day tomorrow; please join the global call to inspire inclusion, and put an end to discrimination, stereotypes and biases. For more information please visit: and or

Recent email offering members focus group participation with incentive is legitimate
Some members may have received an email recently from CSEA inviting them to register for a focus group with an incentive of $125 if they are selected to participate. These emails are NOT a scam. They came from CSEA and were sent to randomly selected members in every region. Any member who registers and is selected to participate in these focus groups will receive $125 as advertised.
Alert for CSEA Retirees:
Please be aware that AFSCME recently mailed a letter to our Retirees along with Member ID cards with both AFSCME & CSEA ID numbers. However, the CSEA ID numbers were incorrect on those cards. We recently contacted AFSCME about this and have been told that they will be sending out letters next week with the corrected CSEA ID numbers on new cards. Please tell our Retirees to be on the lookout for the letters with the newly corrected cards.
Call to action for our union members: Join the “Fix Tier 6″ campaign
The state’s pension system is meant to serve as a recruitment and retention tool. However, since the creation of Tier 6, it no longer does. Under Tier 6, employees are less likely to take a job in the public sector and, if they do, are less likely to stay.

As of today, our members have sent almost 4000 letters to NYS legislators, but we have to do better, and we have to do more. Building on the Tier 6 changes that we achieved two years ago through your phone calls, e-mails, and meetings with state legislators, we need to continue fighting to make Tier 6 an equitable and fair pension plan for workers.

Please encourage all of your members (regardless of what tier they are in) to click here, where they can send a letter to their State Assemblymember and Senator demanding that Tier 6 reforms be included in this year’s state budget. Without changes to Tier 6, we will continue to have tens of thousands of vacant positions in state agencies and local governments, which will continue to lead to mandated overtime and the burnout of existing staff.

Please spread the word on this critical campaign and let’s flood legislators’ inboxes and let them know that CSEA members demand improvements to Tier 6!

Please follow our established protocol for submitting member applications
This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member, or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing. Additionally, under no circumstances should a membership application be provided to your Payroll Officer directly. The CSEA Membership, Enrollment & Administration department will communicate with your payroll department to begin payroll deductions.

Recruit union members to enroll as CSEA Retirees when eligible
CSEA Locals and Units should honor their retiring members by helping them join the CSEA Retiree Division. Across the state and in Florida, CSEA has a network of active and engaged retiree Locals looking for new members. The Financial Standards code permits Locals and Units to use rebated funds to pay the first-year membership dues for retiring members. Please give it your serious consideration. Our Union’s power comes from the members, whether employed or retired.
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Health & Safety information regarding the upcoming Solar Eclipse

On Monday, April 8, 2024, the total solar eclipse will cross a large section of New York State.
Here are some important safety guidelines to follow during a total solar eclipse.

Save the Date(s): Statewide OSH Conference May 31-June 2
Our biennial Statewide Occupational Safety & Health Conference will be held May 31-June 2, 2024 in Lake Placid, NY. More information to come regarding registration, accommodations, workshops, etc.
Regional News:
Union members urge Tier reforms

CSEA members from the Capital Region joined area labor for a rally at the state Capitol Tuesday urging legislators to “Fix Tier 6.” The raucous crowd demanded reforms to address disparity in benefits for current Tier 6 workers and to make public employment more attractive to prospective employees.

CSEA Metropolitan Region celebrates Black History Month

The CSEA Metropolitan Region 2 Education & Women’s Committee’s coordinated an extraordinary virtual celebration for Black History Month on February 28. The event honored long time labor leaders that included the legendary AFSCME and CBTU leader William “Bill” Lucy, NYS AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer and CBTU President Terrence Melvin and Sharon Lovelady-Hall (CSEA’s own).

Participants heard inspiring words from CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan, Region President Lester Crockett and Deputy Director for Contract Administration Gary Cannonier. Additionally, Education Committee Chairwoman Felicia McCollough shared an impactful poem, Darcel Jones gracefully sang the Black National Anthem and member Lamaar Johnson spoke about a motivational book he recently published “You are more than just an athlete or entertainer.” Special thanks to Women’s Committee Chairwoman Patricia Lawrence-Dixon and all the members of the committees, staff liaison’s Adriane Hudson and Neil Kelly, and those who helped prepare the conference room, food and program. Congratulations to all on a successful and uplifting Black History Month celebration!

Westchester activists take part in “Fix Tier 6” rally

CSEA leaders from the Westchester County Local, joined by union staff, took part Wednesday, March 6 in a “Fix Tier 6” rally sponsored by the Port Chester Teachers Association. Westchester County Local President Hattie Adams, joined by Local Treasurer Adele Herzenberg, spoke on behalf of our union. Billed as a “March on the 6th” rally, several hundred union members from the Westchester County area, including CSEA members from the Port Chester School District Unit, rallied for fixes to Tier 6 that would allow for equity with workers from earlier retirement tiers and reinstate provisions from those earlier tiers that allow for better recruitment and retention of new workers. In addition to the push for Tier 6 improvements to address looming teacher shortages, speakers including Westchester County Executive George Latimer, County Legislator Nancy Barr, and Village of Port Chester Mayor Louis Marino acknowledged that the changes are also needed to address recruitment and retention in local and state government jobs.

Union members brave harsh weather at Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Central Region 5 braved the rain and represented labor at the Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 2. The poor weather didn’t stop our group from tailgating; special shoutout to Region 1st VP Tom Hingher for manning the grill. Region President Kenny Greenleaf, Region 3rd VP Andy Maroney, and Region Secretary Dan Vadala all joined to help lead the way.

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Win $1500 in rewards from Purchasing Power!
Purchasing Power allows members to purchase product today and pay overtime with no interest or credit check is giving CSEA members the chance to win $1500 in reward dollars. From March 15 through April 15, any CSEA member who creates a new account or logs into their existing account at is entered to win. Email blasts will be sent to advertise this great opportunity!
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Headquarters (Region 4)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call 518-782-4400 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Carmel (Region 3)**

Wednesday, March 20, and Thursday, March 21,
from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– White Plains (Region 3)**

Tuesday, April 2, and Wednesday, April 3, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Lower Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9, from 5:30
pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation

Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, March 21, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification

Thursday, March 28, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, March 19, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is March 14. Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, March 27, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is March 20. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

In memory of Stanley Hornak
It is with a heavy heart that I share the sad news of the passing of our longtime friend and colleague, former Deputy Director of Communications Stanley Hornak. He passed away on February 22, 2024, after a brief illness. Stanley had a 33-year career with CSEA, serving first as the Southern Region 3 Communications Specialist and later as Deputy Director of Communications, where he served for most of his years at our union before retiring in 2013. Stanley’s dedication to improving the lives of working people was only matched by his kindness, wisdom and loyalty to all in our union family. He was beloved by his CSEA colleagues, particularly in the Communications Department, and he was a mentor and inspiration to many of our union’s staff and members. I send my deepest condolences to Stanley’s family and loved ones. Read Stanley’s obituary, which ran in the Albany Times Union and Poughkeepsie Journal:
OPWDD Credentialing Program
Pursuant to an agreement between CSEA and the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), CSEA members employed by OPWDD have an opportunity to enroll in a credentialing program and receive a financial bonus for each level of credentialing achieved.  After one week of rolling out this opportunity, I am pleased to report that 866 members have enrolled!  This is a great opportunity for our CSEA members at OPWDD.
Call to action for our union members: Join the “Fix Tier 6″ campaign
The state’s pension system is meant to serve as a recruitment and retention tool. However, since the creation of Tier 6, it no longer does. Under Tier 6, employees are less likely to take a job in the public sector and, if they do, are less likely to stay.

Building on the Tier 6 changes that we achieved two years ago through your phone calls, e-mails, and meetings with state legislators, we need to continue fighting to make Tier 6 an equitable and fair pension plan for workers.

Please encourage all of your members (regardless of what tier they are in) to click here, where they can send a letter to their State Assemblymember and Senator demanding that Tier 6 reforms be included in this year’s state budget. Without changes to Tier 6, we will continue to have tens of thousands of vacant positions in state agencies and local governments, which will continue to lead to mandated overtime and the burnout of existing staff.

Please spread the word on this critical campaign and let’s flood legislators’ inboxes and let them know that CSEA members demand improvements to Tier 6!

Please follow our established protocol for submitting member applications
This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member, or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing. Additionally, under no circumstances should a membership application be provided to your Payroll Officer directly. The CSEA Membership, Enrollment & Administration department will communicate with your payroll department to begin payroll deductions.

Recruit union members to enroll as CSEA Retirees when eligible
CSEA Locals and Units should honor their retiring members by helping them join the CSEA Retiree Division. Across the state and in Florida, CSEA has a network of active and engaged retiree Locals looking for new members. The Financial Standards code permits Locals and Units to use rebated funds to pay the first-year membership dues for retiring members. Please give it your serious consideration. Our Union’s power comes from the members, whether employed or retired.
CBTU International Convention information
The 53rd International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be held May 21-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Marriot Marquis Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Never Back, Always Forward: Hate Cannot Erase Us”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view the Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

We would like to meet and greet our CSEA contingency attending, if you are attending the convention, let us know by e-mailing
Regional News:
New contract for Westchester Medical Center Unit members
Members of the Westchester Medical Center Unit recently ratified a five-year contract. The agreement includes yearly wage increases, enhancements to steps on the salary schedule, the addition of an hourly stipend for employees serving as preceptors (training other employees while performing their own duties), and the addition of Juneteenth as a floating holiday. The new contract, which runs through the end of 2028, incorporates pandemic leave rights language with the goal of providing workers a reasonable opportunity to use their accrued leave time.

Join CSEA at the Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade
CSEA Region 5 Community Outreach invites you to join the annual Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 2. Food and festivities at the Rumble Ponies parking lot starting 10-10:30 a.m. with the parade lineup at 12:45 p.m. Let’s show our strength in numbers! For any questions, please contact Andrew Maroney ( or Jenna Layton (

Happy Retirement to R6’s John Parish
Longtime CSEA member John Parish was recently honored for 62 years of employment at the Buffalo Psychiatric Center. Parish, almost 90, joined CSEA in the early 1960s and has been a faithful union member ever since!

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Get fit this Spring and save!
Are you looking to improve your overall health? Did you know that many YMCA locations in New York will waive the joiners fee for CSEA members? Check out the list of participating locations at and save up to $100.00!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Headquarters (Region 4)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call 518-782-4400 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Carmel (Region 3)**

Wednesday, March 20, and Thursday, March 21,
from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– White Plains (Region 3)**

Tuesday, April 2, and Wednesday, April 3, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Lower Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9, from 5:30
pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation

Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, March 21, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification

Thursday, March 28, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Recertification
Thursday, April 11, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, March 19, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is March 14. Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, March 27, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is March 20. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Results of CSEA
Statewide Elections

Thank you to all of the members who took the time to vote in this year’s election! I look forward to working together over the next four years to continue on the path of moving our union forward. Congratulations to newly elected Executive Vice President Ron Briggs and Region 1 President Jarvis Brown. Additional congratulations to Statewide Secretary Rich Bebo and Treasurer Nicole Meeks on their reelection, as well as to Region 2 President Lester Crockett, Region 3 President Anthony Adamo, Region 4 President Shana Davis, Region 5 President Kenny Greenleaf and Region 6 President Steve Healey – all will begin their new four-year terms on March 1, 2024. I want to also acknowledge those who were successful in the races for our Board of Directors and AFSCME Delegates.
To see the 2024 CSEA election results please visit:
Reminder from the
Membership Department

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING THE CORRECT VERSION OF MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS WHEN YOU ARE SIGNING UP NEW MEMBERS! The current membership applications were revised in January 2022. All other membership applications are outdated and must be thrown away! Old applications with outdated information and language should not be circulated in any CSEA offices, just get rid of them.
If you need membership applications, you can find them in English and Spanish:
·       MyCSEA mobile app, click on “SIGNUP APPS”
·       For online applications on our website:, click on “JOIN CSEA”
·       Region and Satellite Offices – you can call your CSEA region/satellite office to request more applications – to place an order of the hard copy Spanish-Membership Applications, please call the Membership Department: 518-257-1278 or send an email to:
Vote for AFSCME’s podcast to receive coveted NAACP award
AFSCME’s “I AM Story” podcast series has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award for being outstanding in its class, we need your help to bring home a win! Voting for the award is open to the public. Cast votes  here:
Voting is open until February 24. The “I AM Story” podcast recounts the struggle of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike and if you haven’t already you can listen to it here: Please help us out by voting for “I AM Story!”
Regional News:
Fulton County General Unit Gains Contract
Following a public contract campaign, the
Fulton County Board of Supervisors last week approved an agreement that members
ratified in December. The three-year pact running through December 2026
includes annual salary increases, bumps in longevity pay and addresses a
long-standing issue by boosting DSS on-call pay.

Snow doesn’t stop
Fishkill Polar Plunge

CSEA members in the Southern Region raised over $10,000 in online and cash donations for Special Olympics New York by taking part in the 2024 Fishkill Polar Plunge on Saturday, Feb. 17. Due to overnight snow that was heavier than expected, which impacted the plunge site at Camp Mariah, delays in the event kicking off prevented the entirety of the team from plunging. Many team members were NYS Department of Transportation workers who had to head in to work later that morning to assist with further plowing and de-icing. Team members held an impromptu gathering at a location nearby Camp Mariah before the members from DOT reported to work. A contingent from Westchester County Local 860 did persist in making it to the plunge, where the team’s top fundraiser, Local 860 4th Vice President Rob Schweit, took the plunge. Schweit did so after an extended period of time volunteering, where he used his personal truck (which had a plow and salt spreader attached) to assist in clearing Camp Mariah to make it safe for plunge participants to access. On the job and off, CSEA members come through to help our communities! The donation site remains open:

Exhibit honoring 60th anniversary of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 at NYS Capitol
Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced that the 2024 Black History Month exhibit “1964: New Yorkers Who Shaped History” is free and open in the New York State Capitol through February 29, 2024. The exhibit celebrates the 60th anniversary of the passage of The Civil Rights Act and many of its leading activists including Ella Baker, A. Philip Randolph, Dorothy Height and Bayard Rustin. For more information visit:

Join CSEA at the Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade
CSEA Region 5 Community Outreach invites you to join the annual Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 2. Food and festivities at the Rumble Ponies parking lot starting 10-10:30 a.m. with the parade lineup at 12:45 p.m. Let’s show our strength in numbers! For any questions, please contact Andrew Maroney ( or Jenna Layton (

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Think Spring!
The first day of Spring is less than a month away. If you are looking for a fresh new look for your home, take advantage of CSEA’s 18% discount on furniture and mattresses at Raymour and Flannigan.  Contact CSEA’s Account Specialist Mark Lesser at: 631-332-6811 or via email at to receive the discount!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.
and Private Sector Grievance
– Carmel (Region 3)**

Wednesday, March 20, and Thursday, March 21,
from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.
and Private Sector Grievance
– White Plains (Region 3)**

Tuesday, April 2, and Wednesday, April 3, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.
and Private Sector Grievance
– Lower Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 9, from 5:30
pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.
Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Lower Manhattan (Region 2)

Tuesday, April 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call
(212) 406-2156 to register.
Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fulton
(Region 5)**
Tuesday, April 16, and Wednesday, April 17, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.
and Private Sector Grievance
– Allegany (Region 6)**

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, from
5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Saturday, February 24, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, February 26, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, February 28, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Grievance Recertification
Thursday, March 21, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Thursday, March 28, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:

Local and Unit Secretary Training for Regions 1-6 VIRTUAL

Tuesday, March 19 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Important announcement from the Membership Department
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING THE CORRECT VERSION OF MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS WHEN YOU ARE SIGNING UP NEW MEMBERS! The current membership applications were revised in January 2022. All other membership applications are outdated and must be thrown away! Old applications with outdated information and language should not be circulated in any CSEA offices, just get rid of them.

If you need membership applications, you can find them in English and Spanish:

  • MyCSEA mobile app, click on “SIGNUP APPS”
  • For online applications on our website:, click on “JOIN CSEA”
  • Region and Satellite Offices – you can call your CSEA region/satellite office to request more applications – to place an order of the hard copy Spanish-Membership Applications, please call the Membership Department: 518-257-1278 or send an email to:

Congratulations to the 2024 I Love My Union contest winners
Thanks you to everyone who participated this year. Below are the ten winners (chosen randomly) who will each receive $50 gift cards for their entries – which can be viewed here:

Shyanna Adami, Office of General Services Local 660, Capital Region 4
Melinda Chiocchio, Suffolk County Educational Local 870, Long Island Region 1
Colleen Clemons, Mohawk Valley Psychiatric Local 434, Central Region 5
Mary Frances Coppola, Jefferson-Lewis Counties Retirees Local 915, Central Region 5
Jo Gray-Rizzuti, Westchester County Local 860, Southern Region 3
Jacquelyn Lam, Suffolk County Local 852, Long Island Region 1
Natalie Luciano, New York City State Judiciary Local 010, Metropolitan Region 2
Valerie Troiano, Department of Tax and Finance Local 690, Capital Region 4
Betsy Vazquez-Aradio, Erie County Local 815, Western Region 6
Bonita Whitlock, VOICE Local 100A

OPWDD/NADSP Credentialing Program for CSEA members
CSEA members who work for OPWDD are eligible for a credentialing program being offered through NADSP. This program will allow them to earn NADSP certification and receive a financial bonus for each certification level completed. Additionally successful completion of the New Employee Orientation program at OPWDD can be applied toward some of the training for the certificate program.

OPWDD members can learn more by visiting, viewing the FAQ at or emailing

Reminder – please complete member survey
CSEA recently sent out a random survey to some of our members by email. The survey asks members questions about our union and how they interact with us. I encourage anyone who receives the survey to complete it before it closes on Feb. 19. Your feedback is very valuable!
Vote for AFSCME’s podcast to receive coveted NAACP award
AFSCME’s “I AM Story” podcast series has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award for being outstanding in its class, we need your help to bring home a win! Voting for the award is open to the public. Cast votes here:
Voting is open until February 24. The “I AM Story” podcast recounts the struggle of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike and if you haven’t already you can listen to it here: Please help us out by voting for “I AM Story!”

Regional News:
Suozzi wins NY’s 3rd Congressional District seat
Former U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi won this week’s Special Election in New York’s 3rd Congressional District, which includes parts of Nassau County and Queens. Suozzi, who was elected with strong support from CSEA and other unions, has had a long relationship with our union, particularly with members in Nassau County. He has always stood with CSEA members, and his work in Congress demonstrated his support for public employees.

Suozzi, who previously held the seat for three terms, replaces George Santos, who was removed from the House late last year.
The race generated national attention, as the Republicans hold a very slim majority in the House. According to Politico reporter Nick Reisman – “New York is among the most unionized states in the nation, and the results on Tuesday are a sign the unions’ muscles are still in good shape this election year.”

Polar Plunge for Special Olympics with Team CSEA Region 3
Time is running out to take part in the Fishkill Polar Plunge for Special Olympics New York, which this year will be held Saturday, February 17, 2024! Sign up for Team CSEA Region 3 or make a tax-deductible donation to the team by visiting Each year, CSEA participates in plunge events across the state to help raise funds for the athletes of Special Olympics. Team CSEA Region 3 has been jumping for over 15 years. Come join in the fun and help us support Special Olympics!

Exhibit honoring 60th anniversary of The Civil Rights Act of 1964 at NYS Capitol
Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced that the 2024 Black History Month exhibit “1964: New Yorkers Who Shaped History” is free and open in the New York State Capitol through February 29, 2024.  The exhibit celebrates the 60th anniversary of the passage of The Civil Rights Act and many of its leading activists including Ella Baker, A. Philip Randolph, Dorothy Height and Bayard Rustin. For more information visit:

Join CSEA at the Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade
CSEA Region 5 Community Outreach invites you to join the annual Binghamton St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 2! Food and festivities at the Rumble Ponies parking lot starting 10-10:30 a.m. with the parade lineup at 12:45 p.m. Let’s show our strength in numbers! For any questions, please contact Andrew Maroney ( or Jenna Layton (

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Fine Olin and Anderman
Fine Olin and Anderman is proud to be CSEA’s only statewide endorsed provider of legal services for representation in Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability, Veterans Disability and Personal Injury matters. With 10 offices throughout New York State, FOA is readily available to assist CSEA members and their families. To learn more about FOA, visit their website:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Grievance – Fallsburg (Region 3)**
Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Saturday, February 24, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, February 26, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, February 28, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Reminder – Ballots for CSEA elections have been mailed
Please remind members that ballots must be completed and received in the American Arbitration Association’s post office box by 8:00 am on Thursday, February 15. Thus, mailing a ballot back on February 14th is not going to make it! If a member has not received their ballot yet, they should contact the American Arbitration Association at 1-800-529-5218 or at for a ballot.
We want to hear from you!

CSEA is randomly sending a survey to our members by email. Members will be asked some questions about our union and how they interact with us. I encourage anyone who receives this to complete it. Your feedback is very valuable!

“I Love My Union” contest continues through Monday, Feb 12 – enter now…
Remember to show your Union some LOVE and you could be eligible to win one of ten $50 gift cards! Tell us a brief story of why you love your union and you’ll be entered to win. Or, if you prefer to SHOW your Union love, upload a picture or video no longer than 30 seconds of yourself showing your union pride to the form linked below.

***Only active members of CSEA are eligible to win, and the contest runs through Monday, February 12 at 11:59 pm. Only one entry per member will be accepted and the winners will be chosen at random from all those who enter. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Enter the contest by submitting your stories, photos and video using the form at

February is American Heart Month
This is a time dedicated to the importance of cardiovascular health. Heart disease remains a leading cause of death globally, and this observance serves as a reminder for individuals to prioritize their heart health through awareness and preventative measures like adopting a nutritious diet, exercising regularly and understanding risk factors. Find resources and tools here:
Vote for AFSCME’s podcast to receive coveted NAACP award
AFSCME’s “I AM Story” podcast series has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award for being outstanding in its class, we need your help to bring home a win! Voting for the award is open to the public. Cast votes here:
Voting is open until February 24. The “I AM Story” podcast recounts the struggle of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike and if you haven’t already you can listen to it here: Please help us out by voting for “I AM Story!”
Regional News:
Region 4 Safety Officers get first contract ratified
Schenectady CSD Safety Officers have ratified their first contract after organizing with CSEA.
The four-year pact running through June 2027 includes annual salary increases and a $1000 bonus on completion of the first year of employment.

Region 3 – Orange County Unit reaches MOA on five-year deal
This week, leaders of the Orange County Unit reached a tentative memorandum of agreement with Orange County. Notably, in addition to wage increases, the agreement brings workers currently paid for 35 and 37.5 hour work weeks up to a 40 hour work week, a major step toward parity within the bargaining unit. Read news coverage of the agreement here:  

Polar Plunge for Special Olympics with Team CSEA Region 3
Time is running out to take part in the Fishkill Polar Plunge for Special Olympics New York, which this year will be held Saturday, February 17, 2024! Sign up for Team CSEA Region 3 or make a tax-deductible donation to the team by visiting Each year, CSEA participates in plunge events across the state to help raise funds for the athletes of Special Olympics. Team CSEA Region 3 has been jumping for over 15 years. Come join in the fun and help us support Special Olympics!

CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.
Member Benefits Spotlight: New year, new goals. Shop now and pay overtime —up to 12 months.
Make your resolutions a reality. Use your Spending Power and jump-start your goals with the latest tech upgrades and fitness gear. Shop 40,000+ brand-name products, from electronics and small appliances to furniture and more. You pay overtime with no credit check, no down payment, and no hidden fees.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, February 13, and Wednesday, February 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (607) 338-1130 to register.

State Government Grievance – Fallsburg (Region 3)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Saturday, February 24, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, February 26, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, February 28, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

February is Black History Month
Each year since 1976, February has been
designated Black History Month by US Presidents. During this month we honor the
numerous achievements of Black people and celebrate the many historical and
cultural impacts they have made throughout the world and notably within the
labor movement. Black workers helped develop the labor movement from the very
beginning, forming unions as early as the 1830s to fight for respect and

It is important that we
all take the opportunity to learn about, remember, honor and celebrate the
contributions of great Black leaders like A. Philip Randolph, William “Bill”
Lucy and John Lewis, to name a few. I encourage you to celebrate Black History
Month within your locals and units and to attend events and celebrations
throughout the month of February in your area.

In memory of Jim Hennerty
Jim was a long tenured employee of the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO, first as a Field Representative for Schuyler, Chemung and Thompkins Counties, as the Union’s Director of Labor Relations and Personnel and then as Deputy Director for Contract Administration, a title he held for more than 24 years. Jim’s contributions to the labor movement in New York State were remarkable; he was a key negotiator in six separate State Executive Branch contracts between 1990 and 2012 and served as lead negotiator for multiple agreements between the Union and the Office of Court Administration. “Jim was an avid advocate for the grievance and disciplinary rights of every union member, no matter how big or how small the issue,” shared Ross Hanna, CSEA’s Director of Contract Administration (1980-2016). “Jim was an absolute gentleman in all of his work, including when working with his adversaries across the table. He was respected by his colleagues and peers alike.” Jim retired from CSEA in 2013 after a 33-year career in the labor movement. Read Jim’s obituary:

“I Love My Union” Contest runs through Monday, Feb 12
The “I Love My Union” member pride contest is back this year! Show your Union some LOVE and you could be eligible to win one of ten $50 gift cards! Tell us a brief story of why you love your union and you’ll be entered to win. Or, if you prefer to SHOW your Union love, upload a picture or video no longer than 30 seconds of yourself showing your union pride to the form linked below.

***Only active members of CSEA are eligible to win, and the contest runs from 8:00 am on Friday, January 26 through Monday, February 12 at 11:59 pm. Only one entry per member will be accepted and the winners will be chosen at random from all those who enter.
Winners will be announced on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Enter the contest by submitting your stories, photos and video using the form at

Vote for AFSCME podcast to receive coveted NAACP award
AFSCME’s “I AM Story” podcast series has been nominated for an NAACP Image Award for being outstanding in its class, we need your help to bring home a win! Voting for the award is open to the public. Cast votes here:
Voting is open until February 24. The “I AM Story” podcast recounts the struggle of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike and if you haven’t already you can listen to it here: Please help us out by voting for “I AM Story!”
CSEA 2024 statewide college scholarship applications now available
Applications for our union’s statewide college scholarships are now available! Graduating high school seniors who are eligible dependents of CSEA active members are eligible to apply for and receive a scholarship. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship program, three in each region. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Application deadline is May 1, 2024. PLEASE NOTE: Old applications could disqualify potential candidates. Please do not use applications from previous years – applications were recently revised. To download the application, visit:
*You will need your member ID to login.

Membership Applications are now available in Spanish
Our Membership Department is pleased to announce that CSEA’s Membership Applications are now available in Spanish. The online form can be found and filled out on our website at (within the Join Us drop down menu at It is also available on the MyCSEA App under “SIGNUP APPS.”

To place an order of the hard copy Spanish-Membership Applications, please call the Membership Department: 518-257-1278 or send an email to:

Member Benefits Spotlight: Save Money On Your Auto Insurance
Are you looking to save money on your auto insurance? If the answer is yes, you may be interested in taking the New York Safety Programs’ online defensive driving course. For $22.95, CSEA members and their family members have access to NYSP’s online course. Once completed, you can reduce up to 4 points on your driving record and save 10% on your auto insurance. Register online at:, (enter code CSEA).

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, February 3, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, February 13, and Wednesday, February 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (607) 338-1130 to register.

State Government Grievance – Fallsburg (Region 3)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation
Saturday, February 24, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, February 26, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, February 28, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Governor Hochul Directs Flags to Half-Staff to Honor Parks Employee Aaron J. Peters
On January 24, Governor Hochul directed the flags on all state buildings to be flown at half staff in honor of CSEA member Aaron J. Peters. He was a member of the regional sawyer crew who was fatally injured on January 17 while involved in tree removal at Golden Hill State Park in Niagara County.
Aaron worked at the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for three years, and served on the regional ropes access team and sawyer crew. He had deep family ties to the state park system. He was the son of recently retired Niagara Region Deputy General Manager Ron Peters and Jennifer Ray, who recently left the regional business office.
Aaron’s tragic death is a solemn reminder of how CSEA members put their lives on the line every day to serve our communities. My deepest condolences go out to Aaron’s family, friends and loved ones.
Fight Back with the Truth!
We will be holding a series of webinars titled “Fighting Back with The Truth” for ALL members to learn about the Freedom Foundation’s lies and attacks and how they can fight back with the truth. All members will be sent an email with a link to register for the webinar in their region. Please encourage your members to register and attend one of three dates the webinar will be offered. Knowing the truth about the Freedom Foundation will only help strengthen CSEA so it’s important for as many members as possible to attend.

January 30 at 7:00pm  Register here.
February 1 at 7:00pm Register here.

“I Love My Union” Contest starts tomorrow
The “I Love My Union” member pride contest is back this year!
Show your Union some LOVE and you could be eligible to win one of ten $50 gift cards! Tell us a brief story of why you love your union and you’ll be entered to win. Or, if you prefer to SHOW your Union love, upload a picture or video no longer than 30 seconds of yourself showing your union pride to the form linked below.

***Only active members of CSEA are eligible to win, and the contest runs from 8:00 am on Friday, January 26 through Monday, February 12 at 11:59 pm. Only one entry per member will be accepted and the winners will be chosen at random from all those who enter. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Enter the contest by submitting your stories, photos and video using the form at

Membership Applications are now available in Spanish
Our Membership Department is pleased to announce that CSEA’s Membership Applications are now available in Spanish. The online form can be found and filled out on our website at (within the Join Us drop down menu at It is also available on the MyCSEA App under “SIGNUP APPS.”

To place an order of the hard copy Spanish-Membership Applications, please call the Membership Department: 518-257-1278 or send an email to:

January is National Mentoring Month
January is a time to celebrate the diverse array of mentoring relationships, from professional mentorships to guidance within communities, and showcase the transformative power of guidance and encouragement. National Mentoring Month recognizes that mentorship comes in various forms and plays a vital role in professional and personal development. To learn more about National Mentoring Month, visit
Regional News:
Member in Long Island Region 1 assists in elementary school threat
Thanks to the heroic efforts of CSEA North Bellmore School District Unit President Mary Grace-Roach, Newbridge Road Elementary School was quickly and successfully put into lockdown following a swatting incident. Swatting is described as making a prank call in hopes that authorities will dispatch a large number of armed police officers to a particular address. Grace-Roach received the call from the individual, who was using a voice changer to falsely report that there was an armed man shooting inside the school. Grace-Roach alerted the proper authorities who had the school locked down. Her quick thinking is a testament to the importance of having dedicated union employees in public facilities, who are prepared for an emergency.  

Southern Region members needed for the Fishkill Polar Plunge!
CSEA members in the Southern Region are urged to support Special Olympics New York by signing up for Team Region 3 in the Fishkill Polar Plunge, which will take place at 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 17, 2024 at Camp Mariah in Fishkill. Sign up for the team or make a tax-deductible donation by visiting For over 15 years, CSEA members in the Southern Region have been “Freezin’ for a Reason” to raise funds allowing people with disabilities to participate at no cost in Special Olympics athletic events. The Fishkill Polar Plunge is a fun event where the entire Southern Region comes together for an important cause. Those with questions may email for more information.

Member Benefits Spotlight: CSEA sponsored insurance plans built with CSEA members’ needs in mind.
Life is full of surprises. Some will be filled with joy; others can be devastating.  Pearl Insurance provides a variety of insurance solutions to help protect you and your loved ones when life events occur.   By using group-buying power, Pearl can get CSEA Members the best possible rates on their insurance programs. Plus, it is easy to pay premiums with convenient payroll deduction options—no bills to pay, no checks to write, and no missed payments! Visit:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, February 3, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, February 13, and Wednesday, February 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (607) 338-1130 to register.

State Government Grievance – Fallsburg (Region 3)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Monday, January 29, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Private Sector Discipline and Interrogation

Saturday, February 24, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, February 26, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, February 28, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

For a full list and description of workshops offered by the Education & Training Department go to:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Greetings CSEA Family!

Fight Back with the Truth!
We will be holding a series of webinars titled “Fighting Back with The Truth” for ALL members to learn about the Freedom Foundation’s lies and attacks and how they can fight back with the truth. All members will be sent an email with a link to register for the webinar in their region. Please encourage your members to register and attend one of three dates the webinar will be offered. Knowing the truth about the Freedom Foundation will only help strengthen CSEA so it’s important for as many members as possible to attend.

January 23 at 7:00pm  Register here.
January 30 at 7:00pm  Register here.
February 1 at 7:00pm Register here.

2024 NYS budget proposal summary
On Tuesday, the Governor proposed her FY2025 budget. The budget balances a $4.3 billion deficit without raising taxes, laying off state employees, or eliminating vacant positions in state agencies. While we oppose the Governor’s proposal to close up to five state correctional facilities with only 90 days’ notice, we are supportive of other proposals to bolster public services, including 125 new inpatient treatment beds in the Office of Mental Health. In addition, the Governor is proposing to end the 5-day lag pay withholding for state employees who are hired on and after July 1, 2024. The budget also increases funding for school districts by $825 million and increases funding for Medicaid. The budget is due by April 1.

We are continuing to review budget documents and will have a more comprehensive summary in the coming days.

DMV adopts “Under the Hood” Exemption” for Commercial Driver License road test
Governor Hochul recently announced a plan to remove barriers for prospective school bus drivers applying for commercial driver licenses.  The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has implemented a federal waiver that allows school bus driver applicants to skip the engine compartment component, also called the “under the hood” component of the commercial driver license road test. This waiver will make it easier to get a commercial license at a time when school bus drivers are desperately needed and is the latest in a series of actions directed by the Governor to address the critical shortage of truck and bus drivers. For more information visit:
January is National Mentoring Month
January is a time to celebrate the diverse array of mentoring relationships, from professional mentorships to guidance within communities, and showcase the transformative power of guidance and encouragement. National Mentoring Month recognizes that mentorship comes in various forms and plays a vital role in professional and personal development. To learn more about National Mentoring Month, visit
Union members help minimize snow’s impact in Western New York
As Western New Yorkers (WNY) find themselves digging out of the latest winter snowstorm, we’d like to recognize all of our union members who helped keep the community safe during hazardous times. From local members to those deployed across the state to aid WNY, without their hard work and dedication, events like these have the potential to be much worse. Thank you to everyone who worked around the clock to minimize the detriment of this past week’s weather – your work is essential to the function of your community.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Planning a trip to Disney in 2024?
Do your 2024 plans include a trip to Disney? If so, you are in luck. Member Deals is offering adult Disney tickets at children’s prices for three day passes or more. You must act quick as this offer is for a limited time. Visit:
Education & Training Virtual Workshop Schedule available online
A full list and descriptions of Virtual workshops is available at (under the last tab, “VIRTUAL WORKSHOPS FOR MEMBERS IN ALL REGIONS”).

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, February 3, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, February 13, and Wednesday, February 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (607) 338-1130 to register.

State Government Grievance – Fallsburg (R3)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, January 22, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, January 29, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification

Monday, February 26, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, February 28, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday, January 11, 2024

**Website maintenance takes place this weekend

On Saturday, January 13 our website and the MyCSEA mobile app will be unavailable from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. due to maintenance.

Greetings CSEA Family!

Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
On Monday, January 15 we honor Dr. King’s 95th birthday and all that he did to advance the rights of minorities in America. We also must not forget that Dr. King gave his life while preparing to march on behalf of striking AFSCME sanitation workers. I encourage you all to take some time to find and participate in observances in honor of Dr. King near you.
Western New York MLK Legacy Luncheon to honor fellow union member
Ebony Rose of CSEA Local 815/section president for Erie County Medical Center will be honored by the Western New York (WNY) Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO at its 3rd Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Legacy Luncheon on Friday, Jan 12. The program will include recognition of awardees and their work in the labor movement and our local communities, and a celebration of labor and community’s work to live the legacy of MLK in WNY. For more information – please visit:
MLK Day community food and clothing drive in Central New York
CSEA Members will join the Central New York Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO to assist with the efforts to sort and organize donations of food and gently used clothing on MLK Day – Monday, January 15th from 8 a.m. to Noon at Nottingham High School. For more information visit:
Several MLK events will be held in Saratoga Springs
MLK Saratoga has a series of events taking place around Saratoga Springs for Dr. King Celebration Weekend. All events are free and open to the public. View the events here:

CSEA members ratify contract with the New York State Canal Corp.
CSEA members employed by New York State Canal Corp. overwhelmingly ratified a new contract with seventy-one percent voter turnout and 95 percent voting YES to the 5-year deal.
Increases in compensation for raises and salary schedule, many added benefits and no increases in health care contribution are among many highlights making this contract so well received.

District 3 Central Barge Canal Local President Chris Craine, District 2 Barge Canal East Local President Ron Euler (District 2) and District 2 Barge Canal West Local President John Weisser conducted the ballot count at CSEA Headquarters in Albany today.
Nearly 400 CSEA represented Canal Corp. employees maintain and operate New York’s 524-mile canal system that links the Hudson River with Lake Champlain, Lake Ontario, the Finger Lakes, the Niagara River and Lake Erie; it passes through 25 counties and is near more than 200 of our state’s communities.

Ballots for CSEA elections will be mailed out
On Tuesday, January 16, the American Arbitration Association will mail out ballots for our CSEA elections to the homes of all eligible union members. Please remind members to watch for theirs. Ballots must be completed and returned to the American Arbitration Association’s post office box by 8:00 am on Thursday, February 15. If ballots aren’t received in the mail by Tuesday, January 23, contact the American Arbitration Association at 1-800-529-5218 or at
Recap of Governor Hochul’s 2024 State of the State
The Governor’s 2024 State of the State address touched on a number of issues ranging from strengthening the public sector workforce, increasing the state’s housing stock, public safety, investing in green energy, investing in mental health and supporting the states’ healthcare delivery system. The governor specifically outlined another 100 new state operated mental health beds which will include 25 new forensic inpatient beds and 15 children’s beds. In addition, in continuing efforts to recruit state workers, civil service will look at all state jobs that require a college education to determine if equivalent experience can be substituted for a college degree.

At the same time, a federal waiver has been granted to NYS to secure $7 billion to transform our healthcare system and invest in workforce recruitment and retention. The governor also proposed a zero co-pay for insulin for all plans governed by the state.

Details on many proposals will be included in the Governor’s proposed budget which will be forthcoming next week.
Update on School Workplace Violence Plan Compliance
We have learned that on January 9 the Commissioners of the NYS Education Department and the NYS Department of Labor communicated to school superintendents that school districts have until May 3 to comply with the updated workplace violence prevention law. We previously understood this requirement to take effect on January 4 and this is a significant departure from our understanding. We are looking into this and will continue to keep you informed as there are any new developments.
AFSCME highlights Region 1’s Greta Glenn and her “heart of wisdom”
CSEA Long Island Region Pilgrim Psychiatric Center Local member Greta Glenn has been recognized as one of AFSCME’s latest Never Quit Service Award winner. This service award is given in recognition of a member’s outstanding service to our communities and our union. Read Greta’s profile here:

More communications from AFSCME this month:
AFSCME plans to send 4 full list emails in January and one email to a small subset of the full list that will give subscribers an opportunity to participate in a survey about union content. The full list emails are described below.

President Saunders’ conversation with Martin Luther King III is featured on an interactive landing page. This email will link to the landing page where people can click through audio clips and to experience the conversation.

Never Quit Spotlight
This email highlighting a Never Quit Service Award winner illustrates AFSCME members’ dedication to their jobs and their communities through a comic strip illustration. The email will ask subscribers to get to know the winner in real life by watching the full video or reading the blog.

AFSCME Now Round Up
This email will highlight the “most clicked” blog stories from January.

You Can Be U

This email will highlight the popular You Can Be U member content and will link to one of the videos on the AFSCME Facebook page. We will ask subscribers to leave a comment telling us about what they do with their free time.

Member Benefits Spotlight: Transfer your credit card balances and save!
During the holidays, many of us ate too much and spent too much – and it was great! Now we’re paying the price, literally. If you have a high-rate credit card with a balance, chances are you can pay less in interest and lower your payments with a CSEA Visa. There’s no balance transfer fee and lots of nice benefits.
Learn more and apply at:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Grievance Representation – Fallsburg (Region 3)**
Tuesday, January 16, and Wednesday, January 17, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)**

Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, February 3, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, February 13, and Wednesday, February 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (607) 338-1130 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government Grievance Representation – Commack (Region 1)**
Tuesday, March 19, and Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, January 22, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, January 29, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/VP Training for Regions 1-6**:
Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, January 11. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 4, 2024

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Happy New Year CSEA Family! Below you will find important information, available trainings and a review of the many things we accomplished in 2023.

2023 Year in Review:
In 2023, our union once again showed that when we stand together, we can accomplish anything.
Union organizing efforts continued to remain strong, with CSEA welcoming many new groups of workers into our union, including:

  • School Safety officers at Schenectady City School District
  • City of Long Beach Part-Time members
    Bangs Ambulance workers
  • Storm King Art Center
  • Goshen Public Library
  • Croton Library
  • Town of New Scotland
  • Inwood Sanitation District No. 1 (Supervisors)

Field Operations did very impressive work to strengthen contracts during the past year, we should all be very proud of these numbers:

  • 62 contracts ratified since September 2023
  • 15 of those 62 contracts added Juneteenth as a paid holiday
  • 487 total contracts have Juneteenth as a paid holiday

Because of strong union legislative and political action, Gov. Kathy Hochul, her administration and state legislators passed a New York State budget that fully funds state agencies and provides important aid to local governments.

Our union worked with the Governor and her administration to enact measures to increase hiring and encourage retention at state agencies and local government. With our union’s legislative and political action efforts, the governor and state legislature made many changes to the state’s civil service system that include waiving civil service examination fees, offering continuous recruitment exams, placing Civil Service representatives in career centers across the state, requiring the Department of Civil Service and municipal civil service commissions to advertise competitive exams in schools and job training centers and counting employee provisional time toward permanent appointments. Governor Hochul signed the latter two items into law during a September news conference at which our union discussed the urgent need to boost worker recruitment and retention.

As 2023 ended, we continued to work with Gov. Kathy Hochul and her administration on efforts to reform the pension system, as well as civil service reforms to promote worker recruitment and retention. The governor and legislature have made positive reforms to pensions and civil service, but more work needs to be done.

The power and value of legislative and political action was also on display when the governor signed into law several bills that protect workers’ rights and safety.

Union members showed up at the polls this year for numerous successful elections of local government candidates who stand with working people, most notably, longtime friends to our union Monroe County Executive Adam Bello, who was reelected, and Dutchess County Executive Sue Serino, who was elected. We look forward to working with them and other CSEA-endorsed candidates who were elected.

CSEA advanced efforts to reach out to new employees as soon as they are hired, including by forming a new member orientation task force. The New Member Orientation (NMO) Taskforce was created at the beginning of 2023 to review current practices and materials that are used throughout CSEA. Taskforce Members represent every region in CSEA and across all industry sectors. They met and put in a great deal of time and effort to enhance our NMO materials in order to deliver the most effective ways to recruit and retain CSEA members.

Additionally, the Membership Enrollment & Administration Department was created from two separate departments within CSEA, and the staffing level was increased to create efficiency and accountability for the membership application process. Internal controls were implemented to ensure all applications received are processed timely. Regional teams were also created to increase the proficiency and accountability of the application and posting process. These changes have resulted in a dramatic improvement in our membership counts, dues revenue intake and far fewer complaints from our union leadership.

Our Legislative and Political Action Department also traversed the state attending regional conferences to have open discussions with members about anti-union groups like the Freedom Foundation and Opt-Out Today to find out what we can do better to combat these union-busting efforts and false narratives. We listened to our members’ feedback and created new print materials to fight back with the truth based on what our members said they wanted to see and hear from us.

In 2023, CSEA continued to fight for workplace safety and health. Our union’s Occupational Safety and Health developed a campaign to raise member awareness of ticks and tick-borne illness in New York, including distributing to members tick removal keys, tick identification charts, posters, and other reference materials. When Canadian wildfires affected air quality throughout the state, our OSH Department kept members informed of resources and recommendations to stay safe.

Hundreds of union members attended our Statewide Women’s Conference in Saratoga Springs, where they learned how to better use their union voices to increase our power.

Additionally, hundreds of CSEA members from across the state had an opportunity to network, develop and enhance their leadership skills in trainings offered during our 113th Annual Delegates Meeting. CSEA members also increased their knowledge through region conferences throughout the year.

CSEA worked with the Workforce Development Institute (WDI) to launch a Child Care Scholarship Program to help working families with the high cost of child care.

Our union continued to negotiate and strengthen contracts across the state. Numerous bargaining units have added Juneteenth as a paid holiday, and these efforts continue.

Our State Operations Team also reached agreements with the Governor and her administration to extend paid parental leave to eligible state employees, and secure back overtime pay for hundreds of CSEA members. We continue to work to extend these successes to more members.

In 2023, our union also stepped-up efforts to urge soon-to-retire and retired union members to join the CSEA Retiree Division.

During CSEA Member Appreciation Month, we recognized and extended a thank you to all of our union members for their hard work every day in providing services in every community in New York.

CSEA members across the state also continued to show their solidarity through participating in Labor Day and Veterans Day events.

Looking ahead into the new year, we still face challenges and much more work, but we will stand strong!

OSH reminder for NYS school districts
As of today Jan. 4, 2024 all school districts and their cooperative extension must comply with the New York State Public Employees Workplace Violence Prevention Law. The governor recently amended the law to include all school districts. The law requires school districts to include union representatives in the process and requires them to implement protective measures and train all employees. Contact your OSH Specialist or visit for more information and assistance.

Important Election Information:

By now you should have received some information in the mail from the Statewide Election Committee (SEC) regarding the 2024 Statewide, Region, Board of Directors, and AFSCME Delegates Elections. The information should have included the Election Notice. It is vital that you provide this election information to your Local membership and Unit membership, if any.

If you did not receive this information, or if you have any general questions about the election process, you may contact the SEC staff at 1-800-342-4146, extension 1447 or Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you! Deb Ake, Chair, Statewide Election Committee

Important Information from the Statewide Treasurer:
The IRS has increased the mileage rate to 67 cents per mile effective January 1st, 2024. In order for your Local/Unit to pay the new rate, a motion must be made at your next Executive Board meeting confirming this rate and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can mileage reimbursement be made at a rate that is higher than this approved IRS rate.

Membership Applications are now available in Spanish
Our Membership Department is pleased to announce that CSEA’s Membership Applications are now available in Spanish. The online form can be found and filled out on our website at (within the Join Us drop down menu at It is also available on the MyCSEA App under “SIGNUP APPS.”

To place an order of the hard copy Spanish-Membership Applications, please call the Membership Department: 518-257-1278 or send an email to:

CSEA Communications receive 5 ILCA Awards
It was recently announced that CSEA and its Communications Department received five awards in the International Labor Communications Association’s (ILCA) 2023 Labor Media Awards, which honors 2022 communications work. This contest is extremely competitive, with entries submitted by labor unions from across the U.S. and Canada, these honors are quite an accomplishment. View the awards here:
Rochester Americans Discount Offer      
With the Rochester Americans’ season well-underway, we’d like to remind members of the CSEA-exclusive discount offer we have on all regular season home games at Blue Cross Arena in downtown Rochester. Click this link and enter code CSEA to redeem this offer throughout their season.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Update on American Solar Partners
The Member Benefits Department was informed that American Solar Partners is shifting their business from residential solar installations to commercial installations. This decision was made based on the raising interest rate environment. American Solar Partners will continue to service existing CSEA installs but will no longer install new residential systems. CSEA will cease promotion and endorsement of this benefit.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Grievance Representation – Fallsburg (Region 3)**
Tuesday, January 16, and Wednesday, January 17, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)**

Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, February 3, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, February 13, and Wednesday, February 14, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (607) 338-1130 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, January 22, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, January 29, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/VP Training for Regions 1-6**:
Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, January 11. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

2023 Weekly Leadership Update Archive
From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thursday, December 21, 2023

*Reminder that there won’t be a leadership update next week as it is Christmas & Kwanzaa

Dear CSEA Family – Wishing you all the best for a happy, healthy and safe holiday season! Looking forward to working together in 2024…

CSEA reaches overtime backpay agreement with NYS
Back in 2020, many CSEA members volunteered to work on an overtime basis at state agencies that really needed assistance.   Many of our members are in titles that are a higher grade than the work they volunteered for on an OT basis. Thus, when they received their paychecks, the OT rate was not what they expected. They received a blended rate, which was actually legal and correct under the Comptroller’s rules.   The problems we had with it were a lack of notice and we objected greatly that our members volunteered during a time of great need and then received less than expected.

We immediately voiced our concerns and tried to work it out. Then we filed a class action grievance and considered other legal remedies. PEF simply filed a lawsuit. Given CSEA’s better relationship with the Governor, we entered into an agreement to preserve our members’ right to file a lawsuit against the State at a later date. That agreement, between OER and us, was renewed multiple times and we worked through a resolution behind the scenes.

I am happy to advise that our members will be paid the correct OT rate in paychecks on December 20th and 28th without the need for CSEA to file a lawsuit.

Membership Applications are now available in Spanish
Our Membership Department is pleased to announce that CSEA’s Membership Applications are now available in Spanish. The online form can be found and filled out on our website at (within the Join Us drop down menu at It is also available on the MyCSEA App under “SIGNUP APPS.”

To place an order of the hard copy Spanish-Membership Applications, please call the Membership Department: 518-257-1278 or send an email to:

The year in review courtesy of State Operations
Our union has done some very impressive work to strengthen contracts during the past year, we should all be very proud of these numbers:
-62 contracts ratified since September 2023
-15 of those 62 contracts added Juneteenth as a paid holiday
-487 total contracts have Juneteenth as a paid holiday
Important Information from the Statewide Treasurer:
The IRS has increased the mileage rate to 67 cents per mile effective January 1st, 2024. In order for your Local/Unit to pay the new rate, a motion must be made at your next Executive Board meeting confirming this rate and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can mileage reimbursement be made at a rate that is higher than this approved IRS rate.
Regional News:
Visit to Ithaca water treatment plant yields solidarity
City of Ithaca City Admin Unit President Courtney McGuire made a visit to members of the bargaining unit at the Ithaca Water Treatment Plant. Following that visit, all inactive CSEA union operators re-joined CSEA making the crew 100 percent active members. The group is now enthusiastic to be included in the upcoming negotiations process and will help build solidarity across the City of Ithaca.

Members collect toys for annual holiday donation drive
CSEA Nassau County Local members recently dropped off toys from their annual holiday donation drive to the Nassau University Medical Center. Local representatives collected the donations at the local’s annual holiday party. All donations go to children that are either admitted to or visit the hospital. The group collected so many donations that toys will be distributed well into the new year.

Head Start workers gain new contract
CSEA members from the Ulster County Community Action (Ulster County Head Start) Local recently approved a new contract. The agreement, retroactive to December 1, 2022 and running through November 30, 2026, includes a cost of living wage increase retroactive to the contract’s start date and will incorporate wage re-openers each subsequent year of the contract (required due to the federal structure of Head Start’s funding). Our union was able to additionally negotiate one-time longevity payments, a one-time retroactive payment of $1.50 per hour, the continuation of a generous recruitment and retention bonus program, additional sick leave, an increase in meal allowances, and the addition of Juneteenth as a holiday for 12-month workers. This agreement, which was unanimously approved by CSEA members, is the most beneficial agreement negotiated in many years.

Strong new contract at Ellenville Regional Hospital
CSEA members from our union’s Ellenville Regional Hospital Local unanimously approved a new contract that runs from the beginning of 2024 through the end of 2026. The deal includes generous wage increases in all three years of the agreement, no changes to health insurance, increases in on-call pay, an increase in sick leave accumulation, beneficial scheduling changes for nurses, increases to longevity, and an improved sick-leave buyout upon retirement. The Ellenville Regional Hospital Local is a wall-to-wall private sector bargaining unit representing a variety of workers providing essential services at this western Ulster County hospital.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Winter heating savings available
Now that winter is upon us, did you know that CSEA members have access to savings on Home Heating Oil through NYPIRG’s Fuel Buyers Group? The Fuel Buyers Group uses collective buying power to lower energy costs while partnering with trusted local suppliers. Last year members saw an average savings on more than $400! Start saving today! Call 800-695-4645 or visit:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Grievance Representation – Fallsburg (Region 3)**
Tuesday, January 16, and Wednesday, January 17, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)**

Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, February 3, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline & Interrogations Recertification
Monday, January 22, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, January 29, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/VP Training for Regions 1-6**:
Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, January 11. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Hello CSEA Family!

Message from IT regarding scheduled website maintenance on 12/16/23
Please be advised that on Saturday Dec 16th our website and mobile app will be unavailable from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for maintenance.

Important reminder for the holidays about anti-union groups
As the holiday season ramps up, we are seeing an uptick in anti-union groups contacting members with holiday themed opt-out messaging. These groups may mail, email or call/text or do at home visits. Some have fraudulently claimed to be from the CSEA President or CSEA – these are NOT coming from CSEAThese scammers allude to raises and savings, send phony checks and promote divisive issues to get members to click a link in an email, fill out a postcard or scan a QR Code. Please remind all members to report these scams, by contacting their Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146 – so we can keep track of their efforts.
Regional News:
CSEA Long Island Region advocates for the health and safety of members
Western Suffolk BOCES is seeing difficulties with recruitment and retention of teacher aides due to low pay. As a result, the Western Suffolk BOCES Board has been hiring subcontractors who have no authority in the classroom. So, when a member was recently assaulted by a developmentally disabled student at the school, there was no one who could intervene. CSEA Long Island Region President Jerry Laricchiuta spoke at a Western Suffolk BOCES board meeting where he urged the group to hire more teacher assistants for the safety of the aides and the students.

CSEA Nassau University Medical Center Unit [NUMC] step up member recruitment
NUMC Officers are collaborating with CSEA staff to sign up workers that haven’t yet signed a CSEA membership card. The group is making plans to hold a number of membership drives at NUMC and A. Holly Patterson Extended Care Facility during the next few months.

CSEA endorses Latimer in NYS 16th Congressional District race
Earlier this week, we announced our union’s endorsement of Westchester County Executive George Latimer in his campaign for New York’s 16th Congressional District seat.

Southern Region President Anthony Adamo and Westchester County Local President Hattie Adams made the endorsement announcement alongside Latimer at a news conference held at the Westchester County Local Office in White Plains. They were joined by numerous current members of the Westchester County Local, along with members of the Westchester County Retirees Local.

CSEA has forged a strong with Latimer through the years as he served in the state Senate and Assembly, a relationship that continued as he moved into his current role. After becoming county executive, Latimer promptly settled a years-long contract dispute with the Westchester County Unit that preceded Latimer’s time in office.

Read more here:

Capital Region Legislative Victory
Two frontline Highway Equipment Operator positions slated for elimination were restored to the Albany County budget adopted last week. The outcome is the result of collaboration between CSEA, members of the county’s Labor Outreach Task Force and the chair of the Albany County Legislature.
Region 6 gives Veterans Committee donations to local non-profit        
In October, the Statewide Veterans Committee raised over $800 selling special pins at the Annual Delegates Meeting. Western Region President Steve Healy and Executive VP Tim Finnigan recently met with Veterans One-stop in Buffalo to present those donations.

Veterans One-stop is a WNY-based non-profit that aims to bring people, resources and organizations together to improve the quality of life for those who have served or are serving in our Armed Forces. From peer support events to a fully free gym available to all veterans and guests, this organization truly dedicates itself to serving such a substantial and important population in WNY.

Thank you to everyone who bought a pin at ADM and to the Statewide Veterans Committee for leading this fundraiser.

Member Benefits Spotlight: Reminder: HSA and FSA funds can be used for hearing aids
Many members may not realize that hearing care expenses, including hearing aids, are eligible spending account expenses. HSA dollars are always available and it’s not too late to use FSA dollars if they have a rollover period. Amplifon makes it easy :

1 – Member calls Amplifon at 888-998-4883

2 – They will review their hearing care benefit

3 – They will help to schedule an appointment for their free hearing exam

Your member’s first step to better hearing starts here.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Grievance Representation – Fallsburg (Region 3)**
Tuesday, January 16, and Wednesday, January 17, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)**

Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Beacon (Region 3)
Saturday, February 3, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline and Interrogations RECERTIFICATION
Monday, December 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION

Tuesday, December 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/VP Training for Regions 1-6**:
Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, January 11. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Hello CSEA Family!

CSEA and State Extend Military Leave MOU for 2024
CSEA executed a new MOU to extend the Military Leave MOU through the end of 2024 for state members.  The agreement extends the ability for eligible members to utilize Supplemental Military Leave through December 31, 2024, among other benefits. The full agreement can be found here:
Message from IT regarding member apps
For better online security our IT Department has implemented Captcha on the online member application. This helps prevent bot attacks on the online form.

Important reminder for the holidays about anti-union groups
As the holiday season ramps up, we are seeing an uptick in anti-union groups contacting members with holiday themed opt-out messaging. These groups may mail, email or call/text or do at home visits. Some have fraudulently claimed to be from the CSEA President or CSEA – these are NOT coming from CSEAThese scammers allude to raises and savings, send phony checks and promote divisive issues to get members to click a link in an email, fill out a postcard or scan a QR Code. Please remind all members to report these scams, by contacting their Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146 – so we can keep track of their efforts.
Regional News:
Sign up for the Fishkill Polar Plunge
Members in the Southern Region are encouraged to support Special Olympics New York by participating in the Fishkill Polar Plunge, which is scheduled for February 17, 2024 at Sharpe Reservation (Camp Mariah) in Fishkill. Sign up for our team or make a donation at Whether you’re up for taking the plunge into the chilly waters at Sharpe Reservation or you prefer to stand on the sidelines and cheer on those taking the jump, you’re encouraged to join Team CSEA Region 3 and raise funds for to benefit Special Olympics athletes.

Members decorate to raise money for animals
The Town of Brookhaven Highway Unit working at the Holtsville Ecology Center have worked tirelessly to set up a holiday light spectacular for residents to enjoy. All proceeds from the annual event will go towards the onsite animal preserve.

Long Island Unit approves ratification
An overwhelming majority of voting Town of North Hempstead Unit members recently chose to ratify their new contract. The unit negotiated binding arbitration with zero give backs. The group also received a big increase for safety boots, going from $125 to $200 for the crucial safety equipment.

Member Benefits Spotlight: Save this Holiday season with MemberDeals!
Give the gift of discounted entertainment tickets. CSEA members have access to hundreds of tickets through Member Deals. Save on movie theater tickets, concerts, sporting events and much more.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Grievance Representation – Fallsburg (Region 3)**
Tuesday, January 16, and Wednesday, January 17, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)**

Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline and Interrogations RECERTIFICATION
Monday, December 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION

Tuesday, December 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/VP Training for Regions 1-6**:
Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, January 11. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Hello CSEA Family!

A review of our union’s PAC 2023 victories

Our involvement in Legislative and Political Action matters! Governor Kathy Hochul has recently signed two key bills into law, each designed to enhance the rights and working conditions of the public sector workforce.

The first bill provides protection for labor class and non-competitive class employees when there is a reduction in the workforce. This means that the majority of the CSEA workforce will benefit from consistent safeguards. For more information, check out this flyer, here.

Another bill, effective in January of 2025, ensures that local government ambulance forces, Emergency Medical Service (EMT) providers, and other providers of ambulance services are paid directly by insurance companies even if they are not preferred providers. This legislation eliminates unnecessary barriers and will ensure that all providers get paid. For more information, check out this flyer, here.

We also saw some great CSEA victories in the 2023 elections! This year was especially important for our local government employees in Monroe County, where County Executive Adam Bello was successfully re-elected. Adam has been a great partner to CSEA, providing county employees with quarterly retention bonuses as well as increases in wages and benefits across the board. Adam has expressed his thanks to CSEA and all the members who worked hard to get him re-elected. Check out his thank you message, here.  

We were also proud to support Sue Serino, a long-time friend to CSEA, who was successful in her election for Dutchess County Executive! Sue served as a New York State Senator and had a 100 percent voting record with CSEA. We support elected officials who support us, and we don’t forget our friends! CSEA’s support was instrumental to Sue’s success, she expressed her thanks to CSEA in a video, here.  

Important reminder for the holidays about anti-union groups

As the holiday season ramps up, we are seeing an uptick in anti-union groups contacting members with holiday themed opt-out messaging. These groups may mail, email or call/text or do at home visits. Some have fraudulently claimed to be from the CSEA President or CSEA – these are NOT coming from CSEA. These scammers allude to raises and savings, send phony checks and promote divisive issues to get members to click a link in an email, fill out a postcard or scan a QR Code. Please remind all members to report these scams, by contacting their Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146 – so we can keep track of their efforts.

Regional News:

City of Mount Vernon members win long-awaited contract
Congratulations to CSEA members from the City of Mount Vernon Unit on their ratification of a new memorandum of agreement. The deal comes as a result of a strong labor-management relationship with current city leaders following previous difficulties with the former city comptroller, under whose administration members dealt with stalled contract negotiations and a failure to deliver previous contractually negotiated wage increases.

The new agreement runs from the beginning of 2018 through the end of 2023 and includes the payment of the wage increases that the previous comptroller had withheld during the previous contract term. In the new contract, members are receiving wage increases for each year, increases in longevity, and provisions for clothing and equipment allowances.

Two Committees collaborate to help the community on Thanksgiving
Kudos to the CSEA Region 2 Women’s’ and Education Committees for joining forces this holiday season and creating special Thanksgiving Day baskets for some deserving families. They worked with the charity People United as One, coordinated by Yonna Lovell and Melanie Clunie. Patricia Lawrence, chair of the Women’s Committee and Felicia McCullough, chair of the Education Committee, responded eagerly to the call and asked their members to bring nonperishable goods and gently used coats. As a result, many coats were donated, and two jam-packed Thanksgiving Day baskets were created by members who worked around the clock to make the delivery in time for the holiday. People United as One is an organization that services the community by helping the homeless, the elderly and anyone in need. They serve free meals, collect clothing and participate in community events.

CSEA Local 429 members’ memories and dedication honored

Ten years ago, Lizette Serrano and Marion Anderson-Ryan went out of their way to make sure individuals at Staten Island DDSO enjoyed a lovingly prepared Thanksgiving meal. The food service workers, members of CSEA Local 429, accomplished their mission but tragically never made it home. The two were struck and killed by a minivan on a dark, rain-slicked road as they tried to get to a bus stop and to their families for the holiday. CSEA Local President Jeanette Mitchell, Region 2 President Lester Crockett, friends, family and co-workers gathered on November 19 to honor them and to thank them for their many contributions which included posthumous safety improvements to the dangerous road where they met their fate.

Member Benefits Spotlight: Holiday BINGO hosted by Purchasing Power! NOTE: Date Change!

On December 6th  and December 7th, Purchasing Power will be hosting virtual Holiday BINGO. The games will be held during lunch hour from 12:00 – 1:00 with the chance to win one of many great prizes including: Beats Ear Buds, a Ralph Lauren Travel Tote, a JBL Bluetooth Speaker, or a $200 Purchasing Power Rewards certificate. Email blasts will be sent to CSEA members advertising the two events. Please encourage your members to play for a chance to win!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, December 2, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**
Tuesday, December 12, and Wednesday, December 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Fallsburg (Region 3)**

Tuesday, January 16, and Wednesday, January 17, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)**

Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline and Interrogations RECERTIFICATION

Monday, December 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION

Tuesday, December 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/VP Training for Regions 1-6**:
Wednesday, January 17, and Thursday, January 18, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, January 11. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, December 6, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Hello CSEA Family!

**Reminder that there won’t be a leadership update next week as we observe the Thanksgiving holiday.

State Comptroller’s office is currently hiring for multiple open CSEA positions across NYS
Please watch the recruitment message to our members from NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli:

They have over 2,700 public servants statewide who are dedicated to ensuring taxpayer dollars are used effectively and for public good. CSEA members are highly valued members of their team, these positions are open to those who are new to government work or current NYS employees looking for a change.

Important reminder for the holidays about anti-union groups
As the holiday season ramps up, we are seeing an uptick in anti-union groups contacting members with holiday themed opt-out messaging. These groups may mail, email or call/text or do at home visits. Some have fraudulently claimed to be from the CSEA President or CSEA – these are NOT coming from CSEA. These scammers allude to raises and savings, send phony checks and promote divisive issues to get members to click a link in an email, fill out a postcard or scan a QR Code. Please remind all members to report these scams, by contacting their Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146 – so we can keep track of their efforts.
New Workplace Violence Prevention Virtual Meeting- Available On Demand
Learn what the latest workplace violence prevention regulations require school districts to do and what resources CSEA has to help them through the process, followed by an open forum for questions and answers. View the webinar here:
Child Care Scholarships now available across upstate NY
The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) has launched a Child Care Scholarship Program to help working families with the high cost of child care. Currently, the average cost of child care is over $30,000 for a family with two children, often forcing families to make hard economic decisions. Under WDI’s program, the average monthly scholarship for full-time care is $1000 per child and $500 for part-time, paid directly to child care providers. Scholarships are open to any resident of New York State outside of NYC, who is working 10 hours or more or is in an education or training program and whose income falls under the maximum eligible income. Please visit WDI Child Care to complete the eligibility prescreen to qualify. Questions can be sent to:
Regional News:
Fulton County Members Speak Out
Fulton County Department of Social Services and Highway Unit Members Monday held an informational picket to draw attention to the staffing crisis threatening public services. Since August, members have been campaigning to educate county management and the community about the risk to public services. Members want a contract that will advance recruitment and retention in the county. Coverage of the picketing, speeches at the board meeting following and interviews with members were featured on the local CBS affiliate, WRGB and in the local paper, The Leader Herald.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Get ready for Holiday BINGO hosted by Purchasing Power!
On November 29th and December 6th, Purchasing Power will be hosting virtual Holiday BINGO. The games will be held during lunch hour from 12:00p – 1:00p with the chance to win one of many great prizes including: Beats Ear Buds, a Ralph Lauren Travel Tote, a JBL Bluetooth Speaker, or a $200 Purchasing Power Rewards certificate. Email blasts will be sent to CSEA members advertising the two events. Please encourage your members to play for a chance to win!

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Geneva (Region 6)
Saturday, November 18, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Latham (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 29, and Thursday, November 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, December 2, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**
Tuesday, December 12, and Wednesday, December 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Discipline and Interrogations RECERTIFICATION
Monday, December 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION

Tuesday, December 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, December 6, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, December 6, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is November 29. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Honoring our Veterans this weekend and always
On behalf of our entire union, I’d like to recognize and appreciate all those who have served our country, including those who continue to serve both home and abroad, as we give thanks this Veterans Day 2023. We humbly honor the bravery and dedication it takes to protect and defend our freedoms and liberties. If you have the opportunity to attend any regional or local Veterans Day ceremonies or events in the coming days, I encourage you to do so.
Election Day statewide results
CSEA supported candidates fared well in this election. Our main target was making sure County Executive Adam Bello from Monroe County was re-elected to a second term and CSEA was successful!! His coattails extended to the county legislature in Monroe as well and for the first time in many years the legislature is in democratic hands. In addition, two CSEA supported ballot initiatives passed overwhelmingly. For more information on CSEA supported candidates please visit:

Save the Date: Nov. 14 for OSH info sessions
CSEA’s OSH Department will be hosting two virtual meetings on November 14, 2023, for school district leadership to discuss the newly amended workplace violence prevention law. The virtual meetings will discuss basic employer requirements, available CSEA resources, and provide time for leadership to voice concerns, ask questions, and get needed answers, attend either time.

Workplace Violence in Schools Virtual Leadership Meeting
November 14, 2023, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Registration Link:

Workplace Violence in Schools Virtual Leadership Meeting
November 14, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Registration Link:

Child Care Scholarships now available across upstate NY
The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) has launched a Child Care Scholarship Program to help working families with the high cost of child care. Currently, the average cost of child care is over $30,000 for a family with two children, often forcing families to make hard economic decisions. Under WDI’s program, the average monthly scholarship for full-time care is $1000 per child and $500 for part-time, paid directly to child care providers. Scholarships are open to any resident of New York State outside of NYC, who is working 10 hours or more or is in an education or training program and whose income falls under the maximum eligible income. Please visit WDI Child Care to complete the eligibility prescreen to qualify. Questions can be sent to:
Regional News:
Join Region 4 for the Albany Veterans Parade
The Capital Region Veterans Committee invites members, family and friends to walk in the Albany Veterans Parade on Saturday, November 11. The parade starts at 11 am and those joining are asked to meet the CSEA contingent by 10:45 am at the south corner of Central Avenue and Ontario Street.

Region 6 Veterans Day Ceremony has NEW START TIME
This Saturday, November 11, at 12 p.m. Western Region 6 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park. Members and their families are invited to join regional leadership and the Veterans Committee in honoring those who have and are serving our country. Please note the start time for this event is now 12 p.m.

Reminder for Local & Unit Presidents regarding anti-union groups contacting members
Members are being contacted by anti-union organizations across the state. These groups are trying to scam our fellow members to opt out of our union. These groups may mail, email or call/text or do at home visits. Some have fraudulently claimed to be from the CSEA President or CSEA – these are NOT coming from CSEA. These scammers allude to raises and savings, send phony checks and promote divisive issues to get members to click a link in an email, fill out a postcard or scan a QR Code. Please remember to remind all members to report these scams, have them contact their Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146 – so we can keep track of their efforts.

Member Benefits Spotlight – Knowledge is Power Series:
A member recently wrote, “I did not know that both my husband and I can save 40% on tuition for an associates, bachelor’s or master’s degree through CSEA’s member benefit with Excelsior University.” The online degree programs are designed for adult learners, making schedules more flexible. For more information please visit:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – East Syracuse (Region 5)**
Tuesday, November 14, and Wednesday, November 15, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, November 18, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Latham (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 29, and Thursday, November 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, December 2, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation  – Manhattan (Region 2)**

Tuesday, December 5, and Wednesday, December 6, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, December 12, and Wednesday, December 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Discipline and Interrogations**

Monday, November 13, and Tuesday, November 14, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline and Interrogations RECERTIFICATION
Monday, December 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation RECERTIFICATION

Tuesday, December 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, November 9. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, December 6, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 2, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Get out to vote on Election Day – Nov. 7
On November 7, New York voters will have the opportunity to elect candidates to county, city, town, and village offices. These elected leaders make important policy and budgetary decisions that directly impact your quality of life every day. To check your registration status and find out where your poll location is, please visit:
Review our union’s endorsed statewide candidates here:
Save the Date: Nov. 14 for OSH info sessions
CSEA’s OSH Department will be hosting two virtual meetings on November 14, 2023 for school district leadership to discuss the newly amended workplace violence prevention law. The virtual meetings will discuss basic employer requirements, available CSEA resources, and provide time for leadership to voice concerns, ask questions, and get needed answers. The morning session will begin at 10 a.m. and the evening session will begin at 6 p.m. Information on how to attend will be provided soon.

New York COVID leave remains in effect
Although federal COVID leave benefits have expired, New York’s COVID leave remains in effect.

  • If you work for a private employer with between 11-99 employees as of January 1, 2020: Your employer is required to provide you with 5 days of paid COVID-19 sick leave.
  • If you work for a private employer with 100 or more employees as of January 1, 2020: Your employer is required to provide you with 14* days of paid COVID-19 sick leave.
  • If you work for a public employer:  All public employers must provide at least 14* days of paid COVID-19 sick leave, regardless of how many employees they have.

*The 14 days are affected by the Department of Health’s January 2022 guidance that allows individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 to end their quarantine after 5 days if they are asymptomatic and subsequently test negative, or if it is not possible to get a test and they have had no COVID-19 symptoms. NY’s COVID-19 quarantine leave benefits are only available during the order of quarantine or isolation. Once an individual is no longer subject to an order of quarantine or isolation, they are no longer eligible for NY’s COVID-19 quarantine leave benefits.

State Members: Upcoming Veterans’ Day and other holidays that fall on a weekend
Pursuant to the New York State Time and Attendance Manual, the General Construction Law, and the CSEA/NYS contracts, the following holidays are granted as days off with pay except when they fall on Saturday: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Election Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the State may designate another day to observe the holiday. If the state elects NOT to designate an alternate day, eligible employees will receive compensatory time in their accruals to be used at their discretion and subject to management approval. Veteran’s Day falls on Saturday, November 11, 2023. The State will NOT designate an alternate day for observation. Therefore, eligible employees will receive one-day of compensatory accruals.

The State may also designate up to two floating holidays in a contract year. Election day (Tuesday November 7, 2023) and Lincoln’s Birthday 2024 have been designated as floating holidays which means that State offices will be open on these days as they are not official observed holidays. Eligible employees can work on these days and bank their floating holiday accrual for future use or request time off on those days. Holidays that fall on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday.

Regional News:
Join Region 4 for the Albany Veterans Parade
The Capital Region Veterans Committee invites members, family and friends to walk in the Albany Veterans Parade on Saturday, November 11. The parade starts at 11 am and those joining are asked to meet the CSEA contingent by 10:45 am at the south corner of Central Avenue and Ontario Street.

Upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony in Western Region
Mark your calendars. The Western Region 6 Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will include several guest speakers, a ceremony and light refreshments. It will take place on Saturday, November 11 at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park at 11 am (no RSVP necessary).

Statewide Treasurer Meeks honored by CBTU-NY
CSEA Metropolitan Region activists and staff participated in the annual CBTU Scholarship Award Gala where they honored Statewide CSEA Treasurer Nicole Meeks with the CBTU 2023 Lady of Valor Award. Congratulations!

Trunk or Treat!
Western Region 6 hosted its inaugural Trunk or Treat this past Saturday. The event was a huge success with many members and their families coming out for some Halloween fun. Region 6 would like to thank all the Local and Unit officers who volunteered to decorate their cars, dress in costumes and pass out candy. This event wouldn’t have been possible without the participation of our incredible members and we’re already looking forward to next year.

25 and out
Members in the Erie County Corrections Unit voted on Monday to ratify an agreement that amended their pension and retirement eligibility from 30 years of service down to 25 years. This joint effort by CSEA, Teamsters, Erie County and the Sheriff truly speaks to the strong relationship our union maintains with county leadership and the respect they hold for our members. Congratulations to the members in Erie County on a much-deserved agreement.

Monroe County members – Vote for Adam Bello
Our union has officially endorsed Monroe County Executive Adam Bello for another term. The political action team has been working diligently to drum up support and get the word out about Bello’s incredible dedication to the hardworking employees of Monroe County – including thousands of CSEA members. Don’t forget to register to vote and vote Adam Bello at the polls this fall.

Reminder for Local & Unit Presidents regarding anti-union groups contacting members
Members are being contacted by anti-union organizations across the state. These groups are trying to scam our fellow members to opt out of our union. These groups may mail, email or call/text or do at home visits. Some have fraudulently claimed to be from the CSEA President or CSEA – these are NOT coming from CSEA. These scammers allude to raises and savings, send phony checks and promote divisive issues to get members to click a link in an email, fill out a postcard or scan a QR Code. Please remember to remind all members to report these scams, have them contact their Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146 – so we can keep track of their efforts.
Member Benefits Spotlight – Knowledge is Power Series:
A member recently wrote, “I did not know that Fine Olin and Anderman not only assists members with Workers Compensation but also Personal Injury. In essence members have FOA on their side for injuries both on and off the job.”  
If you’ve been hurt at work or have experienced a personal injury outside of work, contact Fine Olin and Anderman at 212-267-1650. Fine Olin and Anderman has proudly represented CSEA members for four decades.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, November 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Poughkeepsie (Region 3)**

Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – East Syracuse (Region 5)**
Tuesday, November 14, and Wednesday, November 15, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, November 18, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Latham (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 29, and Thursday, November 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, December 2, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation  – Manhattan (Region 2)**

Tuesday, December 5, and Wednesday, December 6, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, December 12, and Wednesday, December 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Recertification
Monday, November 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

State Government Discipline and Interrogations**

Monday, November 13, and Tuesday, November 14, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, November 9. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Treasurer Training for CSEA Local 818 Fulton County:
Monday, November 13th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the CSEA Local 818 office located at 40 N Main St., Gloversville, NY 12078. Registration and a light dinner begin at 5:00 pm.
Deadline to register is Monday, November 6th. Call Connie Bonacquisti at (518) 257-1256 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

CSEA-supported Legislation takes effect – Provisional time counts towards probation
On September 7, 2023, a law went into effect to mandate time spent in a provisional appointment count towards an employee’s required probationary period. Before this law, an employee could be in provisional status for months or even years, and then finally take an exam to get a permanent appointment. They would then be subject to a full probationary period, regardless of how long they were provisional. Under the new law, any time spent by a member in a provisional title will count towards any required probationary period as long as they are in the same title and there is no gap between their time as a provisional employee and as a permanent employee. For example, if the member was provisional for 9 months and is then appointed permanently, the probationary period is 3 months. If the provisional time exceeds the probationary period (i.e., one year), then they are permanent without probation.
Learn more about the legislation and guidance:
School District Leaders: Workplace Violence Prevention Act information now available

Through CSEA’s political advocacy on behalf of CSEA’s school district members, the New York State Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention Act was recently amended to include school districts, which were previously exempt. I’m pleased to inform you that all school districts will be required to fully comply with this regulation by January 4, 2024. Districts are required to give authorized union representatives an opportunity to participate in the process to develop and assess workplace violence prevention planning. As a union leader please do not pass up the opportunity to be involved in this process. CSEA’s Occupational Safety and Health Department has resources and guidance to assist you here but also please feel free to contact your OSH Specialist if needed.
Regional News:
Rockland County Unit members OK contract extension
Members of the Rockland County Unit this week voted overwhelmingly in favor of an extension of their existing contract. The contract had been slated to expire at the end of 2026 but will now run through the end of 2028. The contract extension adds lump sum retention bonuses in 2023 and 2024, as well as percentage wage increases in 2027 and 2028.

Region 4 ratification success
The Town of Rotterdam Unit members ratified a two-year contract last week. The pact reduces health insurance contributions and increases vacation days and longevity bumps.

Monroe County members – Vote for Adam Bello
Our union has officially endorsed Monroe County Executive Adam Bello for another term. The political action team has been working diligently to drum up support and get the word out about Bello’s incredible dedication to the hardworking employees of Monroe County – including thousands of CSEA members. Don’t forget to register to vote and vote Adam Bello at the polls this fall.

Upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony in Western Region
Mark your calendars. The Western Region 6 Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will include several guest speakers, a ceremony and light refreshments. It will take place on Saturday, November 11 at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park at 11 a.m. (no RSVP necessary).

Make sure you’re registered to vote!
On November 7, New York voters will have the opportunity to elect candidates to county, city, town, and village offices. These elected leaders make important policy and budgetary decisions that directly impact your quality of life every day.
Make sure you’re registered to vote! Check your registration status, here, or register online to vote, here. Here are some important deadlines that voters should be aware of:

  • Mail voter registration applications must be received by a board of elections no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • In-person voter registration applications must be received no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.

You can also check out CSEA’s endorsements in your local races at

Reminder for Local & Unit Presidents regarding anti-union groups contacting members
Members are being contacted by anti-union organizations across the state.These groups are trying to scam our sisters and brothers to opt out of our union.These groups may mail, email or call/text or do at home visits. Some have fraudulently claimed to be from the CSEA President or CSEA – these are NOT coming from CSEA. These scammers allude to raises and savings, send phony checks and promote divisive issues to get members to click a link in an email, fill out a postcard or scan a QR Code. Please remember to remind all members to report these scams, have them contact their Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146 – so we can keep track of their efforts.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Knowledge is Power Series
“I did not know the NYPIRG Fuel Buyers Group can save me and my members hundreds of dollars on home heating oil,” one member recently wrote. NYPIRG is another wonderful money-saving benefit all CSEA members have access to. If you use heating oil to heat your home visit to sign up or learn more. You will need your CSEA ID.

Required Union Representation

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Buffalo (Region 6)**
Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, November 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation  – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Ballston Spa (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Poughkeepsie (Region 3)**

Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – East Syracuse (Region 5)**
Tuesday, November 14, and Wednesday, November 15, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, November 18, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Latham (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 29, and Thursday, November 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Monday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. OR Monday, November 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline and Interrogations (Local Gov/Authorities/Canals)**
Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

State Government Discipline and Interrogations**

Monday, November 13 and Tuesday, November 14, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, November 9. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Treasurer Training for CSEA Local 818 Fulton County:
Monday, November 13th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the CSEA Local 818 office located at 40 N Main St., Gloversville, NY 12078. Registration and a light dinner begin at 5:00 pm.
Deadline to register is Monday, November 6th. Call Connie Bonacquisti at (518) 257-1256 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

CSEA Testifies Regarding Recruitment and Retention
Last week CSEA urged state legislators to support continued reforms to the pension system, civil service examinations and worker hiring process, in testimony to the State Senate’s Civil Service & Pensions Committee. Our union has been working with Gov. Kathy Hochul and her administration on efforts to reform the pension system, as well as civil service reforms to promote worker recruitment and retention. The governor and legislature have made positive reforms to pensions and civil service, but more work needs to be done.
CSEA Legislative Director Joshua Terry delivered the testimony on behalf of our union at a recent public hearing, joining representatives from the New York State AFL-CIO, PEF and NYSUT on a panel.
Read the full testimony at
School District Leaders: Great Opportunity to be Involved in Workplace Violence Prevention
Through CSEA’s political advocacy on behalf of CSEA’s school district members, the New York State Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention Act was recently amended to include school districts, which were previously exempt. I’m pleased to inform you that all school districts will be required to fully comply with this regulation by January 4, 2024. Districts are required to give authorized union representatives an opportunity to participate in the process to develop and assess workplace violence prevention planning. Your employer should be reaching out regarding this in the next few weeks. As a union leader please do not pass up the opportunity to be involved in this process. CSEA’s Occupational Safety and Health Department will be providing resources and guidance to assist you but please feel free to contact your OSH Specialist if needed.
October 24th is CSEA’s 113 Anniversary
On October 24, 1910, a group of New York State employees formed at the state Capitol the Association of State Civil Service Employees to advance the concept of merit and fitness in the state civil service system and improve their working lives. In 1946, when membership opened to local government employees, the Association changed its name to the Civil Service Employees Association. While much has changed since our union’s founding, our goals are the same 113 years later – to join together to fight for the respect and dignity we all deserve.
Regional News:
Another labor rally planned in Region 3 in support of striking UAW workers
The Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation is planning another rally in support of striking UAW Local 3039 workers on Wednesday, Nov. 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. The rally will take place in Rockland County on the picket line at the Chrysler (Stellantis) Parts Depot, 500 Route 303 South, Tappan. Further details will be forthcoming. Due to limited parking, carpooling is encouraged. While this rally is expected to be a large event, CSEA members are encouraged to join the picket line at any time.

Capital Region DEC Members Featured in Video
When an emergency happens in the Adirondack Park, DEC dispatchers are the first call. Several dispatchers from NYS DEC Local 017 are featured in this recruitment video about the role they play in getting help to park visitors and residents. View the video here:

Western Region members – Vote for Adam Bello
Our union has officially endorsed Monroe County Executive Adam Bello for another term. The political action team has been working diligently to drum up support and get the word out about Bello’s incredible dedication to the hardworking employees of Monroe County – including thousands of CSEA members. Don’t forget to register to vote and vote Adam Bello at the polls this fall.

Upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony in Western Region
Mark your calendars. The Western Region 6 Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will include several guest speakers, a ceremony and light refreshments. It will take place on Saturday, November 11 at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park at 11 a.m. (no RSVP necessary).

Free COVID tests from the government are available again
The Biden administration has resumed offering free at-home COVID tests to American households as of Monday, September 25th, as the virus gains a stronger foothold nationwide. The program provides households with four free tests in time for the fall and winter when the virus typically spreads at higher levels. The Biden administration noted that the at-home tests set to be delivered will detect currently circulating COVID variants. The kits are intended for use through the end of 2023 and will come with instructions for how people can verify if a test’s expiration date has been extended.

How to Order
: Households can order four free tests through There’s also a government hotline for those who cannot order through the website, 1-800-232-0233.

When will they be delivered:
The tests are available at no cost and ship for free. Shipping will begin the week of October 2nd, per USPS.

Since the expiration of the public health emergency in May, many insurers stopped covering the cost of COVID tests. This is a way to obtain tests at no cost for families through the end of the year.

Make sure you’re registered to vote!
On November 7, New York voters will have the opportunity to elect candidates to county, city, town, and village offices. These elected leaders make important policy and budgetary decisions that directly impact your quality of life every day.
Make sure you’re registered to vote! Check your registration status, here, or register online to vote, here. Here are some important deadlines that voters should be aware of:

  • Mail voter registration applications must be received by a board of elections no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • In-person voter registration applications must be received no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • Notices of change of address from registered voters received by October 23 by a county board of elections must be processed and entered in the records in time for the General Election.

You can also check out CSEA’s endorsements in your local races at

Member Benefits Spotlight:  Knowledge is Power Series
“I did not know the NYPIRG Fuel Buyers Group can save me and my members hundreds of dollars on home heating oil,” one member recently wrote. NYPIRG is another wonderful money-saving benefit all CSEA members have access to. If you use heating oil to heat your home visit to sign up or learn more. You will need your CSEA ID.

Required Union Representation

State Government Grievance Representation – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Monday, October 23, and Tuesday, October 24, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Buffalo (Region 6)**

Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, November 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation  – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Ballston Spa (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Poughkeepsie (Region 3)**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – East Syracuse (Region 5)**
Tuesday, November 14, and Wednesday, November 15, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, November 18, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Latham (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 29, and Thursday, November 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Tuesday, October 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Wednesday, October 25, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. OR Thursday, November 2, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Grievance Representation Recertification
Monday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. OR Monday, November 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Discipline and Interrogations (Local Gov/Authorities/Canals)**
Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

State Government Discipline and Interrogations**

Monday, November 13 and Tuesday, November 14, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, November 9. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Treasurer Training for CSEA Local 818 Fulton County:
Monday, November 13th from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the CSEA Local 818 office located at 40 N Main St., Gloversville, NY 12078. Registration and a light dinner begin at 5:00 pm.
Deadline to register is Monday, November 6th. Call Connie Bonacquisti at (518) 257-1256 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Last Chance to get LEAD Applications In!
I have extended the deadline to submit applications for the LEAD program through Friday, October 20, 2023. The Leadership Education and Development Program (LEAD) helps prepare our leaders with the skills needed to build and strengthen the labor movement. This intensive program includes participatory and educational sessions on team building, labor history, the economy, immigration, diversity, public speaking, ethics, and strategic planning. Please complete and print the application available by visiting and send it to: CSEA Education and Training Department, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210, Attn: LEAD Program 2023-2024 or email to Kali Zervos at Applications must be postmarked no later than October 20, 2023.
113th Annual Delegates Meeting
Last week we held our Annual Delegates Meeting in Buffalo, New York. Leaders and members participated in valuable workshops and training sessions. I’d like to remind everyone who attended to please fill out your evaluations – your feedback helps us greatly in planning future events.
Regional News:
Capital Region Members Speak About Understaffing
On Tuesday, members from Fulton County DSS addressed the county board to urge them to act on recruitment and retention efforts in the county. For the third time in three months, members shared stories of what understaffing means for them, their families and made very clear the potential risks to vulnerable residents. Photos can be seen at

Western Region members – Vote for Adam Bello
Our union has officially endorsed Monroe County Executive Adam Bello for another term. The political action team has been working diligently to drum up support and get the word out about Bello’s incredible dedication to the hardworking employees of Monroe County – including thousands of CSEA members. Don’t forget to register to vote and vote Adam Bello at the polls this fall.

NYS Parks Department Recognizes Western Region Members
CSEA has recently partnered with the NYS Parks Department in Western New York to recognize the hard work and dedication of the parks employees and CSEA members! This week, dozens of parks workers came out on a rather chilly day to a shelter at Hamlin Beach State Park, sparked up a fire, and were treated to lunch, awards, and a much-needed day off by management. We’re always happy to see employers recognize and celebrate our incredible members!

Do you know of members who are retiring soon?
CSEA Locals and Units should honor their retiring members by helping them join the CSEA Retiree Division. Across the state and in Florida, CSEA has a network of active and engaged Retiree Locals looking for new members. The Financial Standards Code permits Locals and Units to use rebated funds to pay the first year membership dues for retiring members. Please give it your serious consideration. Our Union’s power comes from the members, whether employed or retired. For more information visit
Upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony in Western Region
Mark your calendars. The Western Region 6 Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will include several guest speakers, a ceremony and light refreshments. It will take place on Saturday, November 11 at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park at 11 a.m. (no RSVP necessary).
Free COVID tests from the government are available again
The Biden administration has resumed offering free at-home COVID tests to American households as of Monday, September 25th, as the virus gains a stronger foothold nationwide. The program provides households with four free tests in time for the fall and winter when the virus typically spreads at higher levels. The Biden administration noted that the at-home tests set to be delivered will detect currently circulating COVID variants. The kits are intended for use through the end of 2023 and will come with instructions for how people can verify if a test’s expiration date has been extended.

How to Order
: Households can order four free tests through There’s also a government hotline for those who cannot order through the website, 1-800-232-0233.

When will they be delivered:
The tests are available at no cost and ship for free. Shipping will begin the week of October 2nd, per USPS.

Since the expiration of the public health emergency in May, many insurers stopped covering the cost of COVID tests. This is a way to obtain tests at no cost for families through the end of the year.

Make sure you’re registered to vote!
On November 7, New York voters will have the opportunity to elect candidates to county, city, town, and village offices. These elected leaders make important policy and budgetary decisions that directly impact your quality of life every day.
Make sure you’re registered to vote! Check your registration status, here, or register online to vote, here. Here are some important deadlines that voters should be aware of:

  • Mail voter registration applications must be received by a board of elections no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • In-person voter registration applications must be received no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • Notices of change of address from registered voters received by October 23 by a county board of elections must be processed and entered in the records in time for the General Election.

You can also check out CSEA’s endorsements in your local races at

Member Benefits Spotlight: Learning About Our Benefits!
At this year’s ADM, attendees participated in an event called “Knowledge is Power.” They visited and engaged with every exhibitor. When done, they submitted a card on which they included at least one thing they learned from their conversations with our endorsed member benefit partners. Over the next number of weeks, I will be featuring some of the Knowledge is Power responses we received starting with an attendee who was thrilled to learn he can buy kitchen cabinets at discounted prices through Buyer’s Edge. Many CSEA members do not realize that this benefit is available. Please share this information and visit: – Username: 1811 Password: CSEA
Union Plus College Program
Although this program is no longer free, members can still earn an affordable, online degree that fits your schedule, interests, career goals and budget. CSEA/AFSCME members can discover exclusive union family discounts, financial aid and grants – so that costs don’t stand in the way of your family’s education dreams. Visit to explore your options.

Required Union Representation

State Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Medford (Region 1)**

Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)
Saturday, October 21, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (607) 338-1131 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Geneva (Region 6)

Saturday, October 21, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Manhattan (Region 2)**

Monday, October 23, and Tuesday, October 24, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Buffalo (Region 6)**

Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, November 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation  – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Ballston Spa (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Poughkeepsie (Region 3)**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Latham (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 29, and Thursday, November 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Tuesday, October 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Wednesday, October 25, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, October 12. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, November 9. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, October 24, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is October 17. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 5, 2023

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Due to my responsibilities in overseeing our 113th Annual Delegates Meeting, I will not have a weekly leadership update for the week. I will resume the updates on Thursday, October 12. Thank you!

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

113th Annual Delegates Meeting is next week        
I look forward to gathering will all of you who will be attending our 2023 ADM next week in Buffalo. This year’s agenda will be educational and engaging for all members that participate. With more than 500 registrants, I am very encouraged by our members’ dedication and commitment to keeping our union strong!
Congratulations to the WGA on tentative agreement
After nearly five months, members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) have reached a tentative agreement (TA) with the AMPTP for a new contract. This agreement recognizes WGA union members’ worth and protects their intellectual property and livelihoods for years to come. This agreement is the result of WGA members sticking to their terms, staying strong during negotiations and displaying real solidarity throughout their union. Going on strike is not an easy decision to make and it’s certainly not an easy thing to do. There’s a lot at stake. They made that choice to stand up to inequity, disrespect and flagrant corporate greed. Congratulations to the WGA. Our union stands with them and behind them. We hope they are able to go from this TA to swift ratification soon so that their members can get back to work.
Regional News:
Southern Region activists join UAW picket line
CSEA activists in the Southern Region have been walking the picket line with members of UAW Local 3039 as they strike outside the Chrysler (Stellantis) Parts Depot in Tappan (Rockland County). On Wednesday, they rallied with other unions from the Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation at the strike site. Striking workers have received strong support from the labor community, with many driving long distance to stand with them.

Western Region members – Vote for Adam Bello
Our union has officially endorsed Monroe County Executive Adam Bello for another term. The political action team has been working diligently to drum up support and get the word out about Bello’s incredible dedication to the hardworking employees of Monroe County – including thousands of CSEA members. Don’t forget to register to vote and vote Adam Bello at the polls this fall.

Upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony in Western Region
Mark your calendars. The Western Region 6 Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will include several guest speakers, a ceremony and light refreshments. It will take place on Saturday, November 11 at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park at 11 a.m. (no RSVP necessary).

Free COVID tests from the government are available again
The Biden administration said it will resume offering free at-home COVID tests to American households, beginning this past Monday, September 25th, as the virus gains a stronger foothold nationwide. The program provides households with four free tests in time for the fall and winter when the virus typically spreads at higher levels. The Biden administration noted that the at-home tests set to be delivered will detect currently circulating COVID variants. The kits are intended for use through the end of 2023 and will come with instructions for how people can verify if a test’s expiration date has been extended.

How to Order
: Households can order four free tests through There’s also a government hotline for those who cannot order through the website, 1-800-232-0233.

When will they be delivered:
The tests are available at no cost and ship for free. Shipping will begin the week of October 2nd, per USPS.

Since the expiration of the public health emergency in May, many insurers stopped covering the cost of COVID tests. This is a way to obtain tests at no cost for families through the end of the year.

Make sure you’re registered to vote!
On November 7, New York voters will have the opportunity to elect candidates to county, city, town, and village offices. These elected leaders make important policy and budgetary decisions that directly impact your quality of life every day.
Make sure you’re registered to vote! Check your registration status, here, or register to vote online, here. Here are some important deadlines that voters should be aware of:

  • Mail voter registration applications must be received by a board of elections no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • In-person voter registration applications must be received no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • Notices of change of address from registered voters received by October 23 by a county board of elections must be processed and entered in the records in time for the General Election.

You can also check out CSEA’s endorsements in your local races at

LEAD program applications now available
The Leadership Education and Development Program (LEAD) helps prepare our leaders with the skills needed to build and strengthen the labor movement. This intensive program includes participatory and educational sessions on team building, labor history, the economy, immigration, diversity, public speaking, ethics, and strategic planning. Please complete and print the application available by visiting and send it to: CSEA Education and Training Department, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210, Attn: LEAD Program 2023-2024. Applications must be postmarked no later than October 13, 2023.

Member Benefits Spotlight:
Audiology Awareness Month is right around the corner
October is Audiology Awareness and Hearing Loss Prevention Month – the perfect time to call attention to hearing health and encourage CSEA members and their families to schedule their Free hearing exam at one of over 6,000 participating Amplifon Hearing Health Care providers. The first step to better hearing starts here!
Union Plus College Program
Although this program is no longer free, members can still earn an affordable, online degree that fits your schedule, interests, career goals and budget. CSEA/AFSCME members can discover exclusive union family discounts, financial aid and grants – so that costs don’t stand in the way of your family’s education dreams. Visit to explore your options.

Required Union Representation

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fallsburg (Sullivan Co) (Region 3)**
Tuesday, October 10, and Wednesday, October 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Syracuse (Region 5)**
Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Medford (Region 1)**

Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)
Saturday, October 21, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (607) 338-1131 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Monday, October 23, and Tuesday, October 24, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, Canals, Authorities)**
Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

Tuesday, October 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Wednesday, October 25, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, October 12. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, November 9. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Treasurer Training for CSEA Local 823 Jefferson County & Surrounding Locals:

Wednesday, October 11th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the CSEA Local 823 office located 215 Washington Street, Suite 108, Watertown, NY 13601. Registration and light dinner begins at 4:30 pm. Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 4th. Call Connie Bonacquisti at (518) 257-1256 to register.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, October 11, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, October 24, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is October 17. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Recent pro-worker policy shift provides access to jobs for thousands
We stand with our sisters and brothers at the AFL-CIO and AFSCME in commending President Biden for working with the administrations of Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams this week to redesignate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to almost 500,000 people from Venezuela. These individuals will now have the opportunity to join communities, seek stable housing, and find jobs throughout our state which will alleviate some of the workforce understaffing issues in public services and other service sectors.

National Preparedness Month
Each September awareness is raised about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. The national campaign’s slogan is “Take Control in 1, 2, 3!” Assess your needs, make a plan and engage your support network to stay safe when disaster strikes. Our union’s Occupational Safety & Health Department (OSH) also has many resources for you to make disaster preparedness plans at home and at work.

Make sure you’re registered to vote!
On November 7, New York voters will have the opportunity to elect candidates to county, city, town, and village offices. These elected leaders make important policy and budgetary decisions that directly impact your quality of life every day.
Make sure you’re registered to vote! Check your registration status, here, or register to vote online, here. Here are some important deadlines that voters should be aware of:

  • Mail voter registration applications must be received by a board of elections no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • In-person voter registration applications must be received no later than October 28 to be eligible to vote in the General Election.
  • Notices of change of address from registered voters received by October 23 by a county board of elections must be processed and entered in the records in time for the General Election.

You can also check out CSEA’s endorsements in your local races at

Regional News:
Contract ratification in Montgomery County village
Village of Canajoharie members last week unanimously ratified a new contract. The 3-year pact includes annual pay bumps, a $50 increase at each longevity step and the addition of the Juneteenth holiday.

New contract for Kingston city workforce
Members of our union’s City of Kingston Unit in Ulster County have a new contract in place that runs through 2025. The deal, retroactive to the beginning of 2022, offers wage increases in each year of the agreement, includes longevity increases, and increases boot allowances. Notably, the agreement includes upgrades for a number of titles in the CSEA bargaining unit to make those workers’ salaries more in line with area pay rates.

Upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony in Western Region
Mark your calendars. The Western Region 6 Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will include several guest speakers, a ceremony and light refreshments. It will take place on Saturday, November 11 at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park at 11 a.m. (no RSVP necessary).

LEAD program applications now available
The Leadership Education and Development Program (LEAD) helps prepare our leaders with the skills needed to build and strengthen the labor movement. This intensive program includes participatory and educational sessions on team building, labor history, the economy, immigration, diversity, public speaking, ethics, and strategic planning. Please complete and print the application available by visiting and send it to: CSEA Education and Training Department, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210, Attn: LEAD Program 2023-2024. Applications must be postmarked no later than October 13, 2023.

Member Benefits Spotlight:
Cooler weather is right around the corner!
Cut costs and stay warm with Tankfarm.
CSEA members enjoy exclusive benefits including $50 of FREE propane, $100 certificate toward the purchase of a new propane tank, no tank rental or delivery fees and more! Work with local propane distributors and save!
Call Tankfarm today for a free quote: 1-855-976-4141, or visit
Union Plus College Program
Although this program is no longer free, members can still earn an affordable, online degree that fits your schedule, interests, career goals and budget. CSEA/AFSCME members can discover exclusive union family discounts, financial aid and grants – so that costs don’t stand in the way of your family’s education dreams. Visit to explore your options.

Required Union Representation

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fallsburg (Sullivan Co) (Region 3)**
Tuesday, October 10, and Wednesday, October 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Syracuse (Region 5)**
Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Medford (Region 1)**

Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)
Saturday, October 21, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (607) 338-1131 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Monday, October 23, and Tuesday, October 24, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government Discipline and Interrogation – Amherst (Region 6)**

Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)

Saturday, November 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation  – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Wednesday, November 8, and Thursday, November 9, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Latham (Region 4)**

Wednesday, November 29, and Thursday, November 30, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, Canals, Authorities)**
Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

Tuesday, October 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Wednesday, October 25, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, October 12. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, November 15, and Thursday, November 16, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is Thursday, November 9. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Treasurer Training for CSEA Local 823 Jefferson County & Surrounding Locals:

Wednesday, October 11th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the CSEA Local 823 office located 215 Washington Street, Suite 108, Watertown, NY 13601. Registration and light dinner begins at 4:30 pm. Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 4th. Call Connie Bonacquisti at (518) 257-1256 to register.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, October 11, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Important legislation passed for civil service retention and recruitment
At last week’s Board of Directors meeting, Governor Hochul signed two important pieces of legislation. The first counts time spent as a provisional employee towards any required probationary period if the employee is hired into the same title. The second bill requires the Department of Civil Service to better promote exams and job opportunities in our communities by sending out notices to high schools, BOCES, community colleges, and job training programs.

Please share this information with your co-workers
by posting these flyers in your workplace and on your social media pages:

Crediting Provisional Time (

Civil Service Exam Announcements (

LEAD program applications now available
The Leadership Education and Development Program (LEAD) helps prepare our leaders with the skills needed to build and strengthen the labor movement. This intensive program includes participatory and educational sessions on team building, labor history, the economy, immigration, diversity, public speaking, ethics, and strategic planning. Please complete and print the application available by visiting and send it to: CSEA Education and Training Department, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210, Attn: LEAD Program 2023-2024. Applications must be postmarked no later than October 13, 2023.
Reminder to please take our New Member Orientation Surveys
Meeting a new hire from day one is an opportunity to get to know what’s important to them and their family. It’s also an opportunity to educate them about who we are and welcome them as new CSEA members. As you know, I’ve tasked the New Member Orientation Taskforce to speak with as many leaders as possible to review current practices and come up with recommendations on how to make your NMO presentations even better. We want your input – click on the link below for a quick survey regarding your NMO experience.
Regional News:
CSEA welcomes 15 new sanitation workers
After only three one-hour sessions over the course of two months, CSEA organizing committee members City of Long Beach Unit President John Mooney, Inwood Sanitation District #1 Unit President Angelo Aloise, City of Long Beach Unit Recording Secretary Oneida Alvarez and City of Long Beach Housing Authority Unit President Ron Grohs were able to achieve voluntary recognition for 15 new Inwood Sanitation Department workers, who are now part of the CSEA family. The new unit is for sanitation supervisors, which helps build on CSEA’s existing 70-member unit of sanitation workers.

Voluntary recognition for CSEA at Goshen Public Library
After months of building community support, workers at the Goshen Public Library & Historical Society have won their union with CSEA. Members of the GPLHS Board of Trustees agreed this week to voluntarily recognize a CSEA bargaining unit there. The union organizing process began earlier this year when Orange County Unit activist Lisa Taylor, who also works part-time at the library, connected with staff from our union’s Organizing Department during the CSEA Women’s Conference. Thanks are due to the Volunteer Member Organizers who have supported the campaign, which include Southern Region President Anthony Adamo, Orange County Local President Rosemarie Kukys, Orange County Unit President Denise Fuchs, and Newburgh School District Unit activist Chris Morgan (a librarian at the Newburgh Free Library).

Members participate in 9/11 ceremony
CSEA members at the Department of Taxation and Finance joined their PEF family, Acting Commissioner Amanda Hiller, retirees, family members of the deceased and guests for a Memorial Ceremony on September 11th in remembrance of the forty colleagues who transitioned on September 11. Region 2 Taxation and Finance Local President Felicia McCollough, offered an inspirational message titled, “We won’t forget to remember” to family, 9/11 survivors, retirees and friends.

Niagara County members give back
This past weekend, Niagara County Unit 7650 volunteered with Habitat for Humanity in Niagara Falls. The group spent Saturday cleaning up the city streets in an effort to improve and beautify the place they call home.

Upcoming Veterans Day Ceremony in Western Region
Mark your calendars. The Western Region 6 Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will include several guest speakers, a ceremony and light refreshments. It will take place on Saturday, November 11 at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval Park at 11 a.m. (no RSVP necessary).

Member Benefits Spotlight: Protect Yourself and Your Family
Pearl Insurance has been protecting CSEA Members and their families for over 80 years with a full range of insurance products including life, disability, auto, homeowner’s and even pet. The CSEA Group Sponsored Insurance program is designed to help members and their families be prepared for whatever might happen in their lives. Visit for more information on the programs available – all with guaranteed issue options.
Union Plus College Program
Although this program is no longer free, members can still earn an affordable, online degree that fits your schedule, interests, career goals and budget. CSEA/AFSCME members can discover exclusive union family discounts, financial aid and grants – so that costs don’t stand in the way of your family’s education dreams. Visit to explore your options.

Required Union Representation

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fallsburg (Sullivan Co) (Region 3)**
Tuesday, October 10, and Wednesday, October 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Syracuse (Region 5)**
Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Medford (Region 1)**

Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Binghamton (Region 5)
Saturday, October 21, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (607) 338-1131 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Tuesday, October 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Wednesday, October 25, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, October 30, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
To register:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training for Region 5:
Tuesday, September 26, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Region 5 Office located at 6595 Kirkville Road, East Syracuse, NY, 13057. Registration and light dinner begins at 4:30 pm. Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 19. Call (800) 559-7975 to register.

Treasurer Training for CSEA Local 823 Jefferson County & Surrounding Locals:

Wednesday, October 11th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the CSEA Local 823 office located 215 Washington Street, Suite 108, Watertown, NY 13601. Registration and light dinner begins at 4:30 pm. Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 4th. Call Connie Bonacquisti at (518) 257-1256 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Governor Hochul and Lee Saunders join CSEA for Staff the Front Lines campaign
I was proud to be joined by Gov. Kathy Hochul and AFSCME International President Lee Saunders for a news conference prior to our September board meeting to discuss the urgent need to fill open public service positions throughout New York. While she was with our board members, Governor Hochul also signed two pieces of legislation to expand opportunities in civil service and encourage worker recruitment and retention. Read more:
Legislative victory for workplace violence prevention law in schools
After years of advocacy, we were finally successful in getting public schools and BOCES programs included in the state’s workplace violence prevention law. Under the previous law, all public employers, except for public schools and BOCES, were required to develop workplace violence prevention programs to protect employees from potentially violent encounters. We know that educational settings are a significant target for violence and requiring them to develop these plans with their employees will help better protect staff. This law goes into effect on January 4, 2024. I encourage you to participate in the development of these plans in each school district and BOCES program. Your regional Safety and Health field staff are available to support you with these efforts as needed. In addition, I am linking to a flyer that you can share on social media and on your bulletin boards to inform members of this legislative victory.
Your voice is our power
You as leaders and activists are the greatest ambassadors of our union in the workplace. As you are aware, outside forces are out there contacting union members and encouraging them to opt out of membership and break our union. However, we remain vigilant of their scam! It is important that you keep up the good work in your workplace, talking to the new hires and seasoned members about the value in CSEA membership. There is strength in numbers, let’s stick together and stay united in all that we stand for.

Annual Gallup poll shows continued trend of union approval and popularity
The 2023 Gallup poll revealed that two-thirds (67%) of Americans approve of labor unions. This continues the upward trend of union approval for the past five years. We recognize that our union is stronger than ever – highlighted by recent organizing wins at the Utica Zoo, Croton Library, BANGS Ambulance and Storm King Arts Center – we continue to grow and have more successes on the horizon. Learn more about the recent poll:
ADM registration ends Friday, Sept. 8

Registration for the 113th Annual Delegates Meeting ends on Friday, September 8. If you wish to register, please contact Central Files at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1214.

Reminder to take the New Member Orientation Survey
Meeting a new hire from day one is an opportunity to get to know what’s important to them and their family. It’s also an opportunity to educate them about who we are and welcome them as a new CSEA member. As you know, I’ve tasked the New Member Orientation Taskforce to speak with as many leaders as possible to review current practices and come up with recommendations on how to make your NMO presentations even better. We want your input – click on the link below for a quick survey regarding your NMO experience.
Labor Day Special Events:

Capital Region Labor Day Parade on Sept. 8

In or near Albany this Friday? Join Capital Region members and show your union pride at the Michael L. Burns Labor Parade. The group will meet at Academy Park at 5PM. Free t-shirt with registration. More details here:

Join region 1, 2 and 3 members for the annual NYC Labor Day Parade on Sept. 9
The NYC Labor Day Parade is on Saturday, September 9th, 2023. This year’s Grand Marshal is Nancy Hagans, RN, President of the New York State Nurses Association and Parade Chair is Mark Henry, Vice President, Amalgamated Transit Union. Lineup for CSEA members is at 9 a.m. on West 44th St. between 6th Ave and Broadway. The march will begin at 10:15 a.m. Light breakfasts, t-shirts, goodies, and more will be available! For more information contact Region 2 Communications Specialist David Galarza at

Regional News:

Town of Evans Blue Collar Contract

Another contract has been settled in Region 6! After almost six years without a contract, the Town of Evans Blue Collar Unit finally reached an agreement with the town and ratified! Included was retro pay back to 2020, significant wage increases and no significant changes to their health insurance plans. This unit is one of several within Erie County Local 815 to ratify a contract in the past year, including the entire local itself getting an outstanding contract last year. Congratulations to all the unit’s members on a great contract!

Town of New Scotland prevails over anti-union management
Blue collar workers at the Town of New Scotland recently won their CSEA union through the card-check process. A neutral third party confirmed that a majority of the 18 workers had signed CSEA membership cards and that CSEA had won the card-check. Despite an intense anti-union campaign by the Town of New Scotland, a majority of the workers stood strong and won their campaign to join CSEA.

Notable contract agreement in Town of Shandaken, Region 3
Congratulations to CSEA members from the Town of Shandaken Unit in Ulster County, who unanimously approved a contract with five years of generous annual wage increases and beneficial changes in contract language. Highlights include three added holidays, increased boot allowance, and improvements to longevity and health insurance premium contributions. Notably, the deal includes contract language guaranteeing the employment of a minimum of 12 full-time CSEA members in the bargaining unit.

West Seneca Charity Softball Game in Region 6
On Thursday, August 24, members in the West Seneca Blue Collar Unit joined the town’s first responders in hosting a charity softball game to raise money for Special Olympics of New York. Combined they raised over $1,100 for the cause and had a great time while doing it! Thank you to everyone who participated for a good cause!

Member Benefits Spotlight: Get Ready For Fall!
Check out CSEA’s Merch Market for a just added union embroidered jacket. Click here to check it out!
Save 10% on any Merchandise Market order during the month of September with code FALLISINTHEAIR.
Union Plus College Program
Earn an affordable, online degree that fits your schedule, interests, career goals and budget. CSEA/AFSCME members can discover exclusive union family discounts, financial aid and grants – so that costs don’t stand in the way of your family’s education dreams. Visit to explore your options.
Required Union Representation

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**

Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Fallsburg (Sullivan Co) (Region 3)**

Tuesday, October 10, and Wednesday, October 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Syracuse (Region 5)**
Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Medford (Region 1)**

Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Manhattan (Region 2)**
Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555


Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, September 13, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Region 5:
Tuesday, September 26, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Region 5 Office located at 6595 Kirkville Road, East Syracuse, NY, 13057. Registration and light dinner begins at 4:30 pm. Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 19. Call (800) 559-7975 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 31, 2023

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Honor labor’s history and celebrate our many accomplishments this weekend
Every year on the first Monday in September we celebrate the history of the labor movement and honor the struggles and the stories of hardworking Americans united in their fight for equity, safety, dignity and to be heard by management and elected officials. As we celebrate Labor Day this year, we cannot forget that our union is a part of this great labor movement and all of the contributions and sacrifices that others have made for us and before us to improve our working conditions and the quality of our lives. For more on the history of the labor movement – please visit and
Labor Day Special Events:
Stop by our union’s booth at the New York State Fair through Labor Day
Visit the CSEA booth at the New York State Fair in Syracuse now through September 4 (Labor Day). We are located in the Center of Progress Building. Members that sign in will receive a gift from your union. And please join our members for the Labor Day Parade at the Fair on September 4. Tickets and parking passes will be made available, Local and Unit Presidents can get them from the Central Region Office.

Attend the 2023 Buffalo Labor Day Parade & Picnic
Come and march with fellow members in the Buffalo Labor Day Parade on Sept. 4. Line up starts at 11 a.m. at the corner of Dorrance Ave and McKinley Pkwy. Parade begins at noon. The labor picnic will follow the parade in Cazenovia Park. For more info and RSVP – please call (716) 896-1640.

Rochester annual Labor Day parade is Sept. 4
Celebrate union spirit at the Rochester Labor Day Parade on Labor Day – Monday, September 4, 2023. Lineup for CSEA is at 9/9:30 a.m. on East Ave between Alexander St. and N. Union St. There will be a press conference at 10 a.m. at the NYSUT building – 30 N. Union St. Lineup is in Division 4 of the parade. There will be free parking, first come first serve, at the NYSUT building. For more information, contact Region 6 Communications Specialist Madison Ruffo at

Join members in Regions 1/2/3 for the annual NYC Labor Day Parade on Sept. 9
The NYC Labor Day Parade is on Saturday, September 9th, 2023. This year’s Grand Marshal is Nancy Hagans, RN, President of the New York State Nurses Association and Parade Chair is Mark Henry, Vice President, Amalgamated Transit Union. Lineup for CSEA members is at 9 a.m. on West 44th St. between 6th Ave and Broadway. The march will begin at 10:15 a.m. Light breakfast, t-shirt, goodies, and more will be available! For more information contact Region 2 Communications Specialist David Galarza at

ADM registration extended
Registration for the 113th Annual Delegates Meeting has been extended to September 8. If you wish to register, please contact Central Files at 1-800-342-4146, ext. 1214.
Governor Hochul to join CSEA and AFSCME for Staff the Front Lines
I am pleased to inform you that prior to our scheduled Board meeting on Thursday, September 7, we will be holding a press conference with Governor Hochul and AFSCME President Lee Saunders. We will be discussing AFSCME’s Staff the Front Lines and New York State’s Civil Service recruitment campaigns.
New Member Orientation Survey
Meeting a new hire from day one is an opportunity to get to know what’s important to them and their family. It’s also an opportunity to educate them about who we are and welcome them as a new CSEA member. As you know, I’ve tasked the New Member Orientation Taskforce to speak with as many leaders as possible to review current practices and come up with recommendations on how to make your NMO presentations even better. We want your input – click on the link below for a quick survey regarding your NMO experience.
Regional News:
Another school district contract win
The Port Washington School District just ratified a contract for 2023 – 2028. The negotiations team was able to gain additional steps on the salary schedule and roughly 3% increases every year. The health insurance declination also increased.

Lifeguards see increase in new contract
The CSEA City of Long Beach Lifeguards Unit ratified a contract with lifeguards earning roughly a 27% increase the first year of the contract and 31% over the lifetime of the contract, which ends in 2026. The group credits Governor Kathy Hochul’s recent lifeguard legislation, which raised lifeguard pay at state facilities, with giving the unit’s negotiating team the leverage to push for better pay. The group also secured binding arbitration in their contract.

Seven-year contract for Village of Walden Unit
Members of the Village of Walden Unit in Orange County have a new contract in place that runs through May 31, 2030. The pact, which went into effect June 1, 2023, includes wage increases in all seven years of the agreement, gives all workers a one-time cash bonus, improves holiday pay for part-time workers, and increases pay for full-time dispatchers to a wage closer to neighboring municipalities. Unit President Jody Doherty said members voted overwhelmingly in favor of the contract.

Member Benefits Spotlight: Get Ready For Fall!
Check out CSEA’s Merch Market for a just added union embroidered jacket. Click here to check it out!
Save 10% on any Merchandise Market order during the month of September with code FALLISINTHEAIR.
Union Plus College Program
Earn an affordable, online degree that fits your schedule, interests, career goals and budget. CSEA/AFSCME members can discover exclusive union family discounts, financial aid and grants – so that costs don’t stand in the way of your family’s education dreams. Visit to explore your options.

Required Union Representation

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Brooklyn (Region 2)**
Tuesday, September 5, and Wednesday, September 6, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Syracuse (Region 5)**
Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Medford (Region 1)**

Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, September 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, September 6, and Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is August 31. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.


Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:

Wednesday, September 13, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, September 12, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 5. Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Region 5:
Tuesday, September 26, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Region 5 Office located at 6595 Kirkville Road, East Syracuse, NY, 13057. Registration and light dinner begins at 4:30 pm. Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 19. Call (800) 559-7975 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Women’s Equality Day is August 26
In 1973, the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as Women’s Equality Day to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution that granted women the right to vote. This was only possible due to the civil rights movement led by women that started right here in New York. This holiday also brings awareness to women’s continued efforts to attain full equality. This year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Women’s Equality Day, recognizing that the number of women in the workforce has increased drastically in this time. In 1973, there were around 400,000 women-owned businesses in the United States; now, women entrepreneurs own more than 12 million businesses. For more info visit:
How members can help those impacted by recent natural disasters
The AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund will be providing financial support to those impacted by the wildfires in Washington state and by Hurricane Hilary in Southern California. Support AFSCME members in these areas, who are not only working overtime under grueling conditions, but also experiencing deep personal loss. Donations can be made online here. If you prefer to send a check, please make your check payable to the “AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund” and mail it to the Fund at AFSCME, 1625 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-5687. *It’s important to note that donations can be made only from members’ individual funds and that no monies can be used out of Unit or Local rebated funds for donations.
Capital Region members approve contract
Albany County Public Library members overwhelmingly approved a new contract. The three-year pact runs through June 2026 and adds a paid parental leave benefit, sick-leave accruals for part-timers, two additional holidays and annual salary bumps.
Long Island Region Local ratifies contract
After long, contentious negotiations with administration, Nassau Local 830 has a new contract. This week, an overwhelming majority of 79% of members voted to ratify their contract.
Dutchess County Fair ongoing until August 27
If you’re visiting the Dutchess County Fair next week, be sure to stop by the CSEA booth in Building B. CSEA volunteers from the Southern Region will be greeting fairgoers throughout the fair, which runs August 22-27. This year, there will be an emphasis on Lyme Disease awareness and members who sign in at the booth will receive one of our union’s tick keys along with related safety information.
Stop by our union’s booth at the New York State Fair through Labor Day
Visit the CSEA booth at the New York State Fair in Syracuse now through September 4 (Labor Day). We are located in the Center of Progress Building. Members that sign in will receive a gift from your union. And please join our members for the Labor Day Parade at the Fair on September 4. Tickets and parking passes will be made available, Local and Unit Presidents can get them from the Central Region Office.
Attend the 2023 Buffalo Labor Day Parade & Picnic
Come and march with fellow members in the Buffalo Labor Day Parade on Sept. 4. Line up starts at 11 a.m. at the corner of Dorrance Ave and McKinley Pkwy. Parade begins at noon. The labor picnic will follow the parade in Cazenovia Park. For more info and RSVP – please call (716) 896-1640.
Rochester annual Labor Day parade is Sept. 4
Celebrate union spirit at the Rochester Labor Day Parade on Labor Day – Monday, September 4, 2023. Lineup for CSEA is at 9/9:30 a.m. on East Ave between Alexander St. and N. Union St. There will be a press conference at 10 a.m. at the NYSUT building – 30 N. Union St. Lineup is in Division 4 of the parade. There will be free parking, first come first serve, at the NYSUT building. For more information, contact Region 6 Communications Specialist Madison Ruffo at
Join members in Regions 1/2/3 for the annual NYC Labor Day Parade on Sept. 9
The NYC Labor Day Parade is on Saturday, September 9th, 2023. This year’s Grand Marshal is Nancy Hagans, RN, President of the New York State Nurses Association and Parade Chair is Mark Henry, Vice President, Amalgamated Transit Union. Lineup for CSEA members is at 9 a.m. on West 44th St. between 6th Ave and Broadway. The march will begin at 10:15 a.m. Light breakfast, t-shirt, goodies, and more will be available! For more information contact Region 2 Communications Specialist David Galarza at
Member Benefits Spotlight: Get ready for back to school!
CSEA has partnered with Staples to extend our custom program pricing on hundreds of essential items. Order back to school supplies, technology products, snacks and more with no minimums and free shipping! Visit
For public sector locals and units ONLY: A reminder for all of you that only members should be invited to any of your membership meetings and other social events.

Required Union Representation

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Brooklyn (Region 2)**
Tuesday, September 5, and Wednesday, September 6, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Syracuse (Region 5)**
Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, October 17, and Wednesday, October 18, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Medford (Region 1)**

Wednesday, October 18, and Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Thursday, August 31, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, September 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, September 6, and Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is August 31. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 13, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, September 12, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 5. Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Region 5:
Tuesday, September 26, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Region 5 Office located at 6595 Kirkville Road, East Syracuse, NY, 13057. Registration and light dinner begins at 4:30 pm. Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 19. Call (800) 559-7975 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

How members can help those impacted by Maui wildfires
The AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund will be providing financial support to those impacted by the recent devastation caused by wildfires in Maui. Donations can be made online here. If you prefer to send a check, please make your check payable to the “AFSCME Fallen Heroes Fund” and mail it to the Fund at AFSCME, 1625 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-5687. *It’s important to note that donations can be made only from members’ individual funds and that no monies can be used out of Unit or Local rebated funds for donations.
Remember to visit our union’s booth at the NYS Fair
Visit the CSEA booth at the New York State Fair from August 23 to September 4 (Labor Day). We are located in the Center of Progress Building. Members that sign in will receive a gift from your union. Join us for the Labor Day Parade on September 4. Tickets and parking passes will be made available, more details to follow.
Dutchess County Fair also opens next week
If you’re visiting the Dutchess County Fair next week, be sure to stop by the CSEA booth in Building B! CSEA volunteers from the Southern Region will be greeting fairgoers throughout the fair, which runs August 22-27. This year, there will be an emphasis on Lyme Disease awareness and members who sign in at the booth will receive one of our union’s tick keys along with related safety information.
Fulton County members launch recruitment and retention campaign
Members in Fulton County are boosting awareness about lack of staffing, high turnover and the impact on community services. The campaign includes letters to the editor, speeches at board of supervisors’ meetings and community outreach. Last weekend, members took their case directly to residents by tabling at a community event. The campaign theme is “Help us Put Community Services First!”
City of Middletown Unit takes part in National Night Out
National Night Out, a nationwide movement that seeks to build stronger communities and enhance neighborhood safety through an evening of activities, took place August 1. CSEA units have taken part in NNO activities in different communities for many years. This year, the City of Middletown Unit represented our union well with a booth during the city’s NNO. Kudos to Unit President Esther Roman, Executive Vice President John Felice, and Unit Secretary Casie Silvernail for showing CSEA as a positive presence in Middletown.
VOICE launches member engagement campaign in Western New York
This week, VOICE activists are going from door to door throughout Erie and Niagara counties to sign up in-home childcare providers to join VOICE. Several providers from across the region are welcoming our activists with open arms into their homes and really taking this opportunity to hear the benefits of union membership. “It’s so empowering to see the mobilization of these activists into the community,” said Region 6 VOICE coordinator Nancy Cordero. “On our first day of the blitz, we learned that one of the providers went to high school with our Volunteer Member Organizer. By the time we left, she had signed a member card.”
CSEA Scholarships awarded to students
Last week, Region 6 held its annual scholarship luncheon for the incredibly talented and impressive student recipients. The luncheon celebrated both the students and their parents – CSEA members – by recognizing their outstanding accomplishments. Best wishes to Sarah Potts, Brady McIntosh, Elizabeth Norris and Elisabeth Vogl as they begin this new chapter of life.
Have you registered for this year’s ADM?
This year’s theme is “My Union, My Voice, My CSEA.” Join us in Buffalo from October 2 – 6 as we come together to enhance our skills and recognize the value of keeping our membership engaged and informed. For more information or to register visit
For public sector locals and units ONLY: A reminder for all of you that only members should be invited to any of your membership meetings and other social events.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Summer fun is still in session!
Pay overtime for summer fun. Purchasing Power is an exclusive member benefit. Enjoy travel to the hottest destinations with manageable payments. No credit check. No down payment. No hidden fees. Get started today at and save 20% off* your first order.

*Promo is valid online only for new customers for 20% off their first order. Offer excludes PS5 consoles, Xbox Series X, Automotive, Vacations, and Allstate Protection Plans. Individual eligibility requirements, including minimum salary and tenure, apply. For most up-to-date account information, log into My Account and view details.

Required Union Representation

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Brooklyn (Region 2)**
Tuesday, September 5, and Wednesday, September 6, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation – Syracuse (Region 5)**
Wednesday, October 11, and Thursday, October 12, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Tuesday, August 22, from 12 pm to 2 pm.
To register:

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation**

Wednesday, August 23, and Thursday, August 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

Thursday, August 31, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, September 6, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, September 6, and Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is August 31. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 13, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, September 12, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 5. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Safe + Sound Week is Aug 7-13
Next week is a nationwide event held each August which recognizes the successes of workplace health and safety programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep America’s workers safe. This year Safe + Sound Week will provide resources for organizations on mental health and well-being.
Recent contract ratification success for Chautauqua County Unit 6300
In July, members in Chautauqua County (Region 6) overwhelmingly ratified their contract with a 89% approval from members and unanimous legislative vote in favor of the contract. “We couldn’t be happier to see the contract pass,” said Chautauqua County Unit 6300 President Don Williams Jr. “Since February, we’ve had productive discussions with the county about how to best promote employee recruitment and retention – a mutual goal of ours. We believe that this contract does our members justice and helps the county continue to provide critical services to the residents and taxpayers of Chautauqua County.”
CSEA member touts benefits alleviating massive cost of medical bills
Thanks to his state negotiated benefits, as well as supplemental insurance available only to CSEA members such as Pearl Insurance and the Employee Benefit Fund, CSEA State Department of Transportation Local 508 Treasurer Dennis Kearney was able take three weeks off from work to recover from a medical emergency without sinking into a financial hole that could be cataclysmic for his family. In total, $100,000 worth of Kearney’s medical expenses were covered.
Registration is now Open for the 113th Annual Delegates Meeting
This year’s theme is My Union, My Voice, My CSEA. Join us in Buffalo from October 2 – 6 as we come together to enhance our skills and recognize the value of keeping our membership engaged and informed. For more information or to register visit
AFSCME nationwide member research inquiries begin today
Please note that AFSCME is engaging in a nationwide member research project this summer which will involve a national survey as well as online focus groups. Members will be asked to participate in the focus groups and will be paid a stipend to do so. The purpose of the project is to understand our members’ views on issues and politics. Grove Insight, in conjunction with Breakthrough Campaigns, will be conducting the research on behalf of AFSCME. These focus groups are scheduled to start immediately and should be completed by the end of this month. The survey is scheduled from Aug 3-17.
Member Benefits for ALL Members, Regardless of Where You Live
Did you know that the vast majority of our member benefits can be accessed even in rural areas? Valuable, exclusive member programs like the low fixed rate CSEA VISA card, auto loan and mortgage programs, all of the voluntary insurance products through Pearl Insurance, the new CSEA legal services benefit, our travel and entertainment benefits through Member Deals and the New York Safety Program’s defensive driving course are just a few of them. All of these and much more can be accessed online by visiting the member benefits portion of our website at or through the MYCSEA APP. For more information or assistance accessing these or any of our benefits, contact the Director of Member Benefits, Beth King, at 1-800-342-4146 x1201.

Required Union Representation


Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Yaphank (Region 1)**
Wednesday, August 9, and Thursday, August 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Brooklyn (Region 2)**
Tuesday, September 5, and Wednesday, September 6, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, August 9, from 12 pm to 2 pm.
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Tuesday, August 22, from 12 pm to 2 pm.
To register:

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation**

Wednesday, August 23, and Thursday, August 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

Thursday, August 31, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, September 6, and Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is August 31. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 13, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, September 12, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 5. Call your region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Another week, another contract ratification!
Wayne County General Unit made press in July after ratifying a new contract several months ahead of schedule. This contract increases raise percentages from the previous contract for the over 500 Wayne County employees represented by CSEA. The contract passed through membership with over 90% approval. “The county negotiating team would like to express its appreciation to CSEA Labor Relations Specialist Paul Markwitz and the entire employee negotiating team for the professional manner in which they conducted negotiations,” Wayne County Administrator Rick House told the Finger Lakes Times. “The union addressed the needs of the employees while keeping in mind the cost to county taxpayers.”
Momentum grows in Goshen organizing drive
Community support continues to grow for workers organizing a union with CSEA at the Goshen Public Library in Orange County. Activists from other CSEA bargaining units have joined the workers at library board meetings. Most recently, Orange County Legislator James O’Donnell, whose district includes Goshen, sent a letter in support of workers to library management and board members. It was reprinted as a letter to the editor on
Have you registered for this year’s ADM?
This year’s theme is My Union, My Voice, My CSEA. Join us in Buffalo from October 2 – 6 as we come together to enhance our skills and recognize the value of keeping our membership engaged and informed. For more information or to register, visit
R2 Conference recap and highlights
The CSEA Metropolitan Region 2 Education & Women’s Committee’s held their highly anticipated annual conference last weekend with the energy and solidarity reflective of their “Lean on Me — We Stand Stronger Together” theme. Activists and officers were greeted by Region 2 President Lester Crockett, NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and Vincent Rossillo from Fine, Olin & Anderman. Statewide officers including President Mary Sullivan, Vice President Denise Berkley, Secretary Richard Bebo, Treasurer Nicole Meeks, Region 3 President Anthony Adamo, and Region 2 Deputy Director of State Operations, Gary Cannonier also welcomed members. Kudos to Felicia McCollough, Education Committee Chair and Pat Dixon-Lawrence, Women’s Committee Chair, for a hearty and informative conference.
R4 announces region president’s award winner for 2022
Congratulations to R4 Capital District Psychiatric Center Local President Zakiya Ryhmer on receiving the 2022 Capital Region President’s Award. This award has been around for many years and is given out by the Region President for outstanding activism and engagement within the Region for the previous year. Capital Region President, Ron Briggs, presented the award to Rhymer at the Region’s June Executive Board Meeting. You can read more about Rhymer and the successful campaign to boost workplace safety at CDPC here:
Remember to visit our union’s booth at the New York State Fair
Visit the CSEA booth at the New York State from August 23 to September 4 (Labor Day). We are located in the Center of Progress building. Members that sign-in will receive a gift from your union. Join us for the Labor Day Parade on September 4. Tickets and parking passes will be made available, more details to follow.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Stretch your paycheck with Buyers Edge
Did you know that CSEA’s Member Benefit with Buyers Edge guarantees low price on appliances and cars? Visit: (username:1811 Group Number:CSEA)

Required Union Representation


State Government Discipline and Interrogation – Brooklyn (Region 2)**
Tuesday, September 5, and Wednesday, September 6, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Tuesday, August 22, from 12 pm to 2 pm.
To register:

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation**

Wednesday, August 23, and Thursday, August 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

Thursday, August 31, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**

Wednesday, September 6, and Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is August 31. Call your Region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, September 13, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your Region to register.

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, September 12, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is September 5. Call your Region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday July 27, 2023

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Director of Education & Leadership Development
Please know that Director of Education and Leadership Development, Nisha Stillwell-Frankson, has elected to return to her previous role as a Labor Education Specialist. As we explore leadership opportunities for this Department, CSEA retiree and previous labor educator, Kali Zervos, has agreed to return as Interim Director. Prior to her retirement in 2016, Kali worked as a Labor Relations Specialist in Metropolitan Region 2 and then as Labor Education Specialist in the Education and Training Department.

Please help me in wishing both of our colleagues well in their respective roles.

Stay Safe in Extreme Summer Heat
As temperatures and humidity rise, it is important to remember to stay hydrated, take breaks and cool down. This may seem like common knowledge for anyone who is outdoors for summer activities, but it’s especially important for people who work outdoors. People who work outdoors during the summer may be exposed to heat and humidity during their entire workday and may be at a higher risk for heat related incidents.
AFSCME Staff the Front Lines Bus Tour
States, cities, towns and schools are facing huge staff shortages but aren’t hiring people quickly enough. AFSCME is kicking off a national bus tour this summer to recruit talented, diverse and dedicated people to staff the front lines. The bus will make stops in more than 20 communities in at least 14 states.
CSEA Tick Key Distribution
I’m pleased to say we have had an overwhelmingly positive response to the CSEA tick keys that are being distributed. We have sent out tens of thousands of tick keys and materials to leaders and members and we plan to continue doing so. We will also be handing these out to members who visit our booths at the New York State and Dutchess fairs in August. Local and Unit Presidents may order tick keys or materials for distribution to members by visiting
CSEA Members at Bear Mountain Go Above and Beyond
While the zoo at Bear Mountain State Park is currently closed to the public following the recent floods, we want to highlight the CSEA members working there who stayed on site during the flooding on July 9 to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals. In recognition of National Zookeeper Week we celebrate these dedicated CSEA members and those who work in zoos across all of New York State.
Registration is now Open for the 113th Annual Delegates Meeting
This year’s theme is My Union, My Voice, My CSEA. Join us in Buffalo from October 2 – 6 as we come together to enhance our skills and recognize the value of keeping our membership engaged and informed. For more information or to register visit
Reminder to be vigilant – beware of the latest scams and anti-union messages
We continue to hear about our union members receiving direct mail pieces (with fake “Legal Notices” surveys and phony checks), emails, postcards, text messages and phone calls with messages encouraging members to quit our union and share their personal information. Again – I want to remind everyone that these are highly orchestrated tactics being sent from well-funded, union-busting organizations. These messages are not coming from me or CSEA, please remain vigilant by not responding to these efforts in order to protect your union benefits and personal information. If you have any questions or need to report a scam, please contact your Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146.
AFSCME launching nationwide member research inquiries this summer
Please note that AFSCME is engaging in a nationwide member research project this summer which will involve a national survey as well as online focus groups. Members will be asked to participate in the focus groups and will be paid a stipend to do so. The purpose of the project is to understand our members’ views on issues and politics. Grove Insight, in conjunction with Breakthrough Campaigns, will be conducting the research on behalf of AFSCME. These focus groups are scheduled to start immediately and should be completed by the end of this month. The survey is scheduled to field between Aug 3-17.
Member Benefit Spotlight: A Defensive Driving Course Can Drive More Money Your Way!
Did you know that if you successfully complete the NY Safety Program defensive driving course, you save 10% for three consecutive years on your auto insurance? The course is completely online and CSEA members only pay $22.95. For more information on this program visit and register today!

Required Union Representation


Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Yaphank (Region 1)**
Wednesday, August 9, and Thursday, August 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Grievance Representation**
Tuesday, August 1, and Wednesday, August 2, from 6 pm to 8 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, August 9, from 12 pm to 2 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Tuesday, August 22, from 12 pm to 2 pm
To register:

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation**

Wednesday, August 23, and Thursday, August 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm
To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

Thursday, August 31, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:

President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Wednesday, September 6, and Thursday, September 7, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is August 31. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday July 20, 2023

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

July is Disability Pride Month
Disability Pride Month is celebrated each July to commemorate the July 26, 1990, passage of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The goal of Disability Pride Month is to change how people think about disability, to end internalized shame among those with disabilities and to promote the belief that disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity.
AFSCME launching nationwide member research inquiries this summer
Please note that AFSCME is engaging in a nationwide member research project this summer which will involve a national survey as well as online focus groups. Members will be asked to participate in the focus groups and will be paid a stipend to do so. The purpose of the project is to understand our members’ views on issues and politics. Grove Insight, in conjunction with Breakthrough Campaigns, will be conducting the research on behalf of AFSCME. These focus groups are scheduled to start immediately and should be completed by the end of this month. The survey is scheduled to field between Aug 3-17.
Reminder to be vigilant – beware of the latest scams and anti-union messages
We continue to hear about our union members receiving direct mail pieces (with fake “Legal Notices” surveys and phony checks), emails, postcards, text messages and phone calls with messages encouraging members to quit our union and share their personal information. Again – I want to remind everyone that these are highly orchestrated tactics being sent from well-funded, union-busting organizations. These messages are not coming from me or CSEA, please remain vigilant by not responding to these efforts in order to protect your union benefits and personal information. If you have any questions or need to report a scam, please contact your Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Stretch Your Paycheck With Pearl Insurance
Pearl Insurance provides a buying service to give CSEA members low-cost options for their auto & home insurance by shopping personal lines of insurance with 15 different companies. Pearl looks for equal or better coverage at a savings. Join other members who have saved hundreds by having Pearl Insurance shop their personal lines!
You can also take advantage of the convenience of payroll deduction for your payments. Payroll deduction simplifies your life by spreading out premium payments to a budgetable amount, avoiding insurance company installment charges and
stretching your paycheck further!
For example*, if you’re paid every 2 weeks and you spend $910 per year on your auto insurance policy your payments would be:

Total cost for the year………………………… $910.00
Service Fees & Interest charges……………….$0.00
Bi-weekly paycheck deduction…………$35.00
*All rates are unique based on your specific situation and insurance score.

Pearl Insurance has saved CSEA Members hundreds of dollars on their auto & home insurance. Click here to see what members are saying!
Click here to obtain a free, no obligation quote and an insurance representative will get back to you shortly. If you have questions or need immediate assistance, call 800-574-0963.

Required Union Representation

State Government Grievance Representation – Oneonta (Region 5)**

Tuesday, July 25, and Wednesday, July 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Yaphank (Region 1)**
Wednesday, August 9, and Thursday, August 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Amherst (Region 6)**
Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (716) 691-6555 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

State Government Grievance Representation**
Tuesday, August 1, and Wednesday, August 2, from 6 pm to 8 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, August 9, from 12 pm to 2 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification

Tuesday, August 22, from 12 pm to 2 pm
To register:

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation**

Wednesday, August 23, and Thursday, August 24, from 6 pm to 8 pm
To register:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations

Thursday, August 31, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday July 13, 2023

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

In fond remembrance: Geordie Pierce

This week we said a final farewell to our dear friend Geordie Pierce, who passed away on July 6.
Geordie joined CSEA in 1978, first in the Maintenance Department and later in the Organizing Department. Geordie was CSEA through and through and was a constant presence at all things CSEA. Geordie retired on November 1, 2019, after more than 41 years of service. Geordie is survived by his wife, Kathy, children Paul and Karen, and many siblings from Ireland. He will be greatly missed. For those who would like to read his obituary, it can be found here:

Please follow our established protocol for submitting member applications
This is a reminder that the following are the proper methods to submit member applications:

  • Via mail to CSEA Membership Enrollment & Administration, 143 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12210
  • Via Digital Fax to 518-465-2382 (The MyCSEA app uses this method)
  • Via email to

Should you choose some other method, we cannot guarantee that the membership applications sent by you will be processed in a timely manner or at all. You should not email applications directly to any staff member, or Officer at CSEA either. Please use only the above methods to ensure accurate and timely processing.

Info to share with our Volunteer Member Organizers
Let’s help non-union members to organize and join CSEA. Do you know someone who doesn’t have a union? Reach out to the organizing department at 518-257-1400. Together, we can become an even bigger, stronger union!
Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY:
Reminder that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like an evening social, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use:
“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

Member Benefit Spotlight: Stretch Your Paycheck With CSEA’s Low Fixed Rate Credit Card
There are member benefits that stretch your paycheck and help our members save, one being the CAP COM CSEA branded Visa. With a fixed rate as low as 8.90% APR1 and no charge for balance transfers, this card can’t be beat. The average Credit Card interest rate is 24.5% APR2. Now is the time to look at credit cards you may have elsewhere, chances are you’re paying a high rate.  Join other CSEA members who have stretched their paycheck by paying less interest.
Apply today:

1 Annual Percentage Rate, must be a member of CAP COM, division of Broadview, before card is issued
Required Union Representation

State Government Grievance Representation – Oneonta (Region 5)**
Tuesday, July 25, and Wednesday, July 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Yaphank (Region 1)**
Wednesday, August 9, and Thursday, August 10, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representative Recertification
Monday, July 17, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Register at

Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 18, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Register at

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday June 29, 2023

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

**Please note: The weekly update will not be sent out next week due to the 4th of July holiday

Reminder to protect yourselves during times of poor air quality conditions
I urge all members to do what’s best for their health such as wearing masks and staying indoors (if possible) during times of poor air quality. You can look up the exact conditions and recommendations where you live/work by searching your zip code here:
Important Election Information:

By now you should have received some information in the mail from the Statewide Election Committee (SEC) regarding the upcoming 2024 Statewide, Region, and Board of Directors Elections. The information should have included the Local Presidents’ Handbook, Constitution & By-Laws, and Candidates’ Handbook, as well as a Nomination Notice packet containing various postings. It is vital that you provide this election information to your Local membership and Unit membership, if any.

If you did not receive this package of information, or if you have any general questions about the election process, you may contact the SEC staff at 1-800-342-4146, extension 1447 or Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you! Deb Ake, Chair, Statewide Election Committee

Civil Service exam fees waived by NYS and some local governments
After a strong lobbying effort by CSEA, the state Department of Civil Service will begin waiving fees for all state civil service examinations beginning on July 1. The goal of this new law is to increase the number of New Yorkers who take civil service exams and to expand the pool of potential applicants to residents who may not be able to afford the exam fee. These fees will be waived until December 31, 2025. Local governments are also authorized to waive civil service exam fees but are not required to do so. We are aware of the following counties that are currently waiving civil service exam fees:

•       Clinton
•       Genesee
•       Monroe
•       Oswego
•       Schenectady
•       Ulster

Did you know?

OSHA reports that most outdoor fatalities, 50% to 70%, occur in the first few days of working in warm or hot environments because the body needs to build a tolerance to the heat gradually over time. The process of building tolerance is called heat acclimatization. Lack of acclimatization represents a major risk factor for fatal outcomes. Employers and workers can do a lot to prevent heat-related illness. Visit OSHA’s heat page: The OSHA Technical Manual Chapter on Heat Stress establishes that OSHA uses WBGT to determine if a heat hazard was present. To help determine if temperature extremes can be hazardous, use the OSH WBGT Calculator:

NYS AFL-CIO rolls out Hot Union Summer campaign with survey
All season long, NYS AFL-CIO members will be knocking on doors to have conversations with union members across New York about what they think the top priorities for our movement, and our state and federal elected officials should be. The survey is also available online – take it now to make your voice heard:
Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: Reminder that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like an evening social, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use:
“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

July 7 is deadline for the 2023 Nadra Floyd and Membership Achievement awards
We have two awards to honor our members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. CSEA is seeking entries for the Nadra Floyd Award and the Membership Achievement Award. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, we encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms on (see links below). If you have any concerns regarding these awards, please contact the CSEA Membership Committee, c/o the CSEA Organizing Department at 518-257-1400.

Nomination form for the 2023 Nadra Floyd Award

Nomination form for the 2023 Membership Achievement Award

Member Benefit Spotlight: Restore the Sounds of Your Life!

Your CSEA hearing program through Amplifon includes a free hearing exam, risk-free trial, batteries, a four year warranty and 66% off retail prices of hearing aids. Best of all, this benefit is available to CSEA members and their family members. Call 866-915-2063 or visit

Required Union Representation

State Government Grievance Representation – Oneonta (Region 5)
Tuesday, July 25, and Wednesday, July 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL

Grievance Representative Recertification
Monday, July 17, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Register at

Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogation Recertification
Tuesday, July 18, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Register at

Required Officer Trainings:

**There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday June 22, 2023

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Primary Elections Early Voting – June 17-25
Early Voting for the June Primary will take place from Saturday, June 17 to Sunday, June 25. Voting locations and times vary by county – visit this webpage to find your county’s election information. Make sure to check the status of your voter registration and ensure that your address is up to date, here. As we get closer to elections, you can stay up to date on important deadlines and CSEA’s endorsed candidates at

Public Service Spotlight #2 now available to view
For CSEA/AFSCME’s next Public Service Spotlight, we’re hearing from CSEA Nassau University Medical Center Unit Executive Vice President Shakira Settles, who speaks about her role as a mentor to new CSEA members and the overall benefit of union membership – view it here:

Reminder to be vigilant – beware of recurring scams and anti-union messages
We continue to hear about our union members receiving direct mail pieces (with surveys and phony checks), emails, postcards, text messages and phone calls with messages encouraging members to quit our union and share their personal information. Again – I want to remind everyone that these are highly orchestrated tactics being sent from well-funded, union-busting organizations. These messages are not coming from me or CSEA, please remain vigilant by not responding to these efforts in order to protect your union benefits and personal information. If you have any questions or need to report a scam, please contact your Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146.

July 7 is deadline for the 2023 Nadra Floyd and Membership Achievement awards
We have two awards to honor our members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. CSEA is seeking entries for the Nadra Floyd Award and the Membership Achievement Award. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, we encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms on (see links below). If you have any questions regarding these awards, please contact the CSEA Membership Committee, c/o the CSEA Organizing Department at 518-257-1400.
Nomination form for the 2023 Nadra Floyd Award
Nomination form for the 2023 Membership Achievement Award

Updates to My CSEA mobile App have been released
The My CSEA mobile app that is available for Android and IOS (Apple) platforms has recently undergone the following updates:

  • Updated Membership Checker.
  • Removed restrictions for local and units.
  • Updated member status wording to be more relevant
  • Shows multiple search results instead of just one
  • Updated Application Scanner, now allows up to 5 applications to be sent at one time.
  • Updated BJs Page
  • Updated Retiree Link
  • New Legal Page
  • Removed Union Plus Health Savings
  • Improved application load time.
  • Link for Work Institute moved to home page.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Have Fun This Summer And Save!
CSEA’s endorsed benefit with Member Deals provides savings on travel and entertainment. Did you know that preferred tickets are available to the US Open, all major movie theaters as well as the NY Yankees games? Click now and save!

US Open Tennis Championships:

Movie Tickets:

New York Yankees

Visit: for a complete list of preferred tickets.

Be Union Strong with discounted tickets to Yankees, Mets games
The New York State AFL-CIO is sponsoring Union Strong events with discounted tickets to New York Yankees and New York Mets games! Tickets for Union Strong Weekend with the New York Yankees and Union Strong Night at the New York Mets are on sale now! Discounted tickets are available for union members and their families/friends, and they come with a free T-shirt. Come enjoy a game with your union family! Get tickets here:

Required Union Representation

Grievance Representation Recertification Workshop – Syosset (Region 1)
Monday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Recertification – Syosset – (Region 1)
Tuesday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation Workshop – Oneonta (Region 5)
Tuesday, July 25, and Wednesday, July 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

There are no scheduled officer trainings at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 15, 2023


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Paid Parental Leave for New York State CSEA Members
I am pleased to advise that we have reached an agreement with the State to provide Paid Parental Leave for all eligible state members. Employees may take leave with pay for up to 12 weeks for the birth of a child or placement of a child for adoption or foster care.  Paid Parental Leave is available for use once every 12-month period. All employees who work full-time or who work at least 50% part-time are eligible for this benefit. The benefit is retroactive to April 2, 2023. For more details, please see the complete agreement at agreement recognizes that anyone who has the opportunity to become a parent either through childbirth, adoption or fostering should be allowed to spend the time to strengthen parental-child bonds without worrying about the economic impact of being on unpaid leave. Paid Parental Leave will be another great benefit for our union members across New York State. If you have any questions, please contact your Local leadership or the CSEA State Operations Department.
Primary Elections Early Voting – June 17-25
Early Voting for the June Primary will take place from Saturday, June 17 to Sunday, June 25. Voting locations and times vary by county – visit this webpage to find your county’s election information. Make sure to check the status of your voter registration and ensure that your address is up to date, here. As we get closer to elections, you can stay up to date on important deadlines and CSEA’s endorsed candidates at

Participate in Juneteenth observances and events
Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day), celebrated on June 19, is the oldest known annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It was on this day in 1865 that federal troops arrived in Texas to ensure that all Americans were free from slavery. On June 17, 2021 it officially became a federal holiday. You can read more about Juneteenth at https://www.juneteenth.comI encourage you to observe this day by celebrating black history and culture through participation in Juneteenth events in your area. Contact your local chapter of the NAACP to learn more. For information on your local chapter visit

Reminder to be vigilant – beware of recurring scams and anti-union messages
We continue to hear about our union members receiving direct mail pieces (with surveys and phony checks), emails, postcards, text messages and phone calls with messages encouraging members to quit our union and share their personal information. Again – I want to remind everyone that these are highly orchestrated tactics being sent from well-funded, union-busting organizations. These messages are not coming from me or CSEA, please remain vigilant by not responding to these efforts in order to protect your union benefits and personal information. If you have any questions or need to report a scam, please contact your Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146.
July 7 is deadline for the 2023 Nadra Floyd and Membership Achievement awards
We have two awards to honor our members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. CSEA is seeking entries for the Nadra Floyd Award and the Membership Achievement Award. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, we encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms on (see links below). If you have any questions regarding these awards, please contact the CSEA Membership Committee, c/o the CSEA Organizing Department at 518-257-1400.
Nomination form for the 2023 Nadra Floyd Award
Nomination form for the 2023 Membership Achievement Award
Updates to My CSEA mobile App have been released
The My CSEA mobile app that is available for Android and IOS (Apple) platforms has recently undergone the following updates:

  • Updated Membership Checker.
  • Removed restrictions for local and units.
  • Updated member status wording to be more relevant
  • Shows multiple search results instead of just one
  • Updated Application Scanner, now allows up to 5 applications to be sent at one time.
  • Updated BJs Page
  • Updated Retiree Link
  • New Legal Page
  • Removed Union Plus Health Savings
  • Improved application load time.
  • Link for Work Institute moved to home page.
Member Benefits Spotlight: Summer Travel Is Calling You!
Enjoy the vacation you have worked so hard for. Use CSEA’s exclusive member benefit with Purchasing Power, book your summer travel now and pay over time through payroll deduction.
Unlock your spending power today and shop travel essentials along with so much more!
No credit check. No down payment. No hidden fees.
Be Union Strong with discounted tickets to Yankees, Mets games
The New York State AFL-CIO is sponsoring Union Strong events with discounted tickets to New York Yankees and New York Mets games! Tickets for Union Strong Weekend with the New York Yankees and Union Strong Night at the New York Mets are on sale now! Discounted tickets are available for union members and their families/friends, and they come with a free T-shirt. Come enjoy a game with your union family! Get tickets here:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

Grievance Representation Recertification Workshop – Syosset (Region 1)
Monday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Recertification – Syosset – (Region 1)
Tuesday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation Workshop – Oneonta (Region 5)
Tuesday, July 25, and Wednesday, July 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Tuesday, June 20, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, June 21, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is June 15. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 8, 2023


Thursday, June 8, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Valuable information regarding the Canadian wildfires and poor air quality
In recent days, much of the state has been inundated with smoke caused by wildfires in Canada. The governor recently advised against outdoor activity. I urge all members to do what’s best for their health such as wearing masks and staying indoors (if possible) during this time. You can quickly look up your air quality index and get important health information about the air quality in your area. The United States Environmental Protection Agency and their partners have an online resource that you can use to look up the exact conditions and recommendations where you live or work. You can access your area by searching your zip code here: You can also find guidance on what you can do when smoke is in the air
Reminder to be vigilant – beware of recurring scams and anti-union mailings
We continue to hear about our union members receiving direct mail pieces (with surveys and phony checks), emails, postcards, and phone calls with messages encouraging members to quit our union and share their personal information. Again – I want to remind everyone that these are highly orchestrated tactics being sent from well-funded, union-busting organizations. These mailers are not coming from me or CSEA, please remain vigilant by not responding to these efforts in order to protect your union benefits and personal information. If you have any questions or need to report a scam, please contact your Labor Relations Specialist or region office, and/or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146.

June updates from AFSCME
They will soon be announcing their Never Quit Service Award winner via email with a video. Additionally, AFSCME’s Staff the Front Lines bus rolls out this summer. Albany, NY will be its first stop on the tour in July and will announce all scheduled tour stops soon. Finally, all episodes of the I AM Story podcast are out and the I AM Story website has released – never heard before – audio featuring a conversation between President Saunders and Martin Luther King III.

July 7 is deadline for the 2023 Nadra Floyd and Membership Achievement awards
We have two awards to honor our members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. CSEA is seeking entries for the Nadra Floyd Award and the Membership Achievement Award. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, we encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms on (see links below). If you have any concerns regarding these awards, please contact the CSEA Membership Committee, c/o the CSEA Organizing Department at 518-257-1400.
Nomination form for the 2023 Nadra Floyd Award
Nomination form for the 2023 Membership Achievement Award

Member Benefit Spotlight: Cozy up with 18% off from Raymour & Flanigan
Raymour & Flanigan is offering an exclusive discount to all CSEA members of 18%* on furniture and mattresses with up to 6 months interest-free financing and free next day mattress delivery for all mattress purchases over $500. For this great benefit, contact Mark Lesser at (631) 332-6811 or To find a Raymour & Flanigan showroom near you, visit

Be Union Strong with discounted tickets to Yankees, Mets games
The New York State AFL-CIO is sponsoring Union Strong events with discounted tickets to New York Yankees and New York Mets games! Tickets for Union Strong Weekend with the New York Yankees and Union Strong Night at the New York Mets are on sale now! Discounted tickets are available for union members and their families/friends, and they come with a free T-shirt. Come enjoy a game with your union family! Get tickets here:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

Grievance Representation Recertification Workshop – Syosset (Region 1)
Monday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Recertification – Syosset – (Region 1)
Tuesday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Tuesday, June 20, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, June 21, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is June 15. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 1, 2023


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

June is Pride Month
Our union joins in celebrating Pride Month across the state in support of LGBTQ+ union members. The labor movement has long been an advocate for LGBTQ+ union members to achieve justice and equality both on and off the job, including through CSEA’s statewide committee and the AFL-CIO constituency group Pride at Work, which has several chapters in New York. I hope all of you to join in the celebration of our LGBTQ+ members as we continue to advocate for their equality.
Participate in Juneteenth observances and events
Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day), celebrated on June 19, is the oldest known annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It was on this day in 1865 that federal troops arrived in Texas to ensure that all Americans were free from slavery.  On June 17, 2021 it officially became a federal holiday. You can read more about Juneteenth at

I encourage you to observe this day by celebrating black history and culture through participation in Juneteenth events in your area. Contact your local chapter of the NAACP to learn more. For information on your local chapter visit

Updates to My CSEA mobile App have been released
The My CSEA mobile app that is available for Android and IOS (Apple) platforms has recently undergone the following updates:

  • Updated Membership Checker.
  • Removed restrictions for local and units.
  • Updated member status wording to be more relevant
  • Shows multiple search results instead of just one
  • Updated Application Scanner, now allows up to 5 applications to be sent at one time.
  • Updated BJs Page
  • Updated Retiree Link
  • New Legal Page
  • Removed Union Plus Health Savings
  • Improved application load time.
  • Link for Work Institute moved to home page.
July 7 is deadline for the 2023 Nadra Floyd and Membership Achievement awards
We have two awards to honor our members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. CSEA is seeking entries for the Nadra Floyd Award and the Membership Achievement Award. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, we encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms on (see links below). If you have any concerns regarding these awards, please contact the CSEA Membership Committee, c/o the CSEA Organizing Department at 518-257-1400.
Nomination form for the 2023 Nadra Floyd Award
Nomination form for the 2023 Membership Achievement Award
Did you know?
Our Health Benefits Department has professionals who stay up to date on the fast-changing landscape of health care plans and benefits. They can work with negotiators and management to conduct cost analyses on health benefit plans to help preserve the best benefits to members at the lowest cost to workers and taxpayers. They can also provide health plan comparisons to help prevent management from placing an unfair burden on workers for their health care coverage costs. For more information visit:
Member Benefit Spotlight: Go Solar!
American Solar Partners provides solar power systems using American made solar panels and union (IBEW) installation! CSEA members who take advantage of this benefit save an average of $1,000 per year on utility bills, while increasing the resale value of their homes! For more information, call (914) 699-3366 or visit
Be Union Strong with discounted tickets to Yankees, Mets games
The New York State AFL-CIO is sponsoring Union Strong events with discounted tickets to New York Yankees and New York Mets games! Tickets for Union Strong Weekend with the New York Yankees and Union Strong Night at the New York Mets are on sale now! Discounted tickets are available for union members and their families/friends, and they come with a free T-shirt. Come enjoy a game with your union family! Get tickets here:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government and Public Authorities) – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Grievance Representation Recertification Workshop – Syosset (Region 1)
Monday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Recertification – Syosset – (Region 1)
Tuesday, June 27, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Tuesday, June 20, from 6 pm to 8 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, June 21, from 12 pm to 2 pm
To register:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is June 15. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Monday May 29 is Memorial Day: a time to honor and reflect
On Memorial Day, let’s all remember to take some time to honor those who served in uniform and courageously gave everything for our country. We all benefit from the efforts and protections that the women and men in the armed services provide for us here at home and throughout the world.
AFL-CIO LEAD Scholarship application deadline is June 1
The AFL-CIO LEAD Scholarship helps union members from diverse backgrounds access the Cornell Union Leadership Institute (ULI), a program for aspiring union leaders. The New York State AFL-CIO/Cornell Union Leadership Institute (ULI) prepares labor and worker-justice leaders to effectively and strategically advance the rights of workers. Hundreds of union members throughout the state have graduated from the program, with many progressing to leadership positions within their respective unions. Find application information here:
Take action regarding the US Debt Ceiling
While no agreements have been made, what has become clear is that we need a clean debt bill without harmful cuts attached. This is the best solution for CSEA members and New York State. To take action now, click link and send a letter to your representative:
Seeking nominations for the 2023 Nadra Floyd and Membership Achievement awards
We have two awards to honor our members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. CSEA is seeking entries for the Nadra Floyd Award and the Membership Achievement Award. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, we encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms on (see links below). If you have any concerns regarding these awards, please contact the CSEA Membership Committee, c/o the CSEA Organizing Department at 518-257-1400.
Nomination form for the 2023 Nadra Floyd Award
Nomination form for the 2023 Membership Achievement Award
OSH launches statewide Tick Prevention Campaign
The tick population, along with the volume and severity of tick-borne illnesses has been increasing each year in New York State. Tick bites have become very common in New York. Our union’s Occupational Safety & Health Department has organized a Tick Prevention & Awareness campaign that features a variety of resources such as the tick removal process, tick identification charts, posters, and other reference materials to help bring awareness to this issue. For more information, please visit:
Did you know?
CSEA is a member-run union. That means when members get involved, they can tap into an incredible collective power to make things happen and improve our working conditions. As members, you have the final say on approving union contracts, and you volunteer to step up and represent your co-workers as union leaders. CSEA has a Member Engagement Division that works hard to get and keep members actively involved in our union, because we know it makes us stronger and more effective. For more information visit:
Member Benefit Spotlight: Looking to Save On Your Personal Lines of Insurance?
Did you know that Pearl Insurance offers a convenient service for not only auto and home insurance but also renters, umbrella, recreational vehicle and motorcycle insurance? Get a free quote from over 15 different insurance companies and find the proper amount of coverage at the right price. Let Pearl Insurance’s team of policy review specialists review your policies with the goal of offering better coverage at a lower price. It’s a free service! In addition, your personal lines of insurance can be paid conveniently through payroll deduction. Call 1-800-574-0963 or visit:
Be Union Strong with discounted tickets to Yankees, Mets games
The New York State AFL-CIO is sponsoring Union Strong events with discounted tickets to New York Yankees and New York Mets games! Tickets for Union Strong Weekend with the New York Yankees and Union Strong Night at the New York Mets are on sale now! Discounted tickets are available for union members and their families/friends, and they come with a free T-shirt. Come enjoy a game with your union family! Get tickets here:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government and Public Authorities) – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Grievance Representation Recertification Workshop – Syosset (Region 1)
Monday, June 26, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Recertification – Syosset – (Region 1)
Tuesday, June 27, froom 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Tuesday, June 20, from 6 pm to 8 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, June 21, from 12 pm to 2 pm
To register:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**
Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is June 15. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 18, 2023


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
A special message to our members – I sincerely appreciate all that you do
Tomorrow – Friday May 19, we celebrate our union’s third annual CSEA Member Appreciation Day. Our union members work hard every day, and all year long. A day or even a month of appreciation doesn’t quite seem like enough to adequately express my gratitude for your commitment and dedication. Please watch this video  – which highlights the variety of the work CSEA members do on behalf of all New Yorkers. Enjoy and share it with your fellow CSEA members, friends and families. Thank you for All You Do!
Seeking nominations for the 2023 Nadra Floyd and Membership Achievement awards
We have two awards to honor our members who are doing the challenging work of growing CSEA’s membership. CSEA is seeking entries for the Nadra Floyd Award and the Membership Achievement Award. If you know a CSEA member, committee, unit or local that has worked to grow CSEA’s membership, whether through internal or external organizing, we encourage you to fill out one or both nomination forms on (see links below). If you have any concerns regarding these awards, please contact the CSEA Membership Committee, c/o the CSEA Organizing Department at 518-257-1400.
Nomination form for the 2023 Nadra Floyd Award
Nomination form for the 2023 Membership Achievement Award
OSH launches statewide Tick Prevention Campaign
The tick population, along with the volume and severity of tick-borne illnesses has been increasing each year in New York State. Tick bites have become very common in New York. Our union’s Occupational Safety & Health Department (OSH) has organized a Tick Prevention & Awareness campaign that features a variety of resources such as tick removal keys, tick identification charts, posters, and other reference materials to help bring awareness to this issue. For more information, visit:
Did you know?
Did you know any participation in an OSHA/PESH inspection is a protected activity? Your employer is prohibited from retaliating against you for participating in an inspection or employee interview. Furthermore, you have the right to have union representation during that interview. You also have the right to speak with OSHA/PESH outside of the workplace and worktime if you are concerned about retaliation. During the interview you have the right to ask for a break or end the interview if needed. You may also ask questions to clarify the questions asked of you. CSEA Regional OSH Specialists can provide additional technical and support for your local or unit.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Low Price Guaranteed!
In the market for an appliance or car? Look no further! CSEA members have access to Buyers Edge, a low price buying program for appliances, cars, furniture and much more. Visit: (username: 1811 – password CSEA); or call 1-800-755-5008
Be Union Strong with discounted tickets to Yankees, Mets games
The New York State AFL-CIO is sponsoring Union Strong events with discounted tickets to New York Yankees and New York Mets games! Tickets for Union Strong Weekend at the New York Yankees and Union Strong Night at the New York Mets are on sale now! Discounted tickets are available for union members and their families/friends, and they come with a free T-shirt. Come enjoy a game with your union family! Get tickets here:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government and Public Authorities) – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:


Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**:
Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is June 15. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
Did you know?
Workers must report a work-related injury or illness to their employer within 30 days to protect their rights? Workers will then have up to two years to file the actual Workers’ Compensation claim. Most employers have a form or accident reporting system to help document worker injuries and illnesses. It is always best to report the incident in writing and keep a copy of that documentation for your records. For more information please visit:
Governor Hochul delivers video message for Public Service Recognition Week: May 7-13
New York State landmarks were illuminated in dark blue on Wednesday, May 10, in recognition of public employees and their contributions to all New Yorkers. “I want to salute New York’s public servants and show gratitude for their tireless work and commitment. I look forward to continuing our work that allows so many to live the New York Dream,” said Governor Hochul. Watch the Governor’s message here:
OSH launches statewide Tick Prevention Campaign
The tick population, along with the volume and severity of tick-borne illnesses has been increasing each year in New York State. Tick bites have become very common in New York. Our union’s Occupational Safety & Health Department (OSH) has organized a Tick Prevention & Awareness campaign that features a variety of resources such as tick removal keys, tick identification charts, posters, and other reference materials to help bring awareness to this issue. For more information, visit:
Reminder: NYS School Board Elections & Budget Votes are next week – May 16
Please remember to exercise your right to vote on May 16. For more information contact your regional political action coordinator.
Member Appreciation Day is May 19
On Friday May 19, we celebrate our union’s fourth annual CSEA Appreciation Day. We will be sharing a special video message to our members next week – stay tuned. Please visit your region webpage and social media for information on events in your area. If you are looking to distribute lawn signs to thank our members, please contact your Region President’s office for pickup and distribution information.
Successful Statewide Women’s Conference – please remember to submit evaluations
I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of our 2023 Statewide Women’s Conference, especially the Statewide Women’s Committee who devised the agenda and tone. This was truly a member-driven event, with more than 450 in attendance. If you attended and have not yet filled out the post-event survey please do so at: We’ll be featuring some videos from the event to share with all of you in the near future.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Restore the sounds of your life with Amplifon
May is Better Hearing and Speech month. A time to bring awareness to hearing health. Excessive noise exposure is a leading cause of adult hearing loss in the U.S. Every day sounds from lawn mowers and hair dryers to power tools and city traffic can exceed safe listening thresholds. Remind your CSEA members and their families to take advantage of their hearing program this May by scheduling a Free hearing exam at one of over 6,000 participating Amplifon Hearing Health Care providers. The first step to better hearing starts here.
Be Union Strong with discounted tickets to Yankees, Mets games
The New York State AFL-CIO is sponsoring Union Strong events with discounted tickets to New York Yankees and New York Mets games! Tickets for Union Strong Weekend at the New York Yankees and Union Strong Night at the New York Mets are on sale now! Discounted tickets are available for union members and their families/friends, and they come with a free T-shirt. Come enjoy a game with your union family! Get tickets here:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Monday, May 15, and Tuesday, May 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government and Public Authorities) – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**
Wednesday, May 17, and Thursday, May 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**:
Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is June 15. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

VIRTUAL Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, May 17, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
2023 NYS Budget Summary & Key Points
The governor and legislature agreed on a final budget this week. I am proud to announce CSEA was able to secure numerous wins including new policies and programs to help increase hiring in state and local governments. The budget allows civil service to offer continuous recruitment exams for open competitive positions, waives civil service fees from July 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025 and allows municipalities to do the same. In addition, Civil Service has been charged with examining the state’s pay structure to ensure positions are competitive with the private sector.

The budget fully funds state agencies as well as providing additional monies to local governments. Further, judges will now have more discretion to impose bail under reforms included in the budget. And one more important point, after lobbying for over 20 years, minimum wage will now be indexed to a 3 year average of the CPI to provide automatic increases beginning in 2027. There is much more in this budget. For a full summary please visit:

Storm King Art Center (SKAC) workers vote to join CSEA
Last summer, SKAC workers began organizing with CSEA for equity in the workplace, sustainable wages, and safety and health protections among other workplace improvements. Despite management’s union busting tactic of choosing to exclude two-thirds of the workers from voting in last week’s NLRB election, eligible SKAC workers voted “Yes” to join CSEA and are committed to continue the fight for a wall-to-wall, united bargaining unit where all the SKAC workers are included and recognized just like workers at other cultural art centers.

This hard-fought victory was possible with the support of CSEA Southern Region President Anthony M. Adamo and the many Region 3 volunteer member organizers (VMO) who supported this campaign, including VMO Ruben Simmons and CSEA Cornwall DPW Unit 7924 President Brandon Calore. The campaign was led by Statewide Organizer Greg Bartow and assisted by Senior Counsel Eric Wilke, Communications Specialist Jessica Ladlee, and Legislative and Political Action Coordinator Chris Ludlow.

NYS School Board Elections & Budget Votes are held May 16
I want to remind our members from across the state how important it is to vote in your local school board elections and budget proposals, which usually suffer from extremely low voter turnout and close outcomes. What happens both inside your local schools in terms of policies and leadership, as well as school district budgets each year, are determined by those who are elected to your local board of education. Please remember to exercise your right to vote on May 16. For more information, contact your regional political action coordinator.
Member Appreciation Day is May 19
On Friday May 19, we will celebrate our union’s fourth annual CSEA Appreciation Day. If you are looking to distribute lawn signs to thank our members, please contact your Region President’s office for pickup and distribution information.
Much to honor and celebrate this May – including our members!
This month we celebrate Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Labor History Month, and CSEA Member Appreciation Month. Additionally, we recognize Hospital Week, Nurses Week, Law Enforcement Week, Corrections Officers Week and EMS Week. These are very important sectors and we’re asking our members to support AFSCME’s Staff the Front Lines campaign to reinforce and strengthen the important public service work our union members do.
Member Benefit Spotlight: A new CSEA milestone has been reached!
I can happily announce that CAP COM Federal Credit Union, a Division of Broadview, now has over 5,000 CSEA members! When your members join CAP COM, a Division of Broadview, they take full advantage of all the financial products and services they offer to CSEA members. As we are very proud of this milestone, we continue to encourage all our members to take full advantage of the exclusive benefits CAP COM offers CSEA members. For more information on how your members can join the over 5,000 members taking advantage of the benefits, please have them visit
Sharing a note I received recently, the benefits of being union:
“Good morning, after 10+ years as a CSEA backed employee, I will be transferring to a position represented by PEF. May 17th will be my last day but I just wanted to THANK YOU for all of the support, perks and representation that are sometimes taken for granted… CSEA Rocks!” -Tom Bushnell, Education Department (Albany)
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6)**
Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

Local Government and Private Sector Grievance Representation – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Monday, May 15, and Tuesday, May 16, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government and Public Authorities) – Binghamton (Region 5)**
Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:


Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Monday, May 8, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**
Wednesday, May 17, and Thursday, May 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, May 17, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your region to register.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training (Region 1):
Tuesday, May 16 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the CSEA Region 1 office located at 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Deadline to register is Tuesday, May 9. Please contact the Long Island Region 1 office (631) 462-0030 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 27, 2023


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Worker’s Memorial Day – Friday, April 28, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30, 2023 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
Did you know?
That CSEA has an entire section of member benefits that can be researched on the CSEA website at Here you can find insurance programs, cell phone discounts, entertainment discounts and so much more.
Workers Memorial Day is Friday, April 28
On April 28, CSEA and other unions around the world will observe Workers’ Memorial Day. This year, CSEA mourns the losses of Town of Yorktown Unit member Jake Arcaraand Taconic DDSO Local member Scott Burrows. We also use Workers’ Memorial Day to renew our union’s ongoing commitment to safe and healthy workplaces. While our union members have been key to securing safer and healthier workplaces, there is still much work to do to ensure workplace safety. Visit and your region’s Facebook page for more information on local events.
Watch our Membership Application Process Webinar
This past year I established a new Membership Enrollment and Administration Department to stay true to my commitment to all of you – to direct more resources into addressing the challenges we face in processing membership applications in an effective and timely manner. Watch the webinar that explains the changes I have initiated and how the process has been streamlined. Please have your member ID ready to login:
Member Benefit Spotlight: Schedule a Defensive Driving course and save on your auto insurance
The New York Safety Program is CSEA’s endorsed defensive driving course. The course is offered online for $22.95 or in classroom for $23.95 and will save CSEA members 10% on both the liability and collision portion of their auto insurance.  In-classroom courses are offered to friends and family and only 20 students are needed. Please contact Joe Zero to schedule a class today at 718-748-5252, or visit
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6)**
Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government and Public Authorities) – Binghamton (Region 5)**

Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations  (Local Government and Public Authorities)**
Wednesday, May 3, and Thursday, May 4, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Monday, May 8, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**
Wednesday, May 17, and Thursday, May 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Monday, May 17, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your region to register.

VIRTUAL Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Thursday, May 11 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is May 4. Call your region to register.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training (Region 1):
Tuesday, May 16 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the CSEA Region 1 office located at 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Deadline to register is Tuesday, May 9. Please contact the Long Island Region 1 office (631) 462-0030 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - April 20, 2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Work Zone Safety Awareness Week – April 17-21, 2023
Worker’s Memorial Day – Friday, April 28, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30, 2023 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
Did you know?
Once you retire from employment, you can become a CSEA Retiree Member for just $36 per year and still be offered many benefits and discounts through CSEA, including vision and dental insurance. Our union has 21 retiree locals throughout New York State and three locals in Florida. For more information visit:
FYI – AFSCME’s data center looking for members to update their records – is a valid request
You may have received a recent email from our friends at AFSCME. They are in the process of updating their database and want to ensure they have the correct information for our members. We have verified that this particular request from AFSCME is a legitimate email and you can feel free to update/verify your information. As always, thank you for your inquires about this and for being vigilant of potential scams. Please continue to let us know of any suspicious messages you receive at work or at home, and we will do our best to advise you on the best course of action.
National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 17-21
We all play a role in work zone safety, and unfortunately our union members have faced a number of tragedies and work-zone related injuries while on the job. When you’re approaching roadway construction, slow down, move over, and don’t zone out! For more information on our union’s coverage for this week, please visit:
Watch our Membership Application Process Webinar now
This past year I established a new Membership Enrollment and Administration Department to stay true to my commitment to all of you – to direct more resources into addressing the challenges we face in processing membership applications in an effective and timely manner. Watch the webinar that explains the changes I have initiated and how the process has been streamlined. Please have your member ID ready to login:
The third episode of the I AM Story podcast is live
Check out the most recent installment of this series following the story of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike and its impact on our union and the nation to the present day. Hear firsthand accounts from the strikers who marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and made history. Go to or wherever you find your podcasts to listen and subscribe.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Get ready for summer with Member Deals!
Enjoy thrilling rides and cool splashes this year with some of the nation’s most exciting water parks!
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6)**
Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government and Public Authorities) – Binghamton (Region 5)**

Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (315) 433-0050 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Monday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations  (Local Government and Public Authorities)**
Wednesday, May 3, and Thursday, May 4, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Monday, May 8, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**
Wednesday, May 17, and Thursday, May 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, April 25, and Wednesday, April 26 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is April 20. Call your region to register.
This statement only applies to the Presidents/VP training:
This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

VIRTUAL Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Monday, April 24, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your region to register.

VIRTUAL Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Thursday, May 11 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is May 4. Call your region to register.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training (Region 1):
Tuesday, May 16 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the CSEA Region 1 office located at 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Deadline to register is Tuesday, May 9. Please contact the Long Island Region 1 office (631) 462-0030 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - April 13, 2023

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Work Zone Safety Awareness Week – April 17-21, 2023
Worker’s Memorial Day – Friday, April 28, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30, 2023 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
Did you know?
That the CSEA website offers many New York State Civil Service test preparation booklets free for download. Get exam schedules and test preparation here:
National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 17-21
Each year our union participates in the campaign held at the onset of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The underlying message is for drivers to be alert, be aware of their surroundings, and exercise caution when driving in work zones. We all play a role in work zone safety, and unfortunately our union members have faced a number of tragedies and work-zone related injuries. When you’re approaching roadway construction, slow down, move over, and don’t zone out! For more information, visit:
Membership application process webinar is available for viewing
I was encouraged to see that more than 300 union members attended our webinar and live discussion outlining how we have streamlined the way we are processing membership applications.  I established a new Membership Enrollment and Administration Department to stay true to my commitment to all of you – to direct more resources into addressing the challenges we face in processing membership applications in an effective and timely manner. The webinar that explains the changes I have initiated to meet this challenge is available here:
NYS Commissioner of Civil Service visits our union members
We were honored to have Timothy Hogues, Commissioner and President of the New York State Civil Service Commission join us at our April Board of Directors meeting this week. Having been in the position for just about one year, he spoke about his efforts to revamp civil service to make it more accessible to New Yorkers and how our union can be a great partner to help with their various employee recruitment and retention efforts.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Preserve your hearing health with Amplifon
Spring is here and with that comes a resurgence of warm weather activities and the infamous spring cleaning.  Spring is also a great time to preserve your health. The first line of defense in detecting some diseases are your ears as they are often an early indicator to other health issues. CSEA has partnered with Amplifon Hearing Healthcare to provide access to affordable hearing services. The CSEA member benefit with Amplifon includes a free hearing exam and tremendous savings on hearing aids and is available to, not only CSEA members, but their family members as well. The first step to scheduling a Free hearing exam at one of over 6,000 participating Amplifon providers is to click here.
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1):
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Kingston (Region 3):

Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm **
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6):
Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm **
Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation: Recertification
Thursday, April 20, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:


Grievance Representation Recertification
Monday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations**  (Local Government and Public Authorities)
Wednesday, May 3, and Thursday, May 4, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Interrogations
Monday, May 8, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**
Wednesday, May 17, and Thursday, May 18, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, April 25, and Wednesday, April 26 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is April 20. Call your region to register.
This statement only applies to the Presidents/VP training:
This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

VIRTUAL Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Monday, April 24, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your region to register.

VIRTUAL Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Thursday, May 11 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is May 4. Call your region to register.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training (Region 1):
Tuesday, May 16 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the CSEA Region 1 office located at 3 Garet Place, Commack, NY 11725. Registration begins at 4:30 pm. A light dinner will be provided.
Deadline to register is Tuesday, May 9. Please contact the Long Island Region 1 office (631) 462-0030 to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - April 6, 2023

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Work Zone Safety Awareness Week – April 17-21, 2023
Worker’s Memorial Day – Friday, April 28, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30, 2023 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
Did you know?
There is a whole area designated for Officers on the CSEA website. Simply login onto the CSEA website:, go to the dropdown box and click Officer Resources. Here you can find everything from the Constitutions, Financial Standards Code, pdf fillable forms such as expense vouchers, financial report forms, worksite meeting flyers, grievance and steward forms and many other useful documents.
State Members – Contracts
As you know the new CSEA/State contract contains many enhancements. Those enhancements require hundreds of changes to the actual wording of the contracts. In the past, it has taken twelve to fourteen months to produce the new contracts. I am pleased to advise that CSEA has completed its review and we are awaiting the New York State Office of Employee Relations (OER) review. We have been advised that OER’s review is nearing completion and we are hopeful that we will see the new contracts online in PDF format by the end of May 2023. Thereafter, we will get printed versions as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support for the process and patience.
Safety in the workplace needs renewed focus amidst recent school “swattings”
Given the emerging trends and recent “swatting” episodes at school districts across the state, it’s very important to make sure that your employer’s building safety plans have events like these covered. Our union’s safety and health programs address questions regarding individual roles and relative risk in school and workplace safety plans and lock-down procedures, as well as forging and maintaining relationships with appropriate responding law enforcement agencies. Historically and most appropriately, active shooter response training and planning assistance in schools come from the NYS Police or the county sheriff’s department as the first responding agency in event of an incident. Many of our members who are school employees take our online webinars and trainings. For more information visit:
CSEA Retirees are a vital part of our union
CSEA Locals and Units should honor their retiring members by helping them join the CSEA Retiree Division. Across the state and in Florida, CSEA has a network of active and engaged retiree Locals looking for new members. The Financial Standards Code permits Locals and Units to use rebated funds to pay the first-year membership dues for retiring members.  Please give it your serious consideration. Our Union’s power comes from the members, whether employed or retired.
AFSCME releases first episode of I AM Story podcast
In 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. marched in the Memphis Sanitation Strike in Tennessee. To commemorate the 55th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination, AFSCME recently dropped the debut episode of the immersive new podcast series, “I AM Story” – heard through interviews and firsthand accounts of the strikers. Go to or wherever you find your podcasts to listen and subscribe.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Enroll for BJ’s Wholesale discount program anytime of year
CSEA members no longer have to wait for an open enrollment period to enroll or renew membership with the BJ’s Wholesale discount program. You can now take advantage of the BJ’s program YEAR-ROUND! For more information, visit
Please have your CSEA ID number ready to log in.
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1):
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Kingston (Region 3):

Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm **
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation: Recertification

Thursday, April 20, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Monday, April 24, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm To register:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6):
Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm **

Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**:
Tuesday, April 25, and Wednesday, April 26 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is April 20. Call your region to register.

VIRTUAL Secretary Training for Regions 1-6:
Monday, April 24, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Call your region to register.

VIRTUAL Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Thursday, May 11 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is May 4. Call your region to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - March 30, 2023

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Worker’s Memorial Day – Friday, April 28, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
State Members—2023 wage increase and signing bonus
Under the CSEA/State contract, members are due a 3% wage increase in 2023. I am pleased to advise that today, the NYS Comptroller released the payroll bulletin to the state agencies for that raise. Per the bulletin, the April 2023 salary be paid in the following pay checks: Administrative Lag 4/26/23; Institutional Lag 5/4/23.

Also, pursuant to the contract, members are due a $3000 signing bonus. There is no bulletin as of today. But, please keep in mind that the eligibility criteria for the bonus is that a member had to be on the payroll on the date of contract ratification (August 2, 2022) and remain on the payroll continuously through March 31, 2023, unless they retired from state service after August 2 and before March 31. Since March 31 has just arrived, it is not a surprise that a payroll bulletin has not yet been issued.

Director of Member Engagement Adam Acquario retires from CSEA
It is with mixed emotions that I announce Adam Acquario is parting with us after more than 30 years. Adam has served CSEA in various and important roles for us in that time. He’s one of those rare people who gives his all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There is not a job that he didn’t take on and do well, whether it was answering a question or designing and directing a blitz campaign. I will miss his energy, his creativity and his enthusiasm but most of all his total commitment and dedication to the members and our Union. While I am sad to see him go, I am thankful and happy for the time he spent with us. Let’s all wish our brother Adam the very best as he moves into the next phase of his life.
Don’t be fooled this April Fool’s Day or ever…
This is another reminder, please don’t scan any QR codes from anti-union groups’ postcards or emails and DO NOT share your information with these scammers. SUNY Cortland local president Tom Hingher’s curiosity got the best of him, and he scanned a QR code from an anti-union opt-out mailer. After he did so, a Santa Claus video kept popping up on his phone and he had to take it in to get it fixed. He’s still not sure what kind of information they were able to obtain from his phone. Watch Tom explain his experience here:
Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) Leadership & Educational Conferences May 7-11
The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) will be holding leadership and educational conferences during the week of May 7-11 at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. This year’s theme is “Agitate, Educate, Activate!” The first conference, Young Women Workers Academy, takes place May 7-9, and is the first of its kind for CLUW; being taught by and tailored to young union women under the age of 40. The CLUW Educational conference, which takes place May 10-11, is an opportunity for union women from around the country to meet, learn and build activist skills. Please note that you must be a CLUW member in order to attend. For registration, reservations, and conference information, please visit
Member Benefit Spotlight: Give your family peace of mind with CSEA Group Sponsored Term Life Insurance
CSEA sponsors a Term Life Insurance Plan designed to provide insurance to protect your loved ones. With a choice of coverage amounts and new added benefits, it’s the perfect combination of solid coverage and competitive prices. New and eligible members joining CSEA for the first time may qualify for a special underwriting offer. A new member who applies for coverage within 180 days of membership is eligible of $50,000 of coverage for themselves and $50,000 of coverage for their spouse/domestic partner with no health questions.
Now through July 31, 2023:  
Members under age 40 can get up to $150,000 in Term Life coverage with NO medical questions asked.  
Members under age 55 can get up to $100,000 in Term Life coverage with NO medical questions asked.  
Visit for more information.
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, April 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1)
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Kingston (Region 3)
Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm **
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Rochester (Region 6)
Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm **
Call (585) 295-8600 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**:
Tuesday, April 25, and Wednesday, April 26 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers in all sectors.
Deadline to register is April 20. Call your region to register.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training for Region 4:
Wednesday, April 12, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Crowne Plaza located at 660 Albany Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 5. Space is limited, so please sign up quickly.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

No Secretary Trainings scheduled at this time.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - March 23, 2023

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Worker’s Memorial Day – Friday, April 28, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
Member applications webinar will be held only on Tuesday March 28 (March 23 cancelled)
I am excited to invite you to an upcoming webinar about the new streamlined way we are processing membership application. To address the many problems we’ve all experienced, we have established a new Membership Enrollment and Administration Department. Please join us to learn about what happens to an application from the time it is received until one becomes a CSEA member. It has been my commitment to all of you to direct more resources into addressing the challenges we face in processing membership applications in an effective and timely manner. This webinar will explain the changes I have initiated to meet this challenge. The link to register is below:

When: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 6:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: CSEA Membership Application Process Register in advance for this webinar:
CSEA remembers the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
Saturday, March 25th marks the 112th anniversary of Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City, which claimed the lives of 146 garment workers, mostly young, immigrant women. That fire triggered a wave of workplace safety and labor regulations and strengthened the resolve of labor unions to improve working conditions. It also highlighted the struggles of the factory workers, predominantly women, who were employed in low-paid jobs with poor working conditions. Read more about the fire and its impact:
Nationwide scams bilk consumers of $9 billion in 2022
The Federal Trade Commission received fraud reports from 2.4 million consumers last year. The most commonly reported are imposter scams, followed by online shopping scams, prizes, sweepstakes, and lotteries; investment related reports; and business and job opportunities. I want to remind you to be very careful and vigilant to protect your personal information and your assets. Don’t be fooled by strange offers to save money or opt out of our union. Learn more about major scams:
Scholarships available for CSEA and AFSCME members and dependents
Graduating high school seniors who are dependents of active CSEA members are eligible to apply for our union’s statewide college scholarships. CSEA awards 18 $1,000 scholarships (3 in each region) annually under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship and Thomas H. McDonough programs. Applicants are also considered for the one-time, $2,500 scholarships sponsored by Pearl Insurance and MetLife. In addition, AFSCME offers several scholarship programs to AFSCME members and their children. For more information about scholarship programs, visit
Member Benefit Spotlight: Unlock your spending potential with Purchasing Power
Purchasing Power is here to help you take your spring goals to the next level. Unlock your spending power and shop the latest smart tech, treadmills, bikes and more. All orders ship up front and you pay over time through payroll deduction. No credit checks. No down payments. No hidden fees.  Learn more at:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, April 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1)
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Kingston (Region 3)
Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

State Government Grievance Representation**
Wednesday, March 29, and Thursday March 30, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**:
Tuesday, March 28, and Wednesday, March 29, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
Deadline to register is March 22. Call your region to register.
**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training for Region 4:
Wednesday, April 12, from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Crowne Plaza located at 660 Albany Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 5. Space is limited, so please sign up quickly.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

No Secretary Trainings scheduled at this time.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 9, 2023



Thursday, March 9, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
2023 Statewide Women’s Conference registration is closed
We received an overwhelming response and as a result the 2023 Women’s Conference is now full. We are sorry we cannot accept any further registrations at this time.
March is Women’s History Month
We are commemorating Women’s History Month – and honored International Women’s Day this week and its theme of Embracing Equity on a global scale. It’s important to honor the steadfast resolve and dedication that many of our union women members have inspired us with. It’s certainly true when they say that “Women make history every day.” Our union is very fortunate to have so many women leaders at all levels of membership and employment.  I am grateful to have had so many opportunities over the years to learn from women colleagues and officers across the state. I hope we all take the time to assist other women to be their best selves and to be leaders who are kind and those that listen to affect meaningful change and progress for us all.
CSEA Testifies Before the State Legislature on Workforce Issues
CSEA provided testimony at the Joint Legislative Public Hearing on Workforce Development. The testimony focused on proposals to improve recruitment and retention of public employees, including reforms to the Civil Service system and fixes to Tier 6. CSEA is advocating for more frequent Civil Service exams, the removal of prohibitive exam fees, and better promotion of public sector opportunities across the state. We also support building upon last year’s changes to Tier 6 in order to make the pension serve as a recruitment and retention tool for employees. Our full testimony can be found here:
AFSCME Union Scholars Program deadline is March 22
College sophomores and juniors are eligible to get paid summer organizing experience and an additional scholarship for the school year. This program provides a stipend of $4,800, housing, paid travel and expenses, and a scholarship of up to $6,000 depending on financial need for the following academic year. Students can learn more about the opportunity and apply at the link here.
Member Benefit Spotlight: Exclusive Offers From MemberDeals
With MemberDeals, CSEA Members have exclusive access to preferred discounts on Beyonce, Eric Church and Shania Twain concerts, Boston Celtics, Brooklyn Nets, New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox tickets, as well as major events such as Monster Jam, Disney on Ice, Miami Open, and more. Be sure to check out our amazing offers today at:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, April 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1)
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Kingston (Region 3)
Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:





Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation: Recertification
Thursday, March 16, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

State Government Grievance Representation**
Wednesday, March 29, and Thursday March 30, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**:
Tuesday, March 28, and Wednesday, March 29, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
Deadline to register is March 22. Call your region to register.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training for Region 4:
Wednesday, April 12, from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Crowne Plaza located at 660 Albany Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 5. Space is limited, so please sign up quickly.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

VIRTUAL Secretary Trainings for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, March 14, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Call your region to register.

Wednesday, March 22, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Call your region to register.

Friday, March 24, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Call your region to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 2, 2023



Thursday, March 2, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
International Women’s Day – March 8, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
March is Women’s History Month
For Women’s History Month, we celebrate and honor women’s contributions and achievements. Women have played an important role in shaping the labor movement, including organizing workers and leading fights for fair wages, health care, safer workplaces and justice for all people. Learn more about women’s contributions to the labor movement:
2023 Statewide Women’s Conference registration is open
Join us for our union’s 2023 CSEA Women’s Conference, which will be held in Saratoga Springs, NY from April 28-30. This year’s conference theme is “Our Voice Our Power,” which focuses both on members gaining knowledge and developing our collective voices to gain power. The biennial conference, organized by our union’s Standing Women’s Committee, is open to all CSEA members, including retirees. The conference will include numerous programs and the presentation of the Irene Carr Leadership Award. Register today:

**Please note that the registration fee must be paid and received no later than March 15, 2023. **Please be advised – the Saratoga Hilton is now sold out for hotel reservations. Our additional hotel sites are the Hampton Inn Suites/Saratoga or the Courtyard Marriott/Saratoga.

Members voice their disapproval of anti-union groups bothering them
SUNY Oswego Local President Gary Thompson shares how he communicates to members – like janitor Gabe Gonzales, about how anti-union groups are targeting CSEA members across the state and what to do with their scam emails and mailings. Watch the video:
Member Benefit Spotlight: March 3 is World Hearing Day
Now is the perfect time to call attention to hearing health and encourage CSEA members and their families to schedule a free hearing exam at one of more than 6,000 participating Amplifon Hearing Health Care providers. The first step to better hearing starts here:
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Staten Island (Region 2)

Saturday, March 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, April 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1)
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Kingston (Region 3)
Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:





Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, March 8, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation** (Local Gov’t, Private Sector, Public Authorities)
Wednesday, March 8, and Thursday, March 9, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation: Recertification
Thursday, March 16, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:

State Government Grievance Representation**
Wednesday, March 29, and Thursday March 30, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Virtual Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
There are currently no scheduled treasurer trainings.

Virtual Secretary Trainings for Regions 1-6:
Tuesday, March 14, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Call your region to register.

Wednesday, March 22, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Call your region to register.

Friday, March 24, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Call your region to register.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
The NLRB decides in favor of CSEA/Bangs Ambulance Workers United!
After winning their November 9, 2022 National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election, the Bangs Ambulance workers in Ithaca, NY heard on March 14, 2023 that the employer’s objections to their union election win were overruled by the NLRB. The NLRB has issued a Certification of Representative to certify this new CSEA Private Sector Local. Despite the employer’s anti-union tactics, the Bangs Ambulance workers organizing committee refocused their organizing efforts on increasing union support among their coworkers and the community. They never stopped organizing while waiting for the NLRB decision and are ready to take on what are expected to be tough first contract negotiations. Congratulations to Bangs Ambulance workers and welcome to CSEA!
Member applications process webinars
I am excited to invite you to an upcoming webinar about the new streamlined way we are processing membership applications. To address the many problems we’ve all experienced, we have established a new Membership Enrollment and Administration Department. Please join us to learn about what happens to an application from the time it is received until one becomes a CSEA member. It has been my commitment to all of you to direct more resources into addressing the challenges we face in processing membership applications in an effective and timely manner. This webinar will explain the changes I have initiated to meet this challenge. Links to register are below:

When: Thursday, Mar 23, 2023 6:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: CSEA Membership Application Process
Register in advance for this webinar:

When: Tuesday, Mar 28, 2023 6:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: CSEA Membership Application Process
Register in advance for this webinar:

Take our survey to help us gauge CSEA members’ child care needs
Since 2007, part of our union commitment has been advocating for affordability and improved access to quality child care. By working with our elected leaders we have been able to 1.) significantly expand eligibility for financial assistance (subsidy) programs for parents and 2.) substantially lower parent copays. Yet, only 10% of all eligible families apply for child care financial assistance. Last year, NYS committed $7 billion to aid in reducing the cost and increasing access to quality child care for every New Yorker – regardless of income. In order to determine how we can best help educate, provide resources and relief to CSEA members and their child care needs – please take our survey:
March is Women’s History Month: Still a struggle for equal pay, union members do better
On Tuesday we recognized Equal Pay Day which marks how far into the calendar year women must work to be paid what men earned in the previous year. It’s hard to believe that in 2023 women only make 83 cents to every dollar that white men make, and the pay gap is even greater for Black and Latina women. It’s also important to note that unionized women, on average, make 23% more than women who are not in a union. During Women’s History Month, we encourage all to #EmbraceEquity and continue to fight to close gender and racial wage gaps.
AFSCME releases new trailer for upcoming podcast series “I AM Story”
AFSCME’s upcoming I AM Story podcast series is an auditory journey through the history of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike, heard through interviews and detailed accounts of the striking sanitation workers who marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Debuting on April 4 in honor of the anniversary of the death of Dr. King, the first episode will be available on all audio streaming platforms. You can listen to the trailer at
Member Benefit Spotlight: Scholarship Application Deadline is April 15
Graduating high school seniors who are dependents of active CSEA members are eligible to apply for our union’s statewide college scholarships. CSEA annually awards 18 $1,000 scholarships (3 in each region) under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship. Applicants are also considered for the one-time, $2,500 scholarships sponsored by Pearl Insurance and MetLife. Applications are available for download at
*Please do not use applications from previous years. Using an older application will disqualify a candidate.
Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Albany (Region 4)
Saturday, April 1, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1)
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Kingston (Region 3)
Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

State Government Grievance Representation**
Wednesday, March 29, and Thursday March 30, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
To register:


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

VIRTUAL President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6**:
Tuesday, March 28, and Wednesday, March 29, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm.
Deadline to register is March 22. Call your region to register.

VIRTUAL Secretary Trainings for Regions 1-6:
Friday, March 24, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. Call your region to register.

IN-PERSON Treasurer Training for Region 4:
Wednesday, April 12, from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Crowne Plaza located at 660 Albany Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211. Registration begins at 4:30 pm.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, April 5. Space is limited, so please sign up quickly.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:
International Women’s Day – March 8, 2023
Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NY
Member Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
2023 Statewide Women’s Conference registration is open
Join us for our union’s 2023 CSEA Women’s Conference, which will be held in Saratoga Springs, NY from April 28-30. This year’s conference theme is “Our Voice Our Power,” which focuses both on members gaining knowledge and developing our collective voices to gain power. The biennial conference, organized by our union’s Standing Women’s Committee, is open to all CSEA members, including retirees. The conference will include numerous programs and the presentation of the Irene Carr Leadership Award. Register today:
Member Benefit Spotlight: Buyer’s Edge Offers Guaranteed Low Prices
In the market for a new or used car or an appliance? You are in luck! CSEA members have access to a guaranteed low price program for appliances and cars through Buyers Edge. Visit:
Username: 1811 Password: CSEA
Our Member Solutions Center is ready for your questions and concerns
Going to our union for help is as simple as one phone call. The Member Solutions Center features a call center designed to handle your union question by providing answers or directing members to the right place for information. If you have a question, need help or want to discuss our union with a specialist, call us at: (800) 342-4146.  We are here to help.
Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Grievance Representation Recertification
Wednesday, March 8, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm
To register:

Grievance Representation** (Local Gov’t, Private Sector, Public Authorities)
Wednesday, March 8, and Thursday, March 9, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
To register:

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation: Recertification
Thursday, March 16, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
To register:

State Government Grievance Representation**
Wednesday, March 29, and Thursday March 30, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
To register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:



State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Albany (Region 4)
Tuesday, February 28, and Wednesday, March 1, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Staten Island (Region 2)
Saturday, March 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (212) 406-2156 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1)
Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Kingston (Region 3)
Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Call (845) 831-1000 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, March 8 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm.
Deadline to register is March 1.  Call your region to register.
What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at:
I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 16, 2023



Thursday, February 16, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:Random Acts of Kindness Day – February 17, 2023Women’s Conference – April 28-30, 2023 in Saratoga Springs, NY – Registration opens next weekMember Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
Congratulations to our “I Love My Union” Valentine’s Day contest winnersThe response was overwhelming – here are the ten (randomly chosen) winners of the $50 gift cards. Thank you all for submitting your thoughtful entries and being so supportive of our union! Christine Larkin, SUNY College of Farmingdale Local 606, Long Island Region 1; Nancy Ritchie, Nassau Area Retirees Local 919, Long Island Region 1; Tara Purvis, New York Parole District Local 259, Metropolitan Region; Cynde Bodon, Rockland Psychiatric Center Local 421, Southern Region 3; Kevin Borno, Westchester Local 860, Southern Region 3; Mary Santiago, Dutchess County Local 814, Southern Region 3; Sheree Martinelli, Empire State College Local 641, Capital Region 4; Melissa A. Blask, Herkimer County Local 822, Central Region 5; Tracy Skalski, Erie County Local 815, Western Region 6 and Christina Adanti, VOICE Local 100A. Check out their entries on our social media pages and here:
New podcast series honoring labor announced by AFSCME during Black History MonthAFSCME is launching a new podcast series recounting the stories of the courageous sanitation workers who made history. The first episode airs in April which will coincide with the anniversary of the death of Dr. King, who was assassinated while in Memphis to support the strikers. Follow at and subscribe to podcasts on Pandora, Spotify, Apple and Amazon.  
Reminder to be vigilant – beware of recent scams and phone bankingWe are learning that our union members have been receiving emails, postcards, and phone calls with a Valentine’s Day message to quit their union and share their personal information. Again – I want to remind everyone that this is a scam. Please be vigilant and protect your personal information, don’t share it with outside/unknown groups and report all scams to your LRS.
CSEA publications receive honors from International Labor Communications Association I am proud to announce that CSEA publications received three awards in the International Labor Communications Association’s 2022 Labor Media Awards. The full department was honored for its work on our union’s 2022 CSEA Calendar, and staff members Janice Gavin, Jason Hosier, Therese Assalian, Wendi Bowie, Jessica Ladlee, Nicholas Newcomb and former staff member Ove Overmyer were individually recognized. Congratulations to the Communications Department staff. View our award-winning materials here:
Why Not Be Randomly Kind To Your Coworkers?February 17 is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. Why not challenge ourselves to do at least one more extra act of kindness to help celebrate this day?  If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your workplace (or your home or anywhere else) The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation provides a variety of ideas and toolkits.  Click here for kindness materials and methods: Let’s challenge members to take the Kindness in the Workplace Pledge and let’s all make kindness the norm and not the exception. Practicing kindness in the workplace every day can make all of our lives a little better.


Member Benefit Spotlight: CSEA Legal Services PlanMembers are taking advantage of the new CSEA Legal Services Plan. $216 a year gets you a full-time time lawyer to take care of all your legal needs. Members and their families are covered. Your CSEA benefits offer relief and I encourage you make sure your members are aware of this benefit. Learn more here:
Our Member Solutions Center is ready for your questions and concernsGoing to our union for help is as simple as one phone call. The Member Solutions Center features a call center designed to handle your union questions by providing answers or directing members to the right place for information. If you have a question, need help or want to discuss our union with a specialist, call us at: (800) 342-4146.  We are here to help.
Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:


State Government Grievance Representation**Tuesday, February 21 & Wednesday, February 22 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pmTo register:

Grievance Representation Recertification

Wednesday, March 8, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pmTo register:

Grievance Representation** (Local Gov’t, Private Sector, Public Authorities)

Wednesday, March 8, and Thursday, March 9, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pmTo register:

Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogation: Recertification

Thursday, March 16, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pmTo register:

State Government Grievance Representation**

Wednesday, March 29, and Thursday March 30, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pmTo register:

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:



State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogation** – Albany (Region 4)Tuesday, February 28 & Wednesday, March 1 from 5:30 pm – 9:00 pmCall (518) 782-4400 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogation** – Staten Island (Region 2)

Saturday, March 4, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pmCall (212) 406-2156 to register. State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogation – Stony Brook (Region 1)Saturday, April 15, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pmCall (631) 462-0030 to register. Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogation** – Kingston (Region 4) Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pmCall (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.


Required Officer Trainings: Contact your region to register.Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Virtual President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6:Saturday, February 25 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm for new and experienced officers of all sectors.Deadline to register is February 22. Call your region to register.

Virtual Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:Wednesday, March 8 from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pmDeadline to register is March 1.  Call your region to register.

Virtual Secretary Trainings: for Regions 1-6:

Thursday, February 23 from 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm Register here:

What do you want to read about?I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.


In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:Random Acts of Kindness Day – February 17, 2023Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NYMember Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023
CSEA members caucus in Albany with legislatorsMembers from across the state will gather to attend the 52ndAnnual New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus at the Empire State Plaza in Albany from Feb 17-19, 2023. Local and unit funds may be used to attend this event. To learn more please visit:
Please send in my “I Love My Union” entries soon, contest ends February 12To coincide with Valentine’s Day, we launched the “I Love My Union” photo/story contest last week. TELL us a brief story of why you love your union or SHOW your union love, upload a picture showing union pride at : Only active members of CSEA are eligible to win one of ten $50 gift cards, the entry period will end on Sunday, February 12 at 11:59 pm. One entry per member, the winners will be chosen at random. The ten winners who are chosen at random will be announced on Valentine’s Day – February 14. Good luck!
Lobby your representatives to pass the PRO Act billIt was encouraging to hear President Biden call upon Congress to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, by saying that all workers have a right to form a union and receive a guaranteed living wage. According to the AFL-CIO, the (PRO) Act is “a landmark worker empowerment, civil rights and economic stimulus legislation, and an essential part of any plan to build back better from the COVID-19 pandemic and recession.” Find your Congressional representatives here:
Irene Carr Award nominations due Feb. 13 Whatever the issue, there is one person you can count on, someone who will take the lead, speak out and take action on issues of concern to women and families today. Those individuals are the ones CSEA honors with the Irene Carr Leadership Award. Nominations are currently being accepted for this award. You can download a copy of the nomination here: I ask for your assistance to publicize the award and to nominate candidates for the award. Nominations must be received no later than February 13, 2023.The Irene Carr award will be presented at the Women’s Conference which will be held April 28-30, 2023 at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs. NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!”
Join us in celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation provides a variety of ideas and toolkits for work, home and school. Take the Kindness in the Workplace Pledge and start striving to make your work environments places where kindness is the norm, and not the exception. Find kindness materials and methods here:
Member Benefit Spotlight: Fight Inflation with a CSEAVisa Card

We’re all feeling the pinch of high prices at the grocery store, gas pump, and everywhere else we go. Your CSEA benefits offer relief and I encourage you to use them to the fullest. One inflation-buster I have in my wallet is the CSEA Visa®with a fixed annual percentage rate as low as 8.99% and no annual fee! It’s great for purchases and transferring balances from any higher-rate credit cards you have. To learn more, head to or call (844) 622-CSEA (2732).

Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:


State Government Grievance Representation**Tuesday, February 21 & Wednesday, February 22 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm.To register:


Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations**Wednesday, February 22 & Thursday, February 23 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.To register:


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.


Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government Grievance – Staten Island (Region 2)Saturday, February 11 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pmCall (212) 406-2156 to register.


Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** Rochester (Region 6)Wednesday, February 15 & Thursday, February 16 from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pmCall (585) 272-0800 to register.


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Albany (Region 4)Tuesday, February 28 & Wednesday, March 1 from 5:30 pm – 9:00 pmCall (518) 782-4400 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings: Contact your region to register.Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Virtual President/Vice President Training for Regions 1-6:Saturday, February 25 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm for new and experienced officers of all sectors.Deadline to register is February 22. Call your region to register.

Virtual Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:Wednesday, March 8 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm.Deadline to register is March 1.  Call your region to register.

Virtual Secretary Trainings: for Regions 1-6:

Thursday, February 23 from 5:00 – 7:30 pm. Register here:

What do you want to read about?I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.


In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 2, 2023



Thursday, February 2, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Upcoming Events/Dates to Remember:Women’s Conference – April 28-30 in Saratoga Springs, NYMember Appreciation Day – Friday, May 19, 2023113th ADM – October 2-6, 2023 in Buffalo, NY
February is Black History MonthEvery year since 1976 February has been designated by US Presidents as Black History Month. During February we honor the achievements of Black people and celebrate the many historical and culture impacts they have made. We remember, honor and celebrate great Black leaders like A. Philip Randolph and John Lewis. I encourage all of you to recognize and acknowledge Black history month within your locals and units.
Show your union some LOVE and you could win one of ten $50 gift cardsJust in time for Valentine’s Day, we launched the “I Love My Union” photo/story contest this week. TELL us a brief story of why you love your union or SHOW your union love, upload a picture showing union pride at : Only active members of CSEA are eligible to win one of ten $50 gift cards, the entry period will end on Sunday, February 12 at 11:59 pm. One entry per member, the winners will be chosen at random. The ten winners who are chosen at random will be announced on Valentine’s Day – February 14. Good luck!
Irene Carr Award nominations due Feb. 13 Whatever the issue, there is one person you can count on, someone who will take the lead, speak out and take action on issues of concern to women and families today. Those individuals are the ones CSEA honors with the Irene Carr Leadership Award. Nominations are currently being accepted for this award. You can download a copy of the nomination here: I ask for your assistance to publicize the award and to nominate candidates for the award. Nominations must be received no later than February 13, 2023.The Irene Carr award will be presented at the Women’s Conference which will be held April 28-30, 2023 at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs. NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!”
NYS 2024 budget shows significant investments in workforce retention and recruitmentAs most of you are aware, our union has been working with state agencies in an effort to bolster the recruitment of individuals toward public service. From what we’ve seen in this year’s proposed state budget, it’s clear that Governor Hochul recognizes the value of public service and investing in the recruitment efforts needed to provide and maintain that service. For too many years the state and local workforce has been decimated making it harder to provide the services the citizens of New York State depend on. To learn more visit:
AFSCME will be contacting membersIn the coming days, AFSCME will begin contacting members for their biennial nationwide membership survey. This survey is critical for understanding trends, political and policy support, our union’s demographics and other important data. The poll will be conducted by phone to members and leaders across the country. Please let your members know they may receive one of these calls.
Member Benefit Spotlight: 2023 CSEA Scholarship applications now available CSEA awards 18 – $1,000 scholarships under the Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarship and Thomas H. McDonough programs. Pearl Insurance and MetLife each sponsor a one-time $2,500 award. Filing for a Flaumenbaum Scholarship automatically puts an applicant in consideration for the Pearl Insurance and MetLife Scholarships.


Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & InterrogationFebruary 6 and 7 (Mon-Tue), from 6 to 8 pm.**To register:


Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in InterrogationsFebruary 9 (Thu), from 6 to 8 pm.To register:


State Government Grievance RepresentationFebruary 21 and 22 (Tue-Wed), from 12 to 2 pm.**To register:


Representing Members in Discipline & InterrogationsFebruary 22 and 23 (Wed-Thu), from 6 to 8 pm.**To register:


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.


Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government Grievance – Staten Island (Region 2)February 11 (Sat) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.Call (212) 406-2156 to register.


Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**Rochester (Region 6)February 15 & 16 (Wed-Thu) from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Call (585) 272-0800 to register.


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Albany (Region 4)February 28 & March 1 (Tue-Wed) from 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.Call (518) 782-4400 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings: Contact your region to register.Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Virtual Vice President Training for Regions 1-6:February 25 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm for new and experienced officers of all sectors.

Virtual Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:There are currently no scheduled treasurer trainings.

Virtual Secretary Trainings: for Regions 1-6:

February 8, 2023 from 5pm -7:30pm.

February 23, 2023 from 5pm -7:30pm.

What do you want to read about?I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.


In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

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From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 26, 2023



Thursday, January 26, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Union members earn more than nonunion workers
A new report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that union members have higher median earnings than their nonunion counterparts. Basically – it pays to be in a union.Use AFSCME’s wage calculator to see just how big of a difference being in a union makes:


From the Statewide Treasurer’s Office:
The IRS website has been down due to site maintenance for weeks now. Many of you have been trying to file the 2021 990N e-postcard that is due by February 15, 2023. We will send out an email when the website is up and running again. Please be aware that no one will be penalized if the outage continues into February. Those filing the 990-EZ or 990 returns are not impacted by this outage. Instructions on filing all returns were mailed out and are also available at


For information about your union, connect with our Member Solutions Center
Going to our union for help is as simple as one phone call. The Member Solutions Center (MSC) features a call center designed to handle your union question by providing answers or directing members to the right place for information. If you have a question, need help or want to discuss our union with a specialist, call us at: (800) 342-4146. We are here to help.


Now seeking Irene Carr Award nominations/Women’s Conference is April 28-30
Whatever the issue, there is one person you can count on, someone who will take the lead, speak out and take action on issues of concern to women and families today. Those individuals are the ones CSEA honors with the Irene Carr Leadership Award. Nominations are currently being accepted for this award. You can download a copy of the nomination here: I ask for your assistance to publicize the award and to nominate candidates for the award. Nominations must be received no later than February 13, 2023.

The Irene Carr award will be presented at the Women’s Conference which will be held April 28-30, 2023 at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs. NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!”


Member Benefit Spotlight: Exclusive Member-Only Benefits
Want to beat the winter blues? Check out all the travel, entertainment, and shopping deals offered through Member Deals. Visit: or call 1-877-579-1201.


Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government Grievance – Staten Island (Region 2)
February 11 (Sat) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Call (212) 406-2156 to register.


Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**Rochester (Region 6)
February 15 & 16 (Wed-Thu) from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Call (585) 272-0800 to register.


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Albany (Region 4)
February 28 & March 1 (Tue-Wed) from 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.


In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 19, 2023



Thursday, January 19, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Member engagement campaigns are back in 2023!
I am pleased to share that we have held our first in-person member engagement campaign since 2019. CSEA activists and staff together conducted a worksite engagement campaign in Binghamton, NY (Region 5) in which they held four meetings, had 72 one-on-one conversations, identified 11 potential leaders and signed up 3 non-members.

The biggest lesson we learned is that the majority of non-members are clearly NOT anti-union. This is a good reminder to all of us that the simple act of engagement of non-members can convert them successfully to becoming CSEA members.


Military MOU Information
The Memorandum of Understanding with CSEA and the State regarding supplemental military leave has been extended through December 31, 2023. Read the full MOU here:


Now seeking Irene Carr Award nominations/Women’s Conference is April 28-30
Whatever the issue, there is one person you can count on, someone who will take the lead, speak out and take action on issues of concern to women and families today. Those individuals are the ones CSEA honors with the Irene Carr Leadership Award. Nominations are currently being accepted for this award. You can download a copy of the nomination here: I ask for your assistance to publicize the award and to nominate candidates for the award. Nominations must be received no later than February 13, 2023.

The Irene Carr award will be presented at the Women’s Conference which will be held April 28-30, 2023 at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs. NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!”


Member Benefit Spotlight: New York Safety Program
Looking to save money on your auto insurance? CSEA members and their family members have access to an online defensive driving course through the New York Safety Program. For $22.95 the New York Safety Programs is the first NYS DMV approved course that has no test or quiz requirement in order to receive a 10% savings on your auto insurance and up to a four-point reduction on your driving record. Visit and enter code CSEA to sign up today!


Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

State Government Grievance Representation
January 24 and 25 (Tue-Wed), from 6pm to 8pm. **
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
January 25 (Wed), from 10am to 12pm.
To register:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government Grievance – Staten Island (Region 2)
February 11 (Sat) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Call (212) 406-2156 to register.


Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**Rochester (Region 6)
February 15 & 16 (Wed-Thu) from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Call (585) 272-0800 to register.


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Albany (Region 4)
February 28 & March 1 (Tue-Wed) from 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.


In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 12, 2023



Thursday, January 12, 2023

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Celebrating the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 16 we honor Dr. King’s 94th birthday and all that he did to advance the rights of minorities in America. We also must not forget that Dr. King gave his life while preparing to march on behalf of striking AFSCME sanitation workers. I encourage you all to take some time to find and participate in observances in honor of Dr. King near you.


CSEA Welcomes new members from Schenectady and Long Beach

I’m pleased to share we had two Organizing wins in December! 65 School Safety Officers at the Schenectady City School District (Region 4) were officially recognized by the District on December 14. The campaign was led by Volunteer Member Organizer Beverley Healey with assistance from a number of CSEA staff.

On December 20, the Long Beach City Council voted unanimously to recognize part-time workers in the City of Long Beach (Region 1) as CSEA members. The campaign was led by Unit President John Mooney with the support of his executive board and assistance from the region’s 1st Vice President and Town of Oyster Bay Local President Jarvis Brown. This campaign was developed, executed and won by CSEA leaders and activists. The part-timers join the full-time employee units in the city of Long Beach, increasing the CSEA membership to over 500.


Reminder regarding solicitations – report and ignore – do not share personal information

If you or your fellow union members are the targets of solicitations from outside groups via email, phone calls, direct mail and/or home visits – please ignore them, don’t scan any QR codes and don’t click on any links. Please be sure to report this activity to your local/unit presidents and/or LRS to discuss appropriate responses. These groups are sometimes posing as CSEA, and are seeking to exploit your personal information and have gone so far as to put malware on members’ phones and computers. Be extremely cautious and vigilant.

For more information please call the Member Services Center at 1-800-342-4146.


Member Benefit Spotlight: Legal experts on your side, whenever you need them

CSEA is pleased to offer members a Legal Plan with unlimited access to experienced attorneys for $16.30 a month. With a Legal Plan, you can contact an attorney for many matters that arise – from divorce, adoption or custody matters, to estate planning, handling a traffic issue, identity theft or buying or selling a home. Visit:


SAVE THE DATES of April 28 – 30, 2023 for CSEA’s Women’s Conference which will be held at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs. NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!”


Required Union Representation VIRTUAL Trainings:

Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, Public Authorities)
January 18 and 19 (Wed-Thu), from 6pm to 8pm. ** To register:

State Government Grievance Representation
January 24 and 25 (Tue-Wed), from 6pm to 8pm. **
To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
January 25 (Wed), from 10am to 12pm.
To register:

Required Union Representation IN-PERSON Trainings:

State Government Grievance – Staten Island (Region 2)
February 11 (Sat.) from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Call (212) 406-2156 to register.


Local Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation**Rochester (Region 6)
February 15 & 16 (Wed-Thu) from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Call (585) 272-0800 to register.


State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation** – Albany (Region 4)
February 28 & March 1 (Tue-Wed) from 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Call (518) 782-4400 to register.


**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings:
Contact your region to register.
Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Virtual Vice President Training:
Wednesday, January 17, 2023, 6 to 7:30 pm and Thursday, January 18, 2023, 6 to 7:30 pm for new and experienced officers of all sectors. This is a 2-part training, participates must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Virtual Treasurer Training for Regions 1-6:
Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 5pm-8pm. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 18.

Virtual Secretary Trainings: for Regions 1-6:

January 18, 2023, 5pm -7:30pm –

January 25, 2023, 5pm -7:30pm –

February 8, 2023 from 5pm -7:30pm.

February 23, 2023 from 5pm -7:30pm.

What do you want to read about?
I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.


In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, January 5, 2023




Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Winter Storm Elliott Cleanup and Deployments
I want to thank all of our union members in the Buffalo/Erie County region who worked tirelessly for hours and days on end – sometimes without breaks or food – and stayed committed to providing crucial services to their community during frigid temperatures, high winds and record-breaking snowfall. I also want to highlight and thank members from various agencies (NYSDOT) and locals across New York State who dispatched and deployed themselves and their equipment to Buffalo to help with lifesaving, safety and snow removal efforts. Folks from all 6 regions pitched in including (but not limited to): Albany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Chenango, Clinton, Dutchess, Erie, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis, Nassau, Niagara, Otsego, Oswego, Putnam and St. Lawrence and Sullivan Counties. We are grateful for all of the individuals and teams who worked before, during and after the storm (through the holiday) to make sure that the community products and services were available and accessible. We thank everyone for your dedication and commitment!
Information regarding Executive Board Seats
Statewide Secretary Bebo reports that he’s been receiving inquiries about the difference between vacant and unfilled offices when attempting to fill an executive board position.

Here’s some clarity: A vacant position means that during the regular cycle, someone was elected to an office but has resigned or left for other reasons. To replace that person, the President is required to nominate a member to fill the office for the remainder of the term. The Executive Board must then vote to accept or reject the President’s nominee. If the nominee is rejected, the President must present another member to fill the office. No other member of the Executive Board can nominate a replacement.

An unfilled position is one where there was no candidate elected to a particular office. In this case, a special election would need to be held to fill the office. A special election is an election cycle held after the regular election cycle. For guidance to hold a special election, please contact Amee Camp in the Legal Department for assistance. For more information or questions please can contact Statewide Secretary Richard Bebo at (518) 257-1253 or

Retiree Pension Deduction Change Effective Jan 1, 2023
NYSLRS (NY State and Local Retirement System) has implemented a new payroll system effective January 1, 2023. With this change, the new system will assign newly retiring pensioners a NYSLRS ID#. How will this impact our retiree recruitment efforts? Retirees that join CSEA and want to pay dues through pension deduction will now be required to provide this number on the signed retiree application or the application cannot be processed. Since we want to recruit retiree members before they walk out the door, it’s recommended that retiree membership dues are paid by check the first year.
Member Benefit: CSEA’s no cost $10,000 Accidental Death Benefit…
Did you designate a beneficiary? This valuable $10,000 Accidental Death benefit is available to all active members in good standing at no cost to you! Many members have not completed a beneficiary designation form. To access the form, go to:
Stay Informed on Current Legislative Activities:
Every Friday evening the CSEA Legislative and Political Action Department sends an e-mail discussing what happened in Albany and Washington D.C. that week that could impact CSEA members. The e-mail is concise and only takes a couple of minutes to read but contains valuable information for you and your members. You can sign up for “This Week in Albany” at Please encourage your members to sign up as well.
SAVE THE DATES of April 28 – 30, 2023 for CSEA’s Women’s Conference which will be held at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs. NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!”
Required union representation trainings scheduled

VIRTUAL Trainings:
Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, Public Authorities): January 18 and 19 (Wed-Thu), from 6 pm to 8 pm. ** To register:

State Government Grievance Representation: January 24 and 25 (Tue-Wed), from 6 pm to 8 pm. ** To register:

Grievance Representation Recertification
January 25 (Wed), from 10 am to 12 pm.
To register:

IN-PERSON Trainings:
Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, Public Authorities): Carle Place, Nassau County. January 10 & 11 (Tue-Wed), from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.** Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation (Local Government, Public Authorities): CSEA Plattsburgh Satellite Office. January 17 & 18 (Tue-Wed), from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm.** Call (518) 563-0761 to register.

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation: CSEA Local 615 office, Syracuse.January 21 (Sat.), from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

**This is a 2-part training, participants must complete both sessions to receive credit for completion.

Required Officer Trainings

President/Vice President Training:
VIRTUAL training – January 18, 2023, 6 pm to 7:30 pm, for new and experienced officers of all sectors.

Contact your region to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training:

VIRTUAL Treasurer training for Regions 1-6 on Wednesday, January 25 from 5 pm to 8 pm. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 18. Registrants can contact their applicable Region to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training:


January 18, 2023, 5 pm to 7:30 pm –

January 25, 2023, 5 pm to 7:30 pm –


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

2022 Weekly Leadership Update Archive
From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 22, 2022



Thursday, December 22, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Please accept my best wishes for a happy holiday season. We will resume the weekly leadership updates on Thursday, January 5, 2023!

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 15, 2022



Thursday, December 15, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Please SAVE THE DATES of April 28 – 30, 2023 for CSEA’s Women’s Conference which will be held at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs, NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!” More details to follow about our exciting programs, workshops and guest speakers.

Scam Alert:
Do not share your personal information with outside groups

A reminder to be aware that you and all CSEA members may be the target of an ongoing scam asking you to quit our union. Again, if members receive emails, direct mail, phone calls or home visits from unknown parties seeking their personal and work information they should not respond. They should not sign anything, fill anything out or scan unknown QR codes. It may appear as if the messaging is coming from CSEA – but they are not. Also, they should not unsubscribe from the emails, it will verify the email as a valid address, simply report it to their LRS and delete. For more information visit:

New York State jobs information and exams schedule are readily available

We all need to help. There are numerous civil service positions in state and local government that need to be filled. We are all aware that we need workers. I am sending the following information with links so we can share with our family, friends and neighbors. We are working with civil service to get the word out across the state. Please share this information and let’s help recruit!!

Member Benefit Spotlight: Amplifon Hearing Health Care Savings

Have you heard? As a CSEA member, you and your family are now eligible to receive huge savings on hearing care through Amplifon Hearing Health Care. Savings that average 66% off MSRP. Click here to learn more or take a simple quiz to learn how hearing loss could be impacting you or a loved one’s life.

Member Communication Tool: Use the My CSEA mobile app to message all your members

CSEA’s IT team continues to improve the My CSEA mobile app. Please make sure you update to get the latest and greatest version with new functionality.

Required union representation trainings scheduled

VIRTUAL Trainings:
There are no trainings scheduled at this time.

IN-PERSON Trainings:
There are no trainings scheduled at this time.

Required Officer Trainings

President/Vice President Training:
VIRTUAL training – January 18, 2023, 6pm to 7:30pm, for new and experienced officers of all sectors.

Contact your region to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Treasurer Training:

VIRTUAL Treasurer training for Regions 1-6 on Wednesday, January 25 from 5pm to 8pm. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 18. Registrants can contact their applicable Region to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training:


January 18, 2023, 5pm to 7:30pm –

January 25, 2023, 5pm to 7:30pm –


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 8, 2022



Thursday, December 8, 2022

“The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor.” – Thomas Donahue

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Please SAVE THE DATES of April 28 – 30, 2023 for CSEA’s Women’s Conference which will be held at the Saratoga Hilton, in Saratoga Springs, NY. We look forward to seeing everyone in person this year to rally around the theme of “Our Voice, Our Power!” More details to follow about our exciting programs, workshops and guest speakers.

Scam Alert:
Do not share your personal information with outside groups

I want to thank everyone for joining me in the past week via Zoom as I made our membership aware that they may be targets of an ongoing scam asking them to quit our union. Again, if they receive emails, direct mail, phone calls or home visits from unknown parties seeking their personal and work information they should not respond. They should not sign anything or fill anything out. It may appear as if the messaging is coming from CSEA – but they are not. Also, they should not unsubscribe from the emails, it will verify the email as a valid address, simply report it to their LRS and delete. For more information visit:

2023 NYSHIP premium rates released for state employees

The New York State Department of Civil Service has released the 2023 Empire Plan and NYSHIP enrollee biweekly premium rates. For more information visit:

New York State jobs information and exams schedule are readily available

We all need to help. There are numerous civil service positions in state and local government that need to be filled. We are all aware that we need workers. I am sending the following information with links so we can share with our family, friends and neighbors. We are working with civil service to get the word out across the state. Please share this information and let’s help recruit!!

Member Benefit Spotlight: CSEA Visa card has a low fixed rate, PLUS Double Points!

With interest rates rising, we are finding that a lot of our members have high interest rate credit card balances. Please make sure your members know that our CSEA Visa credit card has a low FIXED rate, comes with no balance transfer fees, no annual fees, and no cash advance fees. This holiday season, there’s an opportunity to earn double points for every purchase with the CSEA Platinum Credit Card all while saving big on interest. For information on the visa card please visit

In addition, we have an opportunity for our locals and units to explore. With a new 3.50% APY fixed rate certificate for 23 months, you can earn higher dividends safely. For more information on the new 23-month certificate, contact Cody Chaszczewski at

Member Communication Tool: Use the My CSEA mobile app to message all your members

CSEA’s IT team continues to improve the My CSEA mobile app. Please make sure you update to get the latest and greatest version with new functionality.

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

VIRTUAL Trainings:
State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations:
December 14 & 15, 6 pm to 8 pm.
To register:

IN-PERSON Trainings:
State Government Grievance Representation:
December 14 and 15, 6 pm to 9 pm.
Clinton County Gov’t Center, Plattsburgh.
Call (518) 563-0761 to register.

Required Officer Trainings

Treasurer Training:

Virtual Treasurer training for Regions 1-6 on Wednesday, January 25 from 5pm-8pm. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 18. Registrants can contact their applicable Region to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training:


January 18, 2023, 5pm -7:30pm –

January 25, 2023, 5pm -7:30pm –


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, December 1, 2022




Thursday, December 1, 2022

“If someone tried to deprive you of your rights, you’ve got to resist it. You’ve got to resent it. You’ve got to fight against it.” –A Philip Randolph

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Scam Alert:
Do not share your personal information with outside groups

**Please inform your members that they may be targets of a scam asking them to quit our union – if they receive emails, direct mail, phone calls or home visits from unknown parties seeking their personal and work information they should not respond. They should not sign anything or fill anything out. It may appear as if the messaging is coming from me and/or CSEA but they are not. For more information visit:

State Operations Update: Overtime extensions

As of November 30, the 2.5 Overtime Rate for OPWDD, DOCCs, SUNY Hospitals, OMH, OCFS, OASAS and DOH eligible employees has been extended through December 31 of 2022.

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

VIRTUAL Trainings:
Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations:
December 7 & 8, 6 pm to 8 pm.
To register:

State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations:
December 14 & 15, 6 pm to 8 pm.
To register:

IN-PERSON Trainings:
State Government Grievance Representation:
December 7 and 8, 6 pm to 9 pm.
Carle Place (Nassau County).
Call (631) 462-0030 to register.

Grievance Representation Workshop (Local Government and Private Sector)
December 10, 9 am to 3:30 pm.
CSEA Binghamton Satellite Office.
Call (607) 772-1750 to register.

State Government Grievance Representation
December 14 and 15, 6 pm to 9 pm.
Clinton County Gov’t Center, Plattsburgh.
Call (518) 563-0761 to register.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 17, 2022




Thursday, November 17, 2022

*I won’t be sending out a leadership update next week as it is the Thanksgiving Holiday. Please enjoy this special time with friends and loved ones and give thanks to the many dedicated members of our union who will be working during the holidays so that services are uninterrupted across the state. I am so very grateful for our union and our members. Happy Thanksgiving! – Mary ESullivan

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Scam Alert: Do not share your personal information with outside groups

**Please inform your members that they may be targets of a holiday scam – if they receive emails, direct mail, phone calls or home visits from unknown parties seeking their personal and work information they should not respond. They should not sign anything or fill anything out. It may appear as if the mailings are coming from me and/or CSEA but they are not.

New York State jobs information and exams schedule are readily available

We all need to help. There are numerous civil service positions in state and local government that need to be filled. We are all well aware that we need workers. I am sending the following information with links so we can share with our family, friends and neighbors. We are working with civil service to get the word out across the state. Please share this information and let’s help recruit!!

Member Benefit Spotlight: Learn about our union’s endorsed vendors

Planning a CSEA sponsored holiday party, membership meeting, information day or health fair? Let the Member Benefits Department help. Did you know that if you visit and sign in – click on “select application” and “member benefit vendor form” you are able to place your event on the Member Benefit Calendar and invite endorsed vendors? If this is not convenient for you, please reach out to Rosalyn Green at or 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1359 for assistance.

Member Communication Tool: Use the My CSEA mobile app to message all your members

CSEA’s IT team continues to improve the My CSEA mobile app. Please make sure you update to get the latest and greatest version with new functionality.

Membership meetings and other social events:

For public sector locals and units ONLY: Reminder that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events.

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.VIRTUAL Trainings:Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations *Recertification:November 21, 6 pm to 8 pm.To register: Representation *Recertification:November 22, 6 pm to 8 pm.To register: Members in Discipline and Interrogations:December 7 & 8, 6 pm to 8 pm.To register: Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations:December 14 & 15, 6 pm to 8 pm.To register: Trainings:State Government Grievance Representation:December 7 and 8, 6 pm to 9 pm.Carle Place (Nassau County).Call (631) 462-0030 to register.Grievance Representation Workshop (Local Government and Private Sector):December 10, 9 am to 3:30 pm.CSEA Binghamton Satellite Office.Call (607) 772-1750 to register.State Government Grievance Representation:December 14 and 15, 6 pm to 9 pm.Clinton County Gov’t Center, Plattsburgh.Call (518) 563-0761 to register.State Government Discipline & Interrogation:December 14 and 15, 6 pm to 9 pm.Empire State College, Saratoga SpringsCall (518) 782-4400 to register.

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.President/Vice President Training:

Saturday, November 19 from 9 am – 12 pm, for both new and returning officers. *Please Note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training, if attended during your normal work hours. Completion of this training meets the mandatory constitutional training requirement for CSEA Local and Unit Presidents & Vice Presidents. Contact your regional office to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555Treasurer Training:

**There are no upcoming trainings scheduled at this time.

Secretary Training:

**There are no upcoming trainings scheduled at this time.


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 10, 2022




Thursday, November 10, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Election 2022 results are positive for our union, our members

Thank you to every CSEA member who voted, organized, and volunteered in this year’s elections. Candidates who earned CSEA’s endorsement were very successful across the state, and together we elected many strong leaders that will fight on behalf of working people. Electing the right people is just the first step. Now we must hold these elected officials accountable as we fight for strong labor legislation, fair contracts, and better representation in the workplace. Let’s get to work…

Region 5 celebrates another organizing success

Workers at Bangs Ambulance in Ithaca, NY voted yes to joining CSEA on November 9, 2022. This hard-fought campaign was led by CSEA Statewide Organizer Beth Hall and supported by many Volunteer Member Organizers, including Region 5 Executive Vice President Chantalise DeMarco, NOVA Local 797 President Ethan Darbee, Tompkins County Local 855 President Courtney McGuire, and Tompkins County Local 855 Vice President Zack Nelson.

Region 3’s Storm King Arts Center the latest cultural group to organize

I’m excited to report that workers at the Storm King Art Center (SKAC) in Orange County are organizing with CSEA. They join a growing movement of cultural workers organizing across the country. Storm King Art Center is a world-renowned outdoor sculpture park that draws roughly 200,000 visitors each year. SKAC management has already hired a high-priced anti-union law firm, so these workers need our encouragement as they organize. Show your support by following the workers on Instagram (their account is @stormking_csea) and signing this petition of support:

Veterans Day activities statewide:

Region 2 – Friday, November 11 at 12 p.m. Please join R2 for New York City’s Veterans Day Parade. Meet on Broadway between 28th & 29thenter parade area via 29th Street & Broadway.Region 4 – Friday, November 11 at 10:30 a.m. Please join the R4 Veterans Committee to walk in the Albany Veterans Day Parade. The CSEA contingent will meet in Albany at the corner of Central Avenue and Ontario Street. RSVP to R4 office at 518.782.4400 or 1 – Saturday, November 12 at 9 a.m. R1 Veterans Committee will be holding their annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Saturday at the H Lee Dennison Building, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway in Hauppauge, NY.Region 6 – Saturday, November 12 at 11 a.m. R6 will be partnering with the Honor Guard from VFW Post 1419 and the Honor Guard from the 914th Niagara Falls Air Refueling Wing for an annual ceremony to honor our Veterans. Buffalo Naval and Military Park, Hanger Building, 1 Naval, Marine Park S, Buffalo N.Y. 14202.

Member Benefit Spotlight: Legal Services

Fine Olin & Anderman (FOA) Is proud to be CSEA’s only endorsed law firm offering representation in Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability, Personal Injury and Veterans’ Disability matters.   FOA plays an important role in the Member Benefits Program, by providing access to attorneys who have years of experience in these areas of the law. FOA guides members and their families through the process, allowing disabled and injured members to concentrate on their health. Members with questions can contact FOA at: 800-522-9001 or visit

Member Communication Tool: Use the MyCSEA mobile app to message all your members

CSEA’s IT team continues to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. Please make sure you update to get the latest and greatest version with new functionality.

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: Reminder that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events.

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.Virtual Trainings:State Government Grievance RepresentationNovember 16 & 17, 2022, 6 pm to 8 pmTo register: RepresentationNovember 21 &  22, 6 pm to 8 pmTo register:**Registration deadline is November 17, 2022.Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations RecertificationNovember 21, 2022, 6 pm to 8 pmTo register: Representation RecertificationNovember 22, 2022, from 6 pm to 8 pmTo register: Trainings:Grievance Representation Workshop – CSEA Canton Satellite OfficeNovember 15 & 16, 2022 6 pm to 9 pmCall (315) 386-8131 to register.State Government Grievance Representation – Carle Place (Nassau County)December 7 & 8, 2022, 6 to 9 pm.Call (631) 462-0030 to register.Grievance Representation Workshop (Local Government and Private Sector) – CSEA Binghamton Satellite OfficeDecember 10, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.Call (607) 772-1750 to register.State Government Grievance Representation – Clinton County Gov’t Center, PlattsburghDecember 14 and 15, 2022, 6 to 9 pm.Call (518) 563-0761 to register.State Government Discipline & Interrogation – Empire State College, Saratoga SpringsDecember 14 and 15, 2022, 6 to 9 pm.Call (518) 782-4400 to register.

Required Officer Trainings

President/Vice President Training (virtual):

Saturday, November 19, 9 am – 12 pm, for both new and returning officers. *Please Note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training, if attended during your normal work hours. Completion of this training meets the mandatory constitutional training requirement for CSEA Local and Unit Presidents & Vice Presidents. Contact your regional office to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555Treasurer Training:

CSEA Region 3 office on Saturday, November 19, 2022, from 9 am – 12 pmDeadline to register is Wednesday, November 16th, 2022.Officers can call the Region 3 office at 845-831-1000 to register.

Secretary Training:

**There are no upcoming trainings scheduled at this time.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, November 3, 2022


Thursday, November 3, 2022

“There’s a direct relationship between the ballot box and the bread box, and what the union fights for and wins at the bargaining table can be taken away in the legislative halls.” – Walter Reuther

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

We endorsed Governor Kathy Hochul because…

One of the first things she did when she became Governor was to lift the hiring freeze that Cuomo had imposed. She recognized immediately that staffing shortages had imposed a terrible burden on the state workforce.Next, she reached out to let CSEA know that she wanted to work together, to hear our concerns and work with us to resolve issues before they became problems… a totally different attitude than that of her predecessor.Since that time, CSEA and the Governor have reached what some have called the best contract for state members in 20 years. Her budget provided aid to local government funding that has been absent for a long time, ensured funding for childcare that working families sorely needed and she swiftly enacted legislation to protect women’s reproductive rights.Let’s be clear about one thing… if there is a change… if we don’t elect someone who has been listening and willing to work with us, we go backwards. We lose what we have gained.Before you vote, I ask that you consider this… who is the best candidate for you as a CSEA member?

Early Voting is ongoing in NYS until Sunday, November 6/Election Day is Tuesday, November 8

Early voting in New York State runs through Sunday, November 6. Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, less than a week away. Please make a plan and get out to vote.

112th Annual Delegates Meeting in NYC

CSEA delegates and officers from across the state came together for our Union’s 112th Annual Delegates Meeting last week. Inspired by the theme “The Leader in You” – delegates attended workshops focused on leadership and union skills, met for departmental and division meetings, conducted important union business, honored fellow members and heard from several keynote speakers including: Governor Kathy Hochul, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, New York State Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, AFSCME International President Lee Saunders and AFSCME International Secretary-Treasurer Elissa McBride. I would encourage everyone involved to share what they learned as we continue to develop the leader in all of us! Watch the ADM Video:

Utica Zoo is proud to join CSEA

Workers at the Utica Zoo voted yes to joining CSEA on October 20, 2022. Local media profiled the workers and their fight for union representation and their union sisters and brothers from the Buffalo Zoo were very active in supporting the campaign under the slogan of “zoonity.”

Croton Free Library is now part of our Union

After a months-long organizing campaign, workers at the Croton Free Library overwhelmingly voted yes to joining CSEA on October 20, 2022. This was the latest in a recent string of organizing victories, and part of the current trend of cultural workers choosing to organize nationwide.

CSEA fought for and secured another extension of the NYS vacation accrual cap

The CSEA and State agreement, which was first signed by CSEA on March 12, 2020, was set to expire on December 31, 2022. The extension agreement now includes:1. Unused vacation credits subject to the initial March 11, 2020, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) may now be carried by employees through 12/31/23.2. Employees shall be permitted to accrue vacation leave in excess of the contractual maximum until the close of business on December 31, 2023. Thereafter, forfeiture of vacation leave accruals shall be governed by the operative language from the applicable collective bargaining agreement between the parties.The original agreement is here:

Veterans Day activities statewide:

Region 5 – Saturday, November 5 at 11:15 a.m. Following the Region Executive Board Meeting, Local Presidents are encouraged to join the R5 Veterans Committee at the CNY Veterans Day Parade at the New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Bld., Syracuse NY.Region 4 – Friday, November 11 at 10:30 a.m. Please join the R4 Veterans Committee to walk in the Albany Veterans Day Parade. The CSEA contingent will meet in Albany at the corner of Central Avenue and Ontario Street. RSVP to R4 office at 518.782.4400 or 1 – Saturday, November 12 at 9 a.m. R1 Veterans Committee will be holding their annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Saturday at the H Lee Dennison Building, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway in Hauppauge, NY.Region 6 – Saturday, November 12 at 11 a.m. R6 will be partnering with the Honor Guard from VFW Post 1419 and the Honor Guard from the 914th Niagara Falls Air Refueling Wing for an annual ceremony to honor our Veterans. Buffalo Naval and Military Park, Hanger Building, 1 Naval, Marine Park S, Buffalo N.Y. 14202.

Member Benefit Spotlight: YMCA locations expanded downstate

The following YMCA locations have been added to the list of facilities participating in the YMCA member benefit waiving a CSEA Members Joiners Fee: Glen Cove, East Hampton, Patchogue, Huntington, Great South Bay. For an updated list of participating locations visit: If you reside in one of the five boroughs of NYC visit:

Member Communication Tool: Use the MyCSEA mobile app to message all your members

CSEA’s Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. This latest version includes a new tool that allows Local and Unit presidents to send 50-character broadcast messages (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your Local/Unit that has downloaded and signed into the MyCSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities.

Reminder from Health & Safety: File now for any for COVID-related workers’ compensation claims

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all accident claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. The deadline is dependent on the incident itself, but for those who got it at the onset time is running out. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: Reminder that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.VIRTUAL Trainings:State Government Grievance RepresentationNovember 16 & 17, 2022, from 6 pm to 8 pmTo register: RepresentationNovember 21 &  22, from 6 pm to 8 pmTo register:**Registration deadline is November 17, 2022.Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations RecertificationNovember 21, 2022, from 6 pm to 8 pmTo register: Representation RecertificationNovember 22, 2022, from 6 pm to 8 pmTo register: Trainings:State Government: Representing members in Discipline & Interrogation – New City – CSEA Local 844 OfficeNovember 8 & 9, 2022 from 6 pm to 9 pmCall  (845) 831-1000 to register.Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – CSEA HeadquartersNovember 8 & 9, 2022 from 6 pm to 9 pmCall (518) 782-4400 to register.Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations  Rochester Satellite OfficeNovember 9 & 10, 2022 from 6 pm to 9 pmCall (585) 272-0800 to register.Steward – Staten Island CSEA Local 429 OfficeNovember 15 & 16, 2022 from 6 pm to 9 pmCall 406-2156 to register.Grievance Representation Workshop – CSEA Canton Satellite OfficeNovember 15 & 16, 2022 from 6 pm to 9 pmCall (315) 386-8131 to register.Steward  CSEA Plattsburgh Satellite OfficeNovember 19, 2022 from 6 pm to 9 pmCall (518) 314-6000 to register.

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.President/Vice President Training:

Saturday, November 19 from 9 am – 12 pm, for both new and returning officers. *Please Note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training, if attended during your normal work hours. Completion of this training meets the mandatory constitutional training requirement for CSEA Local and Unit Presidents & Vice Presidents. Contact your regional office to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555Treasurer Training:

In Region 3 on Saturday, November 19, 2022, from 9 am – 12 pmDeadline to register is Wednesday, November 16th, 2022.Officers can call the Region 3 office at 845-831-1000 to register.

Secretary Training:

**There are no upcoming trainings scheduled at this time.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 27, 2022




Thursday, October 27, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Due to my responsibilities in overseeing our 112th Annual Delegates Meeting, I do not have a weekly leadership update for the week. I will resume the updates on Thursday, November 3. Thank you!

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 20, 2022


Thursday, October 20, 2022

“Organize and stand together. Claim something together, and at once; let the nation hear a united demand from the laboring voice, and then, when you have got that, go on after another; but get something.” – Wendell Phillips

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Response to weekly update topics inquiry

I want to convey my apology to all of you for the delay in responding to input regarding my weekly update. We have received many thoughtful questions and interest in more details about a number of issues. We are currently looking into all of the replies and will respond with the best information that we have available to address your concerns. I really appreciate your feedback and look forward to more engagement with everyone on a more regular basis going forward.

Free College Benefit Update from AFSCME

AFSCME is actively working to replace or restructure the Free College Program, but from what we have been told it is essentially unavailable at the moment. Per the U.S. Department of Education, only those students who were enrolled by July 18, 2022 were able to continue free for the Fall 2022 semester. At this point in time, there are no new enrollments eligible under the Free College Program. Please be sure to remove or delete any references to the AFSCME Free College program in any materials you may be distributing.

112th Annual Delegates Meeting

Next week CSEA Delegates from throughout the state will meet in New York City to attend workshops and conduct the business of our union. Delegates should be returning home with some valuable information and skills that will help us all continue to empower all of CSEA.

CSEA Celebrates 112th Anniversary

Please join me in recognizing our 112th anniversary on Monday, October 24. You can read more about our storied history here:

Please make sure you are registered to vote in the General Election on November 8

Your vote is your voice! In New York, we have a good number of voting options such as absentee ballots, early voting and going directly to the polls on Election Day. CSEA members can check their registration status and view our endorsed candidates [statewide and by region] at Early voting for the General Election will take place from October 29, 2022 to November 6, 2022. All registered voters are eligible to participate in the General Election.

October 17 – 21 is National School Bus Safety Week

During National School Bus Safety Week, we celebrate all of our school bus drivers and driver aides, and remind students, parents, teachers, and the community to stay committed to school bus safety this week and throughout the year. To learn more about National School Bus Safety Week please visit:

Member Communication Tool: Use the MyCSEA mobile app to message all your members

CSEA’s Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. This latest version includes a new tool that allows Local and Unit presidents to send 50-character broadcast messages (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your Local/Unit that has downloaded and signed into the MyCSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Reminder from Health & Safety: File now for any for COVID-related workers’ compensation claims

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all accident claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. The deadline is dependent on the incident itself, but for those who got it at the onset time is running out. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like an evening social, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.November 16 & 17- State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm. To register: 21 & 22 – Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm. To register: Deadline is November 17November 21 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification – 6 to 8 pm. To register: 22 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 6 to 8 pm. To register:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.President/Vice President Training:

  • November 19 from 9 am – 12 pm – Contact your Region office to register.

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555Secretary Training:

  • There are no upcoming trainings scheduled at this time.

Treasurer Training:

  • Wednesday, November 2 from 5 pm – 8 pm – virtual training via Zoom. All Regions, deadline to register is Wednesday, October 26.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 13, 2022




Thursday, October 13, 2022

“A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Reflecting on a how a tragic circumstance can activate our members to initiate real change

It’s hard to believe that this weekend marks the 30th anniversary of the tragedy at the Schuyler County DSS (Region 5) when four of our CSEA members lost their lives to workplace gun violence. As a result of this senseless act, CSEA members were committed to making changes to prevent something similar happening again and to honor the lives of CSEA members Phyllis Caslin, Florence Pike, Denise Miller Van Amburg and Nancy Wheeler. After more than ten years of our members determination and hard work, the Worksite Security Act was finally passed in New York State in 2006. When we unite in a common cause, show our strength in numbers, and fight for our rights – however long it may take – we can affect meaningful policies and protections that impact us all.

Please make sure you are registered to vote in the General Election on November 8

Your vote is your voice! In New York, the deadline to register to vote is tomorrow – October 14th. CSEAmembers can check their registration status, register online, and view our endorsed candidates statewide and by region at Early voting for the General Election will take place October 29, 2022 to November 6, 2022. All registered voters are eligible to participate in the General Election.

Another organizational victory within our reach

I am happy to share that recently in the City of Utica – its Common Council voted unanimously to pass a resolution urging the Utica Zoo to voluntarily recognize its workers as they unionize to become a part of CSEA Local 1000. Composed of a wide variety of job titles, these 26 Utica Zoo employees are letting it be known that they are seeking better working conditions and a stronger voice on the job – they are embracing the union difference!


Member Benefit Spotlight: Save on your home heating costs this year

Through our union’s partnership with NYPIRG members can reduce the cost of home heating oil bills. Visit to enroll or for more information. Additionally, our partnership with Tankfarm allows CSEA members to pay less for propane to heat their homes. With our exclusive benefits, members are eligible to get $50 of free propane at signup, save an average of $300 – $500 a year on propane, have access to Tankfarm’s member service teams, and receive $100 certificate toward the purchase of a new propane tank if a replacement is needed. Members can call today for a free quote: 1-855-976-4141 or visit


Member Communication Tool: Use the MyCSEAmobile app to message all your members

CSEA’s Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. This latest version includes a new tool that allows Local and Unit presidents to send 50-character broadcast messages (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your Local/Unit that has downloaded and signed into the MyCSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Reminder from Health & Safety: File now for any for COVID-related workers’ compensation claims

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all accident claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. The deadline is dependent on the incident itself, but for those who got it at the onset time is running out. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like an evening social, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware.Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

October 24 & 25 – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – 12 to 2 pm. To register:

October 24 & 24 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation – 6 to 8 pm. To register: Registration deadline is October 20.

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training:
Upcoming in October: President/VP Training, October 11-12 from 6 – 7:30 pm, for new officers of all sectors. *Please Note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training, if attended during your normal work hours. Completion of this training meets the mandatory constitutional training requirement for CSEALocal and Unit Presidents & Vice Presidents. You MUST attend both days to be certified. Registration ends: October 6, 2022

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training:

Treasurer Training:

  • Wednesday, November 2 from 5 pm – 8 pm – virtual training via Zoom. All Regions, deadline to register is Wednesday, October 26.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, October 6, 2022




Thursday, October 6, 2022

“The basic goal of labor will not change. It is – as it has always been, and I am sure always will be – to better the standards of life for all who work for wages and to seek decency and justice and dignity for all Americans.” – George Meany

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Please make sure you are registered to vote in the General Election on November 8

Your vote is your voice! In New York, the deadline to register to vote is October 14th. CSEA members can check their registration status, register online, and view our endorsed candidates statewide and by region at Early voting for the General Election will take place October 29, 2022 to November 6, 2022. All registered voters are eligible to participate in the General Election.

Hispanic Heritage Month is held annually from Sept. 15 – Oct. 15

Please join me in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, which honors the many generations of Hispanic Americans who have had such a significant part in shaping this country’s history, culture and achievements. Hispanic Americans have a long, established history of involvement in labor movements and unions – from as far back as the early 1900’s on the West Coast to today’s most recent organizing efforts at corporate entities (like Starbucks and Amazons) nationwide.

While we recognize the many contributions made by our Hispanic American sisters and brothers, let’s also reflect on and support the people of Puerto Rico who were adversely impacted by Hurricane Fiona. Our international union AFSCME has an affiliate in Puerto Rico, Servidores Publicos Unidos (SPU), and we intend to work with them on securing any assistance they may need during these difficult days.

Monday, October 10 is World Mental Health Day

The World Health Organization has designated Monday, October 10 as World Mental Health Day. The objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world. We certainly should support these efforts given that so many of our members work in New York State Office of Mental Health and other facilities that provide care to people with mental health issues. We know firsthand many of the challenges people with mental health issues can face, and while this observance is aimed at improving mental health care around the world, we certainly should support improving mental health care – and supporting our members who provide it – right here in New York.


Free Medical Alert System for Veterans

Medicare Advantage (Part C), a privately offered alternative to Original Medicare (Parts A and B), has grown in popularity over the years. Despite the growing popularity of Medicare Advantage, some seniors face obstacles that prevent them from truly understanding how it works and who it benefits. Here is information about free medical alert systems – Latitude USA offers a special medical alert system for veterans who order theirs through the VA. To learn more about this device and other benefits please visit our CSEAVeterans Resources page at:


Our CSEA Visa card has a low fixed rate

With interest rates rising, we are finding that a lot of our members have high interest rate credit card balances. Please make sure your members know that the CSEA Visa credit card is a low FIXED rate, comes with no balance transfer fee, no annual fee, and no cash advance fee.Members are eligible to transfer their existing balances from a variable rate credit card before rates rise again. For information on the CSEA Visa card please visit or if you wish to set up a member benefits day, please call or email the  Member Benefits at 1-800-342-4146 or

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to message all your members (Now available to Unit Presidents)

CSEA’s Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. This latest version includes a new tool that allows Local and Unit presidents to send 50-character broadcast messages (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your Local/Unit that has downloaded and signed into the MyCSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Reminder: time may be running out for COVID-related workers’ compensation claims

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all accident claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. The deadline is dependent on the incident itself, but for those who got it at the onset time is running out. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like an evening social, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware.Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

*There are currently no representation trainings scheduled.

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training:
Upcoming in October: President/VP Training, October 11-12 from 6 – 7:30 pm, for new officers of all sectors. *Please Note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training, if attended during your normal work hours. Completion of this training meets the mandatory constitutional training requirement for CSEALocal and Unit Presidents & Vice Presidents. You MUST attend both days to be certified. Registration ends: October 6, 2022

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training:

Treasurer Training:

  • Monday, October 17 – Region 6 Amherst Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration,
    5 pm – 8 pm training. Please call the Amherst Region 6 office at 716-691-6555 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 12.
  • Tuesday, October 18 – Region 6 Rochester Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration, 5pm – 8pm training. Please call the Rochester Region 6 office at 585-272-0800 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday,
  • Wednesday, November 2 from 5 pm – 8 pm – virtual training via Zoom. All Regions, deadline to register is Wednesday, October 26.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 29, 2022




Thursday, September 29, 2022

“Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.” – Dolores Huerta, labor organizer and leader of the Farm Workers Union during the 1960’s.

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month & Domestic Violence Awareness Month

As most of you are probably aware, October is when we recognize those who have struggled with and been affected by breast cancer and domestic violence situations. There are many ways you can support these two leading national organizations through advocacy, awareness and financial support. To learn more please visit: and

Please make sure you are registered to vote in the General Election on November 8

Your vote is your voice! In New York, the deadline to register to vote is October 14th. CSEA members can check their registration status, register online, and view our endorsed candidates statewide and by region at Early voting for the General Election will take place October 29, 2022 to November 6, 2022. All registered voters are eligible to participate in the General Election.

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to message all your members (Now available to Unit Presidents)

CSEA’s Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. This latest version includes a new tool that allows Local and Unit presidents to send 50-character broadcast messages (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your Local/Unit that has downloaded and signed into the MyCSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email


Reminder: time may be running out for COVID-related workers’ compensation claims

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all accident claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. The deadline is dependent on the incident itself, but for those who got it at the onset time is running out. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:


Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like an evening social, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware.Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.” This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations [Recertification]: This workshop is designed for officers and activists that have completed the basic workshop. Participants will have an opportunity to review their role and employee rights within the disciplinary process and practice their skills in preparing for and representing members during disciplinary interrogations. Completion of this workshop will ensure compliance with the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions’ Article 5, Section 6. To be appointed as a certified Discipline & Interrogation Representative, members must complete this workshop and be appointed by their Local/Unit Presidents. This workshop is for ALL State, Local Government and Private Sector bargaining unit officers and activists who have completed the basic discipline and Interrogation workshop. October 3, from 6 to 8 pm. To register:

Steward: Our union is strongest when our members come together, ready to fight for what’s right. Every day, CSEAstewards make this happen at worksites throughout the state. In this two-part workshop, you will learn more about our union and how stewards build power by organizing, educating, and communicating with coworkers. This workshop is for All CSEA Members who want to build a stronger union. October 3 & 4, from 10 am -12 pm. To register:

Student Debt Relief: Lower Your Payments and Enroll in Public Service Loan Forgiveness Today! Are you a student or a public employee with Federal Student loans? Join us for a Student Debt Relief workshop and learn how to get on track to eliminate your student debt.
October 3, from 1 to 2:30 pm. To register:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training:
Upcoming in October: President/VP Training, October 11-12 from 6 – 7:30 pm, for new officers of all sectors. *Please Note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training, if attended during your normal work hours. Completion of this training meets the mandatory constitutional training requirement for CSEALocal and Unit Presidents & Vice Presidents. You MUST attend both days to be certified. Registration ends: October 6, 2022

Region 1 – (631) 462-0030   Region 4 – (518) 782-4400
Region 2 – (212) 406-2156   Region 5 – (800) 559-7975
Region 3 – (845) 831-1000   Region 6 – (716) 691-6555

Secretary Training:

Treasurer Training:

  • Monday, October 17 – Region 6 Amherst Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration,
    5 pm – 8 pm training. Please call the Amherst Region 6 office at 716-691-6555 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 12.
  • Tuesday, October 18 – Region 6 Rochester Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration, 5pm – 8pm training. Please call the Rochester Region 6 office at 585-272-0800 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday,
  • Wednesday, November 2 from 5 pm – 8 pm – virtual training via Zoom. All Regions, deadline to register is Wednesday, October 26.

CUNY’s The State of the Unions – 2022 report is now out

This CUNY School of Labor & Urban Studies annual report provides a state and national context analyzing new union membership and union election wins and organizing across the nation’s major cities over the last two years. The report also details the geographic, demographic, and occupational makeup of union membership in New York City, New York State, and the nation. Read it here:

Recent trends in labor organizing panel discussion available to view

If you missed last week’s CUNY webinar “The Worker Led Upsurge” Starbucks and Amazon, it is now available to watch on YouTube:

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 22, 2022


Thursday, September 22, 2022

“Let the workers organize. Let the toilers assemble. Let their crystallized voice proclaim their injustices and demand their privileges. Let all thoughtful citizens sustain them, for the future of Labor is the future of America.” – John L. Lewis

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Register today to learn from important labor leaders about their fights against corporate giants

There’s an important panel discussion tomorrow: The Worker-Led Upsurge: Amazon and Starbucks Friday, September 23 from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Featuring: Chris Smalls of Amazon Labor Union, Michelle Eisen of Starbucks Workers United and moderated by Heather McGhee of CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies. Register now to join via Zoom tomorrow:

Important information regarding Local and Unit officer candidate eligibility

The Board of Directors approved a change to the requirements for officer candidate eligibility as it is defined in the CSEA Local and Unit Constitutions. The previous language specified that members could only seek office if they had been in good standing within the local or unit they were seeking office for – since June 1 of the year preceding the election.

The change specifies that members may seek office if they have remained members in good standing in any local or unit in CSEA since June 1 of the year preceding the election. Under the old language, if a member transferred from one local or unit to another for whatever reason, they were deemed ineligible to run for or be appointed to office within their new local or unit. In many cases this happens because a local or unit is abolished or consolidated, their facility was closed and they were reassigned, or they transferred job titles or positions. A former officer or activist could be deemed ineligible to hold an office within their new local or unit until they met the eligibility requirements, and this could serve to discourage members who would otherwise be actively involved.

The new language recognizes that we are one union, and it should not matter if a member moves from one local or unit to another, or why they do. All that should matter is they have remained an active member in good standing of CSEA for the appropriate period of time and as such are eligible to seek office in their new local or unit without having to wait further. This change is effective immediately.

Make sure you are registered to vote in the General Election on November 8

This past Tuesday was National Voter Registration Day. Your vote is your voice! In New York, the deadline to register to vote is October 14th. CSEA members can check their registration status, register online, and more at


State health care workers convene for annual conference

CSEA’s OPWDD/OMH Annual Advisory Committee Meeting saw an impressive turnout this week in Saratoga Springs, NY. Two days of workshops engaged our union members by covering the following topics: teambuilding, leadership development, interrogation and discipline techniques, recruiting and retaining members, critical thinking, public speaking, member representation and an expedited arbitration process.


Use the MyCSEA mobile app to message all your members (Now available to Unit Presidents)

CSEA’s Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. This latest version includes a new tool that allows Local and Unit presidents to send 50-character broadcast messages (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your Local/Unit that has downloaded and signed into the MyCSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Time is Running Out

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all accident claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:

Membership meetings and other social events


For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like an evening social, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use:

“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!


Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

September 27 – Recertification for Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 1 to 3 pm. To register:

September 28 & 29 – Grievance Representation – 10 am to 12 pm. To register: Registration deadline is September 23, 2022.

September 28 & 29 – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm. To register:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training: register by September 22

  • Tuesday September 27 & Wednesday September 28 from 6 – 7:30 pm
    Private sector ONLY

For information on how to register please visit:

Secretary Training:

This virtual training will satisfy the constitutional requirement for your training.

For information on how to register please visit:

Treasurer Training:

  • Monday, October 17 – Region 6 Amherst Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration,
    5 pm – 8 pm training. Please call the Amherst Region 6 office at 716-691-6555 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 12.
  • Tuesday, October 18 – Region 6 Rochester Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration, 5pm – 8pm training. Please call the Rochester Region 6 office at 585-272-0800 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday,
  • Wednesday, November 2 from 5 pm – 8 pm – virtual training via Zoom. All Regions, deadline to register is Wednesday, October 26.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Last Chance to Register for ADM!

The registration and hotel reservation deadline is Monday, September 19, for our Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM) at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel in New York City, October 24-28, 2022. More information and registration are available here: call 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1214 for registration assistance. DON’T MISS OUT, REGISTER NOW – THERE WILL BE NO DELEGATE OR GUEST ON-SITE REGISTRATION.

**PLEASE NOTE: If attending the Convention’s CSEA/AFSCME Evening Event on Wednesday, Oct. 26 you must also register for that (and include any guests!)

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members

(Now available to Unit Presidents)
The CSEA Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local and Unit presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your Local/Unit that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local or unit. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Time is Running Out

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all illness claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:


Staffing back to full capacity, in-person service fully resumed

CSEA Offices will be 100% open effective 9/19/2022. Contact the CSEA Central Files Department or Region Office Managers for schedules.


Back to School – SAFE@SCHOOL

As schools and colleges reopen this fall, we hope for a smooth and safe transition. CSEA-represented educational support professionals working in our schools often have questions and concerns about safely returning. Recognizing the need to provide guidance and assistance for union members working in our public schools and other educational settings, CSEA’s SAFE@SCHOOL initiative aims to be a one-stop shop for resources devoted to safely reopening schools in addition to other school safety resources. This initiative is a collaboration between the staff professionals in CSEA’s Occupational Safety and Health Department, the members of our union’s statewide Safety & Health and Schools Committees. Check out our school safety resources:

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 484 shootings. Summer months typically have the highest rates of mass shooting (Gun Violence Archive).


This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.


Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Schools Secrets

The NYS Comptroller has proven that school personnel are not getting the training and information that administration is required to provide. State Education and labor laws require schools to adhere to specific plans and procedures to protect you. The cycle of failure must be broken to effectively protect everyone in schools. This on-demand webinar addresses the uptick in violent incidents in schools. View here:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

September 22 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 6 to 8 pm. To register:

September 27 – Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 1 to 3 pm. To register:

September 28 & 29 – Grievance Representation – 10 am to 12 pm. To register: Registration deadline is September 23, 2022.

September 28 & 29 – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm. To register:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training: register by September 22

  • Tuesday September 27 & Wednesday September 28 from 6 – 7:30 pm
    Private sector ONLY

For information on how to register please visit:

Secretary Training:

  • Wednesday, September 28 from 5 to 7 pm

For information on how to register please visit:

Treasurer Training:

  • Monday, October 17 – Region 6 Amherst Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration,
    5 pm – 8 pm training. Please call the Amherst Region 6 office at 716-691-6555 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday, October 12.
  • Tuesday, October 18 – Region 6 Rochester Office. In-person training – 4:30 pm registration, 5pm – 8pm training. Please call the Rochester Region 6 office at 585-272-0800 to register. Deadline to register is Wednesday,
  • Wednesday, November 2 from 5 pm – 8 pm – virtual training via Zoom. All Regions, deadline to register is Wednesday, October 26.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 8, 2022

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

112th Annual Delegates Meeting Registration Deadline Extended!

The registration deadline for our Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM) at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel in New York City, October 24-28, 2022 has been extended to Monday, September 19! More information and registration are available here: call 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1214 for registration assistance. DON’T MISS OUT, REGISTER NOW – THERE WILL BE NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION (INCLUDING GUESTS)! You MUST be a delegate to register.

CSEA members will be participating in more parades this weekend

As a reminder, members from Region 4 can participate in Albany’s parade on Friday, Sept. 9. Members from Regions 1, 2 & 3 can participate in New York City’s 140th Annual Labor Day parade on Saturday, Sept. 10. For more information about the parades visit your Region page on

Back to School – SAFE@SCHOOL

As schools and colleges reopen this fall, we hope for a smooth and safe transition. CSEA-represented educational support professionals working in our schools often have questions and concerns about safely returning. Recognizing the need to provide guidance and assistance for union members working in our public schools and other educational settings, CSEA’s SAFE@SCHOOL initiative aims to be a one-stop shop for resources devoted to safely reopening schools in addition to other school safety resources. This initiative is a collaboration between the staff professionals in CSEA’s Occupational Safety and Health Department, the members of our union’s statewide Safety & Health and Schools Committees. Check out our school safety resources:

Time is Running Out

Time may be running out for members to file a workers’ compensation claim if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19 at work. State law requires that all illness claims be filed within two years of diagnosis. There are no out of pocket costs for workers’ compensation claims. Don’t be left out in the cold, protect your right to file a claim by contacting CSEA’s endorsed law firm of Fine, Olin and Anderman. Get started now by visiting:


Anti-Union groups continue outreach to our members



We have been informed that the Freedom Foundation has once again sent another round of fraudulent postcards to some of our members with a return address indicating that it came from myself. These mailers did not come from my office or your union. CSEA actively initiates communications to those members and locals that have been targeted to combat the foundation’s efforts. As always this is a reminder, we must all be diligent and continue to make sure our members are all aware of the benefits they gain by being a member of CSEA and what they would lose without us!

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members


The CSEA Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local or unit. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email


Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 468 shootings. Summer months typically have the highest rates of mass shooting (Gun Violence Archive).


This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.


Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Schools Secrets

The NYS Comptroller has proven that school personnel are not getting the training and information that administration is required to provide. State Education and labor laws require schools to adhere to specific plans and procedures to protect you. The cycle of failure must be broken to effectively protect everyone in schools. This on-demand webinar addresses the uptick in violent incidents in schools. View here:

Required union representation trainings scheduled

One of our most important functions is representing our membership through grievances and in disciplinary hearings. It is a constitutional requirement for ALL officers to attend grievance representation training AND representing members in discipline and interrogation training. Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

September 14 & 15 – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 12 to 2 pm. To register:

September 15 – Private Sector Discipline: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm. To register:

September 19 – Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm. To register: Registration deadline is September 14, 2022.

September 22 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 6 to 8 pm. To register:

September 27 – Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 1 to 3 pm. To register:

September 28 & 29 – Grievance Representation – 10 am to 12 pm. To register: Registration deadline is September 23, 2022.

September 28 & 29 – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm. To register:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training: register by September 22

  • Tuesday September 27 & Wednesday September 28 from 6 – 7:30 pm
    Private sector ONLY

For information on how to register please visit:

Secretary Training:

  • Tuesday, September 13 from 5 to 7 pm
  • Wednesday, September 28 from 5 to 7 pm

For information on how to register please visit:


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

The observance of Labor Day this year is especially significant to the labor movement. Among the many picnics and parades – commemorating the dedication and perseverance of our union members and hard-working Americans – is a time to be celebrated. It has been unfortunate that for the past two years we haven’t had the opportunity to gather together in person to honor those who came before us, and whose efforts and sacrifices have led to so much progress for the Labor movement over the years.

CSEA members will be participating in parades and events throughout the state this year, including Labor Day parades in New York City, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo.   For more information about the parades visit your Region page on

Region 1:
Region 2:
Region 3:
Region 4:
Region 5:
Region 6:

Register now for the 112th Annual Delegates Meeting, Oct. 24 – 28, 2022 in NYC

Registration closes on September 12, 2022. We will once again gather at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel for the112th Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM). This year our ADM theme is “The Leader in You” – which focuses on the idea that leadership is not necessarily tied to a title, it comes from all of our members and is within every one of us, as you have all shown time and again. You MUST be a delegate to register. More information and registration are available here: or call 1-800-342- 4146 ext. 1214 for registration assistance.

State contract news

We have been advised by the state comptroller that the 4 percent retroactive pay raise will be paid as follows:  institutional payroll October 6 and administrative payroll October 12, 2022.

The latest info on NYS overtime healthcare rates



We have been notified by the state that overtime will continue to be paid at the 2.5 percent rate in OPWDD, MH, OCFS. DOCCS and the SUNY hospitals for specified titles until the end ofNovember 2022. Please share this information with our members.


Statement from NYS AFL-CIO on surge in labor union support

A new Gallup Poll released found that 71 percent of Americans approve of labor unions, the highest approval recorded by Gallup since 1965.

“The data from Gallup confirms what we are seeing right here in New York State as workers organize in the cannabis and agriculture industries and at Amazon, Starbucks, and at nonprofits,” said Mario Cilento, president of the New York State AFL-CIO.

“When you think of the challenges that workers faced throughout the pandemic, it has become very clear that at no other time in recent memory has it been so vitally important to be able to have a voice in the workplace. That is exactly what union membership gives you and this poll confirms. Workers recognize that we are much stronger together. It’s that simple,” Cilento added.


New member benefits approved by CSEA


Amplifon – CSEA has endorsed a new hearing health benefit with Amplifon. CSEA members and their family members have access to a wide selection of hearing aids with set pricing discounted between 40-60%. Included in this benefit is a free full service initial hearing exam, 4-year warranty, 60-day money back guarantee, free batteries or a battery charger and concierge service. Contact Amplifon at 866-915-2063 or

Member Deals is a new travel and entertainment benefit. Discounted hotels, rental cars, theme parks, movie and show tickets, sporting events, concerts, shopping and more. Visit:

Raymour and Flanigan – CSEA members receive 18% off furniture and mattresses. Free next day delivery on mattresses valued over $500 and 6-months interest free financing. To take advantage of this member benefit, members should contact CSEA’s Raymour and Flanigan account representative, Mark Lesser at: 631-332-6811 or at


Use the MyCSEA mobile app to send in member applications


Did you know you can scan and send paper membership applications via My CSEA Mobile app? You’ll find it under Officers Toolkit -> Membership Application Scanner. You can choose to take a picture or select from previously taken pictures. Please make sure when you take these pictures that the full application is viewable. You can only send one application at a time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact


Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 450 shootings. Summer months typically have the highest rates of mass shooting (Gun Violence Archive).

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.


Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens ofavailable offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend thetraining for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEARegion Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training: register by September 22

  • Tuesday September 27 & Wednesday September 28 from 6 – 7:30 pm
    Private sector ONLY

For information on how to register please visit:

Secretary Training:

  • Tuesday, September 13 from 5 to 7 pm
  • Wednesday, September 28 from 5 to 7 pm

For information on how to register please visit:


Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through February. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at: Please note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.

Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEAConstitutions.

September 7 & 8 – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline & Interrogations 12 to 2 p.m. To register:

September 8 – Grievance Representation Recertification 6 to 8 p.m To register: **Must attend both days

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss The Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, full of valuable safety information that everyone can use. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 25, 2022

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Recognizing the value of our Retiree members

I had the opportunity to attend the Retiree Delegates Meeting in Albany this week and was reminded how busy our retiree members are. They are always promoting the value of being a CSEA member, involved in activities that motivate and engage others, and working side by side with their employed brothers and sisters to promote the importance of being active in the Union’s legislative and political action program.

I was also reminded that our local and units can help us add new members to the Retiree ranks by paying the first year dues for your retiring members. It is a legitimate use of Union funds and a great investment in our future.

August 23rd Primary Election Results

New York held its second primary election of the summer Tuesday for Congress and State Senate. CSEA endorsed candidates were overwhelmingly successful.

There were several notable races that gained national attention. A special election in the 19th Congressional District, Democrat Pat Ryan defeated Republican Marc Molinaro in a race to fill theremaining term of Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado’s former seat. Ryan’s campaign focused on support of women’s rights due to the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of Roe v. Wade.

In the 17th CD, CSEA endorsed Sean Patrick Maloney easily defeated a challenge from state Senator Alessandra Biaggi. Maloney a moderate Democrat campaigned on the mainstream positions of the Democratic party.

For more information and a list of all CSEA endorsed candidates, go to

112th Annual Delegates Meeting is Oct. 24 – 28, 2022 in NYC

We will once again gather at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel for the 112th Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM). This year our ADM theme is “The Leader in You” – which focuses on the idea that leadership is not necessarily tied to a title, it comes from all of our members and is within every one of us, as you have all shown time and again. You MUST be a delegate to register. More information and registration are available here: or call 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1214 for registration assistance. Registration closes on September 12, 2022.

Labor Day parades and events

CSEA members will be participating in parades and events throughout the state this year, including Labor Day parades in New York City, Albany, Syracuse and Buffalo.   For more information about the parades visit your Region page on

Region 1:
Region 2:
Region 3:
Region 4:
Region 5:
Region 6:

New member benefits approved by CSEA



Amplifon – CSEA has endorsed a new hearing health benefit with Amplifon. CSEA members and their family members have access to a wide selection of hearing aids with set pricing discounted between 40-60%. Included in this benefit is a free full service initial hearing exam, 4-year warranty, 60-day money back guarantee, free batteries or a battery charger and concierge service. Contact Amplifon at 866-915-2063 or

Member Deals is a new travel and entertainment benefit. Discounted hotels, rental cars, theme parks, movie and show tickets, sporting events, concerts, shopping and more.

Raymour and Flanigan – CSEA members receive 18% off furniture and mattresses. Free next day delivery on mattresses valued over $500 and 6-months interest free financing. To take advantage of this member benefit, members should contact CSEA’s Raymour and Flanigan account representative, Mark Lesser at: 631-332-6811 or at


Use the MyCSEA mobile app to send in member applications

Did you know you can scan and send paper membership applications via My CSEA Mobile app? You’ll find it under Officers Toolkit -> Membership Application Scanner. You can choose to take a picture or select from previously taken pictures. Please make sure when you take these pictures that the full application is viewable. You can only send one application at a time. If you have any questions feel free to contact


Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 418 shootings. Summer months typically have the highest rates of mass shooting (Gun Violence Archive).

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.


Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens ofavailable offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend thetraining for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEARegion Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.

President/Vice President Training: register by September 22

  • Tuesday September 27 & Wednesday September 28 from 6 – 7:30 pm
    Private sector ONLY

For information on how to register please visit:

Secretary Training:

  • Thursday, September 1 from 5 to 7 pm
  • Tuesday, September 13 from 5 to 7 pm
  • Wednesday, September 28 from 5 to 7 pm

For information on how to register please visit:

Treasurer Training: register by September 1
Virtual training for all Regions

  • Thursday, September 8 from 5 to 8 pm 

    To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for.

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss The Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, full of valuable safety information that everyone can use. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 18, 2022

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) is a win for workers and families

President Biden recently signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law which is considered to be an historic win for working families across the country. To help you better understand the parts of the IRA that are most relevant to CSEA/AFSCME members, AFSCCME has put together fact sheets that describe how the law lowers health care costs; addresses climate change and invests in green energy; and creates a fairer tax system. You can find those fact sheets here:  

Primary Election Day is Tuesday, August 23 in New York State

Primaries for U.S. Congressional and NY State Senate seats will take place on Tuesday, August 23. Early voting runs from Saturday, August 13 – Sunday, August 21. Find your early voting site and hours at If you have already obtained your absentee ballot, they must be returned (postmarked) by August 23.Our union has an open, member-driven endorsement process. Union members serving on political action committees interview candidates, review voting records and determine whether a candidate has CSEA members’ interests in mind. CSEA does not make endorsements based on party, but rather on who will best represent the interests of CSEA members and help protect the services union members provide. Visit for a list of endorsed candidates who meet this high standard in this year’s August 23 Primary.

Contract ratification votes increased using Election Buddy

Several of you have asked about how effective using Election Buddy was in increasing participation in the ratification vote. As I have said previously, voter participation in a number of local government, HRI and VOICE ratifications were increased greatly using Election Buddy. In some contract ratifications we have seen nearly 100% participation. In this year’s state contract ratification, we utilized both Election Buddy for those with valid emails on file and mail paper ballots for those without email. Participation was 19% higher on Election Buddy when compared to the mail paper ballots. I really think that the improved method of voting along with the ease of participation contributed to more members casting their votes.

112th Annual Delegates Meeting is Oct. 24 – 28, 2022 in NYC

We will once again gather at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel for the 112th Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM). This year our ADM theme is “The Leader in You” – which focuses on the idea that leadership is not necessarily tied to a title, it comes from all of our members and is within every one of us, as you have all shown time and again. You MUST be a delegate to register. More information and registration are available here: or call 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1214 for registration assistance. Registration closes on September 12, 2022.

New member benefits approved by CSEA

Amplifon – CSEA has endorsed a new hearing health benefit with Amplifon. CSEA members and their family members have access to a wide selection of hearing aids with set pricing discounted between 40-60%. Included in this benefit is a free full service initial hearing exam, 4-year warranty, 60-day money back guarantee, free batteries or a battery charger and concierge service. Contact Amplifon at 866-915-2063 or Deals is a new travel and entertainment benefit. Discounted hotels, rental cars, theme parks, movie and show tickets, sporting events, concerts, shopping and more.Visit: and Flanigan – CSEA members receive 18% off furniture and mattresses. Free next day delivery on mattresses valued over $500 and 6-months interest free financing. To take advantage of this member benefit, members should contact CSEA’s Raymour and Flanigan account representative, Mark Lesser at: 631-332-6811 or at

CAP COM/SEFCU announce new merger name


CAP COM and SEFCU merged on August 12022 – both credit unions are now divisions of Broadview Federal Credit Union – that will be the official name once operations are merged. If you have an account with either credit union, you can keep banking as usual. To learn more visit

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members

The CSEA Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local or unit. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members.”This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 418 shootings. Summer months typically have the highest rates of mass shooting (Gun Violence Archive).

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.President/Vice President Training: register by September 22

  • Tuesday September 27 & Wednesday September 28 from 6 – 7:30 pm

For information on how to register please visit:

Secretary Training:

  • Thursday, September 1 from 5 to 7 pm
  • Tuesday, September 13 from 5 to 7 pm
  • Wednesday, September 28 from 5 to 7 pm

For information on how to register please visit:

Treasurer Training: register by September 1Virtual training for all Regions

  • Thursday, September 8 from 5 to 8 pm

This Week in Labor Education e-newsletter published

This week we sent out the latest edition of our e-newsletter from our Education & Training Department, This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it, I encourage you to subscribe at:>

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Election Buddy Brings Ease to State Contract Ratification Voting

For the first time, the CSEA/State Contract was ratified through the use of electronic ballots via Election Buddy and paper ballots through the mail for those without a valid email on file with CSEA. With this “hybrid” balloting process, the members overwhelmingly ratified the contract. Across the four (4) bargaining units (ASU, ISU, OSU & DMNA), over 80% of the members that voted approved the new contract.The electronic voting method provided members with a secure, incredibly easy, and convenient way to cast their votes. The electronic ballot was sent to members’ email addresses. Each email contained the voting link that was unique to that member. Once the member voted, the link was no longer usable. In other words, a member could not vote twice, nor could the link be used by someone else after it was voted.Additionally, the electronic platform allowed for the ballot to contain a letter from me with the tentative agreement highlights. Election Buddy automatically set up email reminders to be sent to members who had not cast their vote by the time each reminder was sent. Each reminder contained all the information the member needed to vote. Members did not have to hunt through their emails to find the original electronic ballot.This new electronic voting system also allowed CSEA to quickly identify bad email addresses and either update them and send new electronic ballots or enabled CSEA to get a mail paper ballot to those members more efficiently.Again, congratulations to our CSEA Negotiating Team for securing this great contract!

August 23 is Primary Election Day in New York State

Primaries for U.S. Congressional and NY State Senate seats will take place Primaries for U.S. Congressional and NY State Senate seats will take place on August 23. Early voting runs from Saturday, August 13 – Sunday, August 21. Find your early voting site and hours at If you have already obtained your absentee ballot, they must be returned (postmarked) by August 23. Our union has an open, member-driven endorsement process. Union members serving on political action committees interview candidates, review voting records and determine whether a candidate has CSEA members’ interests in mind. CSEA does not make endorsements based on party, but rather on who will best represent the interests of CSEA members and help protect the services union members provide. Visit for a list of endorsed candidates who meet this high standard in this year’s August 23 Primary.

112th Annual Delegates Meeting is Oct. 24 – 28, 2022 in NYC

We will once again gather at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel for the 112th Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM). This year our ADM theme is “The Leader in You” – based upon the premise that our leadership and our members embody the concept that leadership is not necessarily a title, it comes from within every one of us, as you have all shown time and again. I look forward to seeing all of you there. You MUST be a delegate to register. More information and registration is available here: or call 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1214 for registration assistance. Registration closes on September 12, 2022.

Potential changes to AFSCME Free College Program slated

We have learned that the benefit (which CSEA members are eligible through our affiliation with AFSCME) known as the Free College program may be undergoing some changes and reconstruction in the coming year. We received word that the Department of Education has informed our Free College partners that they can continue to enroll new and existing students for the Fall 2022 semester. New and continuing students can contact Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) or Central State University for additional information on their enrollment status. EGCC has told AFSCME that they have directly informed their students, via email, about their ability to continue their education under the Free College program. EGCC’s announcement is also available on their website As soon as we learn more from our friends and colleagues at AFSCME, we will let you know the details as they develop further.

CAP COM/SEFCU announce new merger name and date

CAP COM and SEFCU merged on August 12022 – both credit unions are now divisions of Broadview Federal Credit Union – that will be the official name once operations are merged. If you have an account with either credit union, you can keep banking as usual. To learn more visit

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members


The CSEA Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local or unit. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT Department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss The Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, full of valuable safety information that everyone can use. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 406 shootings. Summer months typically have the highest rates of mass shooting (Gun Violence Archive).

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.  If you are eligible to take one of these trainings you will receive an email invitation with more information on how to register.President/Vice President Training:

Secretary Training:

  • September 1 – 5 to 7 pm
  • September 13 – 5 to 7 pm
  • September 28 – 5 to 7 pmFor information on how to register please visit:

Treasurer Training:Virtual training for all Regions

  • September 8 – 5 to 8 pm – register by September 1

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, August 4, 2022

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

CSEA ratifies five-year contract with New York State

I am very happy to report that our union members overwhelmingly voted in favor of ratifying the new five-year state contract for more than 52,000 workers representing all four of the union’s executive branch bargaining units. Electronic voting and paper ballots were tallied this past week resulting in the passage. This contract will be retroactive from April 2021 through April 2026 and will cover CSEA union members in a variety of roles and departments statewide. We appreciate Governor Hochul’s cooperation with coming to a resolve to make this a good contract for New York State employees for this five-year period. This is a victory not only for our union members, but also for the state at large. This workforce showed up and delivered during two of the most challenging years in many of our lifetimes. The passage of this contract demonstrates that CSEA members appreciate that they are valued, and their work is properly recognized by the Governor and our employers.

Conservative Groups Seek Your Members’ Information

As you are aware, many right-wing conservative groups continue their efforts to get our members to quit our union. Most recently, groups such as the Freedom Foundation have been contacting public employers across the State attempting to obtain our members’ information. Once they obtain the information, they then solicit our members to quit CSEA!Through our Legislative and Political Action efforts, CSEA was able to obtain an amendment to the Taylor Law that makes it an improper practice for public employers to disclose home addresses, personal telephone numbers, personal cell phone numbers, and personal e-mail addresses of a public employee.Should you become aware of such requests made to your employer, please notify your Labor Relations Specialist (LRS) immediately and remind your employer of this important amendment to the Taylor Law and that CSEA will enforce its rights relative to this provision.  

Potential changes to AFSCME Free College Program slated

We recently learned that the benefit (which CSEA members are eligible through our affiliation with AFSCME) known as the Free College program may be undergoing some changes and reconstruction in the coming year. We received word that the Department of Education has informed our Free College partners that they can continue to enroll new and existing students for the Fall 2022 semester. New and continuing students can contact Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) or Central State University for additional information on their enrollment status. EGCC has told AFSCME that they have directly informed their students, via email, about their ability to continue their education under the Free College program. EGCC’s announcement is also available on their website. As soon as we learn more from our friends and colleagues at AFSCME, we will let you know the details as they develop further.

August 23 is another Primary Election Day in New York State

Primaries for U.S. Congressional and NY State Senate seats will take place on August 23. New York makes it easy to vote by absentee ballot through the mail. All you need to do is request a ballot through the online request form available from NYS Board of Elections here: Get your request in, as the deadline to request a ballot by mail is August 8. Remember – your vote is your voice!Visit for more information and a list of CSEA endorsed candidates running in the August 23 Primary.

CAP COM/SEFCU announce merger name and date

As you might already know, CAP COM and SEFCU are merging. As of August 12022 both credit unions are divisions of Broadview Federal Credit Union – and that will be the official name once operations are merged. If you have an account, you can keep banking as usual. Learn more at

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members


The CSEA Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss The Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, full of valuable safety information that everyone can use. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 393 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required Officer Trainings

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.Secretary Training:

  • August 31 (Private Sector Secretaries) – Virtual – 5:00 – 7:00 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Don’t get fooled – Anti-Union groups continue outreach to our members

We have been informed that the Freedom Foundation sent fraudulent mailers to some of our members with a return address indicating that it came from me. These mailers did not come from my office or our union. CSEA will initiate a robocall campaign to those members to combat the foundation’s efforts. As always this is a reminder that we must all be diligent and continue to make sure our members are all aware of the benefits they gain by being a member of CSEA and what they would lose without us!

Potential changes to AFSCME Free College Program slated

We recently learned that the benefit (which CSEA members are eligible to use through our affiliation with AFSCME) known as the Free College program may be undergoing some changes and reconstruction in the coming year. Late yesterday, we received word that the US Department of Education has informed our Free College partners that they can continue to enroll new and existing students for the Fall 2022 semester. New and continuing students can contact Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) or Central State University for additional information on their enrollment status. EGCC has told AFSCME that they have directly informed their students, via email, about their ability to continue their education under the Free College program. EGCC’s announcement is also available on their website. As soon as we learn more from our friends and colleagues at AFSCME, we will let you know the details as they develop further.

It’s time to vote on your state contract

Voting has commenced. Electronic ballots for the Executive Branch (state) members were sent via email on July 11. Each eligible member who had a valid email on file with CSEA should have received a ballot. Please encourage members to review their ballot and cast their vote.

Please do not forward your ballot. The email containing the electronic ballot is unique to each member.

If a member forwards their ballot (their email) to another member and that person uses it to vote, the member who received the original ballot has forfeited their right to vote. Once that link is used to vote, the link is no longer valid. Paper ballots were mailed on July 11, to eligible members for whom we did not have an email address.

We encountered a number of “bounce-backs” for various reasons, such as the recipient’s inbox was full and could not accept any emails or the email addresses simply were not valid. It is likely that a large percentage of invalid email addresses are email addresses that members set up a long time ago and then have not been used, so the email provider simply shuts down access.
If your members believe they should have received an electronic ballot but did not, please have them contact State Operations at (518) 257-1279 or 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1279 so that we may remedy the issue.

Reminders will be sent to those who have not yet voted that electronic voting closes on August 1 at 12 pm (noon).

August 23 is another Primary Election Day in New York State

Primaries for U.S. Congressional and NY State Senate seats will take place on August 23. New York makes it easy to vote by absentee ballot through the mail. All you need to do is request a ballot through the online request form available from NYS Board of Elections here: Get your request in, as the deadline to request a ballot by mail is August 8. Remember – your vote is your voice!

Visit for more information and a list of CSEA endorsed candidates running in the August 23 Primary.

CAP COM/SEFCU announce merger name and date

As you might already know, CAP COM and SEFCU are merging. Starting August 1, both credit unions will be divisions of Broadview Federal Credit Union – and that will be the official name once operations are merged. If you have an account, you can keep banking as usual. Learn more at

Election Buddy webinar for members available for viewing

On Thursday, July 7 we held a webinar for members to learn about Election Buddy. This is the Department of Labor approved tool that we are using to conduct votes for elections and contract ratifications. It has been used successfully in several contract ratifications. Election Buddy is secure and lets the votes be tallied faster, which may lead to contractual benefits being available sooner. The webinar may be viewed here:

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members



The CSEA Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT department at 1-800-342-4146 or email


Upcoming Constituency Group Conferences:

The Pride at Work – Quadrennial Convention will be held August 18-20, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. For further information visit:

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Region 1 Conference will be from August 26-28, 2022, in Atlantic City, NJ. The theme for the conference is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future.” Registration is due July 29, 2022. All participants must be vaccinated to attend the conference and proof is required. For more information or to register visit:

Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.



Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Have you seen our “This Week in Labor Education” e-newsletter?


Our Education & Training Department regularly publishes This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it by email, I encourage you to subscribe at:

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 356 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:


Currently there are no scheduled officer trainings during July and August 2022.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

CSEA Board of Directors met today

Our CSEA Board of Directors met today in Albany – it was great to see everyone who attended from across the state. We took care of the regular business of running our union, including hearing reports from our officers, department heads, committee chairs and new staff members, as well as voting on a number of motions. A summary of all business transacted will be published in the next edition of the The Work Force.

It’s time to vote on your state contract

Voting has commenced. Electronic ballots for the Executive Branch (state) members were sent via email on July 11. Each eligible member who had a valid email on file with CSEA should have received a ballot. Please encourage members to review their ballot and cast their vote.

Please do not forward your ballot. The email containing the electronic ballot is unique to each member.

If a member forwards their ballot (their email) to another member and that person uses it to vote, the member who received the original ballot has forfeited their right to vote. Once that link is used to vote, the link is no longer valid. Paper ballots were mailed on July 11, to eligible members for whom we did not have an email address.

We encountered a number of “bounce-backs” for various reasons, such as the recipient’s inbox was full and could not accept any emails or the email addresses simply were not valid. It is likely that a large percentage of invalid email addresses are email addresses that members set up a long time ago and then have not been used, so the email provider simply shuts down access.
If your members believe they should have received an electronic ballot but did not, please have them contact State Operations at (518) 257-1279 or 1-800-342-4146 ext. 1279 so that we may remedy the issue. Reminders will be sent to those who have not yet voted that electronic voting closes on August 1 at 12 p.m. (noon).

August 23 is another Primary Election Day in New York State

Primaries for U.S. Congressional and NY State Senate seats will take place on August 23. New York makes it easy to vote by absentee ballot through the mail. All you need to do is request a ballot through this online request form available from NYS Board of Elections. Get your request in, as the deadline to request a ballot by mail is August 8. Remember – your vote is your voice! Visit for more information and a list of CSEA endorsed candidates running in the August 23 Primary.

CAP COM/SEFCU announce merger name and date

As you may already know, CAP COM and SEFCU are merging. Starting August 1, both credit unions will be divisions of Broadview Federal Credit Union – and that will be the official name once operations are merged. If you have an account, you can keep banking as usual. Learn more at

Election Buddy webinar for members available for viewing

On Thursday, July 7 we held a webinar for members to learn about Election Buddy. This is the Department of Labor approved tool that we are using to conduct votes for elections and contract ratifications. It has been used successfully in several contract ratifications. Election Buddy is secure and lets the votes be tallied faster, which may lead to contractual benefits being available sooner. The webinar may be viewed here:

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members



The CSEA Information Technology (IT) Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the IT department at 1-800-342-4146 or email


Upcoming Constituency Group Conferences:

The Pride at Work – Quadrennial Convention will be held August 18-20, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. For further information visit:

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Region 1 Conference will be from August 26-28, 2022, in Atlantic City, NJ. The theme for the conference is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future.” Registration is due July 29, 2022. All participants must be vaccinated to attend the conference and proof is required. For more information or to register visit:

Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.



Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Have you seen our “This Week in Labor Education” e-newsletter?


Our Education & Training Department regularly publishes This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it by email, I encourage you to subscribe at:

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 356 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:


Currently there are no scheduled officer trainings during July and August.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, July 14, 2022

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

CSEA and AFSCME honor visionary Jerry McEntee

We recently learned of the passing of Gerald (Jerry) McEntee this past week at his home in Naples, Florida at age 87. Jerry served with distinction as the president of AFSCME from 1981-2012. Jerry first became a member of AFSCME in 1956 in Philadelphia’s AFSCME District Council 33, which represented municipal workers.

I’ve known Jerry for many years and always admired his passion for doing whatever was necessary to improve the lives of working people. He devoted his life to the fight for those who make our country work. He was a respected leader across America, and brought AFSCME, as well as the AFL-CIO, to new heights.

He is very near and dear to the hearts of our union members. We express our deepest condolences to his family and to our sisters and brothers at AFSCME and the AFL-CIO, especially as our members convene for the 45th AFSCME International Convention in Philadelphia this week.

Jerry was an instrumental figure during the time when CSEA was affiliating with AFSCME and becoming an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. He provided exceptional guidance and cultivated our roots within AFSCME in 1978 and remained as a strong partner and supporter of CSEA. His commitment to labor was accomplished and unwavering, and he was a force who drove the AFL-CIO’s political action committee and initiatives for decades at state and national levels.

To learn more about Jerry McEntee visit: Jerry McEntee: 1935-2022 | American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).

45th AFSCME International Convention

This week our CSEA AFSCME delegates, who were elected by members in each region, convened to conduct business at the 45th AFSCME International Convention in Philadelphia – this year’s theme was “All Together” and the keynote address was given by AFSCME President Lee Saunders. Other highlights of the five-day convention included a moving tribute to the late Jerry McEntee and an impassioned speech from Georgia gubernatorial candidate and voting rights activist Stacey Abrams. To learn more visit:

It’s time to vote on your state contract

Electronic ballots for the New York State Executive Branch members were sent via email on July 11th. Each eligible member who had a valid email on file with CSEA should have received a ballot. Voting has commenced. Please encourage your members to review their ballot and cast their vote.

We did encounter a number of “bounce-backs” for various reasons. One reason was that the recipient’s inbox was full and could not accept any emails. Other email addresses simply were not valid.  It is likely that a large percentage of invalid email addresses are email addresses that members set up a long time ago and then have not used so the email provider simply shuts down access. If your members believe they should have received an electronic ballot but did not, please have them contact State Operations at (518) 257-1279 or 1-800-342-4146 x1279 so that we may remedy the issue.

Also, please be advised that the email containing the electronic ballot is unique to each member. If a member forwards their ballot (their email) and someone else votes it, the member has forfeited their right to vote. Once that link is used to vote, the link is no longer valid. Please do not forward your ballot.

  • For those eligible members for whom we did not have an email address, paper ballots were mailed to them on July 11th.
  • Reminders will be sent to those who have not yet voted that electronic voting closes on August 1st at 12 p.m. (noon).

CAP COM/SEFCU announce merger name and date

As you may already know, CAP COM and SEFCU are merging. Starting August 1, both credit unions will be divisions of Broadview Federal Credit Union – and that will be the official name once operations are merged. If you have an account, you can keep banking as usual. Learn more at

Election Buddy webinar for members available for viewing

On Thursday, July 7 we held a webinar for members to learn about Election Buddy. This is the Department of Labor approved tool that we are using to conduct votes for elections and contract ratifications. It has been used successfully in several contract ratifications. Election Buddy is secure and lets the votes be tallied faster, which may lead to contractual benefits being available sooner. The webinar may be viewed here:

CSEA/VOICE contract ratified

Earlier this week CSEA childcare provider members unanimously ratified their contract with OCFS. Member participation increased since the last contract ratification. I’d again like to recognize and thank the CSEA/VOICE Negotiating Team for putting so much time and effort into making this contract a reality.

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members



The CSEA IT Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50-character broadcast message (like a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in the Information Technology department at 1-800-342-4146 or email



Upcoming Constituency Group Conferences:

The A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) – 51st National Education Conference will be held July 27-31, 2022, in Baltimore, MD. For more information visit:

The Pride at Work – Quadrennial Convention will be held August 18-20, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. For further information visit:

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Region 1 Conference will be from August 26-28, 2022, in Atlantic City, NJ. The theme for the conference is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future.” Registration is due July 29, 2022. All participants must be vaccinated to attend the conference and proof is required. For more information or to register visit:

Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.



IRS Mileage rate increase for the remainder of 2022

In conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service notification, the CSEA mileage rate effective for travel starting on or after 7/01/22 will change to $.625/mile, an increase of four cents per mile.

Membership meetings and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all your flyers, so everyone is aware. Here is sample of language you could use: “Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Time is running out to honor those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award. Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

Have you seen our “This Week in Labor Education” e-newsletter?


Our Education & Training Department regularly publishes This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it by email, I encourage you to subscribe at:

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:


Currently there are no scheduled officer trainings during July and August.

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, July 7, 2022

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

45th AFSCME International Convention

Next week our CSEA AFSCME delegates, who were elected by members in each region, will join our AFSCME sisters and brothers from all over the country and Puerto Rico to conduct business at theAFSCME International Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Are you thinking of retiring or know of any of your members that are?

The CSEA Retiree Division is a great source of information for those thinking about retiring. I encourage all locals to pay the first year retiree dues for $36 so your retiring members can stay active in our union. For more information visit: or call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146.

Election Buddy webinar for members

On Thursday, July 7 at 6:00 pm we are holding a webinar for members to learn about Election Buddy. This is the Department ofLabor approved tool that we are using to conduct votes for elections and contract ratifications. It has been used successfully in several contract ratifications. Election Buddy is secure and lets the votes be tallied faster, which may lead to contractual benefits being available sooner.

Use the MyCSEA mobile app to easily send messages to all your members

The CSEA IT Department is always working to improve the MyCSEA mobile app. The latest version includes a new tool that allows local presidents to send a 50 character broadcast message (similar to a text or a tweet) to any member of your local that has downloaded and signed into the My CSEA mobile app. This tool can be used to announce a membership meeting or other activities in your local. To set up a demonstration and tutorial, please contact Amrit Singh in theInformation Technology department at 1-800-342-4146 or email

Upcoming Constituency Group Conferences

The A.Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) – 51st National Education Conference will be held July 27 – 31, 2022, in Baltimore, MD. For further information visit:

The Pride at Work – Quadrennial Convention will be held August 18 – 20, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. For further information visit:

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Region 1 Conference will be from August 26 – 28, 2022 in Atlantic City, NJ. The theme for theconference is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future”. Registration is due July 29, 2022. All participants must be vaccinated to attend theconference and proof is required. For more information or instructions on how to register visit:

Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

IRS Mileage rate increase for the remainder of 2022

In conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service notification, theCSEA mileage rate effective for travel starting on or after 07/01/22 will change to $.625/mile, an increase of four cents per mile.

Membership meetings and other social events


For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any ofyour meetings and other social events.   If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:

“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership


Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group ofmembers into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at



Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?


Our Education & Training Department regularly publishes This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it by email, I encourage you to subscribe at:


Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:


Currently there are no scheduled officer trainings during July and August.


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Welcome, Caroline!

I am pleased to announce that Caroline Boardman has joined CSEA as our new Director of Communications. Caroline brings with her more than 18 years of leadership in the Communications field.  She holds degrees in both Public Relations and Journalism and holds a strong passion for labor and political activism.  A lifelong resident of the Capital District, Caroline stems from a union family and is actively involved in the community.  Please help me welcome her to the CSEA family!

June 28 Primary Election Results

Governor Hochul and Lieutenant Governor Delgado had a strong showing in the first primary of the election season on the Democratic side. On the Republican side, Lee Zeldin was the winner. Zeldin is a congressman from Long Island and will face off against Governor Hochul in the general election in November. Somewhat disappointing is the low voter turnout we saw across the state. It is important that all CSEA members have their voices heard and exercise their right to vote. Don’t forget, we have another primary for congressional representatives and New York State senators on August 23 so remember to vote!

CAP COM merger vote approved

The merger with SEFCU was approved by CAP COM members on Wednesday, June 22.  Now that the merger is official, CAP COM will begin to move forward as a new credit union with a new name. More of the specifics will be shared in the coming weeks. If you haven’t done so already, please take advantage of the exclusive benefits CAP COM offers for you and your family. You can see them and all the other CSEA member benefits on our website at

Are you thinking of retiring or know of any of your members that are?

The CSEA Retiree Division is a great source of information for those thinking about retiring. I encourage all locals to pay the first year retiree dues for $36 so your retiring members so they can stay active in our union. For more information visit: call our Member Solutions Center at 1-800-342-4146.

Upcoming Constituency Group Conferences

The A.Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) – 51st National Education Conference will be held July 27 – 31, 2022, in Baltimore, MD. For further information visit:

The Pride at Work – Quadrennial Convention will be held August 18 – 20, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN. For further information visit:

The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Region 1 Conference will be from August 26 – 28, 2022 in Atlantic City, NJ. The theme for the conference is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future”. Registration is due July 29, 2022. All participants must be vaccinated to attend the conference and proof is required. For more information or instructions on how to register visit:

Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

IRS Mileage rate increase for the remainder of 2022

In conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service notification, the CSEA mileage rate effective for travel starting on or after 07/01/22 will change to $.625/mile, an increase of four cents per mile.

CSEA voting using Election Buddy

I want to let you know about a new resource that is available for your use for contract ratifications and internal elections. Election Buddy allows members to easily vote using a computer, smart phone or tablet. Election Buddy has been approved by the United States Department of Labor as a legitimate and secure means for unions to conduct votes. We have used this successfully in a number of contract ratifications for Local Government members and it has led to much higher voter turnout than we’ve previously seen. The Election Buddy tool also leads to the results being available much faster which can result in contract benefits being distributed sooner. Members will need to make sure a valid personal email address ison file with CSEA to participate in votes using this tool, but for those members who do not have one on file we will still make sure they are given an opportunity to participate in any votes we conduct. It’s never been more important to have a valid personal email address on file with CSEA. The two best ways to do this are:

From Once logged in, from the drop down menu select “My CSEA account,” then mouse over “Make Changes,” and select “Update Email.” Update the email address and click the “Submit” button.

From the MyCSEA Mobile App
: Open the app and from the bottom blue bar select “Account.”  Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on “Edit.” In the field that says “Email” enter or update your email address and click on the “Save” button.

Membership meetings and other social events


For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings and other social events.   If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:

“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership


Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at



Have you seen our “This Week in Labor Education” e-newsletter?


Our Education & Training Department regularly publishes This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it by email, I encourage you to subscribe at:


Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:


Currently there are no scheduled officer trainings during July and August.


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Don’t forget to vote in Primary Elections on June 28

We are only a few days from the Primary Election for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and State Assembly. Early voting is still available through Sunday, June 26. Check our website for details in your county: If you are voting by absentee ballot, be sure to have your completed and signed ballot postmarked no later than June 28.

On Primary Election Day, Tuesday, June 28, polls will be open from 6 am – 9 pm at your normal voting location. For a list of all CSEA endorsements in the primary visit our website:

IRS Mileage rate increase for the remainder of 2022

In conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service notification, the CSEA mileage rate effective for travel starting on or after 07/01/22 will change to $.625/mile, an increase of four cents per mile.

CSEA voting using Election Buddy

I want to let you know about a new resource that is available for your use for contract ratifications and internal elections. Election Buddy allows members to easily vote using a computer, smart phone or tablet. Election Buddy has been approved by the United States Department of Labor as a legitimate and secure means for unions to conduct votes. We have used this successfully in a number of contract ratifications for Local Government members and it has led to much higher voter turnout than we’ve previously seen. The Election Buddy tool also leads to the results being available much faster which can result in contract benefits being distributed sooner. Members will need to make sure a valid personal email address ison file with CSEA to participate in votes using this tool, but for those members who do not have one on file we will still make sure they are given an opportunity to participate in any votes we conduct. It’s never been more important to have a valid personal email address on file with CSEA. The two best ways to do this are:

From Once logged in, from the drop down menu select “My CSEA account,” then mouse over “Make Changes,” and select “Update Email.” Update the email address and click the “Submit” button.

From the MyCSEA Mobile App:
Open the app and from the bottom blue bar select “Account.”  Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on “Edit.” In the field that says “Email” enter or update your email address and click on the “Save” button.

June is Pride Month

CSEA joins in celebrating Pride Month in support of LGBTQ union members. Rochester will host a Pride Parade next month on Saturday, July 16. For more information visit: I would encourage all of you to join in celebrations of our LGBTQ members as we continue to advocate for their equality.

Membership meetings, picnics and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings including picnics and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:
“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss The Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, full of valuable safety information that everyone can use. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

Resolutions webinar available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

Resolutions should address an issue that affects CSEA as a whole and call for something that can be done by CSEA as a whole to address that issue. Resolutions MUST be submitted by a delegate.

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate bodymust be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.


Proposed amendments to only the CSEA Constitution were due on May 15, 2022 and proposed amendments to the By-Laws were due on June 15, 2022..


Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)


This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.


Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

Secretary Training:

  • June 28 – 5 to 7 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

I encourage participation in Juneteenth observances and events

Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day), celebrated on June 19, is the oldest known annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It was on this day in 1865 that federal troops arrived in Texas to ensure that all Americans were free from slavery.  On June 17, 2021 it officially became a federal holiday. You can read more about Juneteenth at encourage you to observe this day by celebrating black history and culture through participation in Juneteenth events in your area. Contact your local chapter of the NAACP to learn more. For information on your local chapter visit

Early Voting Begins Saturday

Beginning this Saturday New Yorkers can vote in the Primary elections for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and State Assembly. Early voting in New York provides the flexibility to accommodate busy schedules.  Early voting in the June 28 Primary will run from June 18 – 26. Locations and times vary by county. To find details for your county, visit deadline to request an Absentee Ballot by mail has passed, but you can still request one in person at your county board of elections until June 27.

IRS Mileage rate increase for the remainder of 2022

In conjunction with the Internal Revenue Service notification, the CSEA mileage rate effective for travel starting on or after 07/01/22 will change to $.625/mile, an increase of four cents per mile.

CSEA voting using Election Buddy

I want to let you know about a new resource that is available for your use for contract ratifications and internal elections. Election Buddy allows members to easily vote using a computer, smart phone or tablet. Election Buddy has been approved by the United States Department of Labor as a legitimate and secure means for unions to conduct votes. We have used this successfully in a number of contract ratifications for Local Government members and it has led to much higher voter turnout than we’ve previously seen. The Election Buddy tool also leads to the results being available much faster which can result in contract benefits being distributed sooner. Members will need to make sure a valid personal email address is on file with CSEA to participate in votes using this tool, but for those members who do not have one on file we will still make sure they are given an opportunity to participate in any votes we conduct. It’s never been more important to have a valid personal email address on file with CSEA. The two best ways to do this are:From Once logged in, from the drop down menu select “My CSEA account,” then mouse over “Make Changes,” and select “Update Email.” Update the email address and click the “Submit” button.From the MyCSEA Mobile App: Open the app and from the bottom blue bar select “Account.”  Scroll all the way to the bottom and click on “Edit.” In the field that says “Email” enter or update your email address and click on the “Save” button.

Improvements to the MyCSEA app are here

A new, improved version of the MyCSEA app has been released and it features several enhancements. Local Presidents will be able to send broadcast messages to members of the local who use the app through the new notification icon under the officer toolkit. All active members will be able to sign into the website directly through the app without entering a password.  This version will also update a number of the tools and links available.Any CSEA member can download the app by visiting

June is Pride Month

CSEA joins in celebrating Pride Month in support of LGBTQ union members. Rochester will host a Pride Parade next month on Saturday, July 16. For more information visit: I would encourage all of you to join in celebrations of our LGBTQ members as we continue to advocate for their equality.

Membership meetings, picnics and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings including picnics and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

This Week in Labor Education e-newsletter published

Have you seen the latest edition of our e-newsletter from our Education & Training Department, This Week in Labor Education? If you haven’t been receiving them I encourage you to subscribe at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate body must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.

Proposed amendments to only the CSEA Constitution were due on May 15, 2022 and proposed amendments to the By-Laws were due on June 15, 2022..

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)

This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.

Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Training:

  • June 28 & 29 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am (Please note the correct time) – Please register by June 23

Secretary Training:

  • June 28 – 5 to 7 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 9, 2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Tentative agreement reached with OCFS

CSEA has reached a tentative agreement with OCFS on a four year contract on behalf of our child care provider members. Details will be shared with our VOICE members.  I’d especially like to recognize and thank the CSEA/VOICE Negotiating Team.  They have spent months working to negotiate this contract for their members.

June 28 is the first Primary Day in New York this year

New York makes it very convenient to vote and CSEA has all the information available in one easy spot: This week is the deadline to request an absentee ballot for the June 28 primary.  If you intend to vote by absentee ballot, the last day to request one by mail is June 13 OR you can request one in-person at your county board of elections by June 27. Completed and signed ballots must be postmarked by June 28.

Improvements are coming soon to the MyCSEA app

A new, improved version of the MyCSEA app will be released next week and it features several enhancements. Local Presidents will be able to send broadcast messages to members of the local who use the app through the new notification icon under the officer toolkit. All active members will be able to sign into the website directly through the app without entering a password.  This version will also update a number of the tools and links available. Any CSEA member can download the app by visiting

I encourage participation in Juneteenth observances and events

Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day), celebrated on June 19, is the oldest known annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It was on this day in 1865 that federal troops arrived in Texas to ensure that allAmericans were free from slavery.  On June 17, 2021 it officially became a federal holiday. You can read more about Juneteenth at

I encourage you to observe this day by celebrating black history and culture through participation in Juneteenth events in your area. Contact your local chapter of the NAACP to learn more. For information on your local chapter visit

June is Pride Month

CSEA joins in celebrating Pride Month in support of LGBTQ union members. This coming weekend there will be a Capital Pride Festival in Albany featuring a parade and much more. For more information visit:   Rochester will host a Pride Parade next month on Saturday, July 16. For more information visit: I would encourage all of you to join in these celebrations of our LGBTQ members as we continue to advocate for their equality.

Membership meetings, picnics and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings including picnics and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:
“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss The Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, full of valuable safety information that everyone can use. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2022.
  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate bodymust be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.


Proposed amendments to only the CSEA Constitution were due on May 15, 2022.


Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)


This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.


Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

President/Vice President Training:

  • June 21 & 22 (NOT previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by June 15
  • June 28 & 29 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am (Please note the correct time) – Please register by June 23

Secretary Training:

  • June 28 – 5 to 7 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, June 2, 2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Tentative agreement reached with the state

CSEA has reached a tentative agreement with the state on a new contract for our Executive Branch members. Details will follow after the local presidents have been briefed.  I’d especially like to recognize and thank the CSEA Negotiating Team.  They worked tirelessly on behalf of their members.

Farewell to Barbara Reeves

Earlier this week we said goodbye to our sister and friend, former Statewide Secretary Barbara Reeves. Barbara was always a strong leader and a powerful force for our members. For as long as I knew her she never wavered in her commitment to CSEA and her determination to improve working conditions for all of us, especially working women. She was instrumental in the formation of the Statewide Women’s Committee. Her tireless advocacy on behalf of women’s issues was recognized in 1990 when she was named a recipient of the Irene Carr Leadership Award. She was truly an amazing woman and a dear friend and I will miss her incredibly. Rest in Peace, my Union sister.

I encourage participation in Juneteenth observances and events

Juneteenth (also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day), celebrated on June 19, is the oldest known annual celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It was on this day in 1865 that federal troops arrived in Texas to ensure that allAmericans were free from slavery.  On June 17, 2021 it officially became a federal holiday. You can read more about Juneteenth at

I encourage you to observe this day by celebrating black history and culture through participation in Juneteenth events in your area. Contact your local chapter of the NAACP to learn more. For information on your local chapter visit

June is Pride Month

CSEA joins in celebrating Pride Month in support of LGBTQ union members. The labor movement has long been a partner in helping LGBTQ union members achieve justice and equality both on and off the job, including through CSEA’s statewide LGBTQ Committee and the AFL-CIO constituency group Pride at Work, which has several chapters in New York. I would encourage all of you to join in the celebration of our LGBTQ members as we continue to advocate for their equality.

Congratulations to Sharon Lovelady-Hall!

At their convention last week, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists named Sharon Lovelady-Hall as the recipient of the Dr. William “Bill” Lucy Legacy award in recognition of her years of tireless service to CBTU. I could not agree with them more that Sharon is one of the hardest working people in the labor movement. Please join me in offering a heartfelt congratulations to our sister Sharon on winning this well-deserved award!

Are you and your members registered to vote?

Voting is a core part of being a union member, but anyone who isn’t registered to vote doesn’t have a voice.  It’s also a good time to update address, name or party affiliation if needed. Please share the links below with anyone who might need to register to vote:

REGISTER ONLINE by visiting – you will need a valid NYS Driver’s License.

by visiting – you can fill it out online and print it, then follow the instructions to mail it to your county’s board of election office.

Who you vote for is a personal choice, but if you are not registered to vote, you can’t make that choice!

Membership meetings, picnics and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings including picnics and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:
“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

This Week in Labor Education e-newsletter published

This week we sent out the latest edition of our newest e-newsletter from our Education & Training Department, This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it, I encourage you to subscribe at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2022.
  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate bodymust be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.


Proposed amendments to only the CSEA Constitution were due on May 15, 2022.


Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)


This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.


Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

President/Vice President Training:

  • June 21 & 22 (NOT previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by June 15
  • June 28 & 29 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am (Please note the correct time) – Please register by June 23

Secretary Training:

  • June 28 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Training:
Virtual training for all Regions – please register with your Region Office by June 8

  • June 15 – 5 to 8 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Statement from CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan on the Texas school shooting

The Texas elementary school shooting is yet another senseless act of violence that hits close to home for so many of us. No child should have to fear for their life when they walk through the doors of a school in our country. We need action to protect our children and school district employees who work hard every day to ensure our children are safe, healthy and learning. Our elected leaders need to make the changes now that are so desperately needed to prevent these tragedies.  Elected officials who have blocked action in the past have to realize that 90% of the American people want something done now to reduce the possibility of this kind of tragedy from happening in the future. If we want to do our part to prevent the cold-blooded murder of little innocent children, we have to start electing people who want the same protections for our children and theirs.

Membership meetings, picnics and other social events

For public sector locals and units ONLY: As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I want to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings including picnics and other social events. If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:
“Employees who have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Mass shootings are increasing every year in the United States. In 2020, there were 611 shootings, there were 692 shootings in 2021 and so far in 2022, there have been 214 shootings. May, June and July are typically the months with the highest rates of mass shootings. (Gun Violence Archive)


This training course rooted in the run, hide, fight method will go into further depth on ways civilians and workers can protect themselves and others and respond correctly in the event they are in an active shooter situation. This workshop will include emotional testimonies and case studies from victims of previous active shooter tragedies.


Watch and share this important webinar 24/7 at your convenience.

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss The Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, full of valuable safety information that everyone can use. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2022.
  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate bodymust be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.


Proposed amendments to only the CSEA Constitution were due on May 15, 2022.


Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

President/Vice President Training:

  • June 21 & 22 (NOT previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by June 15
  • June 28 & 29 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am (Please note the correct time) – Please register by June 23

Secretary Training:

  • June 28 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Training:
Virtual training for all Regions – please register with your Region Office by June 8

  • June 15 – 5 to 8 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Statement on the recent hate crimes in Buffalo

On May 14th a senseless and violent act took place in our own City of Buffalo at a TOPS supermarket. I take this moment to extend my sympathy to our members and families as they begin the long healing process.

This is another horrible act that happened because of the racism and hatred that is still present in our country today.  As a union, we must stand in unity as we affirm continued acts of violence such as these are unacceptable and must come to an end.

We must call on our elected leaders louder than ever to make changes that will ensure no one has to endure what the Buffalo community is experiencing right now.

Our thoughts and hearts will remain with the Buffalo community as we work to ensure that African-Americans and all minorities have the right to live feeling safe and in peace.

Membership meetings, picnics and other social events

As we start doing more and more membership meetings in person, I wanted to take a moment to remind all of you that only members should be invited to any of your meetings including picnics and other social events.   If your agency or department has an event that the union helps to subsidize, like a summer picnic, only members are entitled to that benefit. I encourage you to put language on all of your flyers so everyone is aware. Here is a sample of language you could use:
“Employees that have chosen to be non-members may not attend or be guests of members”

This is yet another example of the value of membership!

CSEA Appreciation Day is Monday, May 23

This coming Monday we will celebrate our third annual CSEA Appreciation Day, a celebration of all the hard work CSEA members do every day.  Please view and share our Appreciation Day tribute on our website:

New congressional and State Senate Lines have been issued

New congressional and New York State Senate lines were issued on Monday by the Special Master appointed by the court. The flurry that followed is not over. Congressional incumbents as well as State Senate incumbents found themselves in new districts, many resulting in potential primaries to be held in August.  While the court will hear objections, the final lines must be published by Friday, May 20. Stay tuned for further updates.

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

This Week in Labor Education e-newsletter published

This week we sent out the latest edition of our newest e-newsletter from our Education & Training Department, This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it, I encourage you to subscribe at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2022.
  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate body must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.


Proposed amendments to only the CSEA Constitution were due on May 15, 2022.


Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

President/Vice President Training:

  • June 21 & 22 (NOT previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by June 15
  • June 28 & 29 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am (Please note the correct time) – Please register by June 23

Treasurer Training:
ONSITE trainings for Region 1 Treasurers – Please register with the Region 1 Office at 631-462-0030 by May 18

Virtual training for all Regions – please register with your Region Office by June 8

  • June 15 – 5 to 8 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Federal Judge sets primaries, upholds Assembly district lines

This week a Federal court has ruled that the primary for congressional seats and state senate seats will be August 23, 2022 and the primary for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and State Assembly will be June 28 of this year. The court has upheld the redrawn Assembly district lines. We expect the new congressional lines and New York State Senate lines to be released on or about May 20.

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! Nominations are due by July 22, 2022. More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have, the nomination forms and the process can be found at

Last chance to apply for CSEA college scholarships

The last date to apply for our union’s statewide college scholarship awards will be May 15. If you know of CSEA members who have graduating high school seniors, this is your last chance to share the application information with them. We will give out eighteen $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application. The application is available for download at:

Communications Department wins awards

I am pleased to share that our Communications Department has won several awards from the New York Metro Labor Council. The Department brought home 13 different awards for their outstanding work in the Work Force, CSEA Calendar and Video production. To view the full list of awards visit

CSEA Appreciation Day is coming, did you get your posters?

Monday, May 23 we celebrate our third annual CSEA Appreciation Day. If you want a supply of posters that you can ask to have posted in your community, please reach out to your Region President and they will assist with distribution.  I’d also invite you to view and share our Appreciation Day tribute on our website:

Have you received the Safety Net newsletter?

Don’t miss the April edition of the CSEA Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, recapping our informative and empowering Statewide Conference on Safety and Health held last month in Saratoga Springs. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by May 15, 2022.
  • Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2022.
  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate body must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Training:

  • June 21 & 22 (NOT previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by June 15
  • June 28 & 29 (previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by June 23

Treasurer Training:ONSITE trainings for Region 1 Treasurers – Please register with the Region 1 Office at 631-462-0030 by May 18

  • May 24 – 5 to 8 pm – William P. Bennett Hicksville Community Center, Hicksville NY
  • May 25 – 5 to 8 pm – CSEA Long Island Region 1 Office, Commack NY

Virtual training for all Regions – please register with your Region Office by June 8

  • June 15 – 5 to 8 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Be warned: outreach from anti-union front group continues

State workers have been targeted with recent emails from the Freedom Foundation (OptOut Today). In addition, this past week, members in local governments have received mail at home and emails from the Freedom Foundation encouraging them to opt-out.

This coincides with municipalities getting FOIL requests seeking YOUR NAMES AND PERSONAL INFORMATION. If you’re a union leader in a local government municipality – be it a library, village, town, county, or school district – PLEASE let your local FOIL Officer (many times your village or town clerk) know that they are prohibited from distributing an employee’s personal identifying information.

I ask that you please educate our members on the advantages of being a CSEA member. The reasons are clear and can be found at: Should you need any assistance, contact CSEA’s Director of Member Engagement Adam Acquario at (518) 257-1303.

Northeast Parent and Child Society workers join CSEA

Northeast Parent and Child Society (NPCS) workers located in Schenectady voted 2 – 1, in a decisive majority, to join CSEA in a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election held yesterday. The 88 full-time and part-time workers organized with CSEA for a stronger voice on the job, a safer workplace and fair treatment. The group works to help the children at NPCS (5-21 years old) navigate life at their residential facility, to and from school, and in the community.  As we know, Volunteer Member Organizers are vital to successful organizing campaigns. The support for this group was plentiful and heartwarming. The campaign was led by CSEA Statewide Organizer Greg Bartow with assistance by CSEA Lead Organizer Jess Riley. CSEA Region 4 President Ron Briggs, the Schenectady County DSS Unit, Schenectady County Local Treasurer Katie Soule, Oyster Bay President Jarvis Brown and SCO President Sirlentor Berry and the SCO Executive Board supported the workers throughout the campaign. CSEA Senior Counsel Aaron Kaplan and Associate Mary Slattery won multiple legal victories to keep the final unit to 88 workers against management’s legal team.

Do You Have the My CSEA Mobile App?

Have you downloaded the My CSEA mobile app yet? Have you encouraged your members to download the app? The My CSEA mobile app offers all kinds of information and tools, like region, local and unit officer contact information, access to online application forms like the $10,000 Accidental Death Benefit beneficiary form and much more.

In addition, CSEA Officers can also use the mobile app to electronically send pictures of paper membership applications directly to the CSEA membership Department. Inside the app select “Officers Toolkit,” then select “Membership Application Scanner.” You can either select “Take a Picture” or “Choose from Device” to select from your picture gallery.  To take a usable picture of the application from your phone please make sure you lay the application on a flat surface and are zoomed to capture the full application. Click “ok” if the picture shows all the member information clearly, then click “Send Application.” This will instantly send a copy of the application to the CSEA Membership Department and a copy will be emailed to you for your records.

Any CSEA member can download the app by visiting

2022 AAPI Women in Labor Event on May 10th

On May 10th from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm AAPI Women in Labor will hold a virtual event: Forging New Paths for Safety and Power. I encourage you to register and join this event at

Honoring those doing the work to strengthen our Union

Have your fellow leaders or members been signing up new members within your local or unit? Have any of them made an extraordinary contribution towards bringing a new bargaining unit or group of members into CSEA? If so, please consider nominating them for either the Membership Achievement Award or the Nadra Floyd Award! More information on the awards, the qualities the nominees should have and the nomination forms and process can be found at

Governor Hochul appoints Delgado to Leiutenant Governor position

Earlier this week Governor Hochul appointed Antonio Delgado to the Leiutenant Governor position. He most recently served as the United Stated Congressman representing the Catskills and mid-Hudson Valley areas. He has been a friend to CSEA in the past and we look forward to working with him in his new role.

Last chance to apply for CSEA college scholarships

The last date to apply for our union’s statewide college scholarship awards will be May 15. If you know of CSEA members who have graduating high school seniors, this is your last chance to share the application information with them. We will give out eighteen $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application. The application is available for download at:

CSEA Appreciation Day is coming, did you get your posters?

Monday, May 23 we celebrate our third annual CSEA Appreciation Day. If you want a supply of posters that you can ask to have posted in your community, please reach out to your Region President and they will assist with distribution.

This Week in Labor Education e-newsletter published

This week we sent out the latest edition of our newest e-newsletter from our Education & Training Department, This Week in Labor Education. If you haven’t received it, I encourage you to subscribe at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitutionmust be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by May 15, 2022.
  • Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2022.
  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate body must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

President/Vice President Training:

  • May 17 & 18 (previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by May 12

Secretary Training:

  • May 10 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Training:
ONSITE trainings for Region 1 Treasurers – Please register with the Region 1 Office at 631-462-0030 by May 18

  • May 24 – 5 to 8 pm – William P. Bennett Hicksville Community Center, Hicksville NY
  • May 25 – 5 to 8 pm – CSEA Long Island Region 1 Office, Commack NY

Virtual training for all Regions – please register with your Region Office by June 8

  • June 15 – 5 to 8 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Farewell to Maureen Malone

On Saturday, we lost a dear friend to our union, former Statewide Treasurer Maureen Malone. Maureen and I started out as CSEA Local Presidents in Region 5 and, over the years, were fortunate enough to serve our Union as statewide officers. She was my critic, my advisor and my loyal friend for many years. She was always smiling, quick with a joke, a powerful advocate for the members she faithfully represented. I will miss her very much. Rest in Peace, my Union sister.

Workers Memorial Day observed today

Today we honor our fallen brothers and sisters. Observances were held in Manhattan, Rochester, and Syracuse and there will be more in the next few days. I encourage all who can to participate to demonstrate our commitment to fight against preventable workplace injuries and deaths.

Redistricting plan struck down, primaries to be delayed

Yesterday the State Court of Appeals struck down the redistricting plan put forth by the NYS Legislature for congressional and state Senate seats. The court will appoint a “master” to draw new lines. This will push back the June primary for congressional and senate seats. It is unclear when these primaries will be held. As it stands, the Assembly seats have not been struck down and, absent any new legislation, primaries for the Assembly as well as Governor and Lt. Governor could still be in June. Stay tuned for any updates, as everything is up in the air right now.

CSEA’s Director of Research retiring

After 41 years of working for all of us at CSEA, Don Kelly is retiring! Don has had an impressive career and has made lasting accomplishments for the membership.  Known as “Mr. Civil Service,” Don’s expertise in civil service rules and regulations has made him one of the most popular workshop presenters in our union. In addition, he has done an exemplary job running our Research Department supporting our contract and budget fights at all levels of our union. I hope you will all join me in wishing Don the very best in retirement. He will be sorely missed.

Recognizing Public Employees

During the first week of May, people around the country recognize Public Service Appreciation Week, in recognition of all of us who provide valuable public services. I have always said that this recognition should be extended longer than just a week, and that’s why I scheduled CSEA Appreciation Day to be observed on Monday, May 23. Our Region Presidents will be distributing posters to Locals and Units that can be posted throughout our communities to show their support for us.

Safety Net newsletter published

Last week we sent out the April edition of the CSEA Safety Net, our Safety and Health e-newsletter, recapping our informative and empowering Statewide Conference on Safety and Health held earlier this month in Saratoga Springs. I encourage anyone who hasn’t subscribed to do so at:

Resolutions and Amendments webinar now available on-demand

We have a brand-new webinar available online for activists interested in our governance process, How to properly write and submit proposed resolutions or amendments to CSEA’s Constitution & By-Laws. It will prepare viewers to properly write proposed resolutions and/or amendments to our governing documents that, if approved, may be voted on at our Annual Delegates Meeting this October. It can be found at:

A reminder on submission deadlines:

  • Proposed amendments to the CSEA Constitution must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by May 15, 2022.
  • Proposed amendments to CSEA’s By-Laws must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by June 15, 2022.
  • Proposed Resolutions to be voted on by the delegate body must be submitted to the Office of the Statewide Secretary by July 1, 2022.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our award-winning Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access at no cost. We have dozens of available offerings, including many provided at our recent Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, as well as school safety and health topics, and employer compliance webinars. For detailed explanations of and links to each workshop, please visit:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Training:

  • May 10 & 11 (untrained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by May 5
  • May 17 & 18 (previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by May 12

Secretary Training:

  • May 10 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Training: (ONSITE trainings for Region 1 Treasurers)Please register with the Region 1 Office at 631-462-0030 by May 18

  • May 24 – 5 to 8 pm – William P. Bennett Hicksville Community Center, Hicksville NY
  • May 25 – 5 to 8 pm – CSEA Long Island Region 1 Office, Commack NY

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Recognizing Workers Memorial Day next week

Thursday April 28, we commemorate Workers Memorial Day (WMD) and remember all of our brothers and sisters who were killed on the job. As we remember our fellow workers, let’s vow to renew our fight against preventable workplace injuries and deaths. At our recent conference, our Standing Committee on Safety and Health paid tribute to our lost workers. You can view it here: I encourage all to participate in any WMD events in your area in remembrance of those we lost.

Second town hall meeting held with union leaders

Last evening, I held my second electronic town hall meeting with Local and Unit Presidents. This was an opportunity for me to provide leaders with answers to their questions on many different topics. I want to hear from our leaders and make sure we keep our communications flowing in both directions. I appreciated the opportunity to hear from all who participated and asked questions. I hope you found this meeting worthwhile. I plan to continue to hold more town hall meetings in the future.

New issue of This Week in Labor Education sent out to subscribers


The fourth edition of This Week in Labor Education came out this week. This newsletter provides good information on labor education topics as well as a schedule of ongoing webinars provided by our Education and Training Department. I encourage all to subscribe to this newsletter at:


Registration deadline extended for the CBTU International Convention

The 51st International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be from May 25-30, 2022 in Los Angeles, California at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future”. Please visit for further information. The registration deadline has been extended to April 30, 2022. Hotel rooms are going fast!  All participants must be vaccinated to attend the convention and proof is required. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.


Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of virtual trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Training:

  • May 10 & 11 (untrained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by May 5
  • May 17 & 18 (previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by May 12

Secretary Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Training: (ONSITE trainings for Region 1 Treasurers)Please register with the Region 1 Office at 631-462-0030 by May 18

  • May 24 – 5 to 8 pm – William P. Bennett Hicksville Community Center, Hicksville NY
  • May 25 – 5 to 8 pm – CSEA Long Island Region 1 Office, Commack NY


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

State Budget update

I am happy to report on the great strides we made and the overwhelming engagement of our members in this year’s budget. CSEA members’ activism, with over 12,000 emails sent and over 10,000 phone calls made, resulted in pension reform for Tier 6 members. Workers in Tiers 5 and 6 will now be vested after 5 years rather than ten years. This is what Tier 6 members said was most important to them and we did it! In addition, this governor has made the first step in investing in our state workforce with additional funds for state agencies and especially our direct care workers who have been overwhelmed with mandatory overtime. There is much to be applauded in this budget for all CSEA members and I encourage you to read the summary online. Find the link listed under the State Budget section of:

Board of Directors met today

Our CSEA Board of Directors met today in Albany for our first in-person Board meeting in the past two years. It was great to see everyone who attended. We took care of the regular business of running our union, including hearing reports from our department heads and committee chairs, and voting on a number of motions made. A summary of all business transacted will be published in the next edition of the CSEA Work Force.

Town of Seneca Highway Department workers join CSEA


Congratulations to the newest members of CSEA who work in the Highway Department for the Town of Seneca in Ontario County. The Town Board recently voted last week to approve their request for voluntary recognition of CSEA as their union. Thanks to Western Region President Steve Healy, who worked with Labor Relations Specialist Paul Peters and our Organizing Department to make this happen despite a protracted wait. Welcome to our union family!

State Employees: Change in weekly testing vendors

The NYS Office of Employee Relations advised us yesterday that as of close of business on April 21, 2022, Visit Healthcare will no longer be a vendor under the State’s weekly testing program for unvaccinated State employees. Unvaccinated state employees must utilize Quest Diagnostics or Wellstand Health.

CSEA participates in Work Zone Safety Awareness Week events


I’d like to thank CSEA members in the Albany and Rochester areas for participating in joint press conferences with the State Department of Transportation and the Thruway Authority this week, to help remind the public about the importance of work zone safety. As I said last week, we continue to be vigilant on this topic, as we’ve had too many workers killed or injured due to work zone intrusions. We continue to remind New Yorkers “Don’t Zone Out” and to slow down in work zones.

CSEA/VOICE leaders build skills, honor leaders

Nearly 200 CSEA/VOICE child care providers participated in a statewide professional child care conference last week. While at the New York Association for the Education of Young Children (NYAEYC) conference, officers held a CSEA/VOICE Local 100A Executive Board Meeting, heard from CSEA Secretary Richard Bebo, CSEA Treasurer Nicole Meeks and also honored Pam Wells, who is stepping down as CSEA/VOICE Local President at the end of her term. On the second night of the conference, the group also paid tribute to former CSEA Director of Early Learning and Childcare Ed Gresco, who recently retired.


Holidays being observed

This time of year is a busy time for people of many faiths observing holidays. If you are observing the holidays of Ramadan, Vaisakhi, Passover, Easter, or any other holidays this month, I hope you have a meaningful holiday experience, and I urge you to think of those public service workers who sacrifice their own holiday gatherings with their families in order to maintain the essential services we provide all the time.


Statewide Scholarships reminder


To give more children of members the opportunity to apply for our union’s statewide college scholarship awards, I have extended the application period through May 15. If you know of CSEA members who have graduating high school seniors, I ask you to please share the application information with them. We will give out eighteen $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application. The application is available for download at: These scholarships can really help make college more affordable for the families of college students, so please help us spread the word.

Missing our listings of educational webinars?


If you’re wondering where the listings of our Education and Training webinar offerings have gone, they’re now being published in our new e-newsletter, This Week in Labor Education. If you’re interested in receiving the lists of upcoming trainings, you can get this newsletter delivered right to your inbox. Subscribe today at:


Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of virtual trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Training:

  • April 19 & 20 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by April 14
  • May 10 & 11 (previously untrained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by May 5
  • May 17 & 18 (previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by May 12

Secretary Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 7 pm

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

State Budget update

The Governor and state lawmakers are in the final hours of negotiations for the state budget, and we expect the legislature to begin passing budget bills at any time. We will be carefully reviewing the final budget once it is released and will give a detailed summary in the coming days.

Thanks to all who attended our Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety & Health

Thanks to all who participated, both online and in person, our Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health held last weekend was a great opportunity for knowledge sharing and skill-building. We educated, we motivated, and we activated attendees to share what they learned. I must give credit to the activists on our Standing Committee on Safety and Health who put together such a great weekend, in collaboration with the staff in our Occupational Safety and Health Department. Much of the content from the weekend, including on-demand webinars and recordings of our plenary sessions, is now available online at

Recognizing our library workers!

This week we partnered with our AFSCME sisters and brothers to recognize the outstanding workers who keep many of New York’s community libraries running. We showcased National Library Workers Day with posts on social media featuring members holding CSEA/AFSCME posters and reminding people how valuable their services are. We appreciate all CSEA members working in libraries.

Temporary overtime increases extended in some State agencies

Our State Operations Department continues working with the Hochul Administration to extend many of the temporary overtime increases negotiated late last year in multiple state agencies to better compensate workers who’ve been working overtime due to extreme short staffing. Just this past week we reached an agreement with the State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) to extend their temporary overtime increase through June 30, 2022. They join the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), and the Office of Mental Health (OMH), as well as State University of New York (SUNY) Hospitals, where workers in eligible titles will continue to receive 2.5 times their rate of pay when working overtime through these extensions. We have also reached a new Memorandum of Agreement with the NYS Office of Addiction Services And Supports (OASAS) for eligible titles in Addiction Treatment Centers to also now receive the temporary enhanced overtime rate.

New York Amazon workers score historic union victory!

I was excited when I saw the results of the union vote at the Amazon warehouse facility in Staten Island. When a majority of workers voted to form their own union, they took a huge leap forward joining the current wave of union empowerment sweeping the nation. The fact that they won their union fight against Amazon, one of the largest, wealthiest, and most anti-union corporations in the country, proves that people power can win over corporate power! It gives me great hope for the future of unions in our country and the ability of workers to band together to take back power and gain influence in their workplace. Congratulations to the Amazon warehouse workers, who are the first, but hopefully not the last, of their company’s workers to gain the union advantage!

Register for the CBTU International Convention now

The 51st International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be from May 25-30, 2022 in Los Angeles, California at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, for further information. Registration is due April 20, 2022. Hotel rooms are going fast! All participants must be vaccinated to attend the convention and proof is required. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

Work Zone Awareness Week is next week

Next week we observe national Work Zone Awareness Week. We do so to raise awareness of the constant danger posed to our DOT, Highway Department, DPW, and other workers represented by our union who work in highway or roadside construction zones. Distracted driving and speeding are two primary causes of incidents that have injured or killed CSEA members working to keep our roads, bridges and highways safe and drivable. They all deserve to go home safe at the end of each workday, and we as drivers all have a responsibility to slow down and pay attention as we travel through their work zones. Please keep those who have been injured or killed in your thoughts next week and Don’t Zone Out!

New issue of This Week in Labor Education published

This week we sent out the third edition of our Education and Training Department’s e-newsletter, This Week in Labor Education. Containing information about upcoming training opportunities, labor definitions, and labor history information, you can get this delivered right to your inbox by subscribing today at: Please subscribe today!

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of virtual trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Training:

  • April 19 & 20 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by April 14
  • May 10 & 11 (previously untrained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by May 5
  • May 17 & 18 (previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by May 12

Secretary Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer’s Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 8 pm – Please register by April 12

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - March 31, 2022

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Occupational Safety & Health Conference this weekend

Our Statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health is taking place this weekend in Saratoga Springs and online through our virtual venue platform. Our Standing Committee on Safety and Health has worked hard with our OSH Department, and I thank them for putting together a great conference that will educate, motivate and activate attendees to become stronger safety and health advocates in their workplaces. Thanks to everyone who is joining us. If you registered for the conference and have not received an email with your personalized virtual platform login link, please call our Central Files Department at 518-257-1214. If you did receive your link, don’t wait until the conference has started, please use it to login and access our virtual platform today.

State Budget update

As you likely know, the state budget is due by tomorrow, April 1. At this time, it does not appear that the Governor, Senate, and Assembly will have passed all needed legislation by then. We expect them to continue working over the next few days to ensure that a budget is in place. State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli has stated that he needs either an enacted budget or a “pay bill” in place by Monday, April 4 at 4:00PM in order to ensure state paychecks for next week are on time. We are monitoring this situation and will keep you informed.As we enter the final hours and days before the adoption of the state budget, we are still asking members to keep up the pressure by calling Senate Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and tell them to “Fix Tier 6” in the state budget! You can call 1-844-956-2891 to be connected directly to their offices.

Temporary overtime increases extended in some State agencies

Our State Operations Department has worked with the Hochul Administration to extend many of the temporary overtime increases negotiated late last year in multiple state agencies to better compensate workers who’ve been working overtime due to extreme short staffing. Many of these agreements were previously set to expire this evening. Fortunately, we’ve been able to secure extensions to these temporary increases through June 30, 2022 for eligible titles in OPWDD, OCFS, and OMH, as well as SUNY Hospitals. For Department of Health Nursing Homes, the extension will go through the end of their payroll period on June 29. Workers in eligible titles will continue to receive 2.5 times their rate of pay when working overtime through these extensions.

State negotiations update

Every week I hear from people in the State Division who are asking us to share more specifics about where we are at with contract negotiations. Let me explain why we cannot do what they are asking. When we enter contract negotiations, both sides agree to ground rules, one of the most necessary being that we cannot publicly discuss specifics of what we are negotiating over. It would unfairly influence the give and take process involved in negotiations and it would be detrimental to the whole processWhat we are committed to doing is giving weekly updates that specify where we’re at in the process and any generalities we can share. At the point when we reach a tentative agreement with the state, we will then be at liberty to share the specifics, to give members in good standing the knowledge to make an informed decision when they vote on their contract. I urge all members in the State Division to subscribe to our weekly updates at and to be patient and supportive of your Negotiating Team as they work hard to reach a tentative agreement that the majority will support.

Updated Clean Up Safety mobile app now available


If you work performing refuse pickup or disaster cleanup, our union has updated our Clean Up Safety mobile app, a resource designed to keep you safer when doing this dangerous work. The hazards are numerous, and workers doing this work need to be aware of the laws designed to protect them and best practices to do this type of work more safely. The updated app, launching to coincide with our Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, is available for Apple and Android devices, and includes enhancements to the user experience, making it more useful than ever before! It can be downloaded from:

Statewide scholarship deadline extended to May

To give more children of members the opportunity to apply for our union’s statewide college scholarship awards, I have extended the application period through May 15. If you know of CSEA members who have graduating high school seniors, I ask you to please share the application information with them. We will give out eighteen $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application. The application is available for download at:

Missing our listings of educational webinars?

If you’re wondering where the listings of our Education and Training webinar offerings have gone, they’re now being published in our new e-newsletter, This Week in Labor Education. If you’re interested in receiving the lists of upcoming trainings, you can get this newsletter delivered right to your inbox. Subscribe today at:

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, a number of virtual trainings are scheduled. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Training:

  • April 19 & 20 (previously trained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by April 14
  • May 10 & 11 (previously untrained officers) – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by May 5
  • May 17 & 18 (previously trained officers) – 6 to 7:30 pm – Please register by May 12

Secretary Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer’s Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 8 pm – Please register by April 12

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - March 24,2022

THURSDAY, March 24, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Safety Conference information emailed this week

If you registered to attend our April Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, either onsite or online, you should have received an email from “CSEA OSH Conference Registration” on Tuesday afternoon that contained important conference information and your personalized link to access the virtual conference platform. If you didn’t receive this email, please call our Central Files Department at 518-257-1214 to double check that you’re registered, and we have your correct email address. All attendees will have access to the virtual component of the conference. We ask that you click on your virtual platform link in advance of the conference to setup access to our platform (please don’t wait until the conference has started).

Hearing care benefit discontinued

I regret to share the news that our relatively new hearing health member benefit with Your Hearing Network has been discontinued.  Our Member Benefits Department is already looking for a replacement program. If you have members who are in the process of taking advantage of this program, we will be reaching out to them to ensure they receive the promised benefits.

One week left to Fix Tier 6

As you know by now, pension reform is one of CSEA’s top priorities this legislative session. At this time, CSEA’s goal is to have these changes enacted as part of the 2022-23 state budget (due April 1).

With only one week left, we must keep the pressure on the Legislature and Executive to enact these needed changes in the budget. Even if you have already taken action during this campaign, please click here or visit: to send one last letter to your legislators and to the Governor. We need one last push to get this across the finish line!

CBTU Region 1 holds virtual Women’s History Month event

You’re invited to join the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Region 1 Women’s Committee’s online celebration of Women’s History Month on Saturday, March 26th, 12:00 to 1:00 pm. The theme is “Women Providing Healing and Promoting Health.” The guest speaker is Dr. Brenda Robinson, Founder & CEO of the Black Nurses Coalition. Register at:

State Employees: Increment payments scheduled

The State Comptroller’s Office has announced the scheduled payment of the April 2022 step increments for CSEA-represented state employees, also known as performance advancements. If members are eligible to receive increments, they will be paid as follows:

  • Administrative Payroll – April 27, 2022
  • Institutional Payroll – May 5, 2022
Statewide scholarship reminder

Our union’s statewide college scholarship awards have always proven very popular with CSEA members, which is no surprise given the high costs of college attendance. Every year, our union offers 18 $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships to the dependent children of CSEA members who are graduating high school seniors, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application. You can download this year’s application at:, where you can also download a poster to print and post around your workplaces. The deadline for submitting scholarship applications is April 15, 2022. Please share this information with the members you represent.

Did you subscribe to This Week in Labor Education yet?

This week we launched the second issue of our new e-newsletter being published by our Education and Training Department. It contains information on labor history and issues, labor terminology, and a schedule of upcoming training opportunities. You can access our second issue online now at: To receive future editions delivered directly to your email, please subscribe at: Feel free to share this information with members.

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

President/Vice President Training: (for previously trained officers in all sectors)

  • April 19 & 20 – 10 to 11:30 am – Please register by April 14

Secretary Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer’s Training:

  • April 19 – 5 to 8 pm – Please register by April 12
What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - March 17, 2022

THURSDAY, March 17, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Time to resume in-person meetings

I want to let all of you know that the time has come to start holding in person events. We have been away from each other for far too long. You should remember that not everyone will be comfortable with that, so please do what you can to accommodate those members. If you need assistance, please let us know.

CSEA taking part in search for new SUNY Chancellor

I wanted to let you know that I am serving on a subcommittee of business, state and labor leaders who are working with SUNY to find their next chancellor. I’ve already shared my strong belief that the next chancellor needs to respect the CSEA members who keep our SUNY campuses and hospitals running. If any SUNY leaders have specific input you’d like to share with me regarding the chancellor search, please email or call me with your thoughts.

Sign the petition: Confirm Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court!

Today is the AFL-CIO’s day of action to have union members support the confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Labor Movement is confident she will bring her clear commitment to equal justice and fairness to the nation’s highest court. Add your name to the petition asking your senators to confirm her at:

Did you subscribe to This Week in Labor Education yet?

Last week we launched the first edition of our new e-newsletter being published by our Education and Training Department. It will contain information on labor history and issues, labor terminology, and a schedule of upcoming training opportunities. You can access our first edition online now at: To receive future editions delivered directly to your email, please subscribe at: Feel free to share this information with members.

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.

President/Vice President Training:
(This training is for previously-trained officers in all sectors. Please register by April 14)

  • April 19 & 20 – 10 to 11:30 am

Treasurer’s Training:
(Please register by April 12)

  • April 19 – 5 to 8 pm


Labor news briefs


NY tv and film post production workers petition for union election: Members of the Post Production Guild-New York, a union representing over 150 freelance post production workers in New York, partnering with the CWA, filed for a National Labor Relations Board election, after the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers repeatedly refused to voluntarily recognize their union, despite having a majority of cards signed. Read more at:

AFL-CIO supports striking workers: With a statement in support of striking coal workers in Alabama, the AFL-CIO Executive Council this week reaffirmed their commitment to support striking workers everywhere in their fights for respect, and the wages, benefits and health and safety protections they deserve. Executive Council members committed to show up, collaborate, and share resources to wield the full power of the labor movement anywhere workers are standing up for our rights at work. Read more at:

Starbucks CEO out amid wave of union activity: News this week that Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson is stepping down following a wave of organizing by Starbucks baristas. So far, roughly 140 stores in 26 states are seeking union elections. Six stores have already voted in favor of unionizing. Also this week, a group of 75 Starbucks investors sent a letter to the company urging them to adopt a neutrality policy when it comes to union elections. More at:


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. Sullivan

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - March 10, 2022

THURSDAY, March 10, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Sad news to share

I regret to share the unfortunate news of an on-the-job fatality of a member this week. This person worked as a bus monitor for the Arlington Central School District in Dutchess County and was killed as the result of a head-on collision between the school bus and a State Police vehicle. Our Occupational Safety and Health Department is investigating. On behalf of our union family, I extend our deepest condolences to the members in the Arlington School District and the family of the worker we mourn.

Support for Ukraine

CSEA has joined the global labor movement in condemning the attack and invasion by Russia into Ukraine, and we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We also joined our international union AFSCME in supporting the prudent divestment of public pension fund assets from investments with ties to Russia, and recently made a contribution to provide aid to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

New membership application forms available

Please be aware that we’ve updated our member application forms and have sent copies to all Region Offices. These new forms are dated 1/2022 under the “CSEA USE ONLY” box. If you have older copies, please discard them and request a new supply from your Region Office. Submitting outdated forms will only slow down their processing. I encourage you to have new members fill out ONLINE applications, as this allows for the fastest and most accurate processing. The new applications contain a QR code that can be scanned to immediately go the online application, or they can text CSEA to 237263, or go to

Have you taken action yet to Fix Tier 6?

We’re running out of time to get fixes to Tier 6 included in the State Budget. I appreciate all members who’ve already called and sent emails to their legislators urging them to fix Tier 6. If you haven’t already, please call your legislators at (844) 956-2891. Tell them if they want to make public sector employment more attractive, we must Fix Tier 6! To send an email, visit

Safety Conference virtual platform login information coming soon

If you registered to attend our upcoming Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, whether onsite or online, be on the lookout next week for an email from “CSEA OSH Conference Registration” with the reply address of This e-mail will contain your personalized link to access our virtual venue platform. You will need to click on that link in advance of the conference to create your account on our platform (please don’t wait until the conference has started and don’t share the link with anyone else). Even if you’re attending onsite, you should create an account on our platform using the instructions on the email you’ll receive. We’re only weeks away from this exciting event, and I’m excited to see you there!

State employees: Longevity payment dates coming up

If you are a state employee who qualifies for a lump sum longevity payment that CSEA negotiated on your behalf, please be aware that these payments will be made as follows:

  • Institutional Payroll – 04/21/2022
  • Administrative Payroll – 04/27/2022

If you have questions about longevity payments, please refer them to your Agency Personnel Office, your CSEA Labor Relations Specialist, or CSEA’s State Operations Department.

Final reminder on registration for our Resolutions and Amendments webinar

An important part of our union governance process is the ability to submit proposed amendments to our Constitution & By-laws documents, as well as proposed resolutions to be voted on by delegates at our Regular Delegates Meeting. To review why amendments and resolutions are so important and how to write effective proposals, we’re holding an online webinar on Monday, March 21 at 6pmPlease register through your CSEA Region Office no later than NEXT Wednesday, March 16.

Education & Training introduces new e-newsletter

I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new e-newsletter being produced by our Education and Training Department, This Week in Labor Education. This e-newsletter will contain information on labor history and issues, labor terminology, and a schedule of upcoming training opportunities. You can access our first edition online now at: To receive future editions delivered directly to your email, please subscribe at: Feel free to share this information with members.

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings:Note: Please only register for the training matching your status as either previously trained or first-time attending.

  • March 22 & 23 – 6 to 7:30 pm (first-time attending, register by March 17)


Labor news briefs

Congratulations to NYC REI workers: By an overwhelming majority vote of 86% and despite employer opposition, the workers at the REI Sporting Goods Co-Op in Manhattan have chosen to realize the union difference, joining the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU). This makes their store the first unionized REI store in the nation. Welcome to the union family!Digital media workers gain tentative contract after brief strike: Members of the Writers Guild of America, East working in the newsrooms of the Gizmodo Media Group went on strike last week after their second contract expired and negotiations stalled. After four days, management recognized their strength, settling on a tentative agreement that met the union’s demands. Congratulations on showing the strength of solidarity! More info at: https://gmgunion.comNote: public employees are prohibited under the Taylor Law from striking.NY Times tech workers vote “Union Yes”: In a landslide majority vote, New York Times tech workers won their NLRB election to form a union. The unit of more than 600 workers includes software engineers, data analysts, project managers, product managers, and designers. They’re represented by The NewsGuild of New York, affiliated with the Communications Workers of America. More info at: FOX: Give broadcast workers a fair contract: Broadcast workers who belong to IATSE Local 784 and work for FOX Television Stations, Inc. are fighting for a fair contract, but so far management is not moving off their demands to create a more disposable workforce. Help their fight by signing their petition at:

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - March 3, 2022

THURSDAY, March 3, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!


There’s a difference between who is part of the Executive Board for a State, Private Sector and Retirees Local and who is part of the Executive Board of a Local Government and Educational Locals. The officers of State, Private Sector and Retirees Locals constitute the Executive Board. In Local Government and Schools Locals, the Executive Board consists of the Local officers AND the Presidents of all of the Units assigned to the Local. Please make sure that all who have the right to participate have the opportunity to do so.

Welcome to Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, and as a union made up of a majority of women, we’re proud to celebrate the accomplishments of working women and recognize their struggles over many years, and the progress we’ve made on their behalf. You can read more about this in the current edition of the CSEA Work Force, including in my column, at:


Remember the victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

On Friday, March 25, we will remember the 146 victims, mostly young, immigrant women, of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City, as we commemorate the 111th anniversary of this tragic event. This fire was a wakeup call for improvements in workplace safety and we remember it every year. This year’s observance will be held virtually, and you can get the Zoom link and learn more at:

Improving pensions will improve staffing AND retirement benefits

I thank the thousands of members who’ve already sent emails to their legislators urging them to fix Tier 6. We need all union members to get involved and take action! In the week ahead, I’m asking you to please call your legislators at (844) 956-2891. Tell them if they want to make public sector employment more attractive, it’s time to Fix Tier 6! To send an email, if you haven’t already, go to

Statewide Scholarship applications are available online through April

Every year, our union offers 18 $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships to the dependent children of CSEA members who are graduating high school seniors, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application form. You can download this year’s application form at:, where you can also download a poster to print and post around your workplaces. The deadline for submitting scholarship applications is April 15, 2022. Please share this very popular information with the members you represent.

From the Office of the Statewide Secretary: Resolutions and Amendments webinar scheduled

An important part of our union governance process is the ability to submit proposed amendments to our Constitution & By-laws documents, as well as to submit proposed resolutions to be voted on by delegates at our Regular Delegates Meeting. To review why amendments and resolutions are so important and how to write effective proposals, we’re holding an online webinar on Monday, March 21 at 6pm. Please register through your CSEA Region Office no later than March 16.

Labor news briefs

REI workers seek union: More than 100 retail workers at the national outdoor gear chain Recreational Equipment, Inc. in NYC will decide whether to form a union during an in-person vote on March 2, paving the way for what could become the company’s first unionized store. The workers are seeking to form a union in order to help address issues related to wages, paid-time off scheduling, training and workplace safety concerns. Read more in Gothamist at: the Date! Northeast Summer School for Women in Unions and Worker Organizations: Every year, the United Association for Labor Education sponsors four regional “women’s schools.” These residential programs typically last between 4 and 5 days, and include classes and workshops on a variety of union-related topics. Women from all over learn the skills and knowledge needed to play leadership roles in their unions. Visitors from unions in other countries frequently participate. One of the most valuable aspects of the schools is the chance to meet and network with other union women. The 2022 Northeast School will take place July 25-29 at The Labor School, Penn State University, University Park PA. More information will be available soon at: Institute Digital 3-Day Organizing Skills Training: The AFL-CIO Organizing Institute (OI) is holding an upcoming Digital 3-Day Organizing Skills Training. The training will take place March 15-17, 2022. Registration is now open. This training is designed to provide organizers the tools to empower working people to WIN respect and dignity on the job in this pandemic and beyond. Visit: to learn more.

Farewell to Ed Gresco

As we noted in the March edition of the CSEA Work Force, we said goodbye this week to Ed Gresco, former director of Child Care Programs for our union, who has now retired. Ed played a significant role in the founding of the CSEA/VOICE bargaining unit and served in multiple capacities with our union over the last 20 years. I thank him for his years of service. To read more about Ed’s career with our union, visit:

Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through February. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.  Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • March 5 – Steward – 10 am to 2:30 pm
  • March 8 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 10 am to 12 pm
  • March 8 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 6 to 7:30 pm
  • March 8 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 9 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 10 am to 12 pm
  • March 9 & 10** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 10 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 10 am to 12 pm
  • March 14 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 12 pm to 2 pm
  • March 15 – It’s Not Grievable, Now What? – 6 to 7 pm
  • March 15 & 16** – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 16 & 17** – Steward – 10 am to 12 pm
  • March 17 – Labor History – 6 to 8 pm

** Must attend both days

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 24, 2022

THURSDAY, February 24, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

State Contract negotiations

It has come to my attention that a very small percentage of the state membership has signed up for the Negotiating Team’s weekly updates. That is not acceptable! Apparently, that must mean the Team does not have the support of those who they are at the table fighting for. Or, it could mean that not enough has been done to ask the members to sign up.So, I’m making an ASK of every state local officer reading this email. Please talk with your members. Please let them know about the email. Please ask your stewards and grievance reps to spread the word. Please ask everyone to sign up at all need to be engaged so our Team knows they are supported; they need to know we all have their backs!

From the office of the Statewide Treasurer:

Rebates for State, Private Sector, Retiree and Local Government Locals, that are compliant with their financial paperwork, are forthcoming. To be compliant, my office must receive:

  • 21/22 Budget
  • 20/21 Annual Audit Report
  • 20/21 Annual Financial Report, accompanied by your September 30, 2021 bank statement(s)
  • 2020 IRS 990 filing
  • And for Private Sector Locals, your 2020 Department of Labor filing

We are working diligently to get rebates for all compliant Locals sent out as soon as possible. If the Local has not received a rebate due to failure to comply with the reporting provisions, the Local is still obligated to pay rebates to all Units that have met their reporting requirements, providing there are sufficient funds in the Local treasury. (CSEA By-Laws, Article IV, Section 3(c).

LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER for our Virtual Statewide Safety & Health Conference

Registration ends TOMORROW at 5pm for those who wish to virtually attend our statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, April 1-3. Virtual attendance is FREE and open to all CSEA members. To view our agenda, packed with informative webinars, and to register, go to:

CSEA members enjoyed Zoom Comedy Hour

I’m pleased to report that hundreds of members attended our second virtual Zoom Comedy Hour yesterday, featuring three very funny comedians, who gave us a well-needed break from the stresses of everyday life. It was a great opportunity to engage with members, and I’m looking forward to your feedback on this event, and any other member engagement events you’d like to see us sponsor.

Union Leadership Institute scholarships available

For the last 20 years, the New York State AFL-CIO and Cornell University have co-sponsored the Union Leadership Institute (ULI). As part of its commitment to fostering equity in our movement and ensuring union leadership is a true reflection of its membership, the New York State AFL-CIO Social Justice Task Force and Executive Council offers the Union LEAD scholarship for prospective union leaders from diverse backgrounds. Any union member in good standing can apply. Union LEAD Scholars are selected based on completion of an application and essay question. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2022. Learn more and apply at:

Long-haul COVID-19 Workers Compensation Webinars

Last week we reported that NYS is offering free webinars through the Workers Compensation Board to inform workers who believe they contracted COVID-19 due to a work exposure about their rights and benefits. Those with a work-related injury or illness have two years from the date of becoming injured or ill to file a workers’ compensation claim, so the deadline is approaching for workers who contracted COVID-19 due to their employment in the early days of the pandemic. These webinars will be held from Noon to 1pm on March 9, and April 13. More info at: It’s important to point out that workers have right to legal counsel in workers compensation claims, and CSEA has the best attorneys available through our endorsed partners at the Fine, Olin & Anderman law firm. More info on their member-only representation is available at:

CBTU International Convention information

The 51st International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be from May 25-30, 2022 in Los Angeles, California at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. All participants must be vaccinated to attend the convention and proof is required. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

New edition of our safety newsletter is out

Yesterday we emailed the 8th edition of our online newsletter, the CSEA Safety Net, published by the professionals in our Occupational Safety and Health Department. This month’s edition focuses on illness and injury logs. If you haven’t yet subscribed, I urge you to do so at and ask any members with an interest in workplace safety to do the same.

Labor news briefs

Black workers hold the key to Amazon organizing in the South: Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama are currently voting on whether or not to form a union after a November NLRB ruling ordering a new election due to employer interference. Ballots will be counted March 25. Unfortunately, Amazon is again waging a strong anti-union campaign. A recent article in The American Prospect reports on the important role of Black workers in attempting to unionize at the facility, who make up 85% of the workforce there. Read more at: workers in several Staten Island warehouses are also set to hold a union election in March.Missouri library workers seek union recognition: AFSCME is reporting that more than 160 workers at Missouri’s Daniel Boone Regional Library are asking the library board to voluntarily recognize their union, after gaining a majority of worker support. The workers are seeking to become members of AFSCME Council 61. The workers organized through AFSCME’s Cultural Workers United campaign, which represents employees at the nation’s museums, libraries, and zoos. Read more at: Store employees working to unionize: The Washington Post reports that workers at several Apple stores in the US are quietly working to organize unions. Groups in at least two retail locations are preparing to file paperwork with the NLRB, saying they are not sharing in the tech giant’s gains. Read more at:

Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through February. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.  Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • February 28 & March 1** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 1 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 12 to 1:30 pm
  • March 3 – Duty of Fair Representation – 10 to 11 am
  • March 3 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 6 to 7 pm
  • March 3 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 5 – Steward – 10 am to 2:30 pm
  • March 8 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 10 am to 12 pm
  • March 8 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 6 to 7:30 pm
  • March 8 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 9 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 10 am to 12 pm
  • March 9 & 10** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 10 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 10 am to 12 pm

** Must attend both days

What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - Thursday, February 17, 2022

THURSDAY, February 17, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER TO ATTEND IN-PERSON at our Statewide Safety & Health Conference

Registration ends TOMORROW at 5pm for those who wish to attend ONSITE at our statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, being held in Saratoga Springs on April 1-3, and we still have a limited number of spots available! Those wishing to have their Unit or Local pay the cost of in-person attendance must get prior authorization from their Unit or Local President. After 5 pm tomorrow, we will not accept any further in-person registrations.For those who wish to attend ONLINE through our interactive virtual venue platform, I am extending the registration deadline for online attendance until next Friday, February 25. There will be NO COST to attend virtually, and ONLINE attendance is open to all CSEA members.You can register for either ONSITE or ONLINE at: without internet access may register by calling our Central Files Department at 518-257-1214..

Fix Tier 6

Our efforts to reform Tier 6 are underway, and I need everyone to get involved. CSEA has almost 50% membership in Tier 6 and now is the time for reform!! Please visit to send a message and call your legislators at (844) 956-2891. Tell them the time is now. We need to fix Tier 6 so all CSEA members can retire with dignity.

Last reminder: CSEA Zoom Comedy Hour is next Wednesday night

Next Wednesday, February 23 at 7pm we’ll hold our second Zoom Comedy Hour with some brand NEW comedians joining the mix. These are some hysterical people! Registration for this FREE event is open to all CSEA members, and you can register today at: Join us for a night of great entertainment.

CBTU International Convention information

The 51st International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will be from May 25-30, 2022 in Los Angeles, California at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel. The theme for the convention is “Power of the Past, Force for the Future”. Please go to the CBTU Convention website, to view Convention Call and register online and/or review and print all convention related materials. All participants must be vaccinated to attend the convention and proof is required. Please note, while it is appropriate for Region/Local/Unit Executive Boards to authorize the use of rebated funds to participate at constituency group events, Regions/Locals/Units may not send more representatives to these non-CSEA events than are sent to any CSEA Statewide event.

Celebrate Black History Month with Comptroller DiNapoli TOMORROW

Join State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s virtual “Fireside Chat” tomorrow, February 18 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Tom will host this event that will be broadcast live on YouTube with Jennifer Jones Austin, CEO and Executive Director of the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies and Svante Myrick, Executive Director of People for the American Way. You can watch it online at:

From the Office of the Statewide Secretary: Resolutions and Amendments webinar scheduled

An important part of our union governance process is the ability to submit proposed amendments to our Constitution & By-laws documents, as well as to submit proposed resolutions to be voted on by delegates at our Regular Delegates Meeting. To review why amendments and resolutions are so important and how to write effective proposals, we’re holding an online webinar on Monday, March 21 at 6pm. Please register through your CSEA Region Office no later than March 16.

Labor news updates

Coffee workers united! Last week, five downstate New York Starbucks shops filed for union recognition, bringing the total number of Starbucks union petitions filed nationally to 72 across 21 states, with 16 shops in NY alone. The campaign, started by Starbucks partners in Buffalo last September, has quickly gained momentum throughout the country, but not without pushback. Workers have faced increasing retaliation and intimidation in their efforts to unionize, including this week’s firing of the entire organizing committee in Memphis. In similar news, baristas and cooks at the Great Lakes Coffee Roasting Co.’s store in Detroit went on strike this week, demanding clearer health and safety protocols after 9 workers tested positive for COVID-19 in January.AFL-CIO Organizing Training: The AFL-CIO Organizing Institute (OI) has released its training schedule for March through September. The goal of the trainings is to partner with labor organizations to provide their members and staff organizers with the principles and skills critical to winning respect and dignity at work through organizing a union. This schedule offers both digital and online trainings. The first training in this series will take place March 15–17 and will be held digitally. Registration opens Feb. 22. Check out the full list of trainings and learn more details at tax credits still available: More than 300,000 families in New York State who qualify for the Federal Child Tax Credit that was expanded as part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan have yet to file for the benefit, according to the United Way’s ALICE project, which tracks the status of families living above the poverty line but struggling to cover household expense. Those with online accounts with the IRS can use the agency’s Child Tax Credit Portal to calculate this benefit and then get it directly deposited. Get more information at: https://irs.govLong-haul COVID-19 Workers Compensation Webinars: New York State is offering new free online webinars to help workers who believe they contracted COVID-19 due to an exposure at work, especially those suffering from long-haul symptoms. This series will provide information on workers’ rights when it comes to filing a workers’ compensation claim and the cash and/or medical benefits they may be eligible to receive. Those with a work-related injury or illness have two years from the date of becoming injured or ill to file a workers’ compensation claim, so the deadline is approaching for workers who contracted COVID-19 due to their employment in the early days of the pandemic. Webinars will be held from Noon to 1pm on February 23, March 9 and April 13. More info at:

Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through February. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.  Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • February 22 – Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know – 10 to 11 am
  • February 22 & 24** Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 23 & 24** – Steward – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 23 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 28 & March 1** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 1 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 12 to 1:30 pm
  • March 3 – Duty of Fair Representation – 10 to 11 am
  • March 3 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 6 to 7 pm
  • March 3 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 6 to 8 pm
  • March 5 – Steward – 10 am to 2:30 pm

** Must attend both days

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings:Note: Please only register for the training matching your status as either previously trained or first-time attending.

  • March 22 & 23 – 6 to 7:30 pm (first-time attending, register by March 17)

Secretary Trainings: (No registration deadline)

  • February 22 – 5 to 7 pm (please note: this was rescheduled from 2/23)
  • March 9 – 5 to 7 pm
  • March 29 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Trainings: (Deadline to register is Wednesday, Feb. 23)

  • March 2 – 10 am to 1 pm
  • March 3 – 5 to 8 pm


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary E. SullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - February 10, 2022

THURSDAY, February 10, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Update on State mask mandates

Governor Hochul announced yesterday she is lifting the State’s indoor mask mandate for businesses and indoor settings effective today. New York State has notified CSEA that as of tomorrow, February 11, they are rescinding their mandatory mask policy for agencies in State leased or owned space. To the extent agencies or employees are subject to other requirements for masking in the workplace, those requirements remain. CSEA supports the lifting of this mandate and urges workers to make their own decisions on mask wearing.

TIME’S RUNNING OUT TO REGISTER for our Statewide Safety & Health Conference!

Registration for our hybrid statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, being held ONSITE in Saratoga Springs on April 1-3, and ONLINE through our interactive virtual venue platform, is now open through 5pm on Friday, February 18. Please note: we will NOT be accepting any registrations after that time. To ensure safety, we’re limiting ONSITE attendance to 500 attendees on a first-come, first-served basis, but in-person spots are still available! Those wishing to have their Unit or Local pay the cost of in-person attendance must get prior authorization from their Unit or Local President. There will be NO COST to attend virtually, and ONLINE attendance is open to all CSEA members. Registration is available at: without internet access may register by phone by calling our Central Files Department at 518-257-1214.

CSEA Zoom Comedy Hour is in less than two weeks – join us for the fun!

Last February we gave hundreds of CSEA members a break from the winter doldrums and the COVID craziness by hosting our first-ever Zoom Comedy Hour. It was so well received, we’re doing it all again on Wednesday, February 23 at 7pm with NEW comedians joining the mix. These are some funny people! Registration for this FREE event is open to all CSEA members, and you can register today at: You must be logged in to our site to register.

Congratulations to our newest CSEA members in the Town of Vestal!

Forty-nine blue collar workers in the Town of Vestal have successfully organized with CSEA. The workers turned to CSEA for assistance in forming a new union days after their former union dropped them. The unit grew from 65% membership with their former union to 90% of the unit signing membership cards with CSEA. The Town of Vestal granted these workers voluntary recognition on February 9 in a record 3 days! This campaign was led by CSEA Statewide Organizer Beth Hall and LRS Christopher Rohde with support from CSEA Associate Counsel Mary Slattery and Senior Associate Counsel Aaron Kaplan.

Local Government and Private Sector negotiations procedures

If you’re a union president in Local Government or the Private Sector, please be aware that I sent out my annual notice this past week regarding CSEA’s procedures on contract negotiations. This is a very important part of what we do on behalf of the membership, and I hope you take the time to understand and follow these procedures. If you missed the memo, you can view it at:

Temporary overtime increase for all DOCCS workers

This past week, our union signed another Memorandum of Agreement with the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision to temporarily increase overtime for all overtime-eligible CSEA members for a one-month period. This is a continuation of our efforts to work with the Hochul administration to recognize those working extremely short staffed for the sacrifices they are making and the difficulties they have to endure throughout many state agencies.

Updated New Member Orientation resources available

I want to remind you that we have an area of our website dedicated to providing resources for leaders related to conducting New Member Orientations, including printed information and videos. We recently updated this page with newer materials. You can access these resources at:

Union Leadership Institute scholarships available

For the last 20 years, the New York State AFL-CIO and Cornell University have co-sponsored the Union Leadership Institute (ULI). Hundreds of prospective leaders from local unions throughout the state have gone through the program with many progressing to leadership positions. As part of its commitment to fostering equity in our movement and ensuring union leadership is a true reflection of its membership, the New York State AFL-CIO Social Justice Task Force and Executive Council offers the Union LEAD scholarship for prospective union leaders from diverse backgrounds. Any union member in good standing can apply. Union LEAD Scholars are selected by ULI faculty based on completion of an application and essay question. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2022. Learn more and apply at:

Save the date: Comptroller to host Black History Month event on Feb. 18

Details are still being developed, but I’d ask you to save the date for State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s virtual “Fireside Chat” on Friday, February 18 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Tom will host the event with Jennifer Jones Austin, CEO and Executive Director of the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies and Svante Myrick, Executive Director of People for the American Way. I’ll provide you a link to the event in next week’s leadership update email.

Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through February. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.  Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • February 15 – Labor History – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 15 & 16** – Steward – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 16 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 16 & 17** – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 17 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification – 10 am to 12 pm
  • February 22 – Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know – 10 to 11 am
  • February 22 & 24** Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 23 & 24** – Steward – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 23 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 28 & March 1** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm

** Must attend both days

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings:Note: Please only register for the training matching your status as either previously trained or first-time attending.

  • February 15 & 16 – 10 to 11:30 am (first-time attending, register by February 10)
  • February 22 & 23 – 6 to 7:30 pm (previously trained, register by February 17)

Secretary Trainings: (No registration deadline)

  • February 16 – 5 to 7 pm
  • February 22 – 5 to 7 pm (please note: this was rescheduled from 2/23)

Treasurer Trainings: (Deadline to register is Wednesday, Feb. 23)

  • March 2 – 10 am to 1 pm
  • March 3 – 5 to 8 pm


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - February 3, 2022

THURSDAY, February 3, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

TIME TO REGISTER! Statewide Safety & Health Conference registration is LIVE!

Registration for our hybrid statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, being held ONSITE in Saratoga Springs on April 1-3, and ONLINE through our interactive virtual venue platform, is now open through 5pm on Friday, February 18. Please note: we will NOT be accepting any registrations after that time. To ensure safety, we’ll be limiting ONSITE attendance to 500 attendees on a first-come, first-served basis, and spots are filling up quickly! Those wishing to have their Unit or Local pay the cost of in-person attendance must get prior authorization from their Unit or Local President. There will be NO COST to attend virtually, and ONLINE attendance is open to all CSEA members. Registration is available at: without internet access may register by phone by calling our Central Files Department at 518-257-1214.

CSEA Zoom Comedy Hour returns in February – Please join us for the fun!

Last February we gave hundreds of CSEA members a break from the winter doldrums and the COVID craziness by hosting our first-ever Zoom Comedy Hour. It was so well received, we’re doing it all again on Wednesday, February 23 at 7pm with NEW comedians joining the mix. Registration for this FREE event is open to all CSEA members, and you can register today at: You must be logged in to our site to register.

Reminder on AFSCME Delegate Elections – Nominating meetings are SATURDAY

This Saturday, Feb. 5 at 11 a.m. we will hold virtual nominating meetings on Zoom for the process of nominating Delegates to attend the AFSCME Convention being held July 11-15, 2022, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Each Region will have a separate Zoom meeting, and you can get more info about the election and links to the meetings at:

Statewide Scholarship applications are available online through April

Every year, our union offers 18 $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships to the dependent children of CSEA members who are graduating high school seniors, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application form. You can download this year’s application form at:, where you can also download a poster to print and post around your workplaces. The deadline for submitting scholarship applications is April 15, 2022. Please share this very popular information with the members you represent.

From the Office of the Statewide Secretary: Resolutions and Amendments webinar scheduled

An important part of our union governance process is the ability to submit proposed amendments to our Constitution & By-laws documents, as well as to submit proposed resolutions to be voted on by delegates at our Regular Delegates Meeting. To review why amendments and resolutions are so important and how to write effective proposals for them, we’re holding an online webinar on Monday, March 21 at 6pm. Please register through your CSEA Region Office no later than March 16.

Get educated! Selected 2021 ADM workshop sessions now available to watch online

Recordings of selected sessions from our virtual Annual Delegates Meeting held last October are available to view on our ADM web page. If you were unable to attend or missed certain workshops you can view these sessions anytime! You must login to our CSEA home page to view the content, at:

Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through February. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • February 7 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 8 & 9 ** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 9 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 1 to 3 pm
  • February 10 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 11 am to 12 pm
  • February 10 – Advanced Steward: Building an Activist Network – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 15 – Labor History – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 15 & 16** – Steward – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 16 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 16 & 17** – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 17 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification – 10 am to 12 pm
  • February 22 – Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know – 10 to 11 am
  • February 22 & 24** Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 23 & 24** – Steward – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 23 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 28 & March 1** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm

** Must attend both days

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings:Note: Please only register for the training matching your status as either previously trained or first-time attending.

  • February 15 & 16 – 10 to 11:30 am (first-time attending, register by February 10)
  • February 22 & 23 – 6 to 7:30 pm (previously trained, register by February 17)

Secretary Trainings: (No registration deadline)

  • February 16 – 5 to 7 pm
  • February 22 – 5 to 7 pm (please note: this was rescheduled from 2/23)

Treasurer Trainings: (Deadline to register is Wednesday, Feb. 23)

  • March 2 – 10 am to 1 pm
  • March 3 – 5 to 8 pm


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - January 27, 2022

THURSDAY, January 27, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

IT’S NEARLY TIME! Statewide Safety & Health Conference registration opens MONDAY!

Registration for our hybrid statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, being held ONSITE in Saratoga Springs on April 1-3, and ONLINE through our interactive virtual venue platform, will open this coming Monday, January 31 and run through Friday, February 18. To ensure safety, we’ll be limiting ONSITE attendance to 500 attendees on a first-come, first-served basis. Those wishing to have their Unit or Local pay the cost of in-person attendance must get prior authorization from their Unit or Local President. There will be NO COST to attend virtually, and ONLINE attendance is open to all CSEA members. Registration will be available online on Monday at 9am, you can visit this site to view the conference agenda, register for workshops (either onsite or online), view hotel information and more! Those without internet access may register by phone by calling our Central Files Department at 518-257-1214.

CSEA endorses Governor Kathy Hochul for election in 2022

Last week I had a great conversation with Governor Kathy Hochul. She talked a lot about how her proposed state budget addresses some important concerns of union members. I have posted our conversation online at: and I hope you’ll listen to what she had to say.After our discussion, I was proud to announce that CSEA is endorsing Kathy Hochul for Governor in the November General Elections. You can read why at: Governor Hochul also picked up the endorsement of our brother and sister unions that make up the New York State AFL-CIO this week.

State Budget follow up

Last week I told you how the Governor’s budget proposal is one of the most favorable executive budgets we’ve seen in decades. Not only does it not seek to close facilities or cut state services, but it seeks to grow our state workforce and expand services. In the February edition of the CSEA Work Force, we detail more of the proposed budget’s highlights, so keep your eyes on your mailbox and on for more on why our union supports this budget.

CSEA Zoom Comedy Hour returns in February for another fun night!

Last February we helped hundreds of CSEA members get a break from the winter doldrums and the COVID craziness by hosting our first-ever Zoom Comedy Hour. It was so well received that our Union is doing it all again on Wednesday, February 23 at 7pm with NEW comedians joining the mix. Registration for this FREE event is open to all CSEA members, and you can register today by visiting: You must log in to our site to register.

Statewide Scholarship applications are available starting Monday

Every year, our union offers 18 $1,000 Irving Flaumenbaum Memorial Scholarships to the dependent children of CSEA members who are graduating high school seniors, three in each of our six regions. We also have two additional college scholarship opportunities available through the same application form. Starting THIS MONDAY, January 31, you can download this year’s application form at: On that page you can also download a poster to print and post around your workplaces. The deadline for submitting scholarship applications is April 15, 2022. Please share this very popular information with the members you represent.

From the Office of the Statewide Secretary: Resolutions and Amendments webinar scheduled

An important part of our union governance process is the ability to submit proposed amendments to our Constitution & By-laws documents, as well as to submit proposed resolutions to be voted on by delegates to our Regular Delegates Meeting. To review why amendments and resolutions are so important and how to write effective proposals for them, we’re holding an online webinar on Monday, March 21 at 6pm. Please save the date, and we’ll provide registration information soon.

Get educated! Selected 2021 ADM workshop sessions now available to watch online

We have now posted recordings of selected sessions from our virtual Annual Delegates Meeting held last October on our ADM web page, so that those unable to attend or people who missed certain workshops are able to view them anytime! You must login to our CSEA website to be able to view the content at:

Important: are you getting notified of new hires?

We’re missing out on the chance to sign up newly-hired workers because we’re often not told they’ve been hired. Public sector employers in New York are required under the Taylor Law to provide CSEA with specific information and timely notification on new hiresEmployers must notify the union within 30 days of all new hires, providing us a list which includes their name, address, job title, agency/department, and work location. This information should be provided directly to Local/Unit leadership or your CSEA Region Office. If you’re NOT receiving these updates from your employer within 30 days of hire, you should notify your Labor Relations Specialist.Once you receive notifications of new workers hired, it’s critical to maintaining our union strength that we reach out in person to them as soon as possible to ask them to join. By law, public employers MUST allow the union’s duly-appointed representative (anyone you designate) a “reasonable amount of time” to meet at the work site during work time, without charge to leave credits, to conduct a New Member Orientation (NMO), unless otherwise specified in your contract, provided those meetings are scheduled in consultation with the employer. Our union has online resources to help you conduct NMOs and sign up new members at:, as well as live webinars offered through our Education and Training Department (see trainings below). You can also get NMO Orientation Packets through your Region Office or LRS.

Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through February. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • February 1  Duty of Fair Representation – 12 to 1 pm
  • February 1 & 2** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 2 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 10 to 11:30 am
  • February 3 – It’s Not Grieveable, Now What? – 10 to 11 am
  • February 3 – Grievance, Discipline, PERB, and the NLRB – 6 to 7 pm
  • February 5 – Steward – 10 am to 2:30 pm
  • February 7 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 8 & 9 ** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 9 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 1 to 3 pm
  • February 10 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 11 am to 12 pm
  • February 10 – Advanced Steward: Building an Activist Network – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 15 – Labor History – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 15 & 16** – Steward – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 16 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 16 & 17** – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 17 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification – 10 am to 12 pm
  • February 22 – Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know – 10 to 11 am
  • February 22 & 24** Grievance Representation (Local Government, Private Sector, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 23 & 24** – Steward – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 23 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 28 & March 1** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm

** Must attend both days

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings:

  • February 15 & 16 – 10 to 11:30 am (first-time attending, register by February 10)
  • February 22 & 23 – 6 to 7:30 pm (previously trained, register by February 17)

Secretary Trainings: (No registration deadline)

  • February 16 – 5 to 7 pm
  • February 23 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Trainings: (Deadline to register is Wednesday, Feb. 23)

  • March 2 – 10 am to 1 pm
  • March 3 – 5 to 8 pm


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. If you have ideas, please take the time to fill out our quick online survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident

From the Desk of CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan - January 20, 2022

THURSDAY, January 20, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Statewide Safety & Health Conference registration opens soon!

Please be aware that registration for our statewide Conference on Occupational Safety and Health, being held in Saratoga Springs on April 1-3, will open on Monday, January 31 and run through Friday, February 18. To ensure safety, we’ll be limiting onsite attendance to 500 attendees on a first-come, first-served basis, and offering a virtual attendance option as well. Registration will be available online through and also by phone through our Central Files Department. Watch next week’s leadership update for details, and get ready to register!

Governor Hochul presents proposed state budget

The Governor’s budget proposal is a welcome first step in New York’s recovery from the pandemic. CSEA will work with the Executive and Legislature to ensure that the final budget includes real funding to rebuild the state workforce, provide workers the benefits they deserve, and support CSEA members across the state.For the first time in over 25 years, Governor Hochul’s proposed budget includes an expansion of positions for the state workforce, as well as increased resources for local governments and schools. There are no cuts or reductions in force. In fact, the governor is looking to increase the state workforce and reward health care professionals, including direct care workers, with bonuses and incentives to stay on the job. Education aid is provided at historic amounts and Medicaid payments are also increased with a view towards growing the health care sector. In addition, the governor proposed accelerating middle class tax cuts, as well as small business tax cuts, in an effort to grow our economy and secure revenues needed for future years. SUNY, as well as community colleges, will see an increase in resources and local governments will get a restoration of AIM funding as well. Our Legislative and Political Action Department staff are still reviewing the entire proposed budget to determine the impacts upon CSEA members, but overall, this is the best budget we’ve seen in years. Watch for more specific state budget updates in the near future.

Presidents take note: new member email notifications coming

Local and Unit Presidents, be on the lookout starting next week for emails coming from which will notify you of new members in your Local or Unit! Beginning January 24 and going forward, we’ll start sending out weekly updates to presidents with members who have recently joined and are entered into our membership system. These notifications will include their name, address, and agency. The purpose of providing this information is to give Local/Unit leadership and your Membership Committee the opportunity to welcome them to our union and let them know who to turn to for assistance or to get their union questions answered. You’ll only receive these weekly updates when we have new member information to share with you, and only if you have a deliverable email on file with us. That’s why it’s so important you keep your email address on our system current, using the My CSEA mobile app, or by logging into your MemberLink account at

Free at-home COVID-19 test kits now available

In case you missed it, the federal government launched a website this week to allow households to order four free at-home COVID-19 test kits. Visit to fill out the simple form and get your kits shipped directly to your home. I hope the availability of more testing, along with people getting vaccinated and boosted, will help reduce the spike we’ve seen in recent weeks and keep our workplaces and homes more safe and healthy.

Congratulations to our union brother Rob Mootry

I’d like to publicly congratulate CSEA Western Region Director Robert Mootry for his recent recognition from Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown and the Division Of Citizen Services. Rob was awarded the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. DREAM Humanitarian Award. This award is given to someone committed to change and who works to empower people’s awareness of biases and prejudice. They also work to improve the quality of life of residents by upholding Dr. King’s values. Rob is a longtime CSEA activist and champion for underserved people and communities, and I am proud to have him on our union staff. A livestream of his award presentation ceremony is available online at:

Important: are you getting notified of new hires?

We’re missing out on the chance to sign up newly-hired workers because we’re often not told they’ve been hired. Public sector employers in New York are required under the Taylor Law to provide CSEA with specific information and timely notification on new hiresEmployers must notify the union within 30 days of all new hires, providing us a list which includes their name, address, job title, agency/department, and work location. This information should be provided directly to Local/Unit leadership or your CSEA Region Office. If you’re NOT receiving these updates from your employer within 30 days of hire, you should notify your Labor Relations Specialist.Once you receive notifications of new workers hired, it’s critical to maintaining our union strength that we reach out in person to them as soon as possible to ask them to join. By law, public employers MUST allow the union’s duly-appointed representative (anyone you designate) a “reasonable amount of time” to meet at the work site during work time, without charge to leave credits, to conduct a New Member Orientation (NMO), unless otherwise specified in your contract, provided those meetings are scheduled in consultation with the employer. Our union has online resources to help you conduct NMOs and sign up new members at:, as well as live webinars offered through our Education and Training Department (see trainings below). You can also get NMO Orientation Packets through your Region Office or LRS.

Attention Private Sector Local officers:

Any Private Sector officer structure changes since the 2019 election cycle must be submitted in the form of by-laws and must be approved by the Statewide Secretary prior to February 1, 2022. Timely submitted & approved officer structure changes will be in effect for this year’s Private Sector officer election cycle.  Please refer to the Private Sector Local Constitution about creating/amending your local’s by-laws.


CSEA has endorsed Minnie Mouse for Secretary of State! Actually, I’m just checking to see how many people are really reading this. Please click on this link or visit so I know you’re paying attention!

AFSCME Delegates’ election

In their meeting last week, the Board of Directors approved the AFSCME Delegates’ Election schedule. Information about the election and the Region nominating meetings is now available on our website (login required) at: and will be published in the next edition of The Work Force.

From the Office of the Statewide Treasurer: IRS annual reporting reminder

All CSEA Regions, Locals and Units MUST file an annual information return with the IRS by February 15, 2022.

  • If gross receipts are $50,000 or less, file form 990-N ePostcard on-line
  • If gross receipts are greater than $50,000, 2020 IRS form 990 or 990-EZ must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY via certified preparer or online filing site
  • Regions and Locals must send a copy of the IRS filing to the Statewide Treasurer’s Office.
  • Units must send a copy of the filing to their Local Treasurer.
  • Locals with Units must send a copy of the Unit tax filing to the Statewide Treasurer’s Office.

Filing instructions are available at under Officer Resources. For more information contact the Statewide Treasurer’s Office at 518-257-1256. If your Region, Local or Unit has already filed a Form 990, 990-EZ or 990N ePostcard with the IRS, and sent a copy to the Local and/or Statewide Treasurer, please disregard this notice.

New issue of our safety and health e-newsletter is out

Today we emailed the 7th edition of our online newsletter, the CSEA Safety Net, published by the professionals in our Occupational Safety and Health Department. This month’s edition focuses on the topic of safety reporting and recordkeeping. If you haven’t yet subscribed, I urge you to do so at and ask any members with an interest in workplace safety to do the same.

Upcoming online representation and union-building webinars scheduled

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through January. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • January 18 & 19** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 10 am to 12 pm
  • January 18 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 6 to 7 pm
  • January 19 & 20** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • January 20 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 20 – Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know – 6 to 7 pm
  • January 24 & 25**- Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 25 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 6 to 7:30 pm
  • January 26 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 1 to 3 pm
  • January 26 & 27**- Steward  6 to 8 pm
  • January 27 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 11 am to 12 pm
  • January 27 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 1 to 3 pm
  • February 1  Duty of Fair Representation – 12 to 1 pm
  • February 1 & 2** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 2 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 10 to 11:30 am
  • February 3 – It’s Not Grieveable, Now What? – 10 to 11 am
  • February 3 – Grievance, Discipline, PERB, and the NLRB – 6 to 7 pm
  • February 5 – Steward – 10 am to 2:30 pm
  • February 7 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 8 & 9 ** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 9 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 1 to 3 pm
  • February 10 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 11 am to 12 pm
  • February 10 – Advanced Steward: Building an Activist Network – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 15 – Labor History – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 15 & 16** – Steward – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 16 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 12 to 2 pm
  • February 16 & 17** – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 17 – Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations Recertification – 10 am to 12 pm

** Must attend both days

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings: (Deadline to register is January 12)

  • January 25 & 26 – 10 to 11:30 am (Previously trained, All Sectors)

Secretary Trainings:

  • January 21 – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 25 – 5 to 7 pm


What do you want to read about?

I’m asking for your feedback on any topics you’d like to see covered in future editions of this weekly leadership update. Please take the time to let me know by taking our quick survey at: I appreciate your response.

In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident

CSEA Weekly Leadership Email - January 13, 2022

THURSDAY, January 13, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Board of Directors meeting update

Earlier today our Board of Directors held a virtual meeting to conduct the regular business of our union. At the start of the meeting, I was proud to announce CSEA’s endorsement of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for re-election as New York’s senior senator. When it came to our most important fight to secure federal relief funding to keep CSEA members working, Senator Schumer came through for us, delivering the American Rescue Plan which is the only reason many CSEA members didn’t lose their livelihoods.I was also pleased that State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli joined us as I publicly announced our union’s endorsement for his re-election to office. As the sole trustee of our public pension funds, Tom has been an excellent steward of retirement security for all public employees, and the pension fund has grown to record levels under his watch. He deserves the support of all CSEA members in his reelection campaign, as he has fought so hard to keep our retirement security strong. Tom thanked us for our support over the years and recognized the vital role CSEA members play in keeping our state going. You can read our endorsement press releases at: summary report of all business transacted during the Board meeting will appear in the February edition of The Work Force.

AFSCME Delegates’ election

The Board of Directors approved the AFSCME Delegates’ Election schedule today. Information about the election and the Region nominating meetings can be found on the CSEA website tomorrow at: and will be published in the next edition of The Work Force.

Welcome our newest union members in the Oyster Bay School District!

The Oyster Bay School District in Long Island has just granted voluntary recognition to our newest unit of Aides and Monitors. This group of 35 workers was organized by a team of members, including Oyster Bay East Norwich CSD Unit President Mike Rottino, Town of Oyster Bay President Jarvis Brown and Nassau Educational Local 865 President Monica Berkowitz. CSEA Lead Organizer Jess Riley and CSEA Senior Associate Counsel Eric Wilke were the staff who supported their efforts. Congratulations to all on growing our union and to these workers for gaining the union advantage!

DOCCS temporary overtime enhancement agreement coming

State Operations is in the process of finalizing a MOA with the State Department Of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) to provide for enhanced OT (2.5 times the employee’s normal rate of pay) for CSEA-represented medical titles at DOCCS. The agreement will be effective immediately through March 30.

Temporary overtime increase agreement for OMH workers extended

CSEA has reached an agreement with Governor Kathy Hochul’s administration to extend the temporary increase in the amount of overtime paid to many union members working in the State Office of Mental Health. For those currently eligible, this will continue the payment of overtime at the rate of 2.5 times your regular salary for overtime hours worked through March 31, 2022. The previous Memorandum Of Agreement was scheduled to expire on January 12. Recognizing their importance to service delivery, we continue to push the state to include additional titles in this agreement. Any questions about this agreement should be directed to your CSEA Labor Relations Specialist, your Region Office or our State Operations Department.

Supreme Court decisions

The Supreme Court issued two decisions today. One knocked down the OSHA rule that required private sector companies of 100 or more employees to ensure their employees are vaccinated or wear a mask while at work and test for COVID weekly. The other decision upheld the federal rule that requires any agency or company receiving Medicare or Medicaid monies to ensure that all of its employees are vaccinated. This rule affects some CSEA members such as certain OPWDD members and several Private Sector members.

Honoring Dr. King’s legacy

On Monday, we observe the National Day of Service celebrating the life and struggles of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I hope that you can safely participate in any local or national celebrations of his important life’s work.This year, Dr. King’s family has dedicated January 17 to demand that our elected officials pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, without letting the filibuster get in the way. I urge you to participate in whatever way you can to support this effort. We need to honor Dr. King’s legacy by continuing stand against those who seek to restrict access to the ballot box.Calls to your Senators at 888-408-2349 are crucial. Tell them that the filibuster cannot be allowed to block the protection of our right to vote. In addition to calls, there will be opportunities to gather in-person and virtually. You can learn more at This is a critical time in the fight to protect and advance the right to vote. We must make our collective voices heard. We urge you to engage your fellow members in this important effort. Additional resources from the AFL-CIO are available at:

Are you getting notified of new hires?

We’re missing out on the chance to sign up newly-hired workers because we’re often not told they’ve been hired. Public sector employers in New York are required under the Taylor Law to provide CSEA with specific information and timely notification on new hiresEmployers must notify the union within 30 days of all new hires, providing us a list which includes their name, address, job title, agency/department, and work location. This information should be provided directly to Local/Unit leadership or your CSEA Region Office. If you are NOT receiving these updates from your employer within 30 days of hire, you should notify your Labor Relations Specialist.Once you receive notifications of new workers hired, it is critical to maintaining our union strength that we reach out in person to them as soon as possible to ask them to join. Also by law, public employers MUST allow the union’s duly-appointed representative (anyone you designate) a “reasonable amount of time” to meet at the work site during work time, without charge to leave credits, to conduct a New Member Orientation (NMO), unless otherwise specified in your contract, provided those meetings are scheduled in consultation with the employer. Our union has online resources to help you conduct NMOs and sign up new members at:, as well as live webinars offered through our Education and Training Department (see trainings below). You can also get NMO Orientation Packets through your Region Office or LRS.

Clarification: Constitution & By-law Amendments

Last week’s leadership email discussed the process we have to propose changes to our Constitution and By-laws through having elected delegates submit amendments. I’d like to clarify the deadline dates for submissions. We correctly noted that the deadline to submit amendments for proposed changes to our Constitution is May 15, 2022. However, there is now a separate deadline of June 15, 2022 for proposed changes to our By-laws. An amendment was proposed in 2020 to make both deadlines the same, but the Constitution change requires a second reading and approval at this year’s convention to take effect. As I wrote last week, in the coming months we’ll hold online training on why amendments are so important and how to write an effective amendment. Please watch for this opportunity to participate in our union governance process.

From the Office of the Statewide Treasurer: IRS annual reporting reminder

All CSEA Regions, Locals and Units MUST file an annual information return with the IRS by February 15, 2022.

  • If gross receipts are $50,000 or less, file form 990-N ePostcard on-line
  • If gross receipts are greater than $50,000, 2020 IRS form 990 or 990-EZ must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY via certified preparer or online filing site
  • Regions and Locals must send a copy of the IRS filing to the Statewide Treasurer’s Office.
  • Units must send a copy of the filing to their Local Treasurer.
  • Locals with Units must send a copy of the Unit tax filing to the Statewide Treasurer’s Office.

Filing instructions are available at under Officer Resources. For more information contact the Statewide Treasurer’s Office at 518-257-1256. If your Region, Local or Unit has already filed a Form 990, 990-EZ or 990N ePostcard with the IRS, and sent a copy to the Local and/or Statewide Treasurer, please disregard this notice.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access. Here’s the latest listing of offerings with links. For detailed explanations of each workshop, please visit: on demand

Online representation and union-building webinars scheduled through December

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through January. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • January 18 & 19** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 10 am to 12 pm
  • January 18 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 6 to 7 pm
  • January 19 & 20** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • January 20 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 20 – Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know – 6 to 7 pm
  • January 24 & 25**- Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 25 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 6 to 7:30 pm
  • January 26 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 1 to 3 pm
  • January 26 & 27**- Steward  6 to 8 pm
  • January 27 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 11 am to 12 pm
  • January 27 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 1 to 3 pm
  • February 1  Duty of Fair Representation – 12 to 1 pm
  • February 1 & 2** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • February 2 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 10 to 11:30 am
  • February 3 – It’s Not Grieveable, Now What? – 10 to 11 am
  • February 3 – Grievance, Discipline, PERB, and the NLRB – 6 to 7 pm
  • February 5 – Steward – 10 am to 2:30 pm
  • February 7 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 12 to 2 pm

** Must attend both days

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings: (Deadline to register is January 12)

  • January 25 & 26 – 10 to 11:30 am (Previously trained, All Sectors)

Secretary Trainings:

  • January 19 – 5 to 7 pm
  • January 21 – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 25 – 5 to 7 pm


In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident

CSEA Weekly Leadership Email - January 6, 2022

THURSDAY, January 6, 2022

Hello Sisters and Brothers!

Governor delivers promising State of the State

Yesterday, Governor Kathy Hochul delivered a refreshing State of the State message. She laid out a optimistic vision for leading our state forward during these difficult times. I am especially interested in her plans to grow our public workforce and reward our front line and healthcare workers for their service. The Governor will release her state budget proposal within the next two weeks and our Legislative and Political Action Department will then conduct an in-depth analysis to determine how it impacts CSEA members and their families.

DID YOU KNOW? Constitution & By-law Amendments

Every other year we have the opportunity to make changes to CSEA’s Constitution & By-laws at our Annual Delegates Meeting, after elected delegates submit proposed amendments. Why is this important? Our Constitution & By-laws establishes the organizational structure of CSEA, the duties of officers, and the dues and financial core fees, among other policies. It’s the duty of the delegate body to review and update the CSEA Constitution & By-laws to ensure it remains current, meeting the needs of the organization and members. The deadline to submit an amendment for the upcoming Convention in New York City is May 15, 2022. In the coming months we’ll hold online training on why amendments are so important and how to write an effective amendment. Please watch for this opportunity to participate in our union governance process.

Announcing our new Director of Organizing and Private Sector

Following the recent retirement of our former Director of Organizing and Private Sector Bob Compani, I’m pleased to announce my appointment of Aminata Stephens as our new director. Aminata has worked for our union for more than 17 years and has held both field and leadership positions in our Organizing Department. Please join me in welcoming her to this new role.

AFSCME dues increase takes effect

Every January 1st, the amount our International Union, AFSCME, charges members for representation increases very slightly. The increase you see is to maintain the many benefits of belonging to our international union. At the lowest end of the pay scale, this represents a total increase for the year of $4.62 and at the highest end of the pay scale, it costs $20.65 more for the year. Even with this slight increase, CSEA dues remain very competitive when compared to other unions, and the value that’s returned to you can far outpace what you pay.

OCFS temporary overtime increase agreement extended

CSEA has reached an agreement with Governor Kathy Hochul’s administration to extend the temporary increase in the amount of overtime paid to many union members working in OCFS. For those currently eligible, this will continue the payment of overtime at the rate of 2.5 times your regular salary for overtime hours worked through March 31, 2022. The previous Memorandum Of Agreement was scheduled to expire on December 31, 2021.Governor Hochul has demonstrated to our union leadership that she recognizes the immediate crisis in staffing many state operations are facing and has been working with us to recognize the sacrifices CSEA members continue to make. We are continuing to work cooperatively to find long-term solutions to these staffing issues. Any questions about this should be directed to your CSEA Labor Relations Specialist, your Region Office or our State Operations Department.

CSEA calendar shipments arriving

Direct shipments to Locals and Units who pre-ordered boxes of our annual calendars have been arriving over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, we’ve experienced shipping delays due to the pandemic. We expect the direct mailing of individual calendars to all CSEA elected officers will be sent to you within the next week. Those who didn’t order calendar shipments in advance should be able to get copies to hand out to the members by contacting your nearest CSEA Region or Satellite Office, while supplies last, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Updated Leave Accrual sheets available online

Building up time off from work through sick leave, personal time, comp time and vacation time accruals are an important benefit our union negotiates for you. With downloadable tracking sheets from our union, you can help guarantee the accuracy of your individual accruals by keeping track of your leave activities throughout the year. Our updated versions of these tracking sheets for 2022 are now available at:

State Contract Negotiations progress

This week we moved forward in our contract negotiations with NYS. If you’re an Executive Branch State employee and want to learn more, visit: and click on the link to subscribe for our weekly email updates. Please encourage your fellow members to subscribe.

Many on-demand safety trainings available from our OSH Department

Our Occupational Safety and Health Department continues to offer guidance through on-demand webinar trainings that all members can access. Here’s the latest listing of offerings with links. For detailed explanations of each workshop, please visit: on demand

Online representation and union-building webinars scheduled through December

The Education & Training Department staff continue to provide opportunities for members to gain and enhance their skills through our online trainings. Here is a summary of upcoming offerings, with many new trainings added through January. These trainings are open to members in all Regions. Registration is available online only at note: Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend trainings if attending during their normal work hours.Please remember that Grievance Representation Training and Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogation Training are both required for all officers as per the CSEA Constitutions.

  • January 11 & 12** – Steward – 6 to 8 pm
  • January 13 – An Overview of the Family Medical Leave Act – 1 to 3 pm
  • January 18 & 19** – State Government: Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations – 10 am to 12 pm
  • January 18 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 6 to 7 pm
  • January 19 & 20** – State Government Grievance Representation – 6 to 8 pm
  • January 20 – How to Conduct a New Member Orientation – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 20 – Weingarten Rights: What You Need to Know – 6 to 7 pm
  • January 24 & 25**- Representing Members in Discipline and Interrogations (Local Government, NYS Authorities and Canals bargaining units) – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 25 – All About Our Union: A CSEA Member Orientation Workshop – 6 to 7:30 pm
  • January 26 – Conducting Successful Meetings – 1 to 3 pm
  • January 26 & 27**- Steward  6 to 8 pm
  • January 27 – The 7 Tests of Just Cause – 11 am to 12 pm
  • January 27 – Grievance Representation Recertification – 1 to 3 pm

** Must attend both days

Required OFFICER TRAININGS scheduled

We remind all elected union officers that per our constitutions, you are required to take the training for your office during your current term of office. This training must be taken each time you are elected, even if you’ve taken it during a previous term in office. To satisfy this constitutional training requirement, our union has scheduled a number of virtual trainings. Please make plans to attend the training for the office you hold. To register, contact your CSEA Region Office and let them know which training and date you are registering for. Participants must use their own time or have approved Release Time to attend this training if attending during normal work hours.President/Vice President Trainings: (Deadline to register is January 12)

  • January 18 & 19 – 6 to 7:30 pm (First-time attending, All Sectors)
  • January 25 & 26 – 10 to 11:30 am (Previously trained, All Sectors)

Secretary Trainings:

  • January 11 – 5 to 7 pm
  • January 19 – 5 to 7 pm
  • January 21 – 12 to 2 pm
  • January 25 – 5 to 7 pm

Treasurer Trainings: (Deadline to register is January 12)

  • January 19 – 5 to 8 pm
  • January 20 – 10 am to 1 pm


In Solidarity,

Mary ESullivanPresident